Illinois V'alley News, Thursday, March 30, 1950 No isin? Spring ióJJere! And Summer Is Right Around the Corner Time to Think of New Bright Clothes O U R F IE S T A S K IR T S A R E A GOOD ♦ > < ) ] { S T A R T E R -------- Priced at •» •« P O New Shortie Jackets, sanforized, in white and cardinal S U M M E R E T T E P L A Y SHO ES * > .2 5 in all wanted shade* to « » .4 9 O ur bargain table team s with values unheard of I I I I I I I Î I I Í IN M E N ’S W E A R W E A R W E H A V E New Wool Slacks --- T -S h irt* --- Gabardine Sport Shirt* and T ie* that take you place* O ur Spring Line of SWOES for the whole family grows daily. C O M E IN A N D LOO K A R O U N D MARTIN'S DRY GOODS & CLOTHING “Where Price and Quality Are Friends.” Fascinating Fashions Around W ith Edith Farlian Juily Seaton ■ lingerie collar« and cuffs so fash­ ionable this season. Mary Jane is i modeling a charming hat made en­ tirely of massed clusters of white flowers . . . Set piquantly over her eye. it’s ju st right with her heart- shaped face. A tiny bow of narrow green velvet ribbon holds this con­ fection together and sets off the white flowers. “Secret of making this hat,” says Mary Jane, “is to be lavish with the flowers. Don’t skimp; if you have any flowers left over, pin a cluster on your lapel or bag.” You can find the foundations for making these bonnets in any good millinery supply store — pick out the shape th a t is most becoming to your face shape. There you can also find artificial flowers and veiling. Try a combination of massed vio­ lets, interspersed with green velvet bows, the whole veiled in a cloud of pale violet maline. Or m ulti­ colored field flowers accented with a drift of soft moss green veiling— nothing could be more fresh and Mary Jane Higby spring-like! Or make a daisy bonnet—cover you might try making your own a buckram foundation completely sprin g chapeau. I t’s easy and lots with field daisies. Make a flat bow of fun and, besides, it’s a wonder­ of wide black velvet ribbon with fully inexpensive way to add an a t­ long stream ers; scatter a few daisy flowers on the long ends and attach tractive hat to your wardrobe. “ Little flowery hats are so ver­ the whole bow to the back of the satile,’’ says petite Mary Jane H ig­ hat. There are innumerable possibili­ by, s ta r of the NBC daytime serial, “ When A Girl M arries.” “They go ties — all you heed is imagination beautifully with tailored suits, and and taste. Tack the flowers lightly are perfect with summer prints and to the buckram foundation and an­ «ottons, too.” These little hats are chor the veiling lightly—millinery no sm art with the spic-and-span take» the light touch. With the coming of springtime and fresh new fashions, it’s time to think about new E aster outfits. Dearest of all to the feminine heart a t Eastertim e is the all-im portant E aster bonnet. This year, perhaps and seasonings. O ver this pour undiluted mushroom, soup. Mix I bread crum bs w ith m elted b u tte r and a rran g e on top. Bake in a m oderate oven (325 degrees) for H ere is a delicious w estern 20 m inutes, o r until heated recipe, published in the c u rre n t through. Serve w ith a mixed green salad. Serves 4. issue of S unset M againe, called --------------o-------------- C rab and Avocado Casserole. It combines two typically w estern in­ gredien ts to m ake a p erfect lenten dish. 2 avocados 12 pound crab m eat Juice of 1 lemon Salt and pepper to taste 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 cup dry bread crum bs 1 tablespoon m elted b u tte r G rease a tw o-quart casserole. A rran g e sliced avocado and crab m eat in a lte rn a te layers, sprinkl­ ing tach layer w ith lemon juice Crab And Avocado Casserole Makes Perfect Lenten Dish Easter Party Treats for Small Fry Baby Chick Bayers Urged To Use Caution Mrs. Maude W atkins has been W ith the seasonal peak for ta k ­ on the sick list fo r a few days but is b e tte r now. C an’t keep a good ing delivery on baby chicks soon girl down, eh dear? at hand, the state departm ent of agriculture today called attention Leo and Blanche Yandell and of chick buyers to the importance daughter Shirlene returned from o f taking precautions to protect a trip to Oklahoma, where they th eir purchase against any possible visited Blanche's m other. They re ­ appearance of Newcastle disease. ported nice w eather most of the M. E. Knickerbocker, chief of tim e b u t a re very happy to be the division of anim al industry, home again. J u s t reg u lar gada- said that 51 cases of Newcastle !