Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 1, 1949 ♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ SAW FILING M. have been cut and paid for at 1949, at 8:00 p. m. when the Coun- S * r? e2Vter, “nd snia11 circ“ lars>! not less th an the bid rates. In ad-1 cil and the City Planning Com- scissors, knives, axes. Gage. dition to the prices bid fo r stump- will discuss the follow- Caves Highway near Redwood. age, a cooperative deposit of $0.25 mission . . 30-tfc per M feet B. M., to be used by the ln^ 1 rdm ance: CLASSIFIED RATES rdinance reg u latin g “ An O rdi hOR SALE— 22 cat, ironed for TREES — Topping a specialty, no FOR RENT-Good public address Forest Service for paying the cost i of slash disposal, and a coopera­ the use of private pro p erty logging, miscellaneous farm job too small or too big. Free Minimum charge 50 cents. system. Inquire a t M artha tive deposit of $0.55 per M feet equipm ent. Also 5 sheep. F e r­ within the City of Cave Ju n c ­ estim ate. W. H. Woods, Dryden, T refethen's, 1 2 mile up Caves B. M., to cover the cost of tree The deadline fo r advertising is 5 32-5tp ris Parker, near Holland. 3 1 -ltp Oregon tion, establishing D istricts or o’clock W ednesday afternoon. highway. 3 2 -ltp planting, seed sowing and tim ber zones throughout the C ity stand im provem ent work on the FOR SALE OR TRADE— 35 Cas At the request of the FLOWER area cut over, for the total cut of MISCELLANEOUS w ithin some of which it shall FOR SALE Cat in good condition, $1600. BASKET in G rants Pass. I will tim ber u n der the term s of the be law ful, and in others unlaw ­ See Richmond, a t O’Brien, O re­ again take orders fo r flowers agreem ent, will be required. $5,- CLOSED SUNDAYS ful to erect, a lte r, or m aintain gon. 3 2 -ltp CLOSING OUT SALE— Screened for the Valley. Don’t forget 000.00 to be applied on the pur­ In the future, beginning De­ certain buildings, or make cer­ rock $5 a 4-yard load delivered LARGE SELECTION of choice to order your poinsettas early. chase price, refunded, or retained cember 1, 1949, tain uses o f property, and estab­ to Cave Junction. 75c a yard Ruth A nn’s A ntique and in part as liquidated damages, ac­ RICHARDSON'S GROCERY •'eterson and D ering Roses. loaded on your truck at stock lishing the boundaries of said cording to the conditions of sale, G ift Shop will be closed every Sunday. Smith Feed and Seed, Cave pile. We can load your truck must accom pany each sealed bid D istricts or Zones, also estab­ We surely appreciate your p a t­ at any time. We still have some Junction. 29-tfc How about a MEXICAN DIN and m ust be shown to be in the lishing penalties fo r the viola­ ronage and hope this will not in­ crushed rock priced from $1.50 NER? Enchilada. Taco. Rice and convenience any of our custom ­ Beans at the COTTAGE FOUN­ possession of oral bidders as a tion th ereo f.” to $1.75 a yard a t stock pile FOR SALE— Lady’s Elgin bi­ qualification fo r auction bidding. ers. ELMER and OPAL. TAIN. cycle - Used one m onth - Lights loaded, or we deliver to Cave If an oral bid is declared to be I A ttested on this 22nd day of Jun ctio n for 50c extra per yard with gen erato r - Basket includ­ SKATING INSTRUCTION — high at the closing of the auction, November, 1949. WINDOW GLASS in 4 yard loads. Leave your or­ ed - $35. See C. V. Fessler or Roller skating classes fo r begin­ the bidder must immediately make Isabel H. Small All sizes window class cut and ders w ith H erb ert Falkenhayn Bill Madden at Kerby. 