Illinois Valley News. Thursday. December 22, 1949 WOMAN'S WORLD Handy W a ll Cabinets Be Smart! Use These Short Cuts to Good Grooming By Ertta Haley Holiday Dress I T ’S THE SEASON for sparkle and • glitter, a tim e for seeing old friends and m eeting new ones, and you’ll w ant to be at your best though tim e Is lim ited. Are there short cuts and tricks you m ight employ th a t help to guarantee a t­ tractiveness? Yes, indeed. Many women who are charm ing are not standard beauties. One thing, you'll note about them , how­ ever, is their neatness and innate cleanliness. They m ay have few clothes, but what they have looks well on them . These clothes, if you’ll take a critical look, are also kept in the peak of condition. Most com plexions can be im ­ proved with regular daily care, as neglect will far too easily show in grayness of color, m ake-up which d etracts, or eruptions which will pop up, or so it seems, at the m ost inopportune occasions. Short hair offers little problem In the way of care. Curls last long­ er and the casual styles now so widely used m ake it possible for even those who know little about h air to keep their tresses in won­ derful form without benefit of hours at the m irror. In fact, a brief brushing and combing are all that are required to keep the hair neat and attractive. D iscard careless ways of clothing, You can look festive and dec­ and you'll find it no trick at all to orative for the holidays in this be able to w ear a dress tim e and again with little attention. Does black taffeta dress which is treated so effectively with black this involve tim e? No, it sim ply velvet. The picture neckline is m eans you hang your clothes after rem oving them in place of throw ­ trim m ed with velvet scalloping ing them on chairs, brushing them and the graceful skirt shows frequently, and a few m inutes of two rows and a hem of the carefully placed care in spot re ­ sam e trim . moval, etc. A ccessories such as gloves, hats the skin, so there are no blotches. shoes and purses will respond read- Wipe excess powder off after ap ­ plying and don’t try to rub it into the skin. Lip lines m ay be changed slightly, but don’t try to give your­ self an entirely different mouth just for the sake of variety or ef­ fect. Eyebrow lines are natural, too, and it's no longer sm a rt to shave off the natu ral brows and use a cosm etic line in place of them. Pluck only enough to keep them neat. Little or no eye m ake-up d u r­ ing the day is indicated. Daily baths will keep the skin on the body relatively sweet and clean, and a quick shower will stand you in good stead when you Keep complexions glowing . , . tly to care as long as they are qual­ ity m erchandise and are not sub­ jected to abuse. Give Skin Care To Achieve Glow I t’s sim ple to care for skin even when w eather is harsh for the skin supplies its own elem ents for beau­ ty. Cleanliness, however, is som e­ thing which is essential. If w ater you use is hard, add som e w ater softener to wash basin before washing. This is especially beneficial for dry, sensitive skins. After washing, use cold cream on the skin, applying gently in upward strokes, rinse and blot dry. The trend in make-up for some tim e now has been naturalness. Use m ake-up sparingly, and m erely to highlight the natural beauty which you have If cheeks a re pink, skip the rouge. Blend colors into resting to prevent roughness and chapping. While you are out and have to re-apply make-up, try to cleanse the skin before adding m ore. A m an who owned a cat moved next door to a m an who raised pigeons As might be expected, trouble w asn't long in com ing One night the cat slipped into the neigh 1 bor’s garage and slew no less than 13 pigeons! The angry neighbor with that. She also claim ed dam ages for em barrassm ent, saying filed suit for the value of the birds. th at the affair had caused her "sickness of mind and m ental agony." However, the court refused to grant any additional am ount of money. The Judge said that such an injury was too vague to be eval­ uated in dollars and cents. e e e A fisherm an set up his nets near the shore of a large inland lake E arly the next m orning, a man cam e al*r.g in a rewboat. scooped several dozen fish out of the nets, and went happily on his way But somebody ta ttle d —and the man was arrested on a charge