Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 15, 1919 11. The bullet from a .22 rifle which he was handling penetrated his shoulder from front to back, but fortunately inflicted only a flesh wound. He is reportedly1 doing nicely. MODEL STANDBY CRANBERRY SAUCE * > < )(« Regular 19c, Special 2 for .................... FOR CHRISTMAS— Give that ex­ If movie attendance is off, why tra good candy from Badden’s, Cave Junction. 34-4tc not try putting more butter on the popcorn? (How about it, Harold Bowerman, of Cave Larry?) Junction, returned from Spokane Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blackard of South Gate, California, have The William McLeans of Kerby announced the engagement of celebrated their 30th wedding an­ their daughter, Mary Louise Bak­ niversary last Monday evening. er, to A1 Zapf of Cave Junction. Plans are being made for a wed­ Mr. A. F. Gildemeister of Port­ ding sometime in January. land was a business visitor in Cave Junction on Friday, Decem­ George Birt, USAF, is here on ber y. a thirty day leave visiting his mother, Mrs. Ruth Higley, before Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson, of proceeding to an assignment in Merrill, Oregon, were visiting Japan. Mrs. Higley has another friends and relatives in the Valley son, PFC Laurence J. Birt, who over the weekend. is stationed in Goppingen, Ger­ many. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Coliman returned from Portland Monday, December 12, after attending a medical convention there. FRESH COUNTRY EGGS •> ]£ © Todays cheapest food, large, doz......... Dr. T. Winston Smith, Local optometrist, attended the North­ west Congress of Optometry in Portland earlier this week. COFFEE Ted Burnette and Ben Bailey returned to Cave Junction Wed­ nesday from Eureka, where they have been transacting business. GROCERY Friday, Saturday, Sunday Christmas Specials CRANBERRY SAUCE Large No. 10 Tins, reg. $2.95 81.25 A CHRISTMAS TREAT FROM THE MODEL All Standard Brands Including SANKA, per pound .............................. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Christmas Candy & Nuts Special Prices to Clubs and Organizations for Social Events Friday, Saturday, Sunday Pre-Holiday Specials BACON SQUARES Per Pound ............. 29c TENDER PICNIC HAMS Per Pound tf TRACY’S STEAK Clarence McDaniel, Kerby pho­ tographer, departed for Reedsport, Oregon, Saturday, December 10. There he will open a studio called the “ Reedsport Camera Shop and Studio”. HOUSE Grants Pass Mrs. and Mrs. Robert (Bob) Grimmett, of Fresno, California, were visiting Mrs. Grimmett’s brother, Wallace Kohler, last week and calling on other old friends SATURDAY, DEC. 17 throughout the Valley. No Matinee Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Marrs, re­ cently of Reno, Nevada, have moved back to their ranch on the Bridgeview-Takilma road, and in­ tend to make their permanent ROBERT TAYLOR and home in the Valley. AVA GARDNER LORETTA YOUNG and ROBERT CUMMINGS Jack Heald, former Valley resi­ dent, is now associated with the Corn Belt Broadcasting Com­ pany in Storm Lake, Iowa. His program, "Date With Jack”, is broadcast at 11:30 a. m., and 4 :05 p. m. CLOSED TUESDAYS 35c MIXED NUTS, New Crop One Pound Package f o r ...... lO c ORANGES—Large Sweet Juicy Navel, Per Pound ........................ 11c PINEAPPLE, Sliced, Chase Chocolate Cov Del Monte, No. 2’/2 cans ered Cherries, 1 Lb. box 50c HUNT S PEACHES, Sliced or Halves, No. 2'/z can, 2 Cans for 45c LIBBY’S FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2 l/2 cans, each ........................ 33c Snowdrift SUGAR, pure CIGARETTES Cane, 10 Lbs. in colorful gift 95c cartons Shortening 3 Pounds for 25 Pounds 8 2 .3 5 81.40 79c 19c O ÍJ q TOMATO JUICE, Del Rogue No. 1 tall cans, 2 cans for PINEAPPLE JUICE, Del Monte, No. 2 cans, 2 for Duane Cross, of Cave Junction, WED., THURS., DEC. 21 and 22 was the victim of an accidental gun discharge Sunday, December Disaster ILLINOIS VALLEY DORCAS SOCIETY RICHARD DENNING and TRUDY MARSHALL RUMMAGE AND WHITE ELEPHANT SALE AND Blazing Trails In the Stubblefield Bldg. (¡RADE “A” SIRLOIN STEAKS Per Pound 10c APPLES—Large, Finest Quality Delicious, per pound ............................. 35c The Accused Specials for WEEKENDSPECIALS'... YAMS, Best Quality Per Pound ................. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wescott have SUN., MON., DEC. 18 and 19 sold their ranch in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Wescott plan to leave for California to spend the Christ­ mas holidays with his mother. (Located at Model Market) Cave Junction GREEN, CRISP UTAH CELERY Per Pound ......................................... The Bribe OW EN'S Meat Market Illinois Valley Cash Market SATURDAY, DEC. 17 Starting 6 p. m., continuing thru Monday and Tuesday CHARLES STARRETT and SMILEY BURNETTE SAVE 20% ON YOUR INSURANCE COST $10,000.00 Car Liability Policy for Only $25.50 per year (on most models) Clark's Insurance Agency Hotel Del Rogue Building Grants Pass SPECIAL (¡ROUND BEEF Per Pound PURE PORK LARD Per Pound 17c ROASTING CHCIKENS Per Pound 15c 3% Per Annum That is the Rate of Dividend the FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of G rants Pass FOR YOUR HOLIDAY CAKES GROUND SI FT Per Pound 1 VALLEY SHOE SHOP Now owned anti operated by a man of years of experience. We believe in live and let live. We will use the best of material with expert workmanship. Prices reasonable and all work unconditionally guaranteed to please customers. Drop by, chat auhile and get acquainted anyway A. T. ROWELL, Operator READ THE ADS ALONG WITH THE N E W S-TH E Y CONTAIN VALVABLE INFORMATION FOR YOU " 'W IN T E R / PAYS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS "H ead" Off Trouble Accounts Guaranteed up to $5,000.00 Bring your car to us today for a complete Motor Tuneup before winter weather sets in. By The Federal Savings and Ix»an Insurance Corporation Washington, D. C. Increase the Income on Your Savings And don't forget that Anti-Freeze is just one very important phase of getting your car ready for winter. Another is the proper lubrication. Third, attention to your battery. First Federal Savings and Loan Association 404 South Sixth Street Grants Pass, Oregon Come in for one of our complete but economical Winterizing Service Jobs and BE SAFE. Liberal Trade-in Allowance On Yoar Old Tires C.G.& E.GARAGE V recker Service Phone 1001 Cave Junction