CHURCH & "Diet et ELECTRIC PLANTS Lightw eight, easy-to- carry O w n Electric Plants ranging in size from 350 to 3,500 ways A.C. and D.C. Powered by one or t w o - c y lin d e r , a ir ­ cooled gasoline en­ gines. Complete with c a r r y in g h a n d le s . •••••••••••••••a • • • • SMWDSr Gasoline- powered p la n ts — 3 5 0 to 35,000 watts. Line T ran sfer C ontrols available for start­ ing A.C. plants au­ to m a tic a lly w hen commercial power fails, and stopping th e p la n ts w h e n power is restored. • • • • • • • • smt / oa / ary D e p e n d a b le O n a n E le c tric P lants for farm s, hom es, and industries. Low-cost g a s o lin e - e n g in e powered models in sizes fro m 3 50 to 3 5,000 watts. Diesel E le c t r ic P la n ts — 2, 5 0 0 t o 3 5 , 0 0 0 watts. * O N A N E L E C T R IC P L A N T S — A.C. Models: 350 to 35,000 watts in all standard voltages and cycles. D .C . Models: 6 0 0 to 15,000 watts, 11 5 or 230 volts. Battery Chargers: 500 to 6 ,0 0 0 watts; 6, 12, 24, 32 and 1 15 volts. O N A N A IR -C O O L E D E N G IN I S— M o d el C K : 10 H P , 2-cyl- inder opposed. M odel BH: 5’/2 H P , 2-cylinder opposed. M odel IB: 31/» H P , vertical single-cylinder. ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE SERVICE As Well As SAVINGS CAVE J U N C T IO N valley •» news Thursday, August 17, 1950 NEW CO-PASTORS OE FOUR SQUARE CHURCH C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH ONAN • I llinois NOTES lumbers presented. Rev. Frost of I * < ' A onder is to be in charge of the George H. Gray, Pastor ervice. 9:50 a.nt. Sunday School. At the evening church service 11:00 a.nt. Church service; and mong other guests were Dr. Z. Ju n io r church, Mrs. Cross loader 3. Bancroft and wife, who were 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and ruests at Forest Lodge fo r a few auditorium ; and Ju n io r and In te r­ lays. Rev. B ancroft is the pastor m ediate group, Mrs. Sherier leadet >{ the W ashington S treet Meth­ 7 :45 p.m. W ednesday, prayct odist Church in Pasadena, and I and tearch ers’ meeting. hey are long time acquaintances S S attendance was 119. Birth- >f Mrs. W. A. Brown, since both 1 days observed fo r Jan ice Ether- Rev. Bancroft and Dr. Brown I ton. Patricia. Sharon Babcock, and were members of the same confer­ ence in So. California. On Monday J Kay Lee Milligan. It was good to have the Cross evening they had Mrs. Brown as j and E therton families back from their dinner guest and enjoyed I th eir vacation, also the re tu rn of reminiscing and talking of m utual friends. the Sanders family. Word comes from Mrs. Howard Rev. Gray took for his m orning | them e “ Choices: Positive and Neg­ Hendrickson that she is endeavor­ ative,” his text being “ Set your ing to start a S S in Gasquet, and affections on things above.” Mrs. I anxious to find a pastor who will John Dow sang a beautiful solo, give them an occasional service. "G reat Is Thy F aithfulness.” Rev. George H. Gray and wife Announcem ent was made and left on Thursday with their duagh- teachers and others urged to at- ter, Mrs Vera Em bury and two i '.end the 5 weeks study class being children for Seattle which is the | held on Friday night each week at home of Mrs. Embury. In the I the Assembly of God church at 8 absence of Rev. G ray on Sunday, ' p.m., when Rev. W antland will Rev, Louis Collins of Central ' present lessons from the book Point will be the preacher for the ; "G od's W onderful Book.” This is day. --------------o .............. ,a very helpful and understanding I study and the class is open to all. A SSEM BLY O F GOD On last Sunday afternoon oc- Kerby, Oregon I curred a very impressive babtis- Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor Rev. W alter L. Huss and Rev. Rosalie Huss, pastor and co-pastor mal service held at the river near Sunday School, 10 a.m. o f the Four Square Gospel church of Cave Junction, located I the G ray’s home, when the three Morning W orship, 11 a m. four miles south on the Redwood highway. The Husses were churches had candidates fo r this Time— all evening services— form erly with Goodyear Four Square church in lx>a Angeles. i sacram ent, four from t l / Assem­ 7-4e D.S.T. bly of Ginl congregation, two from W ednesday evening, Bible ctndy SELM A B A P T IS T CH U RCH Foursquare Gospel the E’our Square church and nine and p ray e r m eeting. Rev. S. II. M. Staines. I from Community Church as fol- i Tabernacle ------------- o -■■■ Sunday School, 9.45 a. m. I lows: Lilabell Cross, Carol Pres- Rev. W alter Huss, pastor Church Services, 11 .00 a. m. Christian Science Churches I ton, Mrs. George Bell, and sons, Rev. Rosalie Huss, co-pastor Young Peoples' Meeting, 7 p. m I George Jr. anil Gary, Mrs. Ether- //Q O L 'I.'' was the subject of the Invite you to the following Prayer Meeting W ednesday, ' ton and daughter Janice, Lee Car- .services: kJ Lesson - S e r m o n in all 8 p. m. others and Caroline Morris. Sunday: Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Y esterday (W ednesday) at 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Sunday, August 13. C A T H O L IC C H U R C H Grayback Camp occurred the an ­ 11:00 a.m. M orning W orship The Golden Text was, ‘'The F ather Kelley. nual picnic of the Missionary 8:00 p.m. Evening E vange­ Lord is my portion, saith my Held in the Catholic Chapel lo­ Society with a goodly attendance soul; therefore will I hope in cated on the Redwood highway, listic service and the splendid tim e th a t is Thursday: him'' (Lam. 3:24). across from t.he Ranger station. always enjoyed by those present. 