of theft. At the trial, he claim ed that fish are "free for all” until actually hauled out of the water. But the court disagreed and found the man guilty. The judge said that fish belong to the first person who "c ap ­ tu res" them . charging that the c a t's owner was guilty of harboring a "vicious ani­ m a l.” But the court turned down the neighbor's claim . The Judge said the cat w asn't “vicious," but was m erely "obeying the n atu ral instinct of all ca ts." He added that it was far m ore sensible to guard the pigeona than to lock up the cat! ", . , m ate me hopping mad . , w rite to m e every year, th at "the kingdom of heaven is within you,” I am quoting the w isest voice ever heard in this world. In this little phrase lies the se­ cret th a t can tran sfo rm all our lives, and w hat b etter tim e than a new y ea r to study it, and try to discover its m ystical m eaning? The tru th hidden in those few words could bring content to the m ost feverishly wretched, fabu­ lously rich, m ulti-divorced heiress , in the world, and it actually does account for the laughter and the courage and the confidence one ( finds som etim es m the very d a rk ­ . est and poorest corners of our , whole social stru ctu re. , Nobody likes poverty —as poverty. But the word has very different values in A m erica and in — well, »ay, the w esternm ost reaches of China. And if w hat we call pov­ erty d em ands anxious care, en­ forced sim plicity, sacrifice, it also supplies opportunities for sharing, for service, and for fam ily love, th at wealthy persons alm ost inevit­ ably m iss. Express Love and Interest You d o n 't have to change your life in this new y ea r of 1950, Mat- tie. You only have to change your­ self to the point of expressing love and content and in terest in ev ery ­ thing you do, beautifying and en­ riching life in th a t Brooklyn flat, and the change will com e of them ­ selves. Beverley will begin to look forw ard to week-end visits to her old hom e; she'll feel the change, the inci eased in terest between fatb- er, m other and son, the new talk at table, the new tone of affection. And eventually 1950 will seem to you a year of opened doors, en­ larged vistas, m ultiplied interests. The world is in a very discour­ aging state. E very tiny unit, like your home and mine, that lifts it­ self even into the sm allest services to the com m onw ealth at large, th a t solves its own problem s, plans for the g reater and w iser Am erica of tommorow, is helping solve the w orld's great problem s. Never was there a new y ear th at gave us all so much about which to think, to plan, and to do. T here is no m an or woman in all Am erica who could not m ake a constructive resolution for all the days of 1950. One m an I know, could m ake his wife happy, and win back his two baby sons. Another woman—and her nam e is legion—would save her m a rriag e if she would sit down and seriously discuss their financial situation with her husband, and abide by any plan th a t kept them solvent. P aren ts m ight m ake a resolution to take th eir growing children into a fam ily partnership. D aughters m ight resolve upon a respectful, considerate attitu d e tow ard home rules m ade only for th eir own pro tection. M arried men m ight reconsider the office d anger presented by the new red-headed stenographer. Locker Business Poses Problems Mystery Shrouds Many Abandoned Articles •F H E S E e a sy to build k itc h en A c a b in e ts h a v e m a n y sp e c ia l f e a tu re s s u c h as g ra d u a te d sh e lv es for d ish e s of d iffe re n t sizes, tr a y slo t a n d p a rtitio n e d d ra w e rs. B u ild th e m v o u r s e lf o r s a v e h o u rs o f a e tr p e n te r 's tim e w ith o u tte r n * 322 and 323. P r ic e 25c e a c h . Send o r d e r to W ORKSHOP P A T T E R N SE R V IC E D raw er 10 tlrd ferd H ills, New York. One Phrase Can Transform Life " T DON’T SEE HOW anyone can * say ‘Happy New Y ear’ this y e a r,” w rites an ira te w oman from Brooklyn. "I suppose you will give us all your usual advice about being good and we will be hap p y ,” continues M attie Fields. " I t’s easy eonugh to advise about problem s you never have had to face your­ self. We women who lead dull and monotonous lives a re all to be­ com e good m anagers, be grateful for $3 d resses and cheap en te r­ tainm ent, love