3 2 -ltp ners will be conducted by Miss the required paym ent and confirm Recorder installed. Illinois Valley H ard ­ or Drews H ardw are store. Stock | Marlene Kaiser from 1 to 2 p. bid by subm itting it in w riting First publication Nov. 25, 1949. ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc the pile 3 miles south of Cave Ju n c­ WE ARE NOW agents fo r sales on a Forest Service bid form . The m., every Sunday at Legion hall Second publication Dec. 1, 1919 books. I f you have a limited tion at Green Bridge Auto court. right to reject any and all bids is 1 in Cave Junction, 50c per lesson. supply on hand, it would be ad­ Call a t the cabin. R. W agner. BUYING A NEW CAR? Insure it reserved. Before bids are sub­ 31-2tc CALL FOR WARRANTS visable to order now. Come In 29-3tc with your local insurance agents m itted, full inform ation concern­ at the News office. • .♦ USED FU RN ITU RE— Bought and ing the tim ber, the conditions of i Notice is hereby given th a t LINKHART & McLEAN FOR SALE OR TRADE— Store, sold, Phone 4211, Jones Cabinet sale and the submission of bids W arrants No. 9365 to 10020 in­ Gas Station, Cabins, Living Shop, Drews Bldg., Cave Ju n c ­ REAL ESTATE Help Build Your Illinois Valley. should be obtained from the F o r­ clusive, of the Josephine C ounty q u a rte rs n ear the Rogue River. tion. 22-4tc est Supervisor, G rants Pass, O re­ G rossing over $25,000 yearly. gon, or the Regional Forester, School D istrict, are hereby called FOR SALE— 50x150 residential ROUGH & READY GARAGE near FOR FURNITURE — T ry Man- T rade fo r ranch with some irri­ for paym ent on the 22nd of Nov­ P ortland, Oregon. Rough & Ready Mill. G eneral chel’s F irst where it’s "F u rn i­ gation. W rite Illinois V alley' lots.Small paym ent down, easy ember, 1949, on which date in­ repairing and specializing in all tu re You’ll Admire a t Prices m onthly paym ents, facing Caves News, Cave Junction, Oregon. terest will cease. electrical and carburetion re­ You'll A ppreciate.” 47-tf< 32-2tp Avenue. Inquire News o f­ pairs. M otor tuneups. Reason­ C ounty T reasu rer NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION fice. 21-tfc LOG CABIN GARAGE FOR SAND AND GRAVEL, good able prices and all work g u a r­ Alice Davidson General Auto Repairing anteed. Pickup and delivery. top soil, road and ^drivaw ay F 0R SAkE _ Lots on and near STATE OF OREGON ) F irst publication-Nov. 24, 1949 Motor Tune-Up — Lubrication m aintenance. Clyde Knight, at Phone 1012, W. B. Myers. 18-tfc County of Josephine ) SS. Caves highway, % mile from Second publication-Dec. 1, 1949. W elding C. G. & E. Texaco Garage. City of Cave Junction ) Redwood highway. Title insur­ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ART DEDRICK, Prop., Selma 32-tfc ance on every lot. Contact and repairs. All work and m a­ Notice is hereby given that an H erbert Falkenhayn, cor. Caves powder terial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ DYNAMITE — Black Prize Awards Presented A t DYNAMITE highway and Old Stage road, Rt. fuses and caps. Illinois Valley election of the City of Cave Ju n c ­ ley H ardw are, Cave Junotion. tion, Josephine County, Oregon 1, box 24, Cave Junction. 6-tfc H ardw are, agency fo r DuPont Achievement Day Program Try Valley Lum ber Co. if you need Powder. 47-tfc will be held at A merican I.egion | LARGE SELECTION of choice blasting powder. 