Illinois Valley News, Thursday April 27, 1950 Page 2 CHURCH NOTES CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH George H. Grey, Peetor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sunday acihool attendance was 150. B irthdays wore observed for J >an Starks and Mrs. Vivian Me Daniel, Helen Sm ith was hack again as -one of our teachers a fte r ah absence. The Jo b ’s D aughters w ere pre se n t a t the m orning service with th e ir sponsors, and brought many friends out with them. Special speak er for the m orning was Rev A. J , W allen who took has theme “T he Temples of God” from 2 Cor <5:14-18 and 7:1. He spoke o f the seven temples mentioned in the Bible clim axing with o u r own bodies which a re to be His holy temple. ' Mis. Dick sang " I f I G ained the W’o rld .” At the evening service, Mrs. S herier’s ju n io r group sang a spe­ cial selection, and Mr. and Mrs Drews and Mrs. McDaniel render ed a song in a trio. The auditorium was filled fo r both services. Among the visitors present at the service» were Mrs. Lovejoy and her son, Mr. and Mrs. John Smitjh, Mis. Jack Spitz, Mrs. Paul Palniey, John Dow and John Hill Rev. W allen, guest speaker, i now traveling in a house trailei through seven of the western states, going into small towns to revive discouraged congregations sta rt new Sunday schools and open closed churches in man; places. Rev. W allen, who has had 12 year* in iiastoral work, is ac companiesl on his trip s by Mrs W allen, an accomplished musician and splendid helper. MISSIONARY SOCIETY NOTES On W ednesday, April 19, a de lig h tfu l m eeting o f the Missionary society was held at the church with a luncheon served a t noon by , the members of the Kerby circle. The tables were artistically decorated with spring flowers and E aster eggs While lunch was he ing prepared some of the Indie» began tying out a quilt and other« sewed. In the afternoon, a short busi­ ness meeting was conducted, fol lowed by a program on “ A frica," presented by Evon Carohers, pro gram chairm an. Each month a dif .terent missionary field is studied An invitation was extended t< the group to attend a luncheon m eeting of the W omen’s C-ouncl' of the Christian Church on May 11, which was accepted. The following ladies were guest- ut the m eeting: Iona 1. 0 reha ugh librarian of W omen's Council Mrs. J. K. Manuel, Mrs. Asa I. I.emon, Mrs. E. G. Costin, Mrs. Hilda Vales, Mir». L aura Reid, Mrs Oma Ralston, Mrs. Irene Sheets Mrs. Fred Baird, group leader- Mix*. I) E. G riffith, president Women's Council; Mrs. Josephine Bearss, Mrs Charles Simpson Mrs. W. C. Piper, p astor’» wife nil of G rants Pass; Mrs. H. W llaislip of ST. Louis, Md , and the Meadames B ritt, T ythcott, Camp bell. Stem and Gill, all of Cave Junction. ------------- o-------------- C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T ? Pastor— J. Apigian Sabbath School ................ 9 :R< -ch service ... 11 iOr P ray er m eeting W ednesday A. M Freelcs of the Williams, I continues to grow. Last Sunday birthdays were recognized for ' Bobby Rob moon and Danny Smith. V isitors were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and baby of Takilma. There were fo u r generations of the C. E. Pullen fam ily present. Several of o u r congregation are ill. The word th a t cornea from Roscoe Robinson, who is in a P ortland hospital, is not too favorable at this time. Sunday m orning the choir sang and Mrs. Looper, Vivian Tresham and Rev. Peay sang a selection. Young People’s m eeting and church were well attended in the evening. Deanna Pullen and Olga Rigel each sang solos. Clarence Pullen and Shirley Miller gave 2- m inute talks on passages of Scrip­ ture which were of special interest to them. At church special music con­ sisted o f a duet by Carl Mailer and Leonard Pullen and a selection by the chair and newly former! trio. V isitors included Mrs. Billy Blancett and her father, Mr. Kellet of Seattle. This week the recently organiz­ ed public speaking class m et Mon­ day. Friday, May 5, a weiner roost will be held a t the church. All young people of the community are invited. F riday night our young people w ent over to the Illinois Valley tabernacle foir a m eeting. Rev. Peay was the speaker. Saturday afternoon we ire form ing seveial softball teams. N ext week services include Sun­ day school a t 10 a m .; preaching a t 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Rev. Peay will speak on “ Has God Gone Out of Business?" Young People’s m eeting on W ednesday and Sun- lay evenings a t 7 p.m. P ray er m eeting and choir prac­ tice on W ednesday evening. Fri- lay the young people of this ihurch will go to Gold Hill for a rally. It is planned to have the new Sunday school bus in opera tion fo r special services on .Mothers’ Day. The ladies m eet T hursday foi an all-day m eeting, with pot luck a t noon. The Bridgeview Community church is happy to welcome a n ­ other church into our locality. The Apostolic Faith churches of Med ford a-nd G rants Pass a re erecting a tabernacle to lie located on the old site of the Bridgeview store. Job’s Daughters to Hold Dinner Sat. for Masons Girl Scout Leaders Plan District Picnic Final plans for the Girl Scout A banquet to be held by the Job's D aughters will precede the district picnic to be held Sunday, special m eeting of Belt Lodge No. April 30, at the Ram blers’ picnic 18, A.F. & A M., scheduled for grounds, w ere made at the m onth­ Saturday, April 29, in Kerby. All ly m eeting of the Illinois Valley Masons, E astern S tars and their Girl Scout leaders Tuesday, April friends are invited to a tte n d the 25, a t the home of Hazel Henry. dinner which will be served from Also discussed were plans for 6:30 to eight p.m. Tickets may be i the Girl Scout Day Camp, schedul- obtained a t the door. | ed for June 26 through Ju n e 30. It is expected th a t quite an a t­ Members of each troop held a tendance o f guests will be presen' round-table discussion on the camp at the m eeting from G rants Pass, Sunday afternoon at the I.O.O.F. M edford, Jacksonville, Ashland hall in Kerby. The group discussed and K lam ath Falls. The Courtesy w hat they would like to see done M.M. degree will be exemplfied. at the camp. This “Ju n io r Planning Board” will m eet again fo r dis­ cussion May 23. Double Shower Held In attendance at Sunday’s meet- Mrs. H arold Mock was honored | ing as a rea representative was at a surprise luncheon given Mon­ 1 .Marjorie Hopkins in the absence day, April 24, by a group of o f Rose Look. friends a t the home of Mrs. Don Zimmerman. Surprised and de lighted was the hostess, Mrs. Medford Oddfellows, Zimmerman, when the group gave Ladies, Visit Kerby her a kitchen shower at the same Forty-one m em bers of the time. A ttending and serving the de­ Canton and Ladies’ auxiliary of licious hot flush luncheon were the .Med food chartered a special bus M t-dam es J e rry Tillery, A1 Hem­ last April 12 anil paid the Mar­ bree, H e rb e rt Salvage, Alan Rey­ guerite Rebecca lodge No. 11 an nolds and Don Zimmerman. Othei official and fra te rn a l visit. The guests included w ere Mesdames encam pm ent was dressed in full Fred Salvage, Bill M urph, John regalia, and all the» ladies were Cozad, George Bell, Holly and Bud presented corsages. Hoskins. Unable to attend, but Following the m eeting, an en­ also sending a g ift, was Edith joyable program was presented Farleiin. and refreshm ents were served. --------------o-------------- J.D.’s to Entertain Moms The J o b ’s D aughters, Kerby bethel, will en te rta in th eir mothers on Monday, May 1. Cub Scouts to Meet Tomorrow Evening O’Brien Women’s Club To Hold Card Party The O’Brien W omen’s club will en tertain at a card party Saturday evening, April 29, beginning at j eight o’clock. The public is in­ vited to attend, and refreshm ents will lie served. Tomorrow, Friday evening, t.he Illinois V alley Cub Scout pack will conduct a m eeting a t the I.V. Teachers to Picnic Kerby school beginning at 7 :30 The annual picnic.of the Illinois p.m. Valley teachers will be held Sun­ .....