>outs, buh folks? have been officially diagnosed in Oregon in the three years since Carolyn Covington is suffering, this disease was first reported or should say enduring, a broken here. No new cases have been toe. Seems as how she was moving diagnosed since Feb. 14 this year. fu rn itu re about the house and the But with the spring movement of toe next the “ little st” one got in chicks just around the corner he the way.— Make "S ippy’’ do the suggests that each chick buyer heavy work, dear! make himself or herself a commit­ — o— tee of one to see th a t Oregon’s Shirley Wells and Ja n e Ann position with respect to Newcastle Holzhausen (accom panied by Y. continues relatively good. T.) w ere in C rescent City last F r i­ To this end fie suggests th a t it day to check on th eir dental work. would be well for buyers (1) to W on’t be long now, eh girls? get their chicks from an Oregon ■ -O Earl and Hilda Magnuson (of hatchery; (2) to take delivery of M a g n u s o n Photographers on the chicks in their own care or Rockydale R oad) atten d ed the trucks; (3) or have them delivered dock presentation (o r w hat is it in the hatchery truck. These pre­ called?) in C rescent C ity on Sat. cautions will help avoid some of the 18th. The pictures w ere swell, the hazards of the disease. Knickerbocker pointed out that folks! the quarantine method of control — o— Mr. and Mrs. K enneth A rm ­ is no longer being imposed on strong have a new daughter, Mabel Newcastle disease outbreaks in Gayle— w eight 6 lbs., 11 oz.— She this state, and th a t use of live irrived March 1.— ’Scuse it folks, virus vaccine is controlled by the .ust found o u t this bit o f news-— departm ent of ag riculture on a re rm it basis. All applications for C ongratulations! nermits should be addressed to the Dora (M rs. Jim ) W alck, home lepartm ent headquarters a t Salem. .or a few weeks to a tte n d business. No requirem ents are imposed on Jim is recuperating from an opera- the use of dead virus vaccine. Susceptible baby chicks three ion. Do hope you’ll 3oon be home to six weeks of age may be vac­ to sta y folks! cinated with live-virus vaccine to Lewis Styben of Camp W ishon, Immunize them against the disease Aringfield, Calif., visited his sister in those cases where a perm it to id brother-in-law , Rose and John use the vaccine has first been cherzinger o f Caves Highway secured. ,st w eek— Short visit eh, Mrs. In connection with the preven­ >hn? tion and control of Newcastle disease in Oregon, Knickerbocker Faye H ale has been on the calls attention to the bulletin on puny” list fo r the past week. Do this subject (C ircular of Inform a­ ope you’ll soon be feeling fine tion 473) prepared by Dr. E. M. gain dear— We miss o u r 10:30 Dickinson of state college experi­ .m. cup of coffee! No kidding! ment station and now available through the college or county Enid (Mrs. W. O.) Burch, left agents. donday to visit d aughter W anda ind fam ily in Salt Lake City, U tah, lope you have a nice time, honey! Western Star Social Club B utch (guess w ho?) and Ed L'lark bought them selves a real ‘fly c a tc h e r.”— By the way boys, Io these “ fly ca tc h e rs” have good ‘choppers?” And folks, fo r a real “China ?lipper” dem onstration be sure nd drop in to see the “ anim ated" nes th a t Dr. C harles De M artin ■f C rescent City gave to “ B utch." 'hey a re w orth a few m inutes’ ime ju s t to see them work. The lughs they provoke are a bang! la-ha! Playing At The Ivy Sunday Bing Crosby and Ann Blylh are teamed for love and songs ia “ Top 0 ’ The Morning" which co-stars Barry Fitzgerald and Hume Cronyn with the pair. Game Commission Releases R E A Backs Josephine Mountain Goats In County Highway Program Wallowa Mountains The executive board of the Red­ F o r the first time in history, m ountain goats may be numbered am ong the gam e animals of the sta te of Oregon. Tuesday, March 28, a crew of Oregon S tate Game commission live-trapping experts released six m ountain goats a t the head of W allowa lake in Wallowa county. The three billies and throe nannies were trapped in the Chop- aka m ountains in the sta te of W ashington, ju st a few miles from the Canadian border. The Oregon game crew, w orking in conjunc tion with a crew from the W ash­ ington S tate Game departm ent, had been w orking for several weeks preparing the trap. The goats w ere received from the sta te of W ashington in ex­ change fo r a sta rt of pronghorn antelope which Oregon gave to W ashington several years ago. Last year an attem pt was made to trap some of the sure-footed m oun­ tain goats, b u t it was abandoned a fte r several weeks of unsuccess­ ful effort. Mr. C. A. Lockwood, Oregon sta te game director, stated that although n atu ralists have never been able to find any evidence th a t m ountain goats had ever existed in the state of Oregon, the rough, high Wallowa m ountains To Have Food Sale should make ideal habitat for the The W estern S ta r social club m ountain loving animals. will hold a cooked food sale at If your name is spelled incor­ i Badden’s Bakery Saturday, April rectly on your account num ber 1, sta rtin g a t 9:30 a.m. card, contact a field office o f the --------------o Try the Classified Ads in The Social Security A dm inistration and have it corrected. News. They pay dividends. The new s from the San is still ood. Jim m y is continuing to im- rove and sendk best w ishes to all u r frie n d s here and elsewhere, [e also asks th a t everyone keep w riting, even though he doesn't answ er them all.