Page 7 Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 25,1950 ♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ C L A S S IF IE D RATES IMHPM Minimum charge 50 cents. The deadline for advertising is I noon Wednesday. LOST—Black and white toy Bos ton bull. Last seen at Bal! Park, Friday. See Mrs. Hale at state liquor store. 5-ltp FO R SA LE LADIES’ tailoring and dressmak­ ing. Men’s shirts made to order FOR SALE— Boyce-Crane jointer, Hemstitching, buttonholes and 6-inch. Also ’32 Franklin sedan. covered buttons made at the Mrs. J. M. Hout, Redwood high­ Sewing Center, Bob and Ruth way, Cave Junction. 4-3tc ! Simp. 1-tfz FOR SAND AND GRAVEL, good EXCAVATING of all kinds. top soil, road and driveway Shovel, trench hoe, dragline, maintenance. Clyde Knight, at clamshell, pile driver. Mill ponds C. G. & E. Texaco Garage. cleaned. Call Grants Pass 2581 32-tfc or 8808. R. Ullian. 1 -81 FOR SALE— 75-lb. icebox, in good SA W F IL IN G condition, $15. See Les Besham. CARPENTER, small circular, Caves highway. 4-tfc cross cuts and drags. Gage, Caves highway, near Redwood. FOR SALE— 1 Caterpi^ar trac­ tor with angle blade.. ^Located FOR DAGGETT & RAMSDEI. at Patrick’s Creek Lodge. Write cosmetics see your dealer— Pacific Northwest Alloys, Box Hazel Henry. 52-tfr 6215, Hillyard Station, Spo- i kane, Wash., or inquire Pat­ ROUGH & READY GARAGE rick’s Creek Lodge. 5-1 tp | near Rough & Ready Mill. Gen­ eral repairing and specializing WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND in all electrical and carburetion JEWELRY. when you re;>airs. Motor tuneups. Reason­ WANT THE BEST, ALWAYS able prices and all work guaran­ SEE JOHNSON THE JEWEL teed. Pickup and delivery.Phone F.R, 619 EAST ‘H’ ST- 1012, W. B. Myers. 18-tfc GRANTS PASS. 49rtfc , REPAIRS—On all makes of sew FOR SALE— 1 used refrigerator, ing machines. Free estimates Grunow, 6 ft., good condition given in advance by Bonded Inquire MANCHEL’S, Cave Singer representative. Write Junction. l*te Singer Sewing Machine Com pany. 40 North Front, Medford, FOR SALE— R.D. 7 angle blade, Oregon 10-tfe good shape. Priced to sell. See J. A. Viosky, 3 miles S. of Cave CLASS I DRIVERS Junction on Redwood highway. CAN BUY 5-1 tp $5,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE AND D Y N A M IT E $10,000 BODILY INJURY TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if LI ABILITY INSURANCE you need blasting powder. 221 FOR West F St., Grants Pass. $24.00 PER YEAR AT 47-tfc LINKHART & McLEAN’S CAVE JUNCTION FOR SALE — Singer cabinet PH. 8802 treadle sewing machine, old WATER WELL DRILLING, do Phiko radio only $5, rubber mestic and irrigation wells, 12 tired lawn mower. Frances to 36 months to pay. latest Michelson, 1 block in rear Ruth equipment available. Satisfied Ann’s Antique Shop. 5-ltp customers our motto. Paqubi and Storey, 800 N. 10th S t- R EA L ESTA TE Grants Pass. Phone 2631 o 3583. FOR SALE -Small home on I’al mer subdivision, large cornet FOR FURNITURE — Try Man lot. $2,600. Frances Michel­ chel's first, where it’s “Furni­ son, 1 block in rear Ruth Ann'- ture You’ll Admire at Price, ______ 5-ltp Antique Shop. You’ll Appreciate.” 47-:f FOR SALE— Lots on and near LO G C A B IN G A R A G E Caves highway, ’-j mile from General Auto Repairing Redwood highway. Title insur­ Motor Tune - up — Lubrication ance on every lot. Contact Welding Herbert Falkenhayn, cor. Oave= ART DEDRICK, Prop.. Selma highway and Old Stage road, Rt. 1, box 24, Cave Junction, tfc UNDER 1949 OREGON LAW YOU CAN BE HELD LIABLE FOR SALE— Lot 50x132 feet, FOR $15,000.00 FOR THE with metal building 20x40 feet, DEATH OF ONE PERSON cement floor. Bachelor quarter- DUE TO AN AUTOMOBILE in back. Complete with plumb­ ACCIDENT. YOU CAN BUY ing, city water; inside city 15,000 AND 30,000 BODILY limits. See 11. W. Hendrickson. INJURY AND 10,000 PRO­ Illinois Valley Market. 3-tfc PERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR AS LITTLE CLASS 1 farmers can buy $10,000 AS $27.83 PER YEAR AT liability insurance for only LINKHART AND McLEAN— $20 40 per vear at Linkhart and PHONE 3802, CAVE JUNC­ McLean. Phone 3802, Cave TION. 52-tfc Junction. BUILT IN CABINETS of all RENTALS kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones Regina Waxer and Polisher | Cabinet shop, Drews Building, Cave Junction. 44-tfc $1.25 per day, return same day, $2.00 over week end, return USED FURNITURE—-bought and Monday 9 a. m. MANCHEL’S sold. Jones Cabinet Shop, Drews Furniture, Cave Junction.6-5tc Bldg., Cave Junction. 