-o-------------- day, May 21, at G rayhack park on the Caves highway. Subscribe to the News. S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H C A T H O L IC C H U R C H F a th e r Kelley. Held at O'Brien W omen's club house. Second and F ourth, Sun lays. Mass, 6 a.m. ■ ■ ■ -■© ■" C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E C H U R C H S E R V IC E S C hristian Science church sor­ Ore., S.D.A. church, was guea' vi»'«** ore held every Sunday mom- .speaker at the 11 o'clock service ng at 11:00 a n r, in the new la st S abbath. P a s to r Jo se p h Api- ■drfitoe, corner of Palm er and j m will speak next Sabbath Kerby Avenues, Cave Junction. April 29. at the 11 o’clock service Sunday school at 9:30 a m. Beginmn-z the first week in W ednesday evening testim onial May, the church school students m eeting at 8 00 p.m. A cordial will canvass the city of Cave nvitrrtfon is extended to all to Ju n c tio n m b eh a lf of World Wide attend. M ission Appeal.— "Be a good .... ------- - a .............—_ nmgbhor to the world.” The D • iv h -society will m«M>t Free Exams to be Given Tiw-sday, May 2, at th e home of Mrs Myo Elliott Clothes for the yiay 10th for Children needy will he repaired and any Starting School in Fall one having old clothes to give Physical exam inations for all away are a«ked to leave them with -bildren p re p a rin g to .-start ¡school Mrs. Elliott. in Se]vteml>er, 1950, will be given by the P T A Sunmii-r K m ndup T H E IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y GO SPEL T A B E R N A C L E W ednesday, May 10, a-t the A m eri­ K.o D rl' . it 11 B urger. P a sto r can lx-gi»xn liall in Cave Junction. Sunday School 10 a m The exam inations, which will he Sunday Worship 1 1 a m . given free of charge, are to bo Sunday Evangelical service 7 45 made by Dr. Dewey of the Jose Thurs,lay Y oung People« service phine County H ealth departm ent an d Bible stu d y , 7 :4o p m. and Dr. V ersteeg. l'a re n ts are urged to bring their children as an A special “ Musical and Sing- ' ex aim nation is required by state spiraU on” »nil be held at the L law before any child is perm itted Gospel Tabe rnacle. Saturday, May to en ter school. If parents fail to i l>th, at 7 15 p in. W atch our do so, it will be necessary for them »hureh notes in next w eek’« u*»ue to have their children examined fo r details. by private physicians at their own --------------- o — expense. B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y All children who will he six Rev. William Peay, Paator. in ara old on or before Nov. 15, In terest in our Sunday school 1950, are eligible to sta rt school i t and o u r attendance in Septem ber. RELAX . . . free from driving strain and traffic worries. SAVE 66-f out of every dollar you'd spend driving! WAYNE MORRIS JA N IS PAIGE SUN., M O N., A P R IL 30 & M A Y 1 C R E S C E N T C IT Y 120 G R A N T S PASS 65 P O R T L A N D ...................... ' 5.40 SAN F R A N C IS C O ....... 6.15 /Y m Freiar-Z TW Additional Sawings on Round Trip Fares J. J. C A S T L E B E R R Y Penguin Cafe Phone 4612 (Caves H iw a y ) GREYHOUND Candidates Chosen For Next Year at High School HI ¿ J* • w - J hcGiplFronvA ' RONALD REAGAN VIRGINIA MAYO EDDIE BRACKEN The candidates for office next year- were announced by a mem her of the nom inating com m ittee TU E S ., W E D .. M A Y 2 & 3 in a special m eeting of the Student LIONS CLUB Body Monday afternoon, April 24. STAGE SHOW Campaign speeches were given W ednesday m orning and elections held Thursday morning. TH U R S ., F R ID A Y , M A Y 4 & 5 Candidates for president a r e : I Deilcres Campbell, Philip C la rk e 1 and Je rrin e Maso-ner. Those chosen fo r vice-president are Sharon DORIS DAY Benge, Don Preston, Je rry Link- JACK CARSON hart anil Bill Kester. Betty Tibbs, LEE BOWMAN L orraine .Mellow and PhylLis Dick are running for the office of sec­ Show« E V E R Y night at 7 and retary. Arlie Scot and Leslie 9. Matinee