Illinois Valley News, Thursday^November 10, 1918 SAW FILING the time and place for hearing on Carpenter and small circulars said final account and objections with precision machinery. Gage. thereto. E. L. Mortenson, Admin­ Caves highway near Redwood. istrator of the estate of Charles Mortenson, sometimes X-TRA EGG PRODUCER MASH Frederick known as C. F, Mortenson, de­ REAL ESTATE makes chickens lay more eggs. ceased. 29-4tc It’s the kind of feed they need. Buy it at Smith Feed & Seed, CALL FOR WARRANTS FOR SALE OR TRADE— Equity Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. in 4-room house with wood shed, Notice hereby given that chicken house, one acre ground. SLAUGHTERING — See Al Bel- Warrants is No. 8924 to 9006 in­ Etc. M. L. Fuller, on old stage lart at Illinois Motel for your clusive, of the Josephine County road. 29-ltp slaughtering. Government in­ School District, are hereby called spected. Your beef slaughtered for payment on the 25th day of WOULD APPRECIATE Listings for $1 and hide. Also we buy October, 1949, on which date in- on Illinois Valley and Deer hides. 26-tfc i terest will cease. Creek ranches. Pioneer Realty, Alice Davidson, George Hilton, Jr., Phone 3264, IF YOU HAVE A FIRE County Treasurer. 404 South 6th St., Grants Pass. WILL YOUR PRESENT • First publication Oct. 27, 1949. INSURANCE BUILD YOU A ' Second publication Nov. 3, 1949. 27-4tp HALF HOUSE OR ! LARGE SELECTION of choice A WHOLE HOUSE? FOR RENT—Two and three room VALUES HAVE CHANGED! ■'eterson and Dering Roses. cottages at Frederick’s Motel, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT Smith Feed and Seed, Cave modern, utilities furnished. HAVE AMPLE COVERAGE. Junction. 29-tfc 29-3tp CHECK YOURS WITH ---- ---------------------------------------- LINKHART & McLEAN MATTRESS RENOVATING CHOICE RESIDENTIAL lots in YOUR LOCAL INSURANCE Palmer’s new subdivision in bus­ FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING. AGENTS. PHONE 3802 or iness district. Inquire at Ruth All work guaranteed. Beauty- 1306. CAVE JUNCTION. Ann’s Treasure Chest, Cave craft, 113 South 8 th Street, Junction. 24-4tc phone 3192, Grants Pass. 18-tfc RENTALS FOR SALE—50x150 residential Regina Waxer and Polisher, Our Doughnuts and Maple Bars lots.Small payment down, easy $1.25 per day, return same day, are cooked in peanut oil at Bad­ monthly payments, facing Caves $2.00 over week end, return den’s. Monday 9 a. m. MANCHEL’S Avenue. Inquire News of­ Furniture, Cave Junction. 6-5tc fice. 21-tfc ♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ CLASSIFIED RATES “WILLADORA” GIFT SHOP — Many lovely handmade gifts, The deadline for advertising is 5 bags, aprons, head scarfs, baby o’clock Wednesday afternoon. sets, luncjieon and tea towel Minimum charge 50c first inser­ sets, books, pictures, jams, jel­ tion *• lies. Orders taken for door swags, fruit cakes. Two miles south, Redwood highway -2tp FOR SALE FOR SALE — Reasonable, Table saw, 12 inch tilting blade, two horse-power motor. Eastwood Village, Redwood highway, Cave Junction, Oregon. 29-tfc X-TRA EGG PRODUCER MASH is the kind of chicken feed that makes X-TRA eggs. Get it at Smith Feed & Seed, Cave Junc­ tion. Hours 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. FOR SALE — ABC Spindryer Washer, $50. Write Box 23, Holland. 29-ltp FOR SAND AND GRAVEL, good top soil, road and driveway maintenance. Clyde Knight, at C. G. & E. Texaco Garage. 19-12tp FOR SALE—Double bed, springs and mattress; large galvanized double sink, about 3000 feet rough lumber, some finished dry lumber, and some shiplap. All for rough lumber price. In­ quire at Badden’s Bakery, Cave Junction. 29-ltp CLOSING OUT SALE— Screened rock a 4-yard load delivered to Cave Junction. 75c a yard loaded on your truck at stock pile. We can load your truck at any time. We still have some crushed rock priced from $1.50 to $1.75 a yard at stock pile loaded, or we deliver to Cave Junction for 50c extra per yard in 4 yard loads. Leave your or­ ders with Herbert Falkenhayn or Drews Hardware store. Stock pile 3 miles south of Cave Junc­ tion at Green Bridge Auto court. Call at the cabin. R. Wagner. 