everyone and say our p ray ers and everything will com e out right. "J im is 47 and I am 38,” the letter goes on. "H e w orks in a leath er plant, and I keep house in five rooms, with three outside win­ dows. Our daughter, Beverley, 17, lives with two girl pals and works in a dress shop in New York. My son, 14, has an 8x9 bedroom ; when B everley is at home she sleeps in the sitting room. "M y husband served as a vet­ erin a rian during the w ar; my m other was with us then, and I had a job and m ade good money. We invested this unfortunately, and our circum stances w ere not im proved when the w ar ended. " I am not com plaining,” the let­ te r finishes. "B ut when anyone who happens to be successful and rich tells m e th a t all of us could go and do likewise, and attain beauty and security in our lives, the only thing it does to m e is m ake me hopping m a d .” By W ill Bernard, LL.B Damage Done By Your Cat? N aturally, there are m any schools of thought on the subject, but most anglers seem to agree th a t fish ta ste b etter when caught during the w inter months, to say nothing of the unique fascination of winter fishing. However, if one w ants to live the life of an Eskimo—which, for all practical purposes is required during the actu al period of fishing through the ice—a fishing license is a “m u st" and fishing regulations pertaining to lim its, species, bait and the use of shelters should be checked. The cutting of the n ecessary hole in the ice is. of course, up to the individual as reg ard s its size and KATHLEEN NORRIS Sensitive Soprano Couldn't Collect I Are You Responsible For The holidays bring an air of festivity that is reflected in your accessories even for street and business. T hat is one rea­ son why the fashion for large shoe ornam ents is gaining such ground. They add a dresscd-up feeling with everyday suits and tailored wool dresses. Smooth leathers that are so popular in pumps for street and the m ore casual occasions, are appearing with many v arian ts of self hows and intricate leather orna­ ments. On more form al leathers and fabrics you'll like the cut steel and bronze beaded buck­ les. Both buckles and bows often run to em phatic sizes. Make Hair Manageable With These Tricks Weekly care will g u arantee your h air looking right for all occasions, so don’t neglect sham poo and set. The daily strokes with a good brush will give the h air a gloss th at can be achieved in no other way. Wave set lotion used on a sm all stiff brush is excellent for train in g new short h air around and uneven h air line. “ The Kingdom of Heaven . . My d ear M attie, I say in answ er, I d o n 't blam e you. Advice is al­ anti hair trim for the holidays. m ost alw ays unpalatable, and the w ant to refresh easily. Epsom salts adviser alw ays sounds sm ug. But and starch m ake an excellent soft­ when I tell you, or any one of the ener for w ater if the skin is dry other thousands of women who and sensitive. Apply dabs of baby oil to elbows, knees and any other spots before A churchgoer and some friends w ere discussing th eir m inister. "Why, h e's just an old d ru n k ard !” cried the m an. When the m inister heard about this, he sued the man for slander. At the trial, the m an protested that "calling somebody a drunkard isn’t so te rrib le ” —and th a t "a m in ister isn 't any better than anybody else anyhow .” But the court held him liable, saying th at a m in ister's good nam e is not som ething to trifle with. The judge I pointed out th at a reputation for clean and upright living is vital. • • • VV/nter Fishing For a refreshing trick to rem ove ’’shine” from the face when your make-up has lost its sparkle, retire to the powder room for quick r e ­ p airs. Gently wipe the face and th ro at with a fluted cotton square. You'll be surprised how much d irt com es off. Enough m ake-up base and rouge rem ains to provide a foundation for a fresh application of powder. Don’t rub the new pow der on, but press it to the face w ith a clean cotton square. When you have wiped aw ay the excess flecks, your face will look as smooth as silk again. -----THE READER'S COURTROOM May a Soprano Collect Damages Because Her Feelings are Hurt? A woman was hired to sing soprano in a church choir. After a few months, church officials de­ cided that they d idn't like her voice afte