U niversity of Oregon tyttcMUf te the Oteycn Cafad ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS An independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts Volume XIII Price Five Cent» Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, June 15, 1950 No. 8 Special City Election Redwood Empire Rodeo Queen Bank of Illinois Valley To Verify Bond Issue W ill Open July 15th Officials of the City of Cave Junction are anxious for the citizens i to understand that the bond election referred to the electorate on June i 27 is not a new bond issue. It is still the last bond issue, being voted 15 as the date for formal opening of the bank, with a cautious Directors of the Bank of Illinois Valley have finally named July perhaps j sooner" for the date of commencing actual operations. Work on the reinforced concrete vault has been in progress for on again because of a legal error in the first election. The original resolution reads "For the purpose of providing ' more than a week, and delivery of the vault is hoped for within the next j-——--------------- --------------- j two weeks. W ork on th e fix tu re s funds for the funding of th e exist- and furnishings is proceeding a t ¡ng in d e b te d n e ss of th e w a te r de f | 1 1 a com fortable pace, w ith the ex­ partm ent, to re tire all special obli- V v i v O I d l l O I l I O l pectation th at the actual opening gation notes of said departm ent, and to extend and improve the date will be governed by th e w ater system of said city, th» length of tim e it takes to install Common Council of the C ity of the vault door. The recen t onset of w arm er Cave Ju n ctio n is hereby author- Plans for the 2nd A nnual 4th ' w eather brought no increase in M anager C liff Sparks reports ized and empowered to issue and . of Ju ly C elebration a re about I O regon's polio incidence, and the that reservations for safe deposit sell . . . G eneral O bligation Bonds i completed. ' state board of health commented boxes are rolling in, and w arns of said City, hi a sum not to ex T here will be games and entei- ! th a t "so far, this year’s pattern is that persons interested in securing ceed Twenty Thousand ($20,000) tain m ent for the e n tire family, reasonably encouraging.” a box should see him or Mrs. dollars . . The w ording on the booths sponsored by comm ittees Those were the highlights of a Sparks well before opening d ate, p resen t ballot will be th e same from various organizations, dance report made to the Oregon office as there is every indication th a t and the special election is made contests and prizes galore. ! of the N ational Foundation for safe deposit facilities will have to necessary by the fact th a t th e last Tire celebration will open S a t­ üMt 4 . ; In fantile Paralysis today by Dt. be expanded immediately in order IR .it,. ...I E m p li, Au n Ph ’ I ballot did not carry th is exact urd ay night Ju ly 1 w ith a dance Samuel Osgood, state health hoard to accomodate everyone. This may wording, although it must be as­ a t the open air pavillion when Queen of beauty and horsem an­ day the 14th, and top riders from j epidemiologist , mean a few weeks’ delay for la ts- sum ed th a t th e voters understood concessions will also open. ship, Miss Donna M etcalf will national circuits will compete in Dr. Osgood said that the state s COm ers before additional boxe» w hat they were casting ballots on. It will end sometime in the wee reign over the Redwood Em pire the big rodeo the last thive days infantile paralysis rate is slacken can be installed. To all in ten ts and purposes, hours of July 5 when the last Rodeo and District F air a t E ureka of the week. Bronco busting, ing a fte r getting off to a somewhat The Illinois Valley Cham ber of this is the »ame bond election; num ber is danced a t the big 4th of from Ju n e 14th to 18th, five days roping, bull ridin.g trick riding, faster sta rt than was noted in the Commerce and several other local made necessary only by a legal Ju ly Ball. In betw een will be two of varied entertainm ent. Prizes clown acta and three special night corresponding m onths of 1949. technicality. hall games, a rodeo, a horse show totalling $44,900 will be offered shows a re on the elaborate pro- I Thirty-seven cases had been re ­ organizations a re cooperating w ith the Rough and Ready Ram blers in --------------o------------- - and m any other attractions. exhibitors in