221 W est F Hall on the 5th day o f Ja n u a ry , I «? h i ■ . . , Peterson and D ering Roses. FOR RENT 1950, between the hours of 2 :0 0 1 ’,ollow ,n‘r a short session of St.. G rants Pass. 47-tfc Smith Feed and Seed, Cave o’clock p. m. and 8:00 o’clock p. G range T hursday, November 17, FOR SALE— 22 Mossberg rifle, 4 FOR RENT — 3 - Room modern m. to subm it to the legal voters the annual 4-H Achievement pro­ Junction. 29-tfc boxes of shells, used very little, CREDIT BUREAUS SAY— Mer­ of the City of Cave Junction the gram was presented, with skits and house a t new high school; Two very reasonable. Inquire at the MATTRESS RENOVATING chants Pay Day is on the 10th question of issuing bonds of the musical num bers by members houses at Rough and Ready, News office. 23-tfc Pay your m erchant prom ptly City of Cave Junction in an lights and w ater. See Elwood FU RN ITU RE UPHOLSTERING. , _■ ■ . , . ,, a am m o ount u n t not n o t tn (in n n o Jenkins, county 4-H ad- All work guaranteed. Beauty- and keep your credit good. to ,>vp»od exceed «9(1 $20,000.00 Huasay. 3 2 -ltp FOR SALE— Old growth fir de­ an in terestin g in te r­ c ra ft, 113 South 8th S treet, for the purpose of expanding and 1 Vlsor> held livered $4 a tier, $12 a cord. phone 3192, G rants Pass. 18-tfc view with Dwain Cross concern­ m aintaining the municipal w ater On ground, $3.50 a tier, $10.50 COTTAGE IS YOUR FIRE INSURANCE AD AVAILABLE — Oil a cord. Oak delivered $5 a EQUATE? Have your policy supply system a fte r retiring the ing his six year live stock work. heat, modern, Cave P ark Motel. SLAUGHTERING — See A1 Bel- nresent $9,000.00 in secondary Mr. Jenkins then made first year tier, $15 a cord. On ground, checked by your local agents R eason ab le rate s. 30-tfc la rt a t Illinois Motel fo r your bonds, to be payable from an an ­ pin aw ards to Norma Robinson, $4.50 a tier, $13.50 a cord. slaughtering. G overnm ent in­ LINKHART & McLEAN nual tax levy of such sum as Fireplace Oak delivered $5 a FOR RENT— Cabins with kitchen spected. Y our beef slaughtered shall be found necessary to meet Betty Robinson, Joy Carson, S ara and bath, $1 per day and up. tier, $15 a cord. On ground for $1 and hide. Also we buy Help Build Your Illinois Valley and pay the in terest on the Cave Hoskins, and Donna Zim m erm an; Illinois Motel, one mile south 50 cents less. Across from hides. 26-tfc Junction W ater Bonds and to re ­ second year aw ards to Linda from Cave Junction. 26-tfc Camp Muir. Ross Phillips, Rt. tire the principal of said bonds George, Roberta England, E ditha 1 Box 916, Cave Junction. WANTED as they m ature. _____ 31-tfc FOR RENT— cabins w ith oil heat-1 PEACE OF MIND thru a piece of Scott, Thelm a B ennett, Beverly paper is yours ers. Reasonable w inter rates. Ye The vote will be by ballot upon B rillhart, and Lilabelle C ross; a OLD N EW SPA PERS for startin g Y our Insurance Policy. Rustic Inn, Phone 1002, Cave which shall lie the words "BONDS WANTED — Work of any kind six year card to Dwain C ross; and fires for sale at News office. O ur office is f^ r your Junction. 21 -ltc need it badly. Mrs. S. M YES” and “ BONDS NO’’, and the convenience. Bailey, care W. A. Estes, Rt. 1, voter shall place a cross (X) be­ an eight year card to M argaret Box 534 or phone 5003 Cave tw een the word "BONDS” and the Smith. Friendly, courteous service. word “ Y ES” or between the word Junction. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Prize ribbons and checks won LINKHART & McLEAN “ BONDS” and the word “ NO", a t the county fa ir: fo r sponge W ANTED— C arpenter work, new which indicates his choice. Y our local insurance agents. work, remodeling. No job too The polls for the reception of cake, R oberta England and Linda small. Satisfaction assured. H. the ballots cast for or against the George; sew ing I, Lylabelle Cross, Help Build Your Illinois Valley. DR. A. N. COLLMAN Windows and Doors! F. H artw ell, Cave Junction. m easure will, on said day and date Betty Robinson, and Donna Zim­ N aturopathic Physician 30-4tp and a t the place aforesaid, be REPAIRS— On all makes of sew­ m erm an; H ereford beef, M argaret HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. VALLEY LUMBER Co. opened at the hour of 2:00 o'clock Smith. ing machines. F ree estim ates O ffice Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 p. m. and rem ain open until the given in advance by Bonded LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY for your repair jobs Movies of 4-H activities were hour of 8:00 o’clock p. m. of said Singer representative. W rite 221 W est F St. Phone 4612 shown, and a potluck supper en­ date when same shall be closed. Singer Sewing Machine Com­ Charles N. Versteeg, M, D. FOR SALE— F at Red Hens $1.25 GRANTS PASS, OREGON BY ORDER OF TH E COMMON joyed. pany, 40 N orth F ront, M edford, each. J. S. Bedingfield, Cem COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oregon. 10-tfc 32-2tp CAVE JUNCTION. JO SE PH IN E Daily Freight Service FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement e te ry Road. PECAN PIE as you like it, at O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon FOR SALE— Tender, fat ducks, COUNTY, OREGON, this 11th day the COTTAGE FOUNTAIN. GRANTS PASS, PORTLAND 2 to 5 p. m. m ixer, electrically driven. Illi­ $1.25 each. F. J. Gibbons, IP of November, 1949. and SAN FRANCISCO Isabel H. Small nois Valley H ardw are, Cave 1, Box 854, Cave Junction. YANDELL BROS. GARAGE RECORDER DR. T. WINSTON SM ITH Junction. 25-tfc 3 1 -ltp First publication Dec. 1, 1949 Pierce Auto Freight OPTOMETRIST Second publication Dec. 29, 1949. Watch Repairing FOR SALE— 3 horses; 3-year old RENTALS Every Thurs. 12 noon to 9 p. m. green broke colt, 1 riding Regina W axer and Polisher, Evenings by appointm ent only Water Well Drilling RESOLUTION m are, 1 all round m are, ride, $1.25 per day, re tu rn same day, A ppointm ents made a t W hite’s See $2.00 over week end, return pack or work. Very reason PAQUIN & STORY D rug Store, Cave Junction Be it resolved, and the same is able. F. P. Knight, Westside Monday 9 a. m. MANCHEL’S 800 N 10th St. G rants Pass F u rn itu re , Cave Junction. 6-5tc road, Kerby. 31-2tp hereby ordained by the Mayor and WINDOW FRAMES- _________ ____________ J. L. NEILSEN PHONE 2631 or 3583 the Common Council of the City BUILT IN CABINETS of all Anv Kind or Any Size j Ambulance Service Day or Night kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones LEGAL NOTICES W a tc h m a k e r aad Jaw alar of Cave Junction in obeyance of PHONE 4453 Section 96-2309 and 95-2404 VALLEY LUMBER Co. 210 W est A St Cabinet Shop, Drews Building. 520 East II Street OCLA, th a t a Public H earing will 221 W est F St. Phone 4612 HULL & HULL Phone 4211, Cave Junction. be held a t le g io n Hall A uxiliary Grant« Pam, Oregon GRANTS PASS 23-4 tc Funeral Home Monday, December 6 ,1 NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER Room W ATER W ELL DRILLING, Do TITLE INSURANCE FOR SALE mestic and irrigation wells, 12 GLENN MORRISON POST ESCROWS to 36 months to pay. Latest Oral auction bids will be receiv­ equipm ent available. Satisfied The American Legion Rogue River Title Co. custom ers our m otto. Paquin ed by the Regional F o rester or his & Story, 800 N. 10th St., G rants