Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 10, 1918 yilinciA Vif He if lieu A An independent new spaper devoted to the developm ent of the richeat valley in the world, the Illinoia Valley and it« surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon, by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. O I T O R I A L A S S Ò Clift T Í c Z n ‘- r E n tered as second-class m atter Ju n e 11, 1937 a t the Post O ffice at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. M. C. Athey Editor S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE S In J o sep h in e C ou n ty One Y ear _________________$2.50 Six Months .............................$$1.25 O R E C W Q N u tfsiiiy 'E I P U B L IS H E R 'S A jS O J « IA T IO II Outside Josephine County One Y ear ..................................$3.00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to re je c t any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. A dvertising rates upon application _ C <•/____ REDW OOD EM PIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ■ ID W O O D E M P IR E Unit. A S S O C IA T IO N THE WILL TO DO CHURCH ONE NO TRESSPASSING SIGN SUFFICIENT RULES JUDGE MEARS Only one “ no trespassing” sign is needed to protect prop­ erty , Circuit Judge John It. Mears ruled recently in find­ ing six duck hun ters guilty of trespass. The hunters, each fined $10, contended that F arm er Paul R. M artin of T routdale had not put up enough “ no trespass­ ing" signs and fu rth e r that be­ cause of darkness and fog they The com plainant said he had lost 60 heud of cattle last year to h u n te rs’ gunfire. Help the Hospital When You Want WATCHES AND JEWELRY SAW NOTES T H A T ARE DEPENDABLE MORNAY and ANNA ATHEY CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY back from Portland. CHURCH • * * George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sunday School attendance was 169 last Sunday. B irthdays were observed for George Bell, Duane Cross, Beverly B rillhart, Jean Knight and Jim m y Cady. The contest betw een the Reds and Blues is to be a stratosphere race, the Blues are now leading. Visitor was Mrs. G race Johnson of Long Beach, visiting the Sherier family. Rev. G ray’s them e was “ The Whole A rm or of God.” A rthur Drews sang “ The Glory of His Presence.” Frances Young and Lilabelle Cross sang a duet for the evening service, and the SSRG young folk a q u a rte t w ith George Smith, Duane Cross, D arleen and Claire Cooper, singing “ Take Time to be Holy.” Two Circles m et this week, Town W ednesday afternoon and an all day m eeting of the O’Brien circle a t Mrs. B urton’s today (T hursday). The all day meeting of the M issionary group is sched­ uled for next W ednesday at the church (N ovem ber 16), and all ladies will w ant to be present to hear results of the bazaar sales and reports from committees. The rum m age sale will be held Sat­ urday, November 19, place to be announced later. Coming this S aturday a t 8 p. m., a fine moving picture entitled “ Voices of the Deep” , a natural color, sound film, showing life in the ocean, produced by the scientist, Dr. Irw in S. Moon, in connection with Moody Bible In stitu te of Chicago. This is to be a free program and w orth seeing, •'arents should bring their children to see this unusual and in stru c­ tive picture. The regular singspiration for Noveml>er will be next Sunday a t 2 :30 p.m., a t Bridgeview Church, everyone invited. Spec­ ial num bers are wanted. Sunday evening November 20, a song service with m any special num bers by local talen t will be held a t the Community Church. “The man who says it can’t de done, is continually being interrupted by someone doing it.”—Selected. We of the Valley have been trying to build a much needed hospital for the benefit of all Valley people. We made a good start, and it is still a very live issue, but seems to be in a categorical corner of delay, tern porarily only. When the citizens of the Valley fully realize what the hospital will mean for those who need it and need it in a hurry, they will rise up in a body and build it. Crescent City has shown us the way. Our coast town neighbor needed a dock and when the citizens really realized the need, they pitched in and started to build one. Everything was donated. Trucks, sand and gravel, lumber, carpenter,s, laborers and helpers by the score, tore into the job without ever expecting a cent for their labors or services, and lo and behold, the dock is on its way to an early completion. When the citizens of the Valley get keyed up to the right pitch, they will all get together and start building our hospital. Those who cannot contribute materials or labor, can give cash to buy something that can’t be donated. All ready hundreds (we be lieve there are hundreds) have