♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ C L A S S IF IE D CLASS 1 fanners can buy >10,000 liability insurance for only >20.40 per year at Linkhart and McLean. Phone 3802, Cave Junction. RATES FOR SALE— 11 acres, m ostly I WATER W ELL DRILLING, do- cleared, p artly finished house, mestiv and irrigation wells, 12 *>* mi. from Caves Highway on to 36 m onths to pay. Latest Holland Road. Reasonable. See equipm ent available. Satisfied Chapman. Rt. 1, Box 526, Dick custom ers o u r m otto. Paqutn FOR SALE George Road, no S aturday calls. and Storey, 800 N. 10th St., Also 15 acres tim berland, good G rants Pass.Phone 2631 or FOR SALE— and priced to sell, building site, bordering Illinois 3583. house and lot— located close in, River. 7-2tp one block from grocery store. CLASS I DRIVERS Includes fu rn itu re , electricity, FOR SALE — V ery reasonable CAN BUY dug well. Inquire Valley S port­ lovely m odern home. Good lo­ >5,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE ing Goods, W. H. B erkner, phone cation, 100 ft. on Hiway 199, 1 AND 4111, Cave Junction, Oregon. mile south of Cave Junction. $10,000 BODILY INJURY 9 -ltc Illinois Motel. 8-2tp LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FOR SAND AND GRAVEL, good $24.00 PER YEAR AT top soil, road and driveway FOR SALE — Four room and LINKHART & McLEAN'S b reakfast nook, m odern, 350 m aintenance. Clyde Koight, at CAVE JUNCTION foot Redwood Highway front- PH. 3802 C. G. & E. Texaco Garage. 32-tfc age, approx. 2*4 acres, located one mile south of Cave Junction. FOR FU RN ITU RE — Try Man- FOR SALE—■Statler and G affers chel’s first, where it’s “ F u rn i­ Above buildings situated so as gas range, fair condition. Les tu re You’ll Admire at Prices to allow, two additional building H enry, P.O. Box 181, Cave Y ou’ll A ppreciate.” 47-tfe sites with Highway frontage. Ju nctio n . 9 -ltc Price >6300.00, 4 down Phone 2513 W IN D O W GLASS FOR SALE — G reat Dane pups, £ed Coates, R ealtor faun w ith black mask. A.K.C. o06 J St., betw een 5th di 6th Sts. ALL SIZES window glass cut and or registered. E v erett O. Starks, installed. Illinois Valley H ard­ P.O. Box 4, Kerby. 9 -ltp Sam Miller, Muir Ct. Phone 4301 25-tfc Cave Junction, Oregon , w are, Cave Junction. FOR SALE— 20 ft. Air Float house ---------------------------- -------------8' 5tc ¡UNDER 194 9 O REGO N LA W tra ile r. Electric brakes. Sleeps « atv t . r„ . 1 Y o u CAN BE »E L D LIABLE 4. Price $600. See Mr. Sheriff FOR SA LE— Lot 50x132 feet, FO R $15,000.00 FOR THE at F o ster’s camp on Redwood with m etal building 20x40 feet, DEATH OF ONE PEJtSON Highway. 7 -ltp cem ent floor. Bachelor quarters DUE TO AN AUTOMOBILE in bactk. Complete w ith plumb­ ACCIDENT. YOU CAN BUY FOR SALE — ’35 T udor Ford ing, city w ater; inside city 18,000 AND 30,000 BODILY sedan, good tires, good m otor; limits. See H. W. Hendrickson, INJURY AND 10,000 PRO ­ first $100 cash takes it. Inquire Illinois V alley M arket. 3-tfc PERTY DAMAGE L IA B IIJT Y M anchel’s, Cave Junction. 9 -ltc INSURANCE FOR AS LITTLE MISCELLANEOUS AS $27.83 PER YEAR AT D Y N A M IT E LINKHART AND McLEAN— TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if KODAK FILMS developed. Fastest PHONE 3802, CAVE JU N C ­ you need blasting powder. 221 service in P ortland and satis­ TION. 52-tfc W est F St., G rants Pass. faction guaranteed by P o rt­ 47-tfc land’s oldest company. E ight ex­ USED FU RN ITU RE— bought and posure roll developed and one sold. Jones Cabinet Shop, Drews FOR SALE — Three piece b a th ­ print each 25c. Two prints each Bldg., Cave Junction. 44-tfc room set — complete, $134.50. 35c. Rolls with more than eight Caves Building Supplies. 