8:00 p.m. C rusader Youth Among the citations which Second and fourth Sundays at Meeting. Among visitors present w ere Mrs. comprised the Lesson - Sermon 11 a.m. I John McDonald of G rand Rapids, Saturday; ------------- o------------- I Mrs. Mary Seat of Elsinore, C a l, was the following from the Bi­ 2:00 p.m. Ju n io r C rusaders C H U R C H OF C H R IS T Mrs. Lester Boling of G rants Pass ble: “Come and hear, all ye that We announce to all boys and Preaching every Sunday morn girls up to the age of 15 the begin­ and Mrs. A. C. Barnes of Cave fear God. and I will declare what he hath done for my soul” (Ps. ing at 10:30, communion services | Junction. ning of Ju n io r C rusader Church. N ext Sunday at 2:30 at the 66:1b), together w ith the follow­ immediately following a t our We will m eet on S aturday a f te r ­ | Selma church will be the m onthly ing correlative passage from the church house ju st south of J. S noon a t 2 o’clock at the Cave Ju n c ­ ‘Singspiration” of the churches Christian Science textbook, “Sci­ Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ tion Foursquare Church, 2 34 miles j of the Valley when a goodly num ­ ence and H ealth w ith Key to the etery road. Everyone is cordially south of Cave Junction on the ber is expected and some special Scriptures'' by Mary Baker E ddy: invited. Redwood Highway. “Soul or Spirit signifies Deity The pastors will be in charge of End nothing else” (p. 466). Keep Oregon Green ! Ju n io r C rusaders and are planning these services with much inspira­ tional activity for the youth of the Valley. A special tre a t wall be given each boy and girl atten d in g this Saturday. We believe the answ er to over­ coming our juvenile problems of today is through a reviving o f in­ te re st of young and old in the j things of God, and these character building, Bible teaching, and in­ spirational services will contribute th eir part to the whole. O ur bus will pick up from 1 to 2 p.m. on the Rocky Dale Road ' through Bridgeview and Holland, down the Holland road to Caves Highway, through Cave Junction, and back to the church. The ADULT CRUSADERS meet on T hursday night a t 8:00 p.m , so why not plan to atte n d our next service. The church was happy to wel­ come the Y andell fam ily home from vacation last Sunday. The TEA CH ER’S TRAINING COURSE continues a t Kerby As­ sembly of God a t 8 p.m. this F ri­ day with the 2nd class on the sub­ je c t "G od's W onderful Book.” All urged to attend. The jo in t baptismal service of candidates from the Community 20 per cent down — As long as IK months to pay. Church, Assembly of God, and the Foursquare Church last Sumlay afternoon a t the W est Fork River was a blessing to the m any mem­ Full Price Only bers and friends who attended. Remember the Singspiration at SO BEAUTIFUL! Selma n ex t Sunday afternoon. --------------o Lovely lines and a frame fitting flush-to wall (an exclu­ sive with Crosley ranges) —stunning chromium-hooded lamp—models with "divided” or "cluster” style top— snowy-white porcelain-enamel finish. SO SMART! Autom atic clock control—deep well cooker that raises to give 33)4% more cooking surface — 7 heat speeds— and every other feature essential to good and happy cooking. Come in and see it now! ( >f course, it’s electric! Lower Priced Models of Course. B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH For over th irty years the Com­ munity Chapel of Bridgeview. Wherp love reigns and God is real. Wm. D. Peay, Pastor --------------- o - ... .. C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S P astor— J, Apigian Sabbath School ............9:30 Church service ..................lliOO P ray er m eeting Wedneaday. E P IS C O P A L SUNDAY SCH O O L Episcopal Sunday school ia sow being held each Sunday a t 10 a.m. a t the Legion Hall in Cave Ju n c ­ tion. An adult class is also being organised. All are welcome. IV nummi« vou'ti « ojp « F U R N IT U R E — FLO OR C O V E R IN G S — A P P L IA N C E S F A B R IC S Cave Junction GARDEN C LU B S A LE The G arden Surplus Product sale of the Illinois Valley Garden club is held every Saturday a t 1 p.m., near the Inform ation booth of the Oregon Caves on the Caves highway. The proceeds of the sale will be placed in th e ir building fund.