Page 7 Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 16, 1950 ♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ HUUUllil! , W ANTED— Pole stum page. M. A. C L A S S IF IE D R A T E S Sprague, Selma. 47-2tp Minimuqi charge 50 cents. The deadline for advertising is 5 W IN D O W GLASS o ’clock W ednesday aftern o o n . ALL SIZES window glass cut and installed. Illinois Valley H ard­ FOR SA LE w are, Cave Junction. 25-tfc FO R SALE— Norge washer, in ex­ cellent condition, $30. Bob REPA IRS— On all makes of sew­ ing machines. Free estim ates D esaulniers, Dick George Road. given in advance by Bonded 4 7 -ltp Singer representative. W rite Singer Sewing Machine Com­ MALL MODEL NO. 7 chain saw, pany, 40 N orth F ront, Medford, 4-ft. felling bar and C-B chain. Oregon. • 10-tfc Good condition, $150. iselnia R epair Shop. 4 7 -ltp BUILT IN CABINETS of all FO R SAND AND GRAVEL, good kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones top soil, road and driveway C abinet Shop, Drews Building, m aintenance. Clyde K night, at Cave Ju n ction. 44-tfc C. G. & E. Texaco G arage. 32-tfe W ATER W ELL DRILLING, do­ mestic and irrigation wells, 12 FO R SALE— $55, heavyw eight to 36 m onths to pay. Latest ta rp , 18x24. New, used once, equipm ent available. Satisfied $40. Inquire Bob and Ruth, Cave custom ers our m otto. Paquin Ju n ctio n . 4 7 -ltp & Storey, 800N. 10th St., G rants Pass. Phone 2631 or 3583. FOR SALE— All tire s in stock. 25 PERCEN T O FF IJS T FOR FU RN ITU RE — Try Man PRICE, while they last. Selma chel’s first, where it's “ F u rn i­ G arage and Supply, Selma, O re­ tu re You’ll A dm ire a t Prices gon. Doyl Hamilton. 40-tfc You’ll A ppreciate.” 47-tfc FOR SALE— Unfinished 6-room house, n e a r I.V. High school. Cash or term s. See Elwood Hussey, phone 3703. 47-2tp D Y N A M IT E TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if you need blasting powder. 22! W est F St., G rants Pass. 47-tfc L IV E S T O C K AND LO G C A B IN GARAGE G eneral A uto R epairing M otor Tune-U p — L ubrication W elding ART DEDRICK, Prop., Selma DYNAMITE — Black powder, fuses and caps. Illinois Valley H ardw are, agency fo r D uPont Pow der. 47-tfc PO U LTR Y FOR SALE— Baby chicks. H am p­ CREDIT BUREAUS SAY— Mer chants Pay Day is on the 10th shire Red, blood-tested, flock. Pay your m erchant promptly $17 per hundred. 18c each. and keep your credit good. O rder now. Hayes Hill H atchery, W onder. 46-tfc WANT TO SELL OR TRADE th a t unused item around th< REAL ESTATE home? Place a classified ad ir The News FOR SALE — Lots on and near Caves highway, ti-m ile from window frames Redwood highway. Title in su r­ ance on every lot. C ontact Any Kind or Any Size H erb ert Falkenhayn, cor. Caves highway and Old Stage road, Rt VALLEY LUMBER C o . 1, box 24, Gave Junction. 5-tfc 221 W est F St. Phone 4612 “ GRANTS PASS M IS C E L L A N E O U S LOST— Crosley 4.50x12 tire and wheel, between G rants Pass and O’Brien. F in d er please sontact Phil Jackson, Jo u rn al C arrier, Rt. 1, Box 94A, Rogue River, Oregon. 4 7 -ltp S A W F IL IN G CARPENTER, small circular, cross cuts and drags. Gage, Caves highway, n ear Redwood. RENTALS R egina W axer and Polisher, $1.25 per day, re tu rn same day, $2.00 over week end, retu rn Monday 9 a. m. M ANCHEL’S F u rn itu re , Cave Junction. 6-5tc FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement m ixer, electrically driven. Illi­ nois Valley H ardw are, Cave Junction. 25-tfc ROUGH & READY GARAGE near GASOLINE O perated Cement Rough & Ready Mill. G enera’, m ixer fo r re n t by the day, repairing and specializing in all m ounted on trailer. Also 2x6 electrical and car'auretion re to 2x12 S2S, $20 per M. Caves pairs. M otor tuneups. Reason­ Building Supplies, Cave Ju n c ­ able prices and all work g u a ra n ­ tion. 27-tfc teed. Pickup and delivery. Phone FOR R E N T 1012, W. B. Myers. 18-tfc RENT— 2 large-room a p a rt­ HEM STITCHING, buttonholes, FOR m ent, furaished, all conveni­ hemming, ru fflin g and dress­ ences, utilities paid; $45 per m aking. Also private in stru c­ m onth. Gage, Caves highway, tions. Bob and Ruth, Cave n ear Redwood. 43-tfc Junctio n . 4 7 -ltp RENT— 3 rooms and shower, USED FU RN ITU RE— Bought and FOR m odern u nfurnished cottage. sold. Jones C abinet Shop, Drews Eastw ood Village, 1 mile south Bldg., Cave Junction. 44-tfc on Redwood highway. 