44-tfe GASOLINE operated cement ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING mixer for rent by the day, and repail's. All work and ma­ mounted on trailer. Caves Build­ terial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ ing Supplies, Cave Junction. ley Hardware, Cave Junction. 50-ltf« FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement DYNAMITE — ... fuses and caps. Illinois Valiev mixer, electrically driven. Illi Hardware, agency for DuPont nois Valley Hardware, Cave , Powder. 47-tfc Junction. 25-tfc M IS C E L L A N E O U S LOST— Black and white male dog in Cave Junction. Answers to ALL TYPES of camping equip­ ment, clothing, hardware — name of Spotty. Mrs. Katin, everything in Surplus. Open phone 1004, Trail’s End Motor ’til 9:00. Light Surplus Mart. Lodge. 5-ltc 324 Highway 99 South, Grants Pass. 3-tfc HAVE YOUR SEPTIC tank- cleaned, built or repaired by the oldest reliable septic service STRAYED—Two yearling colts. One horse colt and one filly, in the county. M. J. Rossiter one white and one palomino. Septic Service, Grants Pass. Nettie Gilliam, West Side road. Phone 2918. 51-tfc Route 1, Box 824, Cave Junc­ -H elp the H o ip itd - tion, Oregon. 2-tfc SHOW REVUE SATURDAY 2ND Roy Rogers is at his best in Republic’s Trucolor picture "Su­ BABY CHICKS 14e sanna Pass,” in the role of the HAMPSHIRE REDS, from our popular young game warden eon- j own blood-tested breeding flock. 14c each or $13 per hundred, nectcd with the State Wild Life straight run. Hayes Hill Hat­ Service, whose efforts beyond the chery, Wonder. Open daily, | call of duty get him into a lot of ' evenings and Sunday. 52-fcfe trouble, but finally clear up a At GRANTS PASS FOR SALE—Baby chicks. U.S. brutal murder. Dale Evans plays Kay Parker, Pullorum passed New Hampshire Rada. Caves Hatchery, 1 mile an attractive young scientist who JUNE 3 and 4 west of junction on Caves journeys west to gain practical ex­ highway. 2-tfc perience in a fish hatchery and W IN D O W GLASS finds herself involved in a dark ALL SIZES window glass cut and plot to destroy the hatchery by Parade 10 A. M. Saturday installed. Illinois Valley Hard­ scientific means to gain control of ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc the oil that is underneath the Dance Saturday N ight GETTING BALD ? — Stimulate water. blood supply to starring roots E s t e 1 i t a Roodriguez plays AT J O S E P H IN E COUNTY FA IR G R O U N D S with SCALP-MAS-SAGE. $3.15 C.O.D. or $3 with order. R. “ Rita," a fiery-eyed and romantic Behm, S12, Box 338, Lebanon, señorita. Foy Willing and the Pa. 4tc Riders of the Purple Sage are in Sponsored By top form. LEGALS 1OSEPHINE CO. MOUNTED SHERIFF’S POSSE SUNDAY & MONDAY John Wayne, whose name at N O T IC E O F C A L L FOR BIDS once arouses thoughts of a rugged For Painting School* JO S E P H IN E C O U N T Y SCHOO L and vital personality, plays to the An R. C. A. Show hilt the heroic role of Thomas D IS T R IC T Notice is hereby given, in com­ Dunson, a romantic character BIGGER and BETTER Than Ever B efore! pliance with Section 111-1224 whose dream of building a cattle O.C.L.A. that the Board of empire in the great southwest Directors of the Josephine County School District of Josephine Coun­ forms the nucleus of the film's ty, Oregon, hereby invites bids on story “Red River.” Robert Paige of the star cast and painting the following schools: Montgomery Clift, as his adopt­ Monty F. Collins the scenarist, co­ Sunny Valley, Merlin, Oak Grove, To the people of the Illinois Williams, Jerome Prairie and ed son, Matthew Garth, also turns produced the picture, which Wil­ Valley : in a performance that is as bril­ liam D. Russell directed. Selma. Specifications may be secured liant as it is different. A very important event for the —and— at the office of the Josephine Co-starred with Wayne and school youngssters of our com­ County School District Clerk. Alan Curtis and Russell Hayden Sealed bids will be received by Clift are Walter Brennan, play­ co-star in the film "Apache Chief." munity will take place at the elec­ ing one of those delightful, tion of a local committee member the board up to 8:00 on the Apache Chief tells the story of an on Monday, June 19th, for the 12th day of June, 1950, at Grants crochety characters he has made Pass, Oregon, and