Page 8 Illin o is V a lle y N ew s, T h u rs d a y , M a y 25, 1950 L o c a ls IT'S H A R D TO BELIEVE . . . . BUT IT'S TR U E, K E M -G L O TRADE MARK THE MIRACLE-LUSTRE ENAMEL THAT LOOKS AND WASHES LIKE BAKED ENAMEL Kitchen and bathroom walls, all your woodwork w ill shimmer like satin and be as easy to wash as your refriger­ ator . . . with K.FM-GLO. Its plastic-smooth surface resists stains, scuffs, smudges, boiling water . . . even hot grease. Can be washed hundreds of times. Quarts and gallons in 10 colors; pints in Stay-white only. 1. One coat of KEM-GLO covers. 2. No primer, no undercoater needed. 3. Flows on freely, leaves no brushmorks. 4. Dries in 3 to 4 hours. ’7.98 Gal. 10 colors »2.39 Qt. Central Point and Mr. and Mrs I' John Dow of Cave Junction spent | Tuesday at Azalea park in Brook-; ings. The visitors reported good weather and a beautiful trip. »1.39 Pi. Stay-white only SA Vf 4 !< W ITH THIS C O U P O N " T R Y *A « P I N T * O FFER KEM-GLO STAY-WHITE 98< Pf.1 pint will cover up to 50 square feet. Try it Regularly on furniture, window sills, baseboards, doors $1.39 . . . any place subject to hard use. See how You Save beautiful and durable KEM GLO is. bring in 41« coupon for your pint of Stay-white at 98<*. A G O O D U N TIL M A Y 3 1 , 1 9 5 0 $ ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE SERVICE As Well As SAVINGS CAVE J U N C T IO N IT’S YOUR MOVE-- He re A re M o n e y Savers IT’S EASIER TO USE WASHES CLEANER SAVES TIME-MONEY f W ashday’s a Free Day w ith Autom atic W asher Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellow left for Redding to spend a week as guests of their sons, John and George, and families. —o— Opal Hill Bybe, Marie Smith and Pansy Sauer visited Donnis Goldsby at Williams last Thurs­ day. While there, they went horse­ back riding and enjoyed a picnic ! lunch. Tor Your Ct>nVenienc& you CAN RANK ALL DAY 10 Mis. Norma B uitows of O’Brien has been ill with mumps and flu. and has had to miss quite a fev. 1 days from her school work. —o— The Harms family, together with their house guest, Miss Stevenson of Montana, made a week end trip to Eureka, Calif. — o— Word was received this week if the arrival of Leslie Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Prairie, who was horn the 13th of May. Mrs. Prairie is the former Shirley Clarke of Selma. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Providing you with banking services at times to suit your con­ venience comes first with First National. "Open hours" of 10 a.m. to 5 pun., every weekday iniluding Saturday, enable you to make savings and checking deposits, arrange for loans, have access to your safe deposit box, and use the many other helpful banking services of First National. Drop in soon... at your convenience. Pansy Keene Sauer attended , ihe A.Q.H.A. Juarter Horse Sale at Klamath Falls Sunday, May 21. She reported a large crowd, with the bidding lively and the horses selling at a fair average. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Taylor spent last Saturday at “ Willadora” as guests of Mrs. W. A. Brown, liev. Taylor is the pastor of the Methodist church at Canyonville and he and his wife were formerly missionaries in South Africa. $ Other models Mis. Maude Watkins and Mrs Ruby Thompson of O'Brien left on Monday evening by plane for Wichita. Kansas. Mrs. Thompson will make her future home with her sister. Mrs. Ralph Graham of Kaw, Okla., and Mrs. Watkins will Visit her sister. Mis. Thou. W. Dunworth of Enid. The latter hopes to have her sister fly back with her in a few weeks. W inners of the prizes given by Jim Earle at his new Mobilgas station last Sunday were: Bill Menozzi, one tire; Mrs. H. J. "chne’.ik'r, oil change; Larry Musil, lubrication. PLAY • Just set the diol —CORONADO does the rest! • Washes cleaner with 3-way agitator action! • Washes everything from organdies to rugs! • Uses only 14' j gal. hot water for entire wash* • Floats away all dirt with overflow rinsing) for a free demonstration in your home! Ask About O ur FREE HOME DEM ONSTRATION |Western Auto Supply 308 South 6th Street