the big fa ir a t Red­ gram of fun and competition dur­ corded in 1950 up to the Iveginning planning a parade and elaborate The auxiliary hand-crocheted this week, as compared with 33 celebration ror the forma! op -ning Pauline Robinson To Be afghan is on display in the wood Acres, opening on W ednes- ing the Redwood Empire event. of cases fo r th e same num ber of It is hoped th a t S tate Superin­ window of Champions store. This weeks in 1949. tendent of Banks, A. A. Rogers, Married In July will be aw arded a t the 4th of The medical man said th a t the will be able to atten d the opening Ju ly dance. The en tire Valley only “ unusual num ber of cases” Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Robinson as guest of honor. Mr. Rogers has this year had been reported in recently announced th e eng ag e­ seems to be standing solidly be greatly aided th e organization of Clackamas County w here an m ent of th e ir daug h ter Pauline, hind the com m ittees of the cele­ the bank with advice and assist­ e a rlie r onslaught o f the disease in­ to Mr. E rn est George Jaw orski, bration. ance fa r beyond the requirem ents son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ja w o r­ On T hursday evening, Ju n e 8 districts will be asked to select one flicted 7 person. He added, how­ of his office. ski of Minneapolis, Minn. the Josephine county school board member each to serve on the en­ ever, th a t the Clackamas situation --------------o - The young couple g raduated met a t th e Kerby school with ap­ larged Kerby sub-district 5-man seemed to have improved m aterial­ from Oregon S tate College June proxim ately 50 people of the V al­ committee. It will he incum bent ly in recent weeks. Corner's Promotes ‘20-year The Clackamas County cases ap­ 5, Miss Robinson received a de­ ley to try to work out a method upon the present Kerby sub-dis­ gree of Bachelor of Science i n . J*o Service Manager whereby residents of sub-district.« tric t committee (2 present mem­ parently resulted from a new out- Botany and Mr. Jaw orski received C ounty school elections will tak-* outside the Kerby district (Selma, bers, plus the 1 m ember elected break as distinguished from most a degree of M aster of Science in Place Monday, Ju n e 19, from 2 to O’Brien, C entral) could have t June 19) to appoint the rem aining of Lane C ounty's 8 cases for the] W ink Meyers, who has been Biochemistry. I 8 P-m- P S T ' <3 to 9 P m D ay‘ voice in the selection of represent two members, and although there year which, I)r. Osgood said, were described as the “ Best m otor They plan to be m arried in light Saving T im e), with each ele- tatives for the Kerby school. This is at present no statutory require- left-overs from the epidemic the diagnostician in the state of O re­ Ju ly a fte r which they will go to m entary school in the county was considered desirable by most m ent th a t they do so, it is assume.I , la tte r county experienced in 1949. gon," has been named th e new Oak Ridge, Tennessee w here Mr. designated as a polling place. people in ¿he outlying districts, in th a t they will appoint the candi- i L atest figures showed th a t the service m anager of G arner’s A uto­ To be eligible, a voter: 1. Must Jaw orski will atten d a fo u r w eek’.- view of the fact th at th eir children dates selected by th e Selma and compilation on a national scale motive Service in G rants Pass. Sum m er School in scientific re ­ be regularly registered with the atten d the upper grades at Kerby the O 'B rien district residents. In gave a w eekly to tal of 103 cases, M eyers' whose long record w ith search. They plan to make th e ir county clerk in an election pre­ school, yet their own sub-commit this connection, it was brought out in comparison with 168 for the G arner’s was broken only by his cinct within the school district. home in Corvallis for the next two tees have no jurisdiction in the th at legislative action designating corresponding week last year. N a­ five years’ w ar service, w ent to Such registration m ust be com ­ tional Foundation offices in P o rt­ years where Mr. Jaw orski is com­ the a re a s w ithin the enlarged Kerby sub-district. work in the service departm ent pleting his research work fo r his pleted a t least 30 days before th» Kerby sub-district from which land said th a t the country-w ide Members of the County Board under T yrrell Carrier in 1930, ju st election. (To reg ister one must tach candidate must l>e selected incidence is running about one- PhD . be 21 years of age and able to read present were Fred V arner, James would he highly desirable, but third under the rute for the firat fresh from the vocational tra in in g class of G rants Pass high school. and w rite ). 