29-3tc USED CARS 1946 Ford 5-Pa>» Coupe A low mileage car, exceptional­ ly clean inside and out, and WINDOW GLASS loaded with comfort accessor­ FOR WELL Located Highway All sizes window class cut and ies. Don’t form an opinion un­ Frontage installed. Illinois Valley Hard­ til you have seen this outstand­ Contact ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc ing value. Linkhart & McLean, Brokers Cave Junction, Oregon REPAIRS—On all makes of sew­ KELT CHE VIOLET Used Cat- ing machines. Free estimates Sales, 735 So. 6th, Grants Pass. FOR SALE — Lots on and near given in advance by Bonded LUMBER FOR SALE — Good Caves highway, Vfe mile from Singer representative. Write planed lumber, all sizes. $20 per FOR SALE—'39 Pontiac 4-door Redwood highway. Title insur­ Singer Sewing Machine Com-1 thousand and up. Bill Burch, ance on every lot. Contact sedan, new engine, excellent pany, 40 North Front, Medford, 2 ’6 miles South of Cave Junc­ Herbert Falkenhayn, cor. Caves condition. J. B. Rhea, Pine Oregon. 10-tfc I tion, Redwood highway. 28-ltc highway and Old Stage road, Rt. Kone Kamp, Cave Junction, -ltp 1, box 24, Cave Junction. 5-tfc FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement USED FURNITURE—Bought and mixer, electrically driven. Illi­ sold, Phone 4211, Jones Cabinet 1948 Chevrolet 4-Door FOR RENT nois Valley Hardware, Cave Shop, Drews Bldg., Cave Junc­ Very nice, clean sedan in light tion. 22-4tc Junction. 26-tfc grey, with heater, new tailored FOR SALE — 1,000 Watt Light seat covers, spot light. An ideal FOR RENT — 3-roont modern un­ FOR FURNITURE — Try Man- plant, good condition, “price family car, and reasonably furnished cottage. Eastwood chel’s First where it’s “ Furni­ reasonable.” Write or inquire priced. Village, Redwood highway. ture You’ll Admire at Prices at postoffice for Lela Cooke, 28-tfc You’ll Appreciate.” 47-tft KELT CHEVROLET Used Car O’Brien, Oregon. 29-ltp Sales, 735 So. 6th, Grants Pass. 3 AND 4 ROOM COTTAGES for DYNAMITE — Black powder, DYNAMITE rent at Foster Court, 2 miles fuses and caps. Illinois Valley south of Cave Junction on Red­ Hardware, agency for DuPont Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need 1939 Ford Tudor wood highway 199. 27-3tp Powder. 47-tfc blasting powder. 221 West F A smooth running, better value FOR RENT—Cabins with kitchen St.. Grants Pass. 47-tfc car. One of the best buys in and bath, $1 per day and up. FOR SALE—22 Mossberg rifle, 4 its class. Illinois Motel, one mile south boxes of shells, used very little, from Cave Junction. 26-tfc CREDIT BUREAUS SAY—Mer­ very reasonable. Inquire at the KELT CHEVROLET Used Car chants Pay Day is on the 10th. 1 News office. 23-tfc Sales, 735 So. 6th, Grants Pass. FOR RENT—cabins with oil heat­ Pay your merchant promptly ers. Reasonable winter rates. Ye and keep your credit good. Rustic Inn, Phone 1002, Cave Junction. 21-ltc BUILT IN CABINETS of all PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones i Cabinet Shop, Drews Building. 1 WANTED Phone 4211, Cave Junction. DR. A. N. COLLMAN Windows and Doors! 23-4tc I WANTED — Work of any kind, Naturopathic Physician need it badly. Mrs. S. M. HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. VALLEY LUMBER Co. LOG CABIN GARAGE Bailey, care W. A. Estes, Rt. 1, General Auto Repairing Office Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 box 534 or phone morning or for your repair jobs Motor Tune-Up — Lubrication evening 1208 Cave Junction. 221 West F St. Phone 4612 Welding 29-2tp Charles N. Versteeg, M. D. GRANTS PASS, OREGON ART DEDRICK, Prop., Selma. YOUNG MAN DOES BUZ SAW­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON One accident can ING — Jack of all trades, mas­ Daily Freight Service Cost you your Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon ter of none. May I work for Life Savings GRANTS PASS, PORTLAND you? Bob Breckenridge, 2 to 5 p. m. Do you have and SAN FRANCISCO O’Brien. 28-4tc Preper Liability Insurance? YANDELL BROS. GARAGE DR. T. WINSTON SMITH See LINKHART & McLEAN TREES — Topping a specialty, no Pierce Auto Freight Cave Junction. 46-ltc OPTOMETRIST job too smali or too big. Free estimate. W. H. Woods, Dryden, Fvery Thurs. 