— His hand and arm a re still on the bum and he •an’t use them very well yet. H ere's a little poem I thought worth while to pass on to you: If a tro u b le comes yo u r way Don’t ask a friend to share it; Leave it fo r a b rig h te r day And you— ju st grin and bear it. If a joy comes into view, Go m ore’n half way to greet it; J u s t feel sure it is fo r you— And th a t’s the w ay to m eet it. And it’s kinda like I alius say— No pillow a t night is so fter than your conscience when you’ve treated your fellow man as you would like to be treated . See you next week! Funeral Services Held For Hiram Miller F u neral services fo r Hiram Miller, 60, resident o f Cave Ju n c­ tion fo r several years, were held Monday, March 27, a t two p.m., at the L. B. Hall chapel in G rants Pass. Rev. William C. Piper o ffi­ ciated and in term ent was made in G ranite Hill cem etery. M iller was bom May 2, 1889, but his birthplace is not known. There are believed to be no su r­ viving relatives. He died Tuesday, March 21, at Josephine G eneral hospital follow ing a prolonged illness. wood Empire association has authorized support to Josephine county’s highway program , favor­ ing appropriations fo r U.S, 199, including a wider and safer route through G rants P a s s ; w idening of Caveman bridge and improvements and m odernizations from the bridgehead southw esterly to the California-O regon line. This pre- ontation was made by Josephine county V ice-president Fred P ie r­ son, supported by Judge W. A. Johnson, R.E.A. Past-president C. 1!. Demaray and D irector W alter Newcomibe, all members of the REA executive board. This pro­ gram is in consonance with the G rants Pass and Josephine County Citizens' com m ittee plan, beaded by Neil Allen of G rants I’ass, It was stated. The Josephine county delega­ tion also invites! the board to hold its Ju ly m eeting in G rants Pass during the Gladiolus Festival. ------------- o-------------- çw f The Poor Cave Man Had No Newspaper To Advertise In. But You Have !! Q The G -E Space M aker R e frig e ra to r is packed with practical convenience«. For example, the butter conditioner keep« b u t­ ter at easy-spreading consistency. It gives you one-third more refrigerated food storage space in the same floor «pace occupied by former 6-cu-ft model«. You’ll get years of day-after-day depend­ able service, because it's powered by the famous G -E sealed-in refrigerating system. G race (M rs. V irgil) Brown is in the hospital in G ran ts Pass fol­ lowing an em ergency operation.— All your friends sent best wishes and hope you will soon be fully recovered, m y dear! Well folks— I missed being with you last week. T hanks for all the nice things said about the column. An E aster party to r the youngsters is fun for everybody, with saucy Easter funnies, gay candy baskets and brilliantly colored E aster t i f. -tive scene. For refreshm ent, birds’ nest cakes made < f n- nngue are a delicious accompaniment to the sparkling fruity straw berry orange punch served in a tall pitcher or punch bowl. This flavorful punch is inexpensive and easy to prepare with the new concentrated Real Gold Orange Base which comes in handy-sited ca- s you can keep on your shelf With w ater added, each small can f R al Gold F ruit Base makes a full quart, and you get all the tangy, f i. .i fruit flavor without the fuss of straining or squeezing. EASTER STRAWBERRY ORANGE PUNCH 2 small cans Real Gold Orange Base Fresh or frozen strawberries, sliced Water To each small can of concentrated berries. No sugar is needed-^ orange base, add five cans of Makes 2 quarts, water. Stir and add sliced straw. Paffe 3 8-cubic-foot model as le v a t $ 239-95 Per week ONLY $ 2.61 after dow n paym ent Model N F8G 3? GEN ERAL ELEC TR IC £ Refrigerator M oro Ih a n 2,000 000 G-E R efrigerator» H ave Been in Use fa r 10 Year» e r Longerl You can put your confidence in G eneral Electric n - t Ä S f f lß r — fU R H IIU « VOU’U. A P ^ RE Cave Junction r » jr > > x j t JcjfcXXjUL? ¡