7-tfc exposures one print each 35c. ELECTRI CAL CONTRACTI NG R eprints 3c each. Send coin. FOR SALE— 30 foot fishing boat, and repairs. All work and ma- P ortlan d Film Co. Box 4361X, ; 2250. Box 54, Crescent City, torial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ P ortland 8, Oregon. 9-tfc Calif., or phone Mr. Brown, ley H ardw are, Cave Junction. 9R12. 9-3tp BUILT IN CABINETS of all DYNAMITE — Black powder, FOR SALE—G as autom atic w ater kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones fuses and caps. Illinois Valley heater, good condition. Inquire C abinet shop, Drews Building, H ardw are, agency for D uPont a t Howard B earrs residence. Cave Junction. 44-tfc Pow der. 47-tfc Caves highway. 9 -ltc Minimum charge 50 ceeita. The deadline fo r ad vertising is noon W ednesday. R EN TA LS Regina Wfcxer and Polisher $1.26 per day, return same day, $2.00 over week end, return Monday 9 a. m. M ANCHEL’S F u rn itu re , Pave Junction.6-5tc GASOLINE operated cem ent m ixer fo r rent by the day, m ounted on trailer. Caves Build­ ing Supplies, Cave Junction. 50-ltfc FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement m ixer, electrically driven. Illi­ nois Valley H ardw are, Cave Junction. 25-tfc FOR RENT— Lovely m odem cot­ tage. >18.00 a week, adults only. Fredericks Motel, Cave Junction 8-2tp L IV E S T O C K and P O U L T R Y B ABY C H IC K S 14c HAM PSHIRE REDS, from our own blood-tested breeding flock 14c each or $13 per hundred, stra ig h t run. Hayes Hill Hat chery, Wonder. Open daily, evenings and Sunday. 52-tfc FOR SALE— Baby chicks. U.S. Pullorum passed Now Hampshire Reds. Caves H atchery, 1 mile west of junction on Caves 2-tfc highw ay._____________ FOR SALE— Hogs; weaners, feed­ ers and butchers. Smith. Rt. 1, box 422; phone 1905, Cave Junction on Holland road, near S alvage’s Mill. 8-2tc legals C ARPENTER W ORK Remodeling - Built-in 1 ' in FOR SALE— Lots on and near PAINTING - DECORATING Caves highway, 'ft mile from I highway. Title in su r­ II. F. H artw ell, Rt. 1, Box 782 Cave Jun ction 8-4tp ance on every lot. C ontact H erbert Falkenhayn. cor. Oaves j LA D IES’ tailoring and dreasmak- highway and Old Stage road, Rt. ing. Men’s shirts made to order 1, box 24. Cave Junction, tfa H em stitching, buttonholes and covered buttons made at the Sewing C enter, Rob and Ruth K EEP OREGON G REEN Shop 1-tfc PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. A. N. COLLMAN N aturopathic Physician HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. O ffice Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 Charles N. Versteeg, M. D. GLENN MORRISON POST The American Legion Meets 1st and 3rd W ednesday VISITORS WELCOME Water Well Drilling PA QUIN & STORY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON G rants Pass O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon 800 N 10th St. PHONE 2631 o r 3583 2 to 5 p. m. DR. T. WINSTON SMITH O P T O M E T R IS T Windows and Doors! VALLEY LUMBER Co. for your repair jobs Every T hurs. 12 noon to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointm ent only 221 W est F St. Phone 4612 A ppointm ents m ade a t W hite’s G R A N TS PASS. O R EG O N D rug Store» Cave Junction TITLE INSURANCE- ESCROWS Rogue River Title Co. 212 N. 6th St. G rants Pass H A L L ’S Accounting Service Audits, Bookkeeping. Income Tax Service end Q uarterly Reports M onthly P. U C. Reports N O T A R Y P U B L IC ‘ • • ■ J u n c lio n Ambulance Service Day or Night 210 West A St PHONE 4453 Funeral Home HULL & HULL Em pire Photo Service Melvin Gill, Photographer Cave* Avenue, Cave Junction Daily Freight Service G R A N T S BASS, P O R T L A N D and SAN F R A N C IS C O Y A N D E L L BROS. G A R A G E Pierce Auto Freight VALLEY AMBULANCE SERVICE 24-Hour Call R E S U S C IT A T O R S E R V IC E