Page Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 9, 1950 2 $ llihc ¡4 Vaileif He to A Playing At The Ivy Sunday Ship “ North Bend” Takes Load From New C. C. Dock The ship "N orth Bend”, a con­ verted LSM of the Irwin-I.yons E D I lO K l.- i lumber company, made the first Published every T hursday a t Cave N A T I O N AL run into the "n ew ” Crescent Junctio n , Oregon, by the Illinois A S S O C'VA t IO .N Valley Publishing Company. r , City harbor last week, took on a E ntered as second-class m atter __________ A t t i v i M I M B i l , cargo of lum ber from Citizen’s Ju n e 11, 1937, a t the Post Office Dock, and departed two days latei a t Cave Junctio n , Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. for Coos Bay. It was reported H itlH O r t r ja | ru n , prelude to regu­ J. C. A b e r n a t h y ............................................ lar operation by the lum ber com- SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 pany, w ent off w ithout a hitch. In Josephine County The "N orth Bend” and her sis­ NEW SPA PER One Y ear ........................ —.....S2.50 ter ship “ Relondo”, self-powered Six Months - .......................... >>1.25 PU B L ISH E R S sea-going lum ber carriers con­ Outside Josephine County ''ASSOCIATION verted from LSMs by the Irwin One Y ear .....~........................ $3 00 ^y Ons Cftfnpa ny( have a capacity of 650,000 board feet and a d ra ft of nine and one half feet. Happy citizens of Crescent City expect ____ _____________ them to be frequent visitors from PAPER redwood ’ empire now on. IIIW O O D EM PI H l A S S O C IA T IO N Form al dedication of Citizen’s Dock is scheduled for Saturday, March 18, and the Del N orte cham ­ WHAT’S IN A NAME? ber of commerce and other Cres­ cent City groups have extended The present situation involving the high school faculty out into the w arm est of welcomes to all the faculty of the Illinois Valley the stre e t w ithout the least ves­ Illinois Valley citizens to attend High School has spawned another tige of charge or provocation? The and partake of the festivities. large num ber of people who were organization in one of the most so willingly “ coerced” into atten d ­ Featured a ttractio n s will include highly organized spots in the ing the meeting of the previous a crab dinner, a fishing boat race, and a dance Saturday night. co u n try ; th e “ Committee for W ednesday and who so eagerly Of guaranteed in terest is a B etter Schools in the Illinois Val­ gave testim ony even though they Queen contest to select if "Miss ley”. However, there is certainly didn’t know w hat the m eeting wa3 Citizen’s Dock”— organizations room for this organization if it about might furnish a clue to the in cities and towns of the area are lives up to its name, and we wel­ analytical minded. being asked to subm it candidates. I t was mentioned by one speaker come it into existence. Each town is to send one candidate U n fortunately the committee th at “ it is not necessary for a and a ru n n eru p if desired and got o ff to a rath er bad sta rt in its teacher to commit a crime to get j final judging will be done in Cres­ first (as fa r as we know) public fired ”— something to th at effect. cent City. C andidates will be ju d ­ appearance. Henry Appey, speak­ T hat is over sim plification; surely ged on poise, charm , personal a p ­ ing in the com m ittee’s name at it is necessary for a teacher to do pearance, a ttire (w hether self- last Monday nig h t’s m eeting of or not do something to get the the county school bpard, dealt hatchet. The school law of the made or purchased), carriage an.I largely in personalities and sternly state, which the district attorney voice. No age lim its have been rebuked the NEWS fo r misdeeds has ruled was not complied with, set. A rrangem ents in Cave Ju n c ­ to which we parenthetically plead states that the local school commit­ tion are being handled by Fred not guilty. But Mr. Appey did tee shall specify its reasons for Linkhart, and all interested per­ not address himself to the question any rejection. And if any crime sons are advised to contact him. The local Greyhound agent, J. nt hand, which has to do with a or serious charge is involved, a J. C astleberry, advises th at the good school and why should the teacher should be discharged sum­ Greyhound company will furnish live core of its faculty be rejected marily w ithout being allowed to | a special bus for a party of twenty- with an airy wave of the hand and finish out the day. nary a word of explanation. Mr The “ pain and anguish” s u f f e r - . five or more. F or a small ad- Appey did give rubber stamp ap­ ed by the members of the local ditional char* e over the re* ul,a r proval to the local school com­ committee because the Valley round-trip fare, the bus will take m ittee in anything they wish to rose up and protected the injustice them to C rescent City and wait do, and with th a t we will take of their acts can hardly compare until they are ready to come