I l l in o i s V a l l e y N e w s . T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 . 1 9 4 9 Fewer Pedestrians Figure In 1948 Traffic Deaths PERSONS WHO WEAR GLASS SLIPPERS . . . CHICAGO.—Fewer pedestrians walked themselves to death during 1948 than the year before There were 9,850 pedestrian traf­ fic deaths last year, according to the 1949 edition of “Accident Facts,” statistical yearbook of the National Safety Council. This was 6 per cent below the 1947 total of money and all the lizards had 10,450. The yearbook points out that walked out in sym pathy.) • • • last year was the first since motor vehicle deaths have been' tabulat­ Well, to m ake a long story ed by type of accident that pedes­ worse, she was not through trian deaths were fewer than with the prince and the prob­ deaths from two-vehicle collisions. lems of having everything. She Cinderella Is Wooed by a Devaluated Prince . . . SHOULD NEVER THROW TH EIR SHOES 6, H I. PHILLIPS UPON A TIM E there was O NCE a m an who m arried for his sec­ ond wife one of the haughtiest wom­ en in the world. She had two daughters of her own who were a pair of fine m eanies. She had a stepdaughter of unparalleled good­ ness and beauty. She was called Cinderella. Her stepsisters kept her at the m eanest work. They r -- - 1- sippn in an old aban­ doned thirty-room showplace which nobody w anted while they had things easy in a $25,000 four-room ranch house, with no garage. The king gave a g reat ball to whieh he invited everybody of prom inence, including the two sourpuss sisters. They got them selves up like M rs. As­ to r’s pet ponies and paraded before C inderella, who, after CHRISTLIKE ;HIS is a ChriSllike thing: to bear a grief n Unspoken and unshared, yet go one’s way Not feverishly seeking for relief, But day by day Doing the tasks at hand to cheer and bless, That others may find greater happiness. This is a ChriStlike thing: through wearing pain To keep quite Still, that watching, none may see The weariness, the harrowing ¿tress and ¿train, The agony, But wearing always something of Chrift’s grace And infinite patience written on one’s face. For the ^ía¿te^ bore His agony alone, And bore it well, | And the greatest grief a heart has ever known, He did not tell. I . GRACE NOLL CROWELL they flounced off, said, "I wish I could go to a g reat ball.** Instantly her fairy godm other appeared. “ These g reat balls are not w hat they used to b e,” she said. "B e­ fore you get in you will have to tak e chances on a couple of autom obiles and m aybe a d ream house. And there will be be-bop m usic. Still, if you wish to go . . "Oh, I d o," said Cinderella. "F etch me a pumpkin, th en ," said the fairy godm other. Pum pkins were pretty high, as the governm ent had under­ w ritten them , or som ething, but she got one, "G et m e a m ousetrap, a ra t and six lizard s,” said the fairy godmother. "I wanna go to a ball, not an anim al show,” w arned Cinder­ ella. had left a glass slipper. • • • The prince search ed the whole land until he found th a t the slipper fitted Cinderella, and was he glad when he discovered she w as really a working girl and h ad n ’t a thin dime! It m eant less bookkeeping. He proposed and Cinderella ac­ cepted. saying, "I suppose I could have done worse. Look at all those girls who win givaway p ro g ra m s!" . . . So she m a rried the prince, who got back to the palace ju st in tim e to find the pound had been deval­ ued again and he w asn’t worth very much which m eant, after all, a life of com parative tranquillity. The fairy godm other had a wand, • • • a book on econom ics by Sir Staf­ "The outer burlap covering of the ford Cripps and sev eral speeches Peruvian m um m y was swipped by governm ent experts, so she was away by Dr. C arrion and Dr. Bird able to convert the pumpkin, mice, while 60 scientists w atch ed ."— etc., into a coach with white horses, News item. a coachm an and six attendants. Carrion and Bird didja say, or Whisk! And C inderella was off to is somebody snooting? the ball before anybody could a r ­ • • • rive to dem and th at she pay luxury Gov. Dewey has come out with taxes on the whole business. a letter indorsing vaudeville. • • • “ I rem em b er it fondly as a She was the m ost ravishing dish popular form of en tertain m en t," at the ball. The king's son went he says. Come, com e, Thomas, for her in a big way at once, much you c a n ’t top H arry ’s vaudeville to C inderella's discom fiture. She statem ent with anything as cool was a sm a rt cookie. (This could and general as that. What knoek- get serious. A prince would have about acts do you recall? Did loads of money, and she knew w hat you ever usher in a th eater? th at m eant these days. He would • • • have to spend all his days figuring out how he stood and all his nights YE GOTHAM BUGLE checking to see if there had been AND BANNER anything new from Sir Stafford You can't tell Ben Whitaker, Cripps.) whose .My Request and Slist Request Suddenly the g reat clock struck. u on two big handicaps in succession, “ Tw elve,” said Cinderella. that I ) is an unlucky number. . . . He "E lev en ,” said the prince. bought one of the parents, Requested, "T en ,” said the king. for SI 10() on the I )th of the month “ My goodness, one can ’t figure a n d o n Saturday Miss Request’s anything these d ay s,” said Cinder- weight was 11) pounds . . . . He’s 1 ella, taking it on the lam . (She gonna name the next colt Thirteen had to take a taxi. The coachm an, and hope that the unlucky number I the big rat, had struck for m ore happens to pay off. F ic tio n * THE CAPTURE * PAMMMM ma J Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Creomulsion relieves promptl> bet zuso it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs,ChestColds,Bronchitis ftesH! 