r all—so they fired her. Since the w om an’s contract still had three m onths to go, they offered to pay her salary for the rem aining period. But she w asn’t satisfied Have Special Features The la rg e r opening at the bottom will enable you to pull large fish in quickly. the tool to be used. Some prefer an axe or chisel, while others use some kind of boring tool. It would be well to keep in mind this one requirem ent: The hole should be w ider at the bottom than at the top. There a re two real reasons for this. F irst, rough edges at the botom of the hole m ay fray your line and, second, the larg er opening at the bottom will enable you to pull large fish in quickly. The d iam eter of this hole should be at least 12 inches. As is the case in sum m er fish­ ing, one of the big secrets is to offer as little resistan ce on the line ' as possible. So, take along a light line—say not over 12-pound te st— and a sm all bobbler. The use of light-test nylon line also is advis-j able. I A nother thing to rem e m b er th at you are restricted in m any states to the type of fishing equipm ent 1 which m ay be used, so be sure and check th a t angle before venturing on the ice to do your w inter fish ing. How a r e you doing on y o u r C h ris tm a s gift list? You ca n ta k e c a r e of lots of people on th a t list w ith th e g r e a te s t of e a s e — an d h an d so m ely , too! J u s t ch eck off th e n a m e s of all y o u r frie n d s who sm o k e, e ith e r c ig a r e tte s or a pipe In e ith e r c a se you h av e th e gift th a t's ju s t rig h t in th e ir ey es! F or th e c ig a r e tte sm o k e r — th e gay C h ris tm a s c a rto n of C a m e ls co n ­ ta in s 200 cool, m ild, full-flavored C a m els. And for th e pipe sm o k e r or th e m a n who lik es his " m a k in ’s ” —th e pound tin of P rin c e A lbert S m o k in g T o b acco gives h o u rs and h o u rs of to n g u e e a sy pipe joy. Both g ifts a r e w aitin g for you ready- w ra p p ed in co lo rfu l holiday d re s s T h e r e ’s e v e n built-in sp a c e for y o u r p e rso n a l g ree tin g . So, this se a so n sa v e y o u rse lf tim e an d en ­ e rg y by g iv in g m ild , g o o d -tastin g C a m e ls a n d M ellow P rin c e A lbert S m o k in g T o b acco . . —Adv. T hree L argest D am s T h e b u re a u of re c la m a tio n in th e d e p a r tm e n t of t h e in te rio r o p e r a te s th e th re e h ig h e st and th e la rg e s t d a m s in th e w orld. T he h ig h e st is H oover d a m 726 feet h ig h ; S h a s ta d a m is n e x t a t 602 fee t an d H u n g ry H o rse d a m at 564 fee t. G ra n d C oulee d a m on th e C o lu m b ia r iv e r co n tain in g 10*4 m illio n c u b ic y a rd s of c o n c re te m a k e it th e la r g e s t c o n c re te d a m by v o lu m e in th e w o rld . JO LLY TIME FOB YOUR _ jolly / HOLIDAY FON /' L*TAVS pops A A A Costly Ducks The av erag e citizen would stand I aghast at the proposal th at he lay $9.73 cents on the line for one mal- j j lard, pintail or canvasback—yet th a t’s w hat it costs the average waterfowl hunter per bird each season. Two scientists, F ran ck C. Bell- rose, associate gam e specialist, Il­ linois history survey, and C lair T. [ Rollings, refuge m anager, Mingo national wildlife refuge, Puxico, Mo., cam e up with th a t figure which was based on an exhaustive survey am ong nim rods. The following figures a re what the seientists found was the a v e r­ age daily expenses incurred by duck hunters: T ransportation, $4 52; lodging. 58 cents; m eals, $2.57; shells, 77 cents; license, 40 cents (rem em b er these are average daily figures); gun depreciation, 29 cents; clothes, boots, etc. depreciation, $1 85; d e­ coys, $1.32. Total cost per day, $16.73; ducks per hunter per day, $1.72. COST P E R DUCK, $9.72! COUGHS RUIN YOUR SLEEP? G et fa s t 3 -w a y re lie f 1 • Eat« dry throat tickle 2 . Soothe raw membrane* 3 . Help loosen phlegm NEW YORK—F red erick G. Smith doesn’t like m ysteries, especially when th e y ’re w rapped in packages. In two big, shelf-lined rooms off Times Square, he has hundreds of m y steries to solve. E ach of them is from a public locker. He is d istric t m an ag er of the firm which operates thousands of the dim e-in-a-slot parcel bins in New Y ork's railro ad , bus and sub­ way stations. Ju st how m any are in use is a trad e