horn- with the pain and anguish being thus relieving the celebrants of issue. suffered by the five faculty mem- , the weary drive over the m ountain Election of a local school com­ m ittee does not constitute the bers who face dismissal and the aftel' a day of revelry. Interested elevation of its members to the ruination of their professional parties may inquire at the re n - position of an absolute monarch. careers for no reason w hatever. guin Cafe. An independent new spaper devoted to the development of the Illinois VaNey and its surrounding districts. T hat com m ittee is charged by law w ith various duties and respon­ sibilities, among which is acq u ain t­ ing the county school board with the wishes of the people of that urea regarding the schools. The dereliction of duty in this regard was covered in o u r last issue, and we will not bore th"e reader with a rehash. But to elect a person to office nnd blindly follow his dic­ tates without question— what was it they called it in Europe? No, it has never sold in the United States, and it won’t sell. An elec­ ted official is answ erable to the electo rate for every official move he makes, and if he can’t take criticism he shouldn’t take office. A nother thing, not serious per­ haps hut still it troubled us, was the scrawny appearance of this new com m ittee— w ere most of its members too indisposed to attend the meeting? Or cun it be that the com m ittee has a larger name than it has membership, and that the vast m ajority of Valley people are thoroughly out of sym pathy with the local school com m ittee’s a t­ tem pts to fling five members of LETTERStotheEDITOR To the E ditor: Ju st my opinion, of course, but I think the situation around the " firin g ” of some of our high school teachers is a crying shame and disgrace. Mr. Hagen and the teachers have been most coopera­ tive in many situations coming under my jurisdiction. They have helped me at times to help * ►me­ rlin* else. I firmly believe that any school com m ittee m ember wishing to judge or " f ir e ” a teacher should have been in a position (or at least in the com m unity) to know w hat they were talking about. H eavenbless the school teachers, th eir job is not an easy one They are most certainly not paid for th e ir work and in some places have only th e rudest facilities The folks who were irked over this nnd said so are to lx* comtpli- F R I., SAT., M A R C H 10 and 1 The Doolins Of Oklahoma RANDOLPH SCOTT GEORGE MACREADY LOUISE ALLBRITTON i SUN., M O N., M A R C H 12 and 13 »"W G * ¡toSikuOfiil Mark Stevens and Coleen Gray in a »cene from the technicolor ^'S and c o u m GRAY hoki CALHOUN The Lost Tribe Blondie's Big Deal' LETTERS Local Court News S A V E 20% $10,000.00 Car Liability Policy for Only $25.50 per year (on most models) C la rk 's In su ran ce A g e n c y Hotel Del Rogue Building Grants Pass — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — The Doolins of Oklahoma has a whopping cast, either way you look at it, num erically or physi­ cally. C LO SED T U E S D A Y S A lthough a large num ber of W ED.. T H U R S ., M A R C H 15 & 16 actors ¡3 not unusual in a picture, the size of the men in the im­ p o rtan t roles of this large scale W estern dram a of the daring JOHNNY W EISSMULLER Doolin Gang, early-day Oklahoma M yrna Dell — Elena Verdugo outlaws, is quite startling. — and—■ Randolph Scott, the sta r; George M acready, John Ireland, Frank Fenton, Charles Kemper, Jock O’Mahoney and Robert Osterloh Penny Singleton — A rth u r Lake a re all more than six feet, one- inch tall. The shortest man in the cast is Noah Beery, who stretches a mere five-feet’-ten. The only person unhappy about the situation was Dona Drake, who barely reaches for the five-foot OREGON BANKERS ASSN. mark. She got a stiff neck from F ebruary 15, 1950 looking up in all her scenes with the altitudinous gents. Mr. S. Clifford Sparks, Cave Junction, Oregon SUNDAY AND MONDAY Dear C liff: We have ju st The same trio which made learned you are heading a group Smoky, T hunderhead, Son of to organize an Independent bank Flicka and Green Grass of W yom­ at Cave Junction and with this ing was reassem bled to bring Will report was inform ed you antici­ Jam es’ "S an d ” to the screen in pated taking up residence at Cave Technicolor. King, a veteran m egaphonist, Junction F ebruary 17. We are th erefore w riting in this agreed w ith R obert Bassler th a t m anner to congratulate you and the "F o u r Corners C ountry” in your associates for your endeavor Colorado would be an ideal setting and we wish you complete success for Sand, so the cast, crew and in getting the new bank organized assorted anim als required fo r the and operating. If at any time, in film were transported to D urango, any way, you feel we can be of Colorado, where all outdoor shots assistance, please feel free to call were made under King’s super­ upon us. Lastly, be sure to let vision. us know in advance of your open­ ing date, etc., and if you will give us a resume