Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 22, 1949 Cross-Eyes A cross-eyed condition is not al­ ways easily recognized. If neg­ lected, it may cause loss of vision in the out-of-line eye. For this eye is likely to be used less and less until, in many cases, it becomes blind. Then it may resume its normal position. ' / One-inch Steaks If dad prefers his steak rare, it will take from 15 to 20 minutes cooking time for one-inch steaks. Medium done steaks require from 20 to 25 minutes. Thicker—two-inch steaks cook in 35 to 40 minutes for rare and around 45 minutes for medium-done. / '/■' CARD OF THANKS CHURCH We are sincerely grateful to friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of sympathy dur­ ing our sad bereavement. Our appreciation cannot be adequately expressed. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY Mrs. B. Morgan CHURCH Leo and Mazie George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. A large attendance marked the Sunday School hour, and birth­ days were observed for Donald Clark Mayfield and Judy Roe. Among visitors at the morning ser­ vice were Mr. and Mrs. John Hines from Beaver City, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. William Swenson, from Winthrop, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpell of O’Brien; and adio ervice Mrs. Richard A. Smith, of Cave 8/10 Mile Fast On Cave* Hiway Junction. Rev. Gray took for his theme MERRY CHRISTMAS ‘Spiritual Food”, based on Heb. 5:13. The Junior Choir put on some special numbers, with a quartette of angels featuring Lila Bell Cross, Janice Burnette, Bev­ erly Brillhard and Joy Lou Car- son. Last week the Town circle had their regular meeting and Christ­ mas party with exchange of gifts for secret pals. Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Watkins were hostesses, serving dainty and appropriate refreshments. Election of offi­ cers resulted as follows: presi­ dent, Twila Salvage; vice presi­ dent, Della Bell; secretary, Mrs. Boucher; and treasurer, Coral Morris. The regular meeting of the mis­ sionary group occurred on Wed­ nesday this week with a large at­ tendance, exchange of gifts, re­ freshments in charge of the O’Brien circle, with election of officers for the coming year, con­ cluding with the Christmas party. Reports indicated a busy and prof­ itable year in many ways, under the efficient leadership of the president, Mi’s. Frank Hamilton. NOTES ll' FLOW ERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE GIVEN AT ALL TIMES 'The Best for less by Les" Funeral Arrangements Corsages, Plants, Etc. R reet in ss • 1949 ORDER YOUR Radio Repairs BASHAM D oll !/ G RUTH ANN'S ANTIQUE and GIFT SHOP Through The FLOWER BASKET, GRANTS PASS S Send The Illinois Valley News to Your Friends SEASON’S A the BEST & tidings o f great joy be yours in fu ll this Christmas. MARTIN’S DRY GOODS & CLOTHING GEORGE and SUE MARTIN Cave Junction * Season's Greetings A truly Merry M ay all the wonderful things Christmas th a t go w ith C h ris tm a s be to our good yours in the fullest abundance friends and this year. From all o f us neigh-v TURKEY SHOOT HELD LAST SUNDAY r . op h e very fa c t that (alustm as is uvitl uS ayain ouylt to briny jo y enouyl, but urt , u/ant to y iltf tie lily by uri slin y everyone a w ont/erful lo h fa y . THE M U S IC SH O P CARLOTTA WISEMAN The New Wing Building, Grants Pass ■ At the second turkey shoot held last Sunday, December 18, at the Castleberry ranch, several Valley residents again laid in a supply of fowl for the coming holidays. The occasion was not the least dampened by a couple of light rain showers which swept by. However, the large fire was a distinct comfort between turns on the line, and a large quantity of hot dogs and hot coffee kept the contestants fortified against the weather. Sippy Covington was high man for the day, chalking up scores which netted him three turkeys. Romie Holzhauser won two, and Charley Trefethen, Harold Tre- fethen, Mrs. Chick Nickerson, Ole Nassen and Mr. Steele each knock­ ed over one bird. I bors. most happy holiday. Cave City Parts & Supply MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR DREWS Cave Junction Fruit of Cashew Cashew nut, so popular In thia country, is actually the poisonous fruit of the cashew tree of Brazil and Central America, says The World Book encyclopedia. The tree 1* closely related to the American poison ivy and people are often painfully poisoned by allowing their skin to come in contact with some of its parts. This toxic ingredient is entirely removed from the ker­ nels by roasting before they are shipped to this country. nt 2.© Cherished in our T A K IL M A STO R E MR. AND MRS. C. W. BAIRD Sim ple, u n a d o r n e d thoughts a re best at C h ris tm a s So we would only wish you a joyful and happy holi­ d a y s e a s o n , w h en every step you take in­ X- EREETinES 1949 here to all o f you - a creases your desire to be a frien d to m an. And a Merry C hrist­ mas to you. WE M l tIII1ISTMAS hearts, the greatest holiday o f all renews year. A very M erry Christmas. May the |oys of the season be completely and all yours. ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO. Crowl’s Service PHIL SAWYER MARGARET and HAROLD EUVON and DELL Cave Junction Cave Junction rftOOLDEN RULE > EVERYTHING TO WEAR TOR EVERT MEMBER O f THE FAMILY GRANTS PASS J d tk k M M » k M k its happiness each