12 noon to 9 p. m. Ore. 28- Evenings by appointment only Make him a pie in a shell from Water Well Drilling Badden's. Appointments made at White’s WANTED—Carpenter work, new PAQUIN & STORY Drug Store, Cave Junction work, remodeling. No job too 800 N. 10th St. Grants Pass small. Satisfaction assured. H. WATER WELL DRILLIN g T d ?- PHONE 2631 or 3583 WINDOW FRAMES F. Hartwell, Gaive Junction. mestic and irrigation wells, 12 27-2tp to 36 months to pay. Latest Any Kind or Anv Size Ambulance Service Day or Night equipment available. Satisfied 210 West A St PHONE 4453 VALLEY LUMBER Co. customers our motto. Paquin MISCELLANEOUS & Story, 800 N. 10th St., Grants HULL & HULL 221 West F St. Phone 4612 Pass, Phone 2631 or 3583. GRANTS PASS Funeral Home ROUGH & READY GARAGE near For Sure Insurance Insure Rough & Ready Mill. General with TITLE INSURANCE repairing and specializing in all Linkhart & McLean electrical and carburetion re­ ESCROWS GLENN MORRISON POST pairs. Phone Cave Junction 3802 or Motor tuneups. Reason­ Kerby 1306 able prices and all work guar­ The American Legion Rogue River Title Co. anteed. Pickup and delivery. GASOLINE Operated Cement 212 N. 6th St. Grants Pass Phone 1012, W. B. Myers. 18-tfc Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday mixer for rent by the day, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING | mounted on trailer. Also 2x6 VISITORS WELCOME H ALL’S to 2x12 S2S, $20 per M. Caves and repairs. All work and ma Building Supplies, Cave Junc­ terial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ Accounting Service 27-tfc ley Hardware, Cave Junction. ; tion. Audits, Bookkeeping, Income Tax Service and Quarterly Report* Monthly P. U. C. Report» NOTARY PUBLIC “Read ’Em and Reap” our ads Cave Junction Sfc LARGE SELECTION of Peterson and Dering Smith Feed and Seed, Junction. choice ' LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Roses ! SALE — Good family milk Cave FOR cow $80. Harbour & Son, 29-tfc Bridgeview. 29-ltp H fS T O R Y o f E L E C T R IC IT Y ' I, ’A FOR SALE— Cattle transportation blanks at the News Office, tf FOR MORE EGGS feed X-TRA Egg Producer Mash to your chickens. Buy it from Smith Feed & Seed. New hours from 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. 25-tfc J BEEF 4-H CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED There will be a meeting of the 4-H club at the school yard, Sun­ day, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of forming a “ Beef Club.” Cliff Jenkins, assistant county agent, will be present. All children interested in the “ Beef Project” are asked to bring their parents. A tour through the Valley will be conducted to see all available steers. ........ . ■ o ■■ ■ ■ Back Priming When a coat of paint is applied to the back of woodwork and ex­ terior siding to prevent moisture from getting into the wood and causing the grain to swell, It is •aid to be "back primed.” SEE US FOR RADIO SALES & SERVICE RCA VICTOR AND CAPITOL RECORDS AL’S RADIO SHOP Cave Junction Phone 4002 MOVING! TELEPHONE Grants Pa»» 4439 GIVE YOUR CAR NEW LIFE WE SPECIALIZE IN FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOTOR TUNEUP MOTOR REBUILDING BRAKES — WELDING GENERAL REPAIRS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ISHAM’S FAST MOVERS About BEK1N VAN LINES System Freight Sarvlca Converte Freight Sarvica W atch Repairing See I. L. NEILSEN Selma Garage & Supply W a t c h m a k e r a n d J e w e le r 520 East II Street DOYL HAMILTON Grant« Paas, Oregon Selma, Oregon IF SNOW AND ICE COMES ? ? 1 TIRE CHAINS Will be a necessity. Why wait? We have a complete stock of Tire Chains now—When the first snow comes, they will all be gone. Get a set NOW and be prepared for any kind of weather. We have chains starting with 600 x 16 at an<* UP BATTERIES We are well stocked in all sizes and prices are right. Starting as low as $ 1 0 .0 5 ANTI-FREEZE Cold weather is tough on radiators and en­ gine blocks. Oor stock room is now well filled with PERMANENT TYPE ANTI­ FREEZE. The fir,st real cold day we have it will all be gone. Don’t Wait! C.G.& E.GARAGE Wrecker Service Phone 1001 Cave Junction - /zZ LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR WARRANTS HOMAS P a VCNPORT O FVeRM OW T ,IN V E N T E D the first COMMERCIALLY S U C C E S S F U L E LE C TR IC M O T O R IN 1 6 3 7 .