Page Illin oisV alley News, Thursday, February 16, 1950 4 Continued from Page One) COUGARS AUTHORIZED DEALEE ADVANCE PUMPS Domestic and Irrigation Industrial and Residential Wiring Cave Junction Send The Illinois Valley News To Your Friends S A V E 20% ON YOUR INSURANCE COST $10,000.00 Car Liability Policy lor Only $25.50 per year ( on most models) C la rk 's In s u ra n c e A g e n c y Hotel Del Rogue Building Grants Pass The IVHS C ougars were de- I feated in a hard fought game with : ’.he Sutherlin Bulldogs Friday, February 10, at the local gym in Cave Junction. During the first q u a rte r both I teams tried hard fo r the lead but ' Sutherlin was ahead at tjie end by a score of 14-8. The second q u a rte r progressed slowly with the Bulldogs making most of the points, ending the half with a score o f 24-13, with the Bulldogs still leading. A fter the half the team s came back on the floor with determ ina­ tion in th eir eyes. The Bulldogs continued to hold the lead. When the third q u a re r ended the score was 39-21, in favor of Sutherlin. During the fo u rth q u a rte r the Cougars held the Bulldogs down but still they w ere able to main­ tain their advantage. When the whistle sounded ending the game the Bulldogs led by a score of The Ashland High Grizzlies von their fo u rth conference game by drubbing IVHS 41 to 31 in a rugged ganw Saturday nite. Ashland led all the way except in the opening m inutes, when IVHS came from behind a 6-0 deficit to take an 8 to 7 lead mid­ way in the first qu arter. The Grizzlies came back strong and with Landing and Sm ith of Ashland putting in baskets from every angle, were able to rack up a half-tim e score o f 25 to 15. The third period was sim ilar to the second q u a rte r with the G riz­ zlies m aking eleven points while they were holding the Cougars to five. The fourth q u a rte r proved to be very exciting with the Cougars gaining 10 points in the closing m inutes of the game. However the Grizzlies had built u irto o much A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe W rite o r c a ll fo r com D lete in fo rm a tio n — Grants Pass Branch o//he United States National Bank i -‘1 , M e d d O f f ic e , P o r t la n d , O re g o n M EM BER EEO ER A l O E P O S IT I H S It R A « C E of an early lead and the game ended with the score reading 41- C O R H O p in io n s H l l l l l * . V a ry “ W hat did the audience do when you told them you never paid a Landing and Smith each tallied dollar for a v o te?” •‘Well, some of them cheered, 11 points for Ashland while Ham­ m er was high man fo r the losers and some of them got up and w ith 8. le ft!” IAMOUROUS W ID O W _______ by JACK KING I M U S T STOP MR. SlPPIE BEFORE HE PROPOSES TO M A M A , y w | WEEKS NEWS flU N fc/ NICE PAY, MRS. GLAMOUR G IN N Y IS JEALOUS OF HER H E A R T-T H R O B , THE x , M ILLIO NAIRE^ / / OIL KING S RED PEPPER BIG TUNA—The largest Allison Tuna ever caught on rod and reel off Atlantic seaboard was boated recently at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., by A. J. Krabbe of Lafayette, Ind. It weighed 180 pounds and meas­ ured six feet. b y AUDAVEE BRANSFORD LOOK'DIS IS A CLASSY JOINT'S y o u se sloppy euMS CLEAR OUT OR MOUSE / & WILL EAT MOUSE . /Jh f 1 INDICTED IN OW N COURT - Circuit Judge N. K. Harris, Sullivan, Ind., sits at bench where he received a true bill indicting him on charges of forgery, em­ bezzlement and issuing fraudulent checks. He denies all charges. TEETH F E R M ^ DINNER / J c ” 1 f ZS* < I WIT WHO? *) = 1 / A T W 0 -B IT 1) BOUNCER?H A W OH NO f k TWO-BIT. BOUNCER, A M I ? r— II RECKON US DOMT SEE EYE-TD-EyEr 1 wit a* youse / / O R P /l RECKON NOT-1 DONE ET ON DE TRAIN f C E N T E N N IA L - Alec Waugh, author of “ The lipton Story," a biog­ raphy of the beloved Sir Thomas, which Double­ day & Company is pub­ lishing on the hundredth anniversary of his birth in 1850 DOG HAIRS k Z.HEADS CAST ^|RON-KINT two 59- Note of K ale 84 Father Fewh/eae SyrsSawW CO’ N CLUB DON’ T SMOKE HOT, ’ V BURNING- TABACCOS ’ SWITCH TO SM OKIES 1 SMOKIES CAN’ T HURT VOUR throat ! BECAUSE THEY ARE V MADE TROM... -C 1 0 0 % PURE CORN SILK! JOIN THECORN CLUB SEE YOU« FAUOfMTE JOKE IN PRINT SEND A U HAIL TO "THE COTN ClUB* IN CAM OE THIS NEWSMAKER JOKES'/ W.T. HILL BULL RUN I -_ v i r & i m | a