secret. Nationally, public lockers g arn er an estim ated 40 million dim es a year. At first Sm ith worried about boxes of bones th a t turned up in T h o u san d s o f people who suffer fro m the bins. Now he knows th a t the chronic constipation have found an am az­ little skulls and skeletons do not ingly easy way to be kind to themselves. T h e y d o n ’ t w h ip t h e ir s y s te m s w it h m ean m u rd er. Usually they are A A A Karan, painful cathartics Instead, they cat bones, which he dutifully re ­ turn to N itura’s Remedy For Nature e turns to universities from which Brief for Owls R em edy, fft tablets, is composed entirely o f n a tu ral, vegetable laxatives no gentle, they w ere borrow ed by absent- The landowner who is disposed most people take them a t night because minded students. to take a pot-shot at every owl he th eir sleep is not disturbed, yet regularity Police, secret service men and is accomplished the next morning. sees might be interested In these T r y M? at our expense. 25 tablets 26c. FBI agents frequently call on him facts: B uy a box at any drug store and try it. j for Inform ation. "We help as much I f you are not com pletely satisfied, retu rn Mice at tim es destroy as much ns , as we can, but we never give tips th e box and unused tablets to ua. W e w ill 50 per cent of corn shocked in fields refund your money plus postage. to the police," he em phasized. "If and as much as 75 per cent of al­ PLAIN o a CANDY COATKD we did, we m ight as well sign the falfa, according to the U S. fish death w arran ts of people who work T & S T ie tit/ and wildlife service Though such for us.” ex trav ag an t losses are Infrequent, About 5,000 locks are changed even norm al losses are of such lm- i every day. If a locker isn 't em ptied portance as to Justify protection after 24 hours of use, its contents and encouragem ent of our n atu ral . ' « , are rem oved, the bin is sealed for m ousers—such as hawks, skunks, | three days, and the lock is changed owls and weasels. The sm all d a m ­ before it is put back into service age that these cre atu res cause to Locks are switched from railroad poultry is greatly outweighed by to subw ay to bus stations then out th eir usefulness, according to biol­ F o r You T o Feel Well of the d istrict. ogists. 24 hour* every day. 7 days «very One conspicuous unclaim ed item week, never stopping, the kidneys filter waste matter from the blood. is a ty p ew riter with an ex tra-larg e | Such usefulness of owls and hawks If more people were aware of how the is recognized in m any states. carriag e. Sm ith called the m aker kldneya muat constantly remove sur­ plus fluid, aaceee acida and other waste A A A of the m achine, and learned who j m atter that cannot etay Is the blood w ithout Injury to health, there would bought it by tracin g the serial be better understanding of wAg the Good Idea num ber. The typew riter had been whole system 1« upset when kidneys fall to function properly. trad ed in, and th ere the trail grew One of the b etter suggestions Burning, acanty or too frequent urina­ cold. In alm ost a year, no one has concerning com fort and conveni­ tion Sometime« warn« that something Is wrong. You may Buffer nagging back­ claim ed it. With oth er forgotten ence for outdoorsm en Is th a t som e­ ache, headaches, diaxineee, rheumatic packages, it will be auctioned off one should put on the m a rk e t a peine, getting up at nights, swelling Why not try />ous’a PUIa? Y<-u will at the end of 12 months. "sp o rtsm an 's lunch.” be uefng a medicine recommended the Almost any d ay you can find at country over. Zteww'a atimulate the func­ It could be m ade, the suggestion tion of the kidney« and help them tt> least a half dozen forgotten p o rt­ continues, som ew hat sim ila r to the flush out poisonous weate from the able radios in the storeroom . There "K ” rations used during the war. blood. They contain nothing harmful. Get ZMoa'a today. Use with eonfidenoa. are clothes racks lined with ap­ A can of m eat, for Instance; a can At all drug stores. parel of every description End of of d essert and perhaps som e pop- the straw hat season brings an ular-flavored crack ers m ight also avalanche of m en 's sum m er skim ­ be included. mers. How Constipated People Can Be Kind to Themselves Kidneys Must Work Well- DOANS PILLS