2. Must have been a W aters, O rval Lewman and Lew Hammer. County School Super th at th ‘‘re is no‘ sufficient tim e five months of 1949, which was lesident in the district a t least <’> Now, as service m anager, he A merica's most severe polio year. intendent L. C. M offitt was also j to dl’a f t a,ld *’nact such a law in months immediaely before the finds him self boss o f w hat he calls Nearly 43,000 cases were re­ time to care for the prosent situa­ m eeting or election. Residence ol present, as well as representatives tion. Several members of the corded in the nation for 1949— 325 “ the finest and most m odern ser- The David E. W ilsons retu rn ed 6 m onths in the district may he from the com m ittees of Central, 1 from an 8,000 mile trip to W ash­ determ ined by common knowledge Selma and O 'Brien sub-districts. audience suggested that further of them in Oregon which under­ ice shop in southern O regon.” G arner’s has recently opened its public m eetings and discussion w ent its fourth worst year from ington,D.C. and Annapolis, M ary­ or by challenge in case the v o te r’s According to reports, the as | the polio standpoint. C hapter of- ] new shop building, a huge rein- would he desirable to thoroughly land where th e ir d aughter Marilyn residence for the past 6 months is sembly was inform ed by the hoard i with acquaint all residents of the Val­ ficials throughout the state are forced-concrete stru c tu re Marcia became the bride of Ensign th a t it is within the boaixl’s power in doubt. stressing to parents the ne » I for g |ass <)n three sides, which will ley with the proposed plan. Charles Amory Clark III, on June V oters will select one member to dissolve the various sub-district The county superintendent's o f­ avoiding fatigue, polluted w ater, morp th an triple the capacity of 2, a t St. A nne’s Parish. fo r the county board, the 5 year com m ittees and incorporate the fice this week made public the and large public gatherings, as (he Q|(j shop No expense has been Upon th e ir re tu rn they visited term o f Fred V arner expiring entire Valley into one enlarged precautions against th eir children sparej ¡n t he installation of mod- relatives of Mr. W ilson’s at (this candidate m ust be from th e sub-district of the first class with contents of the “ straw ballot’ which will he used Ju n e 19 for the contracting infantile paraly sis. era equipm ent to speed the service Charleston, South Carolina and Jero m e P rairie d istric t). In the five members, if such should be of all makes o f autom obiles and Mrs. W ilson’s relatives at San Selma sub-district, 1 mem ber is the desire of the residents of these guidance o f the county school trucks. board. Following are some of the i Diego, C alifornia. to be elected fo r a 3 year term , sub-districts. No oither plan was D on n a W ilber W ed s G arn er’s, pioneer Dodge-Ply­ Don King's term expiring. Kerby advanced for g ran tin g the out­ considerations: I. The enlarged sub-district would he of th e first m outh dealers in southern Oregon, lying sub-districts representation R oy G u y sin g er The Marvin Cross fam ily w ere sub-district, 1 mem ber, the term class. 2. Would require a local chose wisely and well when -they in the Kerby school. of E ffie Smith expiring. O 'Brien visiting the A yris family in Med­ Mrs. Earl Boyd accompanies! by cree,ted their first shop years ago com m ittee of five m embers. 3. sub-district, 1 m em ber, the term A lthough no opposition to this ford on Sunday. Htre e t, ju st o ff »Sixth— Would dissolve the local commit­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. on of Hollis George expiring. C entral plan was reported a t the meeting, W ilber, m otored up to Forest •>way out ¡n the sticks." Today, the tees of C entral, O 'Brien and The Wilson Welsh fam ily w ent sub-district, 1 m em ber, th e term the county board expressed a Selma, even though these schools Grove on June 2 to attend the w ed-| cjty of G rants Pass has grown to Swiss Home fo r the weekend. of E rn est Woodcock expiring. desire to get a larger cross section are continued. 