Illinois Valley News, Thursday, ()ctol>er 27, 1919 together during Christmas. Mrs. Rose Cook and Mrs. Marjorie Hop­ SCOUT ACTIVITIES kins. the Girl Scout executive Troop No. 20, Boy Scouts of council, were here from Medford ! America, will hold regular meet and Brownie training was offered during the afternoon. ings at the American Legion hall on Tuesdays at 7 :00 p. m. Come out next Tuesday and help 1 us organize into two units. AU Hallowe'en Mulled Cider boys over 14 years of age will be i Made With Many Spices Explorer Scouts and those from For use as a Hallowe’en party 11 to 14 will be Regular Boy Scouts. There are 51 boys now treat, here’s the recipe for hot mulled cider. I registered in Troop No. 20. You will need: 1 gallon cider; Two carloads of Girl Scouts 1 cup sugar; l-y teaspoon ground went to Grants Pass last Friday allspice; 1 teaspoon ground cin­ and recorded a skit at KUIN which namon; 1 teaspoon whole cloves; will be broadcast November 1st at 8:45 p. m., and the Scouts express their thanks to Mrs. Tracy Cross for helping with the transporta­ BOK’S AND GIRL’S 1 Yard Of Wool Makes This SKIRT See Our Selection Of Fine Woolens •X ami 1 eight inch cinnamon stick. Directions for making: Tie spices in small cloth bag about 6 inches square. Add sugar, spice bag and cinnamon stick to cider. Heat 20 minutes at a tem peraature below boiling. Lengthen or short­ en cooking time to suit your taste since spicy flavor increases with longer cooking. Serve hot in tea cups or punch cups. TRACY’S GET YOUR HALLOWE’EN Doughnuts and Candies at Bad- den’s Bakery. -------------o------------- Subscribe to the News. tion. Girls of Troop No. 3, will at­ tend church next Sunday in honor of Girl Scout week. Regular troop meeting is F ri­ day, October 28th at 6:45 p. m., I at which time a short meeting will | be held, then the troop goes to the Legion hall where they will be en­ tertained by Troop No. 93 at a ! Hallowe’en party. All are to be I in costume if possible. $ 1 .9 8 to $<>•95 per yard P R IN T E D 2937 NEW SHIPMENT HAS ARRIVED CORDUROYS, per yard 54 In. WOOL JERSEY, per yard $ 1 .6 9 $ 2 .9 5 Grants Pass, Oregon IT'S YOUR M O V E - Here Are Money Savers Brownie Troop No. 81 met re­ cently at the Legion hall with nine girls, one Brownie helper and the leader present. Work was on posters and making stocking dolls. Light refreshm ents were served. Last Saturday the Troop met at the Legion hall. Leader Mrs. Harms was unable to be present and Mrs. Thelma Blue substituted for her. Ethel Sullivant, Brownie helper, is reading the group a Brownie story. Dolls and posters will be on display at M artin’s Dry Goods store during Girl Scout Week of October 30 to November 5th. The Troop would like to have more girls between ages 7 and 11 joining and anyone interested is invited to the meetings which are held each Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 p. m. in the Legion hall. The monthly meeting of the Girl Scout leaders and committee mem­ bers was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Barnette Smith of Kerby. The new district chair­ man, Mrs. Thelma Blue, presided. A luncheon was enjoyed at the Kerby school cafeteria. Plans were discussed for an all Scout get STEAK HOUSE Grants Pass -------- H e lp the H o s p ita l--------- TO/? G if t s . . . H a rd w a re . . . H o u s e w a re s . . . GIVE YOUR CAR NEW LIFE • WE SPECIALIZE IN FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOTOR TUNEUP MOTOR REBUILDING BRAKES — WELDING GENERAL REPAIRS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED L o g g in g a n d S a w m ill Selma Garage & Supply ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE DOYL HAMILTON Cave Junction, Oregon S u p p lie s SEE The Hamilton» and Myo Selma, Oregon ♦ W W * U 1 Dodge Offers 356 Truck Models in New Line A Craftmaster Daveno Soft as Down Strong as Steel 9 3 f t "i K9S&& Largest truck offered hv Dodge in the new line comprising 356 basic models is this VA-130 model with a rating of 23,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, and 40,000 pounds gross combination weight. This model is offered in five wheelbases. It has a 331- cubic-inch engine, sodium-cooled exhaust valves, silent helical 5-speed transmission with overdrive in fifth available, cyclebonded brake linings, a new electrical system which assists in improved engine performance, steel spoke wheels which reduce un­ sprung weight and improve brake cooling, and many other new features. More permanent, luxurious, lifetime seating and sleeping comfort in these Davenos, than ever before. New Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks for every purpose Among the many new features announced on the New B-2 Series are: An electrical system which assists in improved engine performance, a new 5-speed synchro-shift transmission, a new 5 speed synchro-shift overdrive transmission, cyclebonded brake linings as standard equipment on all models, and a steering col­ umn gearshift and a convenient hand brake under the center of the cowl on 1 £», 3 ( and 1-ton models. One completely new engine is among the seven offered in the new line. Important engine features which provide long life and re­ duce operating costs are the use of four piston rings with the top ring chrome-plated, valve seat inserts, and silchrome exhaust valves. The new engine is of- 306 cu. in. displacement and develops 122 hp at 3200 r. p. m., and replaces the previous 115 hp engine. There are many other wonderful features de­ veloped in these new trucks. It will pay you to inspect them at Garner's Automotive Service 621 East M. Street Grant» Pa»«, Oregon Look to Craftmaster for Values in Fine Furniture