Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 22, 1H49 BLESSED EVENT BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larick on December 21 at 9 a. m., in Dr. Versteeg's office io Cave Junction, a boy, 5 lbs. 10 0I*. c_______ Subacribe to the News. LOST WOMAN REPORTED IN SAN FRANCISCO Chuck and Pete Wagner, of Berkeley, are spending the holi- days with their parents, Colonel anj Mrs. Charles Hubbard o f, Qgve Junction. Both young men are in their final year at the Uni- versity of California. A hurried trip from San Fran-1 cisco to Kerby was made last week I end by the son of Mrs. Naomi Mor-1 ton, who has disappeared since the loss by fire of her home recently and Grants Paas officials have so far been unable to locate her. Last Saturday evening KUIN carried an announcement urging anyone knowing her whereabouts to call persons for whom phone numbers were given In today’s Courier it was reported Mrs. Mor­ ton had gone to San Francisco where she will make her home with her son. WmSUtlltnUHllUilrttUlUilUUUUUltUaiUUUUlUIIiUliniUlUUltlUUlllUiUllHtttUIIIWtlMMHiUlllHlllUUtllllHIilllt SAVE 20% ON YOUR INSURANCE COST $10,000.00 Car Liability Policy for Only $25.50 per year ( on most models) C la rk 's In s u ra n c e A g e n c y Hotel Del Rogue Building Grants Paas OUR WARM AND SIN­ CEREST GREETINGS GO Monument to Gulls OUT TO YOU AT THIS Mormons raised a monument at Salt Lake City to the gulls which came in answer to their prayers for an end to a grasshopper scourge. HAPPIEST SEASON OF THE YEAR. HERALD ANGELS . . . Rehears­ ing for the annual Christmas candlelight service, the children choristers of the Crawford Meth­ odist Memorial church in the Bronx, New York, make an Im­ pressive picture w h e n viewed through a Christmas wreath In the foreground. —then came 3 H h l r e * \\'h e Ulen M c L ain drug centre -■ ; 6th and “ H ” Downtown, G rants Pass |iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiilliililHlllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIHIIIUIIIIIIHII»ll|l|111111111111111111111 Legend not only has identified the Wise Men as Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, it has crowned them and given them the king­ doms of Tarsus, Arabia and Ethiopia. It has symbolized their gifts as symbolic of what Jesus was to become—gold for a king, frankincense for a high priest and myrrh for a great physician. The Gospel text's specific wise men from the east logically identi­ fies them with Zoroastrianism—an ancient monotheistic religion of Persia. Zoroastrian priests were called Magi; they were powerful in public and private life since they, and they alone, possessed the priestly mysteries involved in the worship of Mazda—who repre­ sented the Zoroastrian power for j good. 1 The Magi may or may not have j been fabulously wealthy; St. Mat- j thew does not elaborate their I treasures nor the amount of gold, frankincense and myrrh which they presented to the Christ Child. The gifts may have been mere 1 I tokens of their treasures, or the sum and substance thereof. And if they were soothsayen, mystics and possibly clairvoyants they were also truly wise—in as much as they did not return to Herod, but departed into their own country by a different route. I .. •’ » -• -e-* * •' + •* • • • 'l . ' • • • a * • • • ».Ji • • . , • • . . 50% off Friday and Saturday, Dec. 23 and 24 all Toys and Christmas Tree Light Sets will be half price. MOIV May every sound of the Christmas carols strike a happy note in your heart and home. This is our wish to each and every one. Wind-ap Toys, Doll Baggies, Footballs and Basketballs, Scooters and Wagons. Hall’s Accounting Service ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE MR. AND MRS. IRA HALL The Hamiltons, Myo and Earl Cave Junction Cave Junction YOU CANT QUIT ADVERTISING YOU’RE TALKING TO A PARADE NOT A MASS MEETING JOVTOTHE W O R LD s A A I MERRY CHRISTMAS LINKHART & McLEAN Cave Junction i • • • •. * * ♦ • \ In the same cheery manner the uorJs “Merry Christ­ mas” come to you with our hope that all the season’s happiness and joy he yours. • ,.V* •• : VALLEY VARIETY & APPAREL MR AND MRS. HARRY HOLMES Cave Junction A A A A A A A A I “y . C tr iilm a i 2 ) a y ” Puritan disapproval of Christmas celebrations disembarked from the Mayflower with the Pilgrims in 1621 and, accordingly. Governor Bradford issued a statement pub­ licly rebuking certain young men who declined to work on December 25, "ye day called Christmas.'’ This first New England Christ­ mas —or non-observance thereof— | should not be credited as the first Christmas on American soil, since Leif Eriksen spent a winter or two on the North American continent around the turn of the 11th century. Leif was a Christian, and it is likely that members of his crew were Christians, too; although it is quite possible that some had ac­ cepted the faith without remodel­ ing their pagan natures, since King Olafs methods were ruthless and his command "Be baptized, or else!" left them little dhoice. Undoubtedly, flagons of crude, raw w i n e fermented from the grapes of Leifs Vinland were passed around and the celebration may have been rather boisterous, but in all fairness to Leif—who, ac­ cording to excellent testimony, was a sincere convert—it la reasonable to assume that there was a trace of religious observance. Perhaps Leif remembered the few words of Latin prayer he learned at the time of hia conver­ sion and recited them in honor of the birthday of the Redeemer he had accepted. . . . Thua, the first Christmas in America waa ob­ served. The first Chrismas card waa de­ signed in 1845. which have come to be a "must" for Christmas decora­ tions owe their name and popularity to an early American diplomat, botanist and scholar—Joel Roberta Poinsett A A A A A A 1 A I x l ■HtCPär A s A A A A A A A A A A A A PUGET TIMBER COMPANY OF OREGON CABAX MILL I | I 5 2 » I B B ¿MW*******************************************************************