PHONE 2301 Cave Junction SPENCER CORSETIERE MRS. E N ID B U R C H Redwood Hwy, Box 846 Phone 1008 OUT OF TOWN Hi PRINTERS PAY NO TAXES HERE LET US DO YOUR Subscribe to the Newa. PRINTING "G O IN THE OTHER. ROOM, D E A R -W H IL E I TELL DADDY THAT HE M ISSED HIS G R A B FOR HIS S U S P E N D E R S '" D o n ’t o v e r lo a d y o u r e le c t r ic c ir c u it* . W h e n yo u b u ild o r m o d e r n iz e p r o v id e ADEQUATE W IR IN G . SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "N o is y " Pieces! Display Pieces! C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Notice is hereby given that W ar­ ran ts No. 11591 to 11715 inclus­ ive, o f Josephine County School D istrict, are hereby called for pay­ ment on the 19th o f June, 1950, on which date interest will cease. ALICE DAVIDSON, County T reasurer First publication June 22, 1950 LOG C A B IN G A R A G E FOR SALE— 1944 H otpoint elec- ' . ge. Good condition. General Auto R epairing $100. Mrs. Ira Hall, south on Motor Tune - up — Lubrication GENERAL HOUSEHOLD re p a ir­ old Stage Road. 8 -ltc ing. All appliances. E lectrify W elding your sew ing machine, sewing FOR SALE— E verett spinet piano, ART DEDRICK, Prop., Selma machine p a rts for all makes. about 3 years old; $400.- Joe G uaranteed satisfaction. Bob HAVE YOUR SEPTIC banks Morris, Rt. 1, box 534, Cave and Ruth Shop. Call 4011. 7-tfc cleaned, built or repaired by Ju n ctio n (old Ben George house, the oldest reliable septic service ALL TY PES of cam ping equip­ Dick George road.) 9 -ltp in th e county. M. J. Rossiter m ent, clothing, hardw are — Septic Service, G rants Pass. FOR SALE — Davenport, kitchen everything in Surplus. Open Phone 2918. 51-tfc range w ith coils. T hree and 'til 9:00. Light Surplus M art, seven-tenths miles on Caves 324 Highway 99 South, G rants highway. E. L. C aryer, a fte r 11 REPAIRS— On all makes of sew­ Pass. 3-tfc ing machines. F ree estim ates a.m. 9 -ltp given in advance by Bonded T ry the Classified Ads in The FOR SALE— Sparton R efrig era­ Singer representative. Wriite News. They pay dividends. to r Good condition. $100. Singer Sewing Machine Com­ George M artin, Cave Junction. | pany. 40 N orth F ront, Medford, xLAMOURC'S WIDOW Oregon 10-tfc FOR SALE — 714 H P. DeW alt M R .S IP P tE o \ YES, THOSE BROAD saw, medium arm cutting ROUGH A READY GARAGE HAVING A T IM E ' SHOULDERS ON HIS capacity 26”, including 16-inch near Rough & Ready Mill. Gen­ G ETTING A - NEW S U IT LOOK SO saw blade, 2 roller extension eral repairing and specializing S U IT TO F IT j SILLY ON HIS STRING * tables and tools, 10 inch Dado in all electrical and carburetion MAMA. A DEAN FIGURE. set, Jacobs adjustable chuck, repairs. Motor tuneups. Reason­ boring bits, etc. Phone 1608, able prices and all work g u a ra n ­ Mrs. J. M. Hout, Cave Junction. teed. Pickup and delivery.Phone 1012, W. B. Myers. 18-tfc FOR SALE — Straw berries, 3 boxes $1.00. Redwood Hiway |E X C L U SIV E VALLEY DEALER fo r Myers, Pacific and Dayton 8-2tp south of C-ave Junction. pumps and w ater system s— buy your pump where there is serv­ FOR SALE— Philco re frig e rato r, ice. W ater well drilling. Bob and 7.7 cu. ft. Philco table model Ruth Shop, Cave Junction. radio and record player. Daveno, 9-tfc innersp rin g m attress, chest of draw ers, all in very good con­ S A W F IL IN G dition and priced right. Inquire small circular, Valley S pottin g Goods, W. H. CARPENTER, cross cuts and drags. Gage, B erkner, phone 4111, Cave Caves highway, near Redwood. Ju n ctio n , Oregon. 9 -ltc R EAL ESTATE IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y N E W S Thursday, June 22. WE’VE GOT THEM ALL ! ! ♦ Firecrackers — Pinwheels — Bombs Cave Park Motel (Rauber’s) CAVE J U N C T IO N by JACK KING