publicly opened. famous, and a lovely young star Indian tribal chief and his son are Kerby sub-district. The board reserves the right to named Joanne Dru, who has al­ robbing nnd killing white settlers. In order that the interested Another Indian chief and his son reject anv or all bids. MARGUERITE S. STANTON ready made her mark in Holly­ want peace with the white man. school patrons will be able to wood. District School C-lerk. Climax comes when the friendly support a candidate for this im­ (Second publication May 25, 1950) “Red River" is a Western saga Indian brings in the renegade portant position, a mass meeting adapted from Borden Chase's ex­ killer and turns him over to white will be held at the high school at citing Saturday Evening Post 5- justice to save the tribe from an­ 8:30 p.m., Friday, June 2nd, for N O T IC E OF C A L L FOR B ID S part serial, "The Chisholm Trail.” selecting such a candidate. nihilation. For Gasoline, Motor Oil, Fuel Oil. If you are interested in better­ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Tire», T ire Service and Wood THURSDAY & FRIDAY ing conditions in our school sys­ J O S E P H IN E C O U N T Y SCHOOL Industrialist Glenn McCarthy’s "The Fountainhead” stars Gary tem, please attend this meeting. D IS T R IC T dynamic entry into the motion Notice is hereby given, in com­ picture field with his production, Cooper as Roark, the architect and We would like representation pliance with Section 111-1221 “The Green Promise," comes as Patricia Neal as Dominique, the from «very community in tho O.C.L.A. that the Board of Direc­ brilliant and beautiful newspaper Illinois Valley. tors of the Josephine County a friendly and hopeful salute to woman. Remember the date—8 :30 p.m., School District of Josephine the future of America’s farm "The Fountainhead” is the Friday, June 2nd. We earnestly County, Oregon, hereby invites children. He has filmed a heart­ bids on the following: warming and typical American thrilling story of a young architect solicit your cooperation. Gasoline—In amounts of 40 gal story which visualizes the ideals who fights out against compla­ W1M. J. McLEAN Ions or more to be delivered to cency and tradition in behalf of El). W. KNÎPPEL any point in the County District of the nation's farm youth and his own work in which he believes K. C. HAMILTON the 4-H organization as motivation and through service stations. so strongly. This theme is set W. R. RAINES Tanks located at Wolf Creek. in a highly dramatic plot. Merlin, Shop, Kerby, Murphy School Improvement Committee. “The Green Promise” deals with against a lush background of and Jerome Prairie. a farmer and his four motherless beautiful buildings and interiors. Fuel Oil. PS. No. 300—Bids to be Also in the cast are Raymond submitted on form supplied children, and with their struggle Massey as the newspaper pub­ Dept. of Underalatement through office. to wrest a decent, honest living lisher, Robert Douglas and Kent . . . witnesses testified that Mar- Diesel Fuel Oil—Bids to be sub­ from the soil. It presents a battle mitted on form supplied through between young and old, between Smith. King Vidor directed the kem and the umpire were attempt­ office. ing to push spectators from tho picture. Stove Oil—Bids to be submitted the children, who are all for .----------- o------------ playing field along he first base on form supplied through office science and progressive ways of line in a game between Bradley Tires and Tubes—as needed for farming, and the father whose C AR D O F T H A N K S and Kirksey. They testified that busses—bidders to specify grade methods are frozen in the pattern or quality and discount from of old-fashioned and hit-or-miss Our heartfelt thanks to all who Roundtree became angered, drew list to be given district. extended comforting sympathy a smull pistol and snapped it Service on Tires — Inspection, ways. As this farmer, the favorite branding, repairing, recapning. film player Walter Brennan is co- and help in our recent sorrow. several times toward Markem. It mounting and matching. Work starred with .Marguerite Chapman, For the beautiful service, floral did not fire. Markem then drew to be done during the summer playing his eldest (laughter; Robert offerings and other kindnesses, we a pistol from his coat pocket and at the County District Shop. killed Roundtree. Paige as a county agricultuial are deeply grateful. Wood— The shooting ended the game. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Wullace agent, and Natalie Wood as the .... 8 cords 16" Galice — From tbe Oregonian. and family youngest daughter of Brennan. 16" cords ... 4 Ft. Vannoy 16" cords 29 Ft. Vannoy 2 cords 16” Dimmick 14 cords 24” Dimmick 10 cords 16” Fruitdale . 14 cords 24” Fruitdale 16 cords 16” Selma The wood to be delivered and corded in the basement of wood shed on or before September. Wood to be dry and sound, either heavy second growth or old growth fir or heavy block. Bidder to specify type t>eing bid. Piece» not to exceed 10" in diameter. Sealed bids will be received by the Ixtard up to 8:00 p.m., D.S.T on the li2th day of June. 1950, at Grants Pass, Oregon, and publicly opened. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MARGUERITE S. STANTON District School Clerk. (Second publication May 25, 1950) ANNUAL RODEO LETTERS MAY A N D JU nC S H tU A L N E W S H O R T B LO C K INSTALLED I7O ■ ' 7 00 EXCHANGE Notice is hereby given that Fred M. Linkhart has been appointed lilt. A. N. COLLMAN GLENN MORRISON POST executor of the estate of CARO­ LINE SAUER, deceased, by the Naturopathic Physician The American Legion probate division of the circuit HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday court of the state of Oregon for Office Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 Josephine county. Any person VISITORS WELCOME having any claim of indebtedness against said estate must present Charles N. Verstees, M. D. Water Well Hrillinif the same to the executor or to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PAQUIN & STORY his attorney, William F. Johnson, Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon gp0 jj 10th St. Grants Pass Court House, Grants Pass, Oregon, on or before six months from the , 2 to 5 p. m ”631 oz 3583 PHONE c. date of the first publication of thi« notice. Date of first publica­ Windows and Doors! DR. T. WINSTON SM ITH tion, May 4, 1950. O P T O M E T R IS T VALLEY LUMBER Co. (Fourth publication May 25, 1950, Every Thurs. 12 noon to 5 p. m. for your repair jobs Evenings bv appointment only 221 West F St. Phone 4612 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Appointments made at White's G R A N T S PASS. O REG O N Drug Store, Cave Junction Notice is hereby given that Flo­ A. Frederick has been ap­ Daily Freight Service rence TITLE INSURANCE pointed administratrix of the es­ G R A N T S BASS, P O R T L A N D tate of GEORGE M. FREDERICK, ESCROWS and SAN F R A N C IS C O deceased, by the probate division Y A N D E L L BROS. G A R A G E Rogue River Title Co. of the Circuit Court of the State 212 N. 6th St. Grants Pass Pierce Auto Freight of Oregon for Josephine County Any person having any claim of against said estate H ALL’S VALLEY AMBULANCE indebtedness must present the same to the ad­ Accounting Service SERVICE ministratrix or to her attorney, Audita. Bookkeeping, Income Tax William F. Johnson, Court House, 24-Hour Call Service and Q uarterly Reports Grants Pass, Oregon, on or be­ R F.SU S C ITA TO R S E R V IC E Monthly P. U C. Reports fore six months from the date of PHONE 2301 N O T A R Y P U B L IC the first publication of this no­ Cave Junction Cave Junction tice, which date is May 26, 1950. Florence A. Frederick, Ambulance Service Day or Night CDCWfCD fORSFTIFRF Administratrix 219 West A St PHONE 4453 OrE.PIL.LK L.UKOLIICKL First publication May 25, 1950 MRS. E N ID B UR CH Funeral Home Redwood H w y, Box 846 ~NEWS ADS GET RESULTS 1 HULL & HULL Phone 1008 FACTORY THE ABOVE PRICE INCLUDES N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY New New New New New New Block C ra n k .h a ft Main Bearing* Connecting Rod* Platon* end P in . P n Ring* New Cam Shaft and Bearing* New Timing Gear* New Motor G a.ket* V a lv e . Ground end ASSEMBLED FACTORY TESTED Special Service E n g in e T u n e d 5 Q t*. Oil Any Additional Part* Needed Are Extra A V A IL A B L E FOR ’42 to 49 C H E V R O L E T PASS. CARS and P IC K U P S To and gine pair ¡m ure maaimum efficiency protection of your naw en­ we boil out, clean and re ­ your radiator at NO EXTRA CHARGE LOW COST BUDGET TERMS 2nd. ANNUAL RODEO — JUNE 3 and 4 J O S E P H IN E COUNTY Stock furni.hed by C bri.ten.en Bro*. KELT F A IR G R O U N D S Sponsored by Jo.ephineCo. S h e riff’» Po**e. C hevrolet 411 S O U TH 6th G R A N TS PASS Phone 4461