47-tfc N O TICE— I still have plenty of Prestone, Zerex and PT p er­ FOR RENT— Room in private home. Lady only. Inquire at m anent anti-freezes. I also have Bob and Ruth, Cave Junction. T reak a t $1.25 per gallon. 4 7 -ltp P lenty of mud and snow tires, as low as $7.50. Mud chains. FOR RENT— 3 - room modern Selm a G arage and Supply, house, near High school. P artly Selma, Oregon. 35-tfc furnished. Call 3703 or see Elwood Hussey. 47 -ltc ELECTRICA L CONTRACTING and repairs. All work and m a­ T ry the Classified Ads in The te ria l guaran teed . Illinois \ al­ ley H ardw are, Cave Junction. News. They pay dividends. M ATTRESS N aturopathic Physician HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m O ffice Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 Windows and Doors! VALLEY LUMBER Co. for your repair jobs Charles N. Versteeg, M. D. 221 W est F St. O P T O M E T R IS T E very T hurs. 12 noon to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointm ent only A ppointm ents m ade a t W hite s D rug Store, Cave Junction TITLE INSURANCE ESCROWS THENO CRUISING RIGHT-OF-WAY PLATS LOGGING ROADS SURVEYING Phone 4612 G R A N T S PASS, O R EG O N Daily Freight Service G R A N T S PASS, P O R T L A N D and SAN F R A N C IS C O Y A N D E L L BROS. G A R A G E Pierce Auto Freight Phone 5411 401 W . Bridge St G rant* Pa«» iiiiniinitiiiiiniittttttttttmwininiiitinitimtiiitituiHiittintitfnimnnu West Coast Lumber Gains In Popularity O regon's famed west coast lum ­ ber has now been given charm and distinction. In three short years of intensive national advertising, in com petition w ith the nation's best known products, w est coast lum ber has become the most sought a fte r of all lum ber species. It is being demanded, in ever increasing quantities, by Milady, who has a p re tty big say about how the co untry’s new homes are built. More and more, architects and designers specify w est coast woods for new schools, churches, commercial and industrial build­ ings. Much of this increased demand for west coast woods, m uch of the wider acceptance and g re a te r ap previation of Douglas fir and othei species from this region, stems- from the three-year, nation-wide advertising and prom otion cam ­ paign of the W est Coast Lum ber­ m en’s association. Results of this program to personalize one-time drab wood have been surprisingly successful. Lum berm en from the Rogue River Valley, m em bers of tht W est Coast L um berm en’s associa tion, are being given a largei share in planning and executing the industry’s 1950 nation-w idt prom otion and advertising. T hirteen lum berm en from Rogue River Valley have ju st been named to impoi-tant key com m ittees ol the association by P resident D. W Gossard. Named from this section are: George F lanagan and H. C. Sam per of Elk Lum ber Co., M edford; B. L. N utting, R. J. Hogue and K. P. Pickens of Medford Corpor ation, M edford; Floyd H art, Tim­ ber Products Co., M edford; Thos. Roes, Ross Lum ber Co., M edford: A. A. Lausm ann, Kogap Lumbei Industries, M edford; H a rry S. Dowson, Southern Oregon Planing Mill Inc., M edford; E. W. Pease. Trail Creek Lum ber Co., Trail H. E. Brown, Brown Bros. Lumbei Co., W illiams, and Jam es A. Pack Moore T im ber Products, Grants Pass. These men will serve on sue! im portant industry committee« a1 trade prom otion, general m aritim e grades and inspections, imports and exports, lum ber costs, ana reports, open carloading rules, public relations, technical and re search and traffic. Accounting Service FOR YOUR Audits, Bookeeping and Quarterly reports NOTARY PUBLIC 800 N 10th St. G rants Pass PHONE 2631 or 3683 For March Convertible Tops ! ! $55 — Installed We A re Tops in Tops THE TRIM SHOP 313 North 6th St. Grant« Pats Back of Ole'a MOVING! TELEPHONE Grant« Paas 4439 H O M E P H O N E 3101 ISHAM’S FAST MOVERS Radio Repairs BETTER VALUES in lawn "The Best for less by Les" equipment... look for the irha symbol of service! Agent Beilin Van Linea BASHAM W h e n it com es to every req u ire m e n t for R adio S ervice law n an d garden c a r e -d e p e n d o n th e ju d g ­ 8 /1 0 Mile East On Cavea Hiway m e n t an d th e m erch an d ise of your hom e­ 4 any Farmers Have Many farm ers and farm w orkers n Josephine county have a stake in the Federal social security p ro ­ gram, according to Paul F. Jo h n ­ son, m anager of the local social