■r * Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 17, 1919 MODEL GROCERY . . Thanksgiving Sale . . Friday, Saturday, Sunday SQUASH, Hubbard, Banana, Danish Per Pound 78c 39c SHORTENING — S now drift 3 Pound Can fo r MINCE M E A T Per Quart PINEAPPLE, Sliced or Crushed JUICES Lowest Prices 19c PU M PKIN No. 2»/2 «ze, Per Can locus Jam es Reed was a week end guest a t the Glen Champney home. Mrs. Ella W ag staff of Albany, is again living in her cottage at G rants Pass. F ra n k Osgood, of M ontana, is visiting his nephews, Messrs. S. S. C astleberry and J. J. Castleberry. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Booth of the Chit Chat, w ere transacting business in the county seat the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. O stendorf and Mrs. H. D. Quinby of G rants Pass visited friends in the valley on Arm istice Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. B urnette of the Cottage F ountain, transacted business in G rants Pass the first of this week. Lowest Prices EVERY DAY PRICES FOR THE VALLEY U NTIL FURTHER NOTICE CIGARETTES $ ] All Standard Brands, per carton .... * » 3 .8 9 FLOUR, A ll Brands SO Pound Sack fo r $5.55 M IL K , Canned Per Case FOLKS — Something New in the Valley Start looking for our Red Tag Sales— for every day in the week. Up to 1 0 ', saving on all ar­ ticles tagged. Make your shopping a pleasure! OWEN'S Cave Junction Saturday to Thanksgiving N O T IC E YAMS Per Pound RICHARDSON’S GROCERY will be closed Sundays, S tartin g December 1st. 30-3tc d is tr ib u tio n m o rn in g . be in by CELERY Green, Crisp, Pound W ednesday A l l new » ite m » m u»t M o n d a y e v e n in g an d 9© a ll ad» T u e t d a y m o rn in g . OLIVES S & W Mammoth 1 Pound Can Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pynes and son Daniel, w ere in the Valley for A rm istice Day visiting friends. They will leave shortly for their home in Globe, Arizona. A. E. Deason and William F u r­ long transacted business in the county seat last Monday. Mr. Dea­ son stayed in th e city fo r several days to receive medical attention. T R A C Y ’S Mrs. K ate Lewis is spending several weeks w ith her sister, relatives and friends in Fresno, California. However, she expects to be home fo r the Christmas holidays. Friends of L. R. “ P ete” Best will be glad to learn th a t he is up and around again a fte r two w eeks' in bed. Pete is the popular pro­ prietor of the Associated Service station. W ord was received in the Val­ ley Monday, th a t Merle Young, form er ow ner of the Model gro­ cery, was stricken Sunday even­ ing with a severe h e a rt attack and was rushed to the Josephine G en­ eral hospital. Monday afternoon he was reported improving. “ W illa dora” G ift Shop To D isplay Xmas G ifts (Located at Model Market) Specials for Z IN IH EC CC D O ID Ÿ « « M V WIRK" "U THANKSGIVING TURKEY N O W ! Perm its a re no longer required for burning either scattered slash or piled brush according to a re ­ port received from the S tate F o r­ est P atrol by the Redwood Rang­ er Station. Due to the heavy rains received during the past 2 weeks, the ban on burning has been lifted. However, care should be exercised while burning since the ow ner of the property on which the burning is done is still liable for any damage to adjacent property due to the spread of the I flames. A V A IL A B L E T O O UR 19© EASTERN BACON (b y piece) 59© Per Pound SIRLOIN STEAKS. (G rade A ) 59© Per Pound CHUCK ROASTS (ce n te r c a t). Grade A 1 aa MORRELL PICNIC HAMS Per Pound Per Pound PURE LARD Per Pound 79© Fluffo, 3 Pounds 69© Wesson Oil, Quart 89© 59© PUMPKIN Standby Golden