given cash and more will do so when the fever start,s percolating, then our hospital will be a reality. If some good doctor would only inoculate this kind of a fever bug into enough good people, and make it contageous, we WILL GET OUR HOSPITAL. We pray the Lord to send us a Bug—a big BUG, SSRG HAPPENINGS so we can become inoculated with the desire to help OF THE PAST WEEK build a place where our sick and distressed people can Rev. Geo. Gray gave an in ter­ be taken and brought back to health and happiness. esting talk a t the banquet held could not see them. Judge Mears said, "T he law does not require more than one sign to mark such a trespasser guilty of a m isdem eanor, and it occurs to the court th a t if the visual conditions were so faulty at the tim e and place, that it would certainly be un­ safe for a hu n ter to a ttem p t to h u n t” . PEEPING POLLY last Sunday evening at the Com­ m unity church to the SSRG group and th eir families. Special music was given during the banquet hour and church services. The next regular m eeting of the group will be at the home of Sharon and Jonelle Benge with the form er, captain of the evening, and Jonelle, game commander. Plans are also being made for the festive holidays and m eetings should be well attended. GIRL SCOUT A C T IV IT IE S ALWAYS CALL ON PAUL SCH N EID ER’S BRIDE. C ongratulations Paul. e * t FRAN BADDEN and his BEST GAL making with those eyes. * • • HOBGOBLINS and HOOLI­ GANS howling on Halloween. JOHNSON, JEWELER 619 E ast “ H ” S tre e t ÎÎÎÎK 5 5ÎÎÎÎÎ55ÎK  ÎK ÎÎÎÎÎ5Ϋ»« O’BRIEN’S • ♦ ♦ PETITIO N S for a bank m aking the rounds. MELODY LANE D R IV E -IN CAFE # • * TREVE ALLEN playing ch au f­ feur on a CAT. • * * MRS. J. C. ABERNATHY play- ! ing NEWS HOUND. * * * LUCILLE FLOYD going BOOM into the back of a parked car. Opening Under New Management WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th * » * Hours: HOLES in our new highway. * * * ARLINE and RUSSELL DOR­ AN in town for the week end. • • * MORE RAIN. B ritain’s w ar w ith F rance in 1695 was partly paid for by a tax on bachelors. G rants Pass Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6 p. m. to Midnight Saturday and Sunday, 2 p. m. to 1 a. m. Send The Illin o is Valley News To Yoar Friends O LD Radio Repairs "The Best for less by Les" BASHAM T I M E B enefit Dance Saturday, Nov. 26 R adio S ervice Starts at 8:30 p. m. 8 /1 0 Mile East On Caves Hiway Sponsored by DEER CREEK GRANGE and VFW POST 4390 MAKE THANKSGIVING DINNER A BIG SUCCESS. Old Time Music Good Time Assured Refreshments by Ladies Auxiliary to Post 4390 Admission 75c Per Person THEY W O U LD READ YOUR A D T O O , IF IT APPEARED HERE MIRRORS Made To Order And Re-Silvered Buy the Housewares You Need Where You See This Glass Table Tops Troop No. 3 met at the home of Mrs. Lee Carson, leader, Friday night and listened to recording of their KUIN broadcast. A quizz was given each girl on scouting and the w inner is to com­ pete with other Troops of d iffe r­ ent districts, and final w inners to compete at the annual Scout din- i tier to be held at Ashland in March. B arnett Smith, assistant leader, treated each girl with c a n ­ dy treats. The Troop is now work- | mg on th eir child care badge. o------------- S y m b o l o f S e rv ic e Class Of All Kinds ------- Help the Hospital------- W hether y o „ require a new range, Bob's Paint Shop an electric or oven roaster, a pres- For the Perfect CHRISTMAS GIFT 619 “E ” Street between 6th and 7th sure tauce pan, a new carving set, silverware for your table . . . or tom e m inor kitchen item . . . to Grants Pass, Oregon make your Thanksgiving meal easier to prepare and ionger to be remem­ A PORTRAIT OF T H E C H IL D R E N OR YO URSELF Photographic CHRISTMAS CARDS From Your Own Negative* EARL and HILDA MAGNUSON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H uber recen tly m arried in G rants Pass. The bride was the form er Joan Marie Räuber. — Cut courtesy Courier 3 miles from Cave Junction on Rockydale (Old W aldo) Road. Route 1, box *82 bered . . . y o u 'll find just what you want at the store o f the home town h a rd w a re r e ta ile r . He has th e national brands you know and trust. fSovSOAdl of mdvpvndvnl hard- wore iitx v i Irom cocsr io coosf diiptoy IM rad. w M . and blva trha Symbol o f Service on l*»eir windows M o ta d yOvr buying Go'do It 'l your ossvronc* ot sovnd. dopondablo qu ality — vokie you Olli long rpmombor oiib tohifotl'oa Illinois Valley Haidwaie Cave Junction 1 A New Modern W Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick • Easy - Safe Writ« or call (or com plet« inform ation— Grants P ass B ra n ch o/ the United States N atio n al B an k M ts ta t* M««tf Offre«. P ortlan d , Oregon k s s s ii is s s it ic i c titm tn a a i i i i i i l