6000Í „ flourishing 7:Ç,QRH FLAKES/ By Richard H. W ilkinson Corner "Thought it would,” B a l d y grinned. "W anted it to. You didn't - EANNE CHAIN and her husband, three times. A bolt slid back into think I was going to be fool enough to open the door and stand in the Paul Brinkm an, (handsom er than its socket. The door swung open light so those birds could take pot m any movie stars,) visited New and a voice cam e out into the night. shots at m e ? ” York to help prom ote "P inky," "That you, Sol?" zlnswcrlng shots cam e from "Well what happened, anyw ay?" Sol sighed In relief. her new picture, a 20th Century- the cabin. Sol felt a searing For answ er Baldy pointed across "Hello, Baldy,” he said, stepping Fox production. Michael, aged pain in his left shoulder. His the room. Sol looked and saw two eight months, and Paul, two, inside. "W hat luck?” senses began to reel. And sud­ m en lying there, both bound secure­ "N one." Sol heard Baldy fishing stayed home. D arryl Zanuek did a denly he realized that the rene­ ly- for a m atch, and he said. “ Wait gades had accom plished what "W ing ’em ?” Sol asked. a minute, Baldy I got a schem e I he had been unable to do be­ "W inged nothing. I whacked 'em w ant to work out." cause of his stum ble. They had over the head from the doorway "T hey've seen m e,” Sol went on. fired at the flash from his guns while they were shooting at you. By "Joe and Slim. They’ve been tra il­ —high—hoping for a kill. the way, you alm ost hit m e with ing me all day. I ju st kept far This was Sol's last thought. your own wild shooting.” enough to avoid trouble.” When Sol retu rn ed to conscious­ "Wish I h ad ,” Sol grinned. "Say, “ Avoid trouble? You?” Baldy’s voice sounded incredulous. And Sol ness he found him self lying on a squirt, you ain 't so dum b as you chuckled. "L is­ bunk in the cabin. Baldy, grinning look!” "And I a in 't so much of a squirt, ten, Ualdv, w e've broadly, was standing over him. "W hat the hell did you blow out cith er,” Baldy replied indignantly. * Minute been chasing these two bad men for that light for?" Sol wanted to know. " F a c t is I blew out th at light just Fiction m ore than a week "It spoiled my aim , m ade me stum ­ so's I could show you w hat a big feller I w as.” now. I’m sick of ble and nearly got m e killed. it. And now that we've found them, r JEAN N E ( K U N I don't aim to let ’em get aw ay.” IASI WEEK» "So th a t's why you ran away daring thing in making "P inky," ANSWER ■ from th em ?” sarcastically. the story of a colored girl who "D on't be a fool. I wanted 'em passed for white; equally daring w as his choice of Miss Crain for to follow me. They'll be along any 20. Chinese silk 3. Wyoming ACROSS the sort of role usually reserved tim e now. I m ade sure they saw city 21. L arge cask 1. Rodent for actresses like Bette Davis But m e ride down in here by silhouet­ 22 Clamor 4. P art of ( So. Am.) Jeanne C rain's talent has been ob­ ting myself against the skyline 15 23. Receptacle “to be” m inutes ago. Now h ere's the point: 5 Not living vious ever since she and June H av­ for coffee 5 Low 9. Cupid er m ade their debuts in "Back They don't know about you, yet. spirits 25. T otal 10. Incite They think th ere's only me to con­ as us'ual, Zan- Home- in Indinina' 6 Silkworm am ount 11. Vanity uck knew ex i ictly what he wais do- tend with And unless I m iss my 7. B acteri­ 26. Plunder 12 City ( Fla.) guess, they aim to get me out of the ologist's li 27. Place for 14 Whirlpool way tonight." culture transaction 15 Showed "U nless 1 stop 'em ," said Baldy. of business 8. Degrade The cast of " Pinky" is star- mercy "R ight. Now get this; I'm 11. F airy 28. Fuel studded. Ethel B arrym ore, Ethel IS In tern a­ leaving you here alone, see? ( Meh. 29 Symbol W aters a n d William Lundigan tional Cover the windows and then paradise) 30. Final 36. Ireland language share honors with Miss Crain, and 13 Not 32. An alloy of (poet.) light up. th e y 'll think It's me 17. Little girl E lia Kazan, one of the best d i­ working 37. Smell copper and inside here, all unsuspecting." 18. Mulberry rectors of stage and screen, di­ IS. A small 38. W rinkle tine 19 Forward, "F in e," said Baldy. "But w hat's rected this one drink ix .it H iat) 35 A card upper wrong w ith me being on the outside 17. Observe 40. High (Mus.) gam e p art and you on the inside?” Johnny W eismuller weighed of foot Sol laughed shortly. "A lot, you 199 pounds when he reported 22 Sand ridge i 4 w r I % B e little squirt Now pipe down and for his new "Ju n g le J im " pic­ ■ 24. A shade z? obey orders I'm going " ture, thereby saving some $38.- of a color i© 9 Instantly he grew tense. Every O’O. Weighing 'MS when the deal 25 Title of muscle and nerve and fibre becam e was signed, he said he’d pay respect if S alert. He half crouched, half stood $1000 for every pound he didn't 26 A lending / t /7 ¿77/ In his hiding place And as he 28 Sm all N orth lose by starting tim e. >4 5 watched the cabin a dim