authorized representatives a t the 212 N. 6th St. G rants Pass office of the Forest Supervisor, Meets 1st and 3rd W ednesday Pass, Phone 2631 or 3683. Post O ffice Building, G rants Pass VISITORS W ELCOME GASOLINE O perated Cement I Oregon, beginning a t 2:00 p. m., m ixer for re n t by the day, Ja n u ary 3, 1960, for all the live Accounting Service iteti on to 2x 12 S2S, $20 per M. Cave- cutting and all m erchantable dead Audita, Bookkeeping, Income Tax Building Supplies, Cave June tim ber located on an area em brac­ Service and Quarterly Reports tion. 27-tfc ing about 223 acres within Sec Monthly P. U. C. Reports tions 20, 21, 28, 29 and 30, T. 40 NOTARY PUBLIC Commercial job p rinting a t the S., R. 7 W , W. M., Elder Creek News. Cave Junctio n drainage of the East Fork Illinois River w atershed, Siskiyou Nation al F orest, Oregon, estim ated to be 6,744,000 feet B. M., more or less, | of D ouglas-fir; 50,000 feet B. M„ more or less, of Port O rford cedar; 343,000 feet B. M., more or less of Sugar Pine; and 59,000 feet B. M., more or less, of white fir and other species of saw tim ber. Sealed bids accompanied by the required pay­ ment received by the Forest S uper­ visor prior to 2:00 p. m., Jan u ary 3, 1960, will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and post­ ed for the inform ation of all bid­ ders. The appraised value of the tim ber according to long-term , HE E A R T H IS B O M B A R D E O B Y 3 6 0 , 0 0 0 L IG H T N IM G F L A S H E S ' normal m arket and operating con- Why take chances on ruining your car when . ditions is $3.95 per M fpet for E V E R Y H O U R O F T H E D A Y ~» D ouglas-fir; $9.25 per M feet for « .U C K IL Y , A L L B U T A S M A L L a good grease job at the right time will pre­ Port O rford cedar; $7.65 per M P E R C E N T E N O IM M l D ' A l R - feet for Sugar Pine, and $0.50 per vent serious trouble. Drive in today and we M. feet for white fir and other I species of saw tim ber. No bid will will tell you if you need a lubrication job. be considered which is less than these rates as a base rate appli­ When we grease ’em, they stay greased longer cable through the entire period of the sale agreem ent, plus at least THE CALIFORNIA $3.05 per M feet for D ouglas-fir; Now we have a good supply of $5.50 per M feet for Port O rford OREGON POWER cedar; $12.65 per M feet for Sugar PERMANENT TYPE A N TI FREEZE Pine, and $0.50 per M feet for tN U A M IN F 8 A N K U W W A S T H E F IR S T M A M T O COMPANY white fir and other species of saw- A C T U A L L Y P R O V E T H A T L lG H T N IM G IS E L E C T R IC IT Y (Ethylene Glycol) tim ber, the total to apply for all T H R O U G H H IS F A M O U S K IT E F L Y IN G E X P E R IM E N T OF 1752. B E F O R E THAT T IM E L IG H T N IN G W A S T H O U G H T TO f t E tim ber cut prior to November 30, A N Y T H IN G F R O M S U L P H U R O U S V A P O R E XPLO SIO N S? 1950. On th a t date and at other I times, as stated in the contract, T O A S O R T O F C E L E S T IA L A R T IL L E R Y » total rates will be redeterm ined, but in no event will the redeter-1 mined stum page rates be less than i IS COPCO PART OF A HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM? the basic appraised value as first Wrecker Service Phone 1001 Cave Junction above stated , and in no event will , rates below those bid be establish­ N o! COPCO became an independent company in Jane 1947 ed until at least 3,000,000 feet B hall 7 s “Read ’Em and Reap” our ads H I S T O W Of E L E C T O IC IT V 1 a DON'T TAKE CHANCES C.G.& E.GARAGE