of the background of the new bank, such as the o r­ ganizers, directors, etc., we will By MIKE arrange fo r some good publicity in both the Portland papers, and I t you can get odds of 7-to-5 on a Sunday so you will have or better, wager that G aibo’s next state-w ide coverage. picture w ill be done in Ita ly, for Very truly yours, an Ita lian compa­ Elwain II. Greenwood, ny, but in English. Executive Secretary. One of my best ------------- o------------- ■ underpaid spies ad­ mark STEVENS Has no one thought of that? Are ! teachers hum an— do they have COUGARS feelings? It nlay come as a su r­ (C ontinued from F are O n «) prise to some people to know that I , , , t , .. I clean the uniform s free of charge there is a basic freedom which , . . n i t , and we of the Illinois v alley High Uncle Sam is attem pting to estab . . , , i lish i . throughout . u . .i i i known i . our thanks, the world, 1 School wish to express r as “ the right of the accused to know with what he is being charg- CoUgRTS Lose ed and to face his accuser in open (By Ruth Smith) court". It sounds so simple, so Friday, March 3, a t Central fair, so right that everyone as sumes it is well-established here Point High school, the I.V.H.S. in the United States. But it isn't, Cougars were defeated by the Pointers to the tune of 42-26, in is it? In closing, we will append what a ra th e r slow game. This was the second time this should be an unnecessary p a ra ­ graph— let no one in terpret our season th a t the two teams have opinions as personal criticism of met. C entral Point, playing b etter on Mr. Appey or any member of> his Committee for B etter Schools etc. their own floor, took the lead in M U N IC IP A L COURT Henry .Appey is a highly regarded the early part of the game. Their member of the community, and as sharp-shooting kept the Pointers Mu nicipal Court far as we know is of good moral far in the lead. The score at h alf­ M irch 6—-Albert Fleishman for- ¡ time was 23-14, with Central character, un excellent providei feited $10 bail for violation of und a devoted father. We differ Point leading. basic rule. D uring the second half the with Mr. Appey in a m a tte r of — o— opinion (or he differs with us), Cougars tried vainly to catch the JU S T IC E COURT and that is the extent o f the m atter pace setting I ointers, but they could not be headed as far as personalities are con- February 21— Elm er Enbysk High point man of the evening cerned. received a fine of $5 and $4.50 in was Colley of Central Point with costs for not having an operator's m ented. The interest shown is 11 points. license. exhilarating and the district a t­ George M. Cavyell and Melvin torney has shown sound judgm ent. Cougars Lose To Champs Cavyell fined $500 each and $4 50 This is by far too serious, in more The Southern Oregon Confer­ costs for "spotlighting." Each ways than may meet the eye, to ence champions, the G rants Pass was also sentenced to 60 days with be taken lightly. Cavemen, defeated the I.V.H.S. the provision that they shall be ISABEL H. SMALL Cougars in a hard fought battle released when they can get jobs, ------------- o - - in the local gym at Cave Junction and will pay $50 a week toward Saturday, March 4, by a score of the fines and serve their week­ I am wondering why parents ends and other free days in jail 1« can’t hear l*oth sides of this school During the first half the Cou­ until both penalties have been controversy at the same time. Is gars did much better in both their l>aid. Maximum penalty for this offense is $1,000 fine and one there something to hide or w hat'' -.hooting and their floor work, year in jail. Why do these teachers have to than when the two teams met be­ March I — Raymond Kohlschien. go before a committee who have fore, which kept the score chang­ inadequate w arning device, sus- ing rapidly. However, at the end not visited class rooms and be questioned? Why do you permit of the first half the Cavemen were I P ^ d « 1* and I^ 'd a fine of $2.50 1 and costs am ounting to $4.50. . leading 35-27. it? M orris Neber, driving with no In the second half the Cavemen Mi Hagen was recommended ' vehicle license Fined $2.60 and ; for this job by the S tate Board began to show their superior shoot- I $4.50 costs. | mg ability and took the lead and of Education W here will we turn ! March 6— O ran Cook, charge) ; never tx'iinquished it. for gor'd teachers? with drunk driving, fined $300 anil High point man of the evening A PARENT was Yosten of G rants Pass with $4.50 costs. He also received 60 (Name withheld by request) 14 points. Following was Crowl of days’ suspended sentence. Eldon Rhoads, fined $5 and | I.V.H.S. with 10 points. This being the last game of the $ I 50 costs for not having a P.U.C. season, for his startin g lineup perm it. March 7 — Floyd Jones, no Coach P eters started four seniors P.U.C. perm it, fined $6 and $4.50 and one junior For the following costs. seniors this was the last game of ON YOUR INSURANCE COST ____ production of Will James’ “Sand. their high school careers: Holly I and Crowl. forw ards; Rauber and i Radcliffe, guards, and one ju n io r ,, A1 Hale, center, will not be able I to play next year because of 1 O regon's age limit law Mr. H am m er treated the Varsity to a steak dinner at the Penguin a fte r the game. --------------- o--------------- « PRINTING > to Order at Our PRINT SHOP Mark Stevens, Coleen Gray and Rory Calhoun star in the film. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Fighting to save a king’s ran ­ som in diamonds for a jungle beauty, Johnny W eissmuller, king of the jungle stars, really hits his action stride in his latest spic, “Jungle Jim and the Lost T ribe.” Johnny, as Jungle Jim , again proves an exciting hero, as he p e r­ forms his prodigious feats of strength and daring. Myrna Dell portrays a comely blonde who a t firs t is arrayed against Jim b u t la te r attem pts to aid him and is subsequently elim inated from the picture; Miss Verdugo is appro­ priately beautiful as the jungle queen, while Joseph Vitale plays the principal villain. — and— G overnm ents have toppled, the face of the globe has changed, but the present “ Blondie” picture, "B londie’s Big Deal,” rem ains un­ altered in design from the firs t picture of the series to h it the country’s screens a little over te a years a g o ! Through all the travails of the last decade, to which the sorely- beset world has been heir, the Bum stead fam ily has rem ained largely unscathed. The original members of the family, Penny Singleton, A rthur Lake, I>arry Sfnims, M arjorie Kent and Daisy, the dog. still perform their same roles. If later "B londie” pictures have changed a t all, it is only to be­ come more hilarious. C in e m e a n d e rin g vises that Europe­ an director G. W . P a b s t has been sounding T he G a r­ bo out on the idea Garbo of doing a modern-time version of “ T h e Odyssey.” and that Gee- Gee is so far inclined to bob her head up and down in agreement w ith the plan. * * * MOLONV I in London w ith Tyrone Power . . | Biographies of both Ethel an I Lionel Barrvmore due anv week j now . . . M y best spy in M exic 1 , C ity advises that Dolores Del Rio is saying that she’ll never wed again . . . Look for the Croshv twins to become fa irly regular fix ­ ture on Bing’s radio show . . . I Reliable statisticians have it figured that A I Jolson is 63 . . . Clo«e friends of the Sinatras report that Frank and Nancy would have parted long ago if her religious convictions hadn’t served as a deterrent . . . Gene Tierney and Oleg Cassini have changed their minds about maintaining residence in New York. T hey’ve moved back to Hollywood. I t sort of amazes me to discover that B ill Powell is nigh on to being * * * 60. He certainly doesn’t look it. Rossellini is a great director. and the non-60 appearance he Ingrid Bergman is a great actress. presents in pictures isn't a master­ But something unhappy happened piece o f maxfactorization. B ill's ¡n f he t a l e n t e d age w ouldn't even have come to mating of these mind if it hadn't been for a M etro- two for the pro­ G oldw yn - M ayer announcement duction of "Strom - that he has five more pictures to boli.” As you’re make before his contract expires probably too well next year, w ith a casual mention aware by this time he’d be 60 at that time. it ain’t a great pic- * * * Hergman ture. I went back I.ew Ayres is featured in a bathtub scene in ‘ ‘The Capture." to see it a second time to make sure that my first judgement Paul Kelly is doing hadn't been biased by headlines, a tub s t i n t in or something of that sort. I t hadn’t. "G u ilty of T re a ­ It's just a dull picture. son.” I t may he * * * immoral of me to Tw entieth - Fox is negotiating say so, but 1 pre­ like mad w ith K irk Douglas to fer the Cecil B. portray General Rommel in "T h e D e M ille school ot Desert Fox," and the price they’re thought anent cin­ •fyrrj talking is back and forth from ematic bathtubs. 1 his producer al­ 5200,000. It wasn’t so long back ways puts dames in them. this studio had an option on Doug­ las to do one picture fo r 540,000, //o //y ts , ozf Hearsay. The Rev. and d id n't bother to take advantage Dorland D ryer, resident pastor of of this privilege. "Y o u r Television C hurch," lining * * * up Charles Laughton for Script­ Being a tim id sort, I never re­ ural readings fo r this first video port that an actress is gaining church service series . . . W atch weight when 1 have to assume for M arlene D ietrich's moanmg- responsibility for the observation singing of I'm T he Laziest Gal myself. But 1 don't mind quoting in T o w n ” in “ Stagefright." T he another columnist to such effect. D ietrich at her sexiest, which is So, 1 must advise you that column­ very sexy indeed . . , Henry ist Edith G w ynn fla tly states that Fonda's smash N ew Y ork stage Shelley W inters is getting fat. hit. "M is te r Kobcits," w ill be done Copyright 1950 A Hot F«o’ur«l Synd'CO’» Send The Illinois Valley News to Your Friends