4. If combined d u r­ ding of Donna Joan W ilber and aroun^ anm- roast a t th e Glenn Plumlee Home flower girls, V irginia W ilber and Proved tra m service from G rants In the event th a t the county The reg u lar m onthly m eeting a t Selma. Both groups are to meet Lois Marie Loomis and the best Pass south will be inaugurated by of the Illinois Valley G arden Club at th e Kerby church at 6 p.m. on board decides to adopt the plan as !the S outhern Pacific company, it man, Keith W ilber. a result of opinion gathered, the will be held Friday, Ju n e 23 a t th e Saturday, Ju n e 24. Mark W altz sang “ Always" and * * • announced this week. present local sub-district commit­ home of M rs. Gladys King, Lone S horter service to Ixm Angeles “ The Lord’s P la y e r.’ Ml? and Mrs. B um garner are tees at O 'B rien and Selma will be Mt. Valley R etreat, in O 'B rien. held ait the , and San Francisco will resu lt. Mrs. C. A. H ubbard flew down A reception was Ix>t us try and have a good at- moving to Selm a where Mr. Bum- dissolved (w ith th e ir perm ission), home of D onna’s g randparents From G rants Pass to Dunsm uir a to Berkeley, California, Tuesday, and the residents o f these two tendance and talk over plans for g a rn e r will work fo r L ester Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Loomis of modernized, air-conditioned chair where her sons Chuck and Pete Mrs B um garner is the d aughter of o u r picnic in July. car and full modernized air-con­ will g ia d u a te Friday from the Uni­ Forest Grove, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Brockm iller of --------- -— o- Employment In Josephine versity of California. Chuck has The beautiful throe tiered cake ditioned lounge car will be oper- Kerby. accepted a position with the Fisher ras cut by Mrs. Don Boyd and ated. ■ ' o - Episcopal Church Meet Mrs. Will Forbis poured. O v er' -p^e lounge car will he m anned Mrs. Mabel Duncan le ft on a County Still Rising Body Company in Oakland. A m eeting o f th e Episcopal business trip to P ortland. Pete was recently elected to Ph. eighty guests signed the guest hy an atte n d a n t who will provide F or th e second successive Church School was held in the soft drinks and snack meal service, month, em ploym ent in Josephine Beta Kappa national honorary hook. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kohl- Mrs. Mabel Ballard le ft for i The local service will connect w ith county showed an increase in May. fratern ity . He will spend the sum- s heen, W ednesday evening. Plans P ortland where she plans to spend according to H. V. R etherford, m er in Cave Junction and will ADDED TO STA FF OF NEWS the Shasta D aylight at Dunsmuir. w ere made to get the church school th e sum m er with heT daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Thompson Every passenger from the Rogue m anager o f the G rants Pass branch teach in the nucler physics depart- started in the n ear fu tu re. Mrs. Ballard has ta u g h t school at )f the sta te em ploym ent commit- ment at Berkeley next year, while and tw o children have recently valley area will be provided w ith It was agreed to m eet each F r i­ Kerby for 3 years. studying for his doctorate degree. moved to tho Valley from Venice, a reservation on the Shasta. I sion. day evening for business m eeting California, and are staying a t the U nder the new schedule, tra in --------------o He estim ates a to tal of 600 un ' Jackie Scholtz and Dolores and instruction. The n ext m e e t­ Cave Park Motel until th e ir hous - 327 will leave G rants Pass a t 9:60 Mrs. Ida W ing of G rants Pass, ing will be held in the home of Campbell left Monday for a week employed as of Ju n e 1, 39 p er­ is available. Mr. Thompaon is a m. instead of 8:40 p.m. A rrive cent less than May 1 and 27 per­ wan in Cave Ju n ctio n , yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kohnscheen, at Girls S tate in Salem. They are forem an o f the composing room tim e a t San Francisco will b* s 00 o'clock F riday evening, Ju n e sponsored by the A merican Legion cent leas than the same tim e in She lived fo r m any years on her a t the NEWS. 11 p m instead of 11:20 am. | 1949. ranch at Rough and Ready. ‘ A uxiliary. 16th. News From Nat'l Polio Foundation July 4th Planned I « County School Board Meets With Illinois Valley Citizens School Election To Be Monday, 19th ■ L O C A L S ' Kerby Notes Mrs. C. A. Hubbard Attends Graduation t