Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 22, 1949 SELMA NEWS ITEMS means of replenishing the royal wardrobes, treasuries and even larders. Queen Elizabeth relied on The D C. D.’s had a jolly the custom for new petticoats, Christmas party with roast tu r­ mantles, silk stockings, bracelets, precious jewels, etc. key and all the trimmings at the necklaces, Peers, bishops, clerics, ladies- home of Mrs. A. A. Whitsell. Af­ in-waiting, physicians, c o o k s , ter the business meeting, a gift everybody contributed. exchange was held. There were Oliver Cromwell's Puritan gov­ 33 ladies and 16 children present. ernment outlawed the custom, but it was re-revived when the Stuarts Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Seifert Sr. were restored to the throne. Indi­ have gone to Iowa to visit Mr. vidual circumstances governed the ¿ift-giving among ordinary citi­ Seifert’s parents. His father is zens and, since common pins were 91 years old, and his mother up in expensive in those days, middle her 80’s. class gentlemen usually gave their wives and daughters pins or 'pin Going to southern California money.’ Idiomatically, 'pin money' has for the holidays are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conger, Mr. and Mrs Bob survived the days of the expensive Anderson and two daughters. pin, while the custom of gift-giving at New Year's time has deterior­ ' Also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrington ated into obsolescence in England and son Teddy. and the United States. M M N N M M M M M M m M M tM M H M M M H M M M N M (Mrs. F rits Krauss) 1949 Top o f the Mrs. Kenny Bell went to P ort­ land recently to visit her husband, who is in the veteran's hospital : there. Kenny will be able to come home for Christmas, and they are going to hold “open house” Christ­ mas eve. He will have to return to the hospital Monday. season io you. M ay your happiness be as plentiful as the °ifts % ILLINOIS VALLEY GRANGE DANCE Bridgeview Grange Hall Saturday, Dec. 31 MUSIC BY LANGWORTHY’S ORCHESTRA 75c Per Person, Inc. Tax Usual Good Eats by Ladies of the Grange -H e lp the H o s p ita l- jflerrti Mrs. J A. Buckles was called to Sacramento by the illness of her father, Frank Lima. Before she reached there word of his death came. The Limas lived in the Valley for several years. TYCER, NEALY & DENNIS Cave Junction Romans Began Custom O f Gifts a t New Year fhristma? Some authorities claim that the Invading Roman legions introduced the custom of gift-giving at New Year's time into England by ‘com­ mandeering.’ a la Caesar, gifts and sums of money from the populace. Medieval royalty, who were not as wealthy as they were reported to be. revived the custom as a 1949 let us give thanks to­ gether for the priceless gift of Christmas , W- The warmth of spirit that accompanies 'every Christmas season is with us again in 1949 Our wish is that you can participate to the fullest in a universal t MERRY CHRIS1MAS CAVES BUILDING SUPPLIES Illinois Valley Cleaners CAVE JUNCTION MR. AND MRS. LUTHER SHERIER Cave Junction Let ns welcome the season with open hearts jK and the music ol carols. Send The Illinois Valley News fo Your Friends Let's Jo it up right this year a n d jo in our ¡ ¡ fo efforts to give EGGER’S M ARKET each other the JACK AND HARRY finest holiday Cave Junction season ever. Selma Garage & Supply DOYL HAMILTON MERRY CHRISTMAS - 1949 Selma G a y spirits a re m ore com ­ m o n p la c e d u rin g th e Y u le •5 7 o o sea so n th a n a t a n y o th e r • time of the year 4 W e hope you're fitting in. M a y you p ro s p e r in th a w e a lth w ith which Christ* t9 4 9 I _• ..-C-- 1'.V.K^ 7/