security office. Although farm work is not covered by the present social tecurity law. m ore th an one-third of the farm operators in the county have built up wage credits in the Federal Old-Age and S u r­ vivors Insurance system, Johnson ■»aid. He estim ated th a t nearly one-half of the hired farm w orkers in the county have some social tecurity credits. Jobs in defense industries and seasonal work in logging and canning operations, accounted for m ost of the wage ■redits built up by the farm >wners and employees. Less than half of the farm ers who hold social security cards have worked in covered employ­ ment long enough to be eligible for old-age or death benefits, Johnson estim ated. “ We suggest, however, th at those who have pre­ viously contributed to the old-age in d survivors insurance tru st fund should check on the present status if th eir social security accounts, specially if they are nearing age 35." The local office a t Eugene, Oregon, will be glad to assist in retting this inform ation. “ Both retirem en t benefits at age 65, and death benefits to w orkers’ fam ilies, are based on saving a su fficien t am ount of •overed employm ent. Those not insured at this tim e may possibly »btain additional coverage by g e t­ ting part-tim e or seasonal jobs in industry.” Rural residents who acquire an ‘insured s ta tu s ” under social security have a special advantage when they reach 65, according to Johnson. They may receive old- ige retirem en t benefits while con­ tinuing their agricultural work. Watch Repairing ----- READ THE ADS See sonally in terested in its w e lfa re l. . . M ak e th e red, w h ite and blue i r h a em blem your buying g u id e—it’s th e sign of sou n d values h onest goods, fair dealingl NATIONAL and AFFILIATED RETAIL HARDWARE ASSOCIATIONS C 19 M l N a t io n a l R e ta il H a r d w a r e A«»a< la tlo a Illinois Valley Hardware ? THE HAMILTONS, MYO and EARL Cave Junction YOUR HOME MERCHANTS ASK YOU TO "BUY AT HOME” HOW ABOUT THAT LUBE JOB? I t’s tim e for a thorough spring check-up and an efficient lubrication job on the vehicles th a t have taken a beating through the slush and mud — every day’s delay may mean fu rth e r dam age in an expensive place. I. L. NEILSEN W a tc h m a k e r aad J aw alar 520 East H Street N O T IC E TO OUR S U B S C R IB ER S our subacribcrs rem inding them 210 W e,t A S t PHONE 44 53 of their expiration date. Poatal regulation« require all aabacrip- tiona to be paid in advance, and we request that your remittance be mailed in immediately in order GLENN MORRISON POST to keep our mailing liat up to date. HULL & HULL Funeral Home The American Legion NEWS ADS GET RESULTS We have the modern equipment r i d • killed personnel lo give You «peedy, money.saving service on all lu b ri­ cation and repair job». Xev C«a M il, M » , , Wit tout adveitising - Ambulane« Service Day or Night Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday VISITOR« WELCOME p a rt of y o u r c o m m u n ity , vitally and p e r­ MAYBE •» - o * * E L G IN All - American Youth Series Men’s and Ladles’ Watches] Card« were recently mailed to Rogue River Title Co. ' g 'n u T p a M 212 N. 6th St. to w n h ard w arem an ! R e m e m b e r—h e’s a Social Security Credit IRA S. HALL Grant« Paaa, Oregon W ater Well Drilling PAQUIN & STORY SPECIAL • Next to Post Office Cave Junction PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY OR. T. WINSTON SMITH • • • • J. HALL’S ACCOUNTING SERVICE R egister To V ote! — PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON D. E N G IN E E R IN G SEE WE ARE NOW agents fo r sales books. If you have a limited supply on hand, it would be ad­ visable to order now. Come in a t the News office. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon . 2 to 5 p. m. ■ i L O G G IN G Federal and State income tax returns R E N O V A T IN G FU RN ITU RE UPHOLSTERING. All work g uaranteed. Beauty- c ra ft, 113 South 8th S treet, phone 3192, G rants Pass. 18-tfc I)R. A. N. COLLMAN ..uUlillUtllliUllllUlllUUUI' Special Price From Now Until April 1st $39.75 After April 1st Price Will Return to Regular $45.00 JOHNSON JEWELER 619 East “H” St., Grant« P«ss C.G.& E.GARAGE Wrecker Service — Phone 4001 Cave Junction, Oregon r AUTHORIZED DEALER ADVANCE PUMPS Domestic and Irrigation Industrial and Residential Wiring K ’s Electric Service unction Cave Junction I