GRANTS PASS FIRST NATIONAL BANK o f P o r t la n d LET’S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER' i1 M T M K R F C O C RA L C X P O S iT IMS'JffAMCC C ORPORATION participate, and plans have been perfected to select a candidate who will be “nobody’s” man (or woman) but will be everybody’s choice for nomination, thus vir­ tually assuring not only his elec­ tion but, even more important, the community’s cooperation after the election. This committee maintains that it is imperative for the community to settle on one nominee and agree to support him to the fullest, re­ gardless of how many other no­ minations may be made. In order to avoid factionalism and disrup­ tion, this candidate must be select­ ed by the entire community in the fairest and most impartial manner possible. This can only be assured by a large attendance at the meet­ ing Friday night, June 2. ------------ o------------ BUYER M E E T S CCI I CD IN OUR AD □ LLLulx .... columns T h r iftie s t th in g you can ad d to yo u r h o m e ! BEAUTIFUL M ODELS. . . The students of the S.D.A. church school were honor guests at a picnic in the Ashland park last Sunday. from $89.95 up. $1 5 0 per week, p a y a b le m a nth, y G R A N TS PASS B R A N C H Opal Hill Bybe and husband left Tuesday morning for Ojoi, Calif., where the Bybes make their home. School Committee Caucus They trailered Timber, Opal's Elsewhere in this issue appears quarter horse colt, hack, leaving a letter from a group of citizens the mare for another trip. who have called a mass meeting | o Visiting their parents over the f all persons interested in the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ schools. The meeting will be held sell Doran and son. at the high school at 8:30 p.m., Friday, June 2. Mrs. Chloe Butler of Ashland is Primary purpose of the meet- spending a few weeks as a house . ing v 11 be to select a “ people’s" guest of her sister, Mrs. Loyd candidate for the Kerby sub- rheho. She also was present a' district school committee to stand i the birthday of her nephew, James n the school election of June 10. Glover. This group emphasizes that —o— e v e ry o n e is invited to attend and h red Crumpack of Pomona, Calif., is here to visit her daughter and family, Mrs. Frank Gibbons, and also to celebrate his birthday I with them. —c Many seem to lie on the sick list this week. Among them are Mrs. Marian McGibon of the Lssociated Garage, Mrs. Carol C. Morns of the Dick George Road and .Mr. and Mrs. Brillhart of Kerby. Mrs. Olive Sullivan arrived Fri- iay to spend a week or two with her son. Buz Sullivan and family. ——o— Mis. Mary Seeger arrived Fri­ day from Portland to visit with her daughters and families. Mrs. Ben George of Cave Junction, and Mrs. 1 any Ma\on of Kerby. • Ask 'X . v \ Mrs. Vivian McDaniel has been quite ill for some days with a severe case of flu. 10 colors 2 S X o rrfR Robert M. Fischer and wife of Mwoa CROSLEY YO U 'LL LIVE B E TTE R — AND LOVE IT LOOK with a CROSLEY FOR Cf » «.«(Nett? WM te /U t t b i - H etter P rodu cts f o r H a p p ie r L ivin g THESE FEATURES: FREEZER! r - ^ 7 Tumbler Type Loch to safeguard contents . . . Interior Light that goes on when you lift the lid. . Counter-Balanced Lid that opens and closes with fingertip pressure— stays open in any position to give you free use of both hands . . . Recessed Toe Space for working comfort, easy cleaning. CF-7 S 2 1 9 .9 5 DAY (By Glenda Robinson) Ihe G.A A of Illinois Valley High school will present a play day Friday. May 2fi. from 9:00 n.m."- 4:00 p.m. for the boys, girls and faculty. It will bp held at Spitz" h ield. The day will consist of various games and relay«. At noon there will be a lunch serve«! by the G A.A members for 25c. Never before in the history of this school has there been a plav day. It has taken much time and effort in making all the plans and ni rangements for this big day ami everyone is looking forward to a very enjoyable time. Down Payment i£f| 95 Monthly Payment 10.73 Includes insurance pay­ able to purchaser. ...... Furniture — Floor Coverings 1 — APPLIANCES — Fabrics