No. 2V> Can Libby’s FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2U Can 19© 83© G rants Pass CRANBERRY SAUCE MIXED NUTS No. 1 Cans 1 Pound in Cello Bag Standbv Strained S E E US FOR RADIO SALES & SERVICE RCA V IC T O R A N D C A P IT O L RECORDS A L’S RADIO SHOP Cave Junction Phone 4002 15© APPLES Large E xtra Fancy Yakima Delicious, Lb. Ocean Spray Whole Berry 12© 17© Del Monte Hawaiian PINEAPPLE Crushed or Sliced in heavy,syrup No. 2 Can CHEDDAR CHEESE Loaf Schreiber’s Wisconsin 2 Pounds for 79© S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 19 Strike It Rich A PRESENT WORTH H A V IN G Send the Illin o is V al­ ley News to your friends, or a form er resident. I t ’s U ntil a fte r the Xmas holidays W illadora G ift Shop on the Red­ ROD CAMERON and wood highway will have on dis­ BONITA GRANVILLE play and for sale, lovely hand­ made gifts such as luncheon and tea towel sets, aprons, baby sets, jam s, books, bags and other m is­ SUN., M O N ., N O V . 20 and 21 cellaneous articles th at will make appropriate Christm as gifts. Or- | ilers will be taken for homemade fru it cakes and door swags. BOB H OPE and Place your orders and make your JA N E RUSSELL gift selections early. Fire Permits To Burn Outside C ity Lim its No Longer Necessary OREGON CHEDDAR CHEESE Per Pound HOUSE just like getting a lette r from home. THEY W O U LD READ YOUR A D TO O , IF IT APPEARED HERE The Paleface Friday, Saturday, Sunday P R IC E S STEAK Snowdrift, 3 Pounds 11© NOTICE Due to th e h o lid a y next w e e k th e N E W S w ill be re a d y fo r SHORTENING ---------------o-------------- N eat Market LOW EST Illinois Valley Cash Market George M. Frederick, form erly an Illinois Valley resident and the builder of Fredericks Auto Court, died while on his way to the hos­ pital in an am bulance, on S a tu r­ day, November 12, a t 6:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. F rederick were at Brookings on a fishing trip. F u neral services w ere held W ednesday a t 2 p. m., and he will be buried at th e Sm ith River cem etery. H e is survived by his w ife Florence and several sisters and brothers who live in Texas. ............................................... CRANBERRIES, Fresh Whole B erry Sauce Order GEORGE FREDERICK 45c 17© AWAY FOR P R IN T IN G Never Come Back I«» U« Do You» Printing SU B S C R IB ER S Cards were recently m ailed to our subscribers rem inding them >>f th e ir expiration date. Postal regulations require all subscrip­ tions be paid in advance, and we request th at your rem ittance be mailed in immediately in order to keep our mailing list up to date. T U E S . , W E N . , N O V . 2 2 a n d 23 Heart of Virginia LANE HOPE CHEST A Gift Supreme $59.95 up JA N E T MARTIN and ROBERT LOWERY AND Law Of The Golden West MONTE HALE and GAIL DAVIS T H U R S .. F R L , N O V . 24 and 25 Red Stallion In The Rockies ARTHUR FRANZ and JEA N HEATHER N. llit C M IIfT M A t THE GIFT THAT STARTS THE HOME CIUSS MOW IO A IA IN O I IANE à -------- H e lp th e H o s p ita l--------- ILLINOIS VALLEY GRANGE DANCE s others, specially priced for Au­ gust only. A ll Lane chests have Lane's exclusive quality ---------- features —plus a free moth insurance policy. Come in today. P a y a little D O W N . . . A little each WEEK Saturday, Nov. 19 MUSIC BY LANG W O RTHYS ORCHESTRA Usual Good Eats by Ladies of the Grange D o n 't w a it ! Buy h e r L ane Christmas gift now, during Au­ gust, and save! T a k e u ntil Christmas to pay. See this re- m arkab le Lane value, and Ask about the LANE L A Y A W A Y P L A N ! Buy on E asy Terms! Bridgeview Grange H all 75c Per Person. Inc. Tax tfa Real I V' A' J