Saturday, 2 p.m. New M artin are chosen for candidate; program each Sunday, Tuesday, for tre a su re r. Candidates for Thursday and Saturday. sarg ean t a t arm s are Leste-' Sweeten, Ruth Smith and Mar g u e ritte Dillard. Tw enty-five per cent of all J e rry Linkhart was nom inated for vice-president and Bill K ester drivere involved in fatal autom o­ bile accidents in the U.S. last year for president from the floor. w ere between the ages of 18 and It pays to advertise in the News. 24. My Dream Is Yours Fact Finding Boards a p p o in te d by P residents R oosevelt an d Trum an h a v e said th ese dem an d s w e re " d e v o id o f m e rit" and th e y w e re IIJERED TWICE ! BEDDING ! N o w th e F ire m e n ’s lead ers seek to p a r a ly z e r a ilr o a d tra n s p o rta tio n to com pel th e ra ilro a d s to e m p lo y a w h o lly unnecessary a d d itio n a l Firem an to rid e on d iesel locom otives. This scheme is plain L eaders of the Firemen’s union have called a nationwide strike starting with four great railroads on April 26. These railroads are the New York Central, Penn­ sylvania, Santa Fe, and Southern. The union claim that a second fireman is needed on grounds of sa fe ty is sheer hypocrisy. Safety has been drugged into this dispute only in an unsuccessful effort to give a cloak of respect ability to vicious feather-bedding demands. After a careful study of the first de­ mands of this union, a Presidential Fact Finding Hourd on May 21, 1943, reported to President Kooss-velt that there was no need for an e x tra firem an on diesel locomotives. Again, on September 19, 1949, after a second hearing on the union leaders' de­ mands, a second Hoard reported to Presi­ dent Trum an th a t; ' then' presently exists no need for an additional fireman . . . upon either the ground of safety or that of efficiency and economy of operation." Safety Record of Diesels Is Outstandingly Good Although the railm adsaccepted the Board findings, the union leaders have brazenly rejected them. They represent th at an / Jones Beach* ME! C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Rev. S. H. M. Staines. Sunday School, 9:45 a. ni. Church Service«, 11 :00 a. ni. Young Peoples' Meeting, 7 p. m Dhurch, 8 p. ni. P ray er M eeting W ednesday, S p. tn. The Younger Brothers ^GKeyHOUHO • S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 29 F e a th e r-b e d d in g schem e o f F ire m e n ’s Union to put an a d d itio n a l Firem an on d iesel locom otives has been ASSEMBLY OF GOD Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. IL W antland, pastor Sunday School, 10 M orning W orship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service, 7.30 Preaching every Sunday morn ng at 10:80, communion services ainiediately following at our :hurch house ju st south of J. S Bedingfield's residence on the cem ■tery road. Everyone is cordially nvited nwy M/V£ extra fireman is needed for "safety” rea­ sons. Here’s what the Board had to say on that point: "T he safety and on-tim e performance of diesel electric locomotive» operated under current rules have been notably good . . . •’Upon careful analysis of the data sub­ m itted on safety, we have concluded th at no valid reasons have been shown as a support for the Rrotherhood pro­ posal under which a fireman would be required to he at all times continuously in the cab of road diesels. The proposal m ust he rejected.” The rec/ reason behind these demands is that the union lenders are trying to make jobs where there is no work. In other words, a plain case of "feather-bedding." The railroads have no intention of yield­ ing to these wasteful make-work demands. "The Sofety Retord of Diesels is Outstandingly Good . . P rksidkntiai F act F inding B oard R eport Head these excerpt« from official reports of Presidential Fact Finding Boards: 1 he safety record of Diesel« is o u t­ standingly goixl, and it follows th at the safety rule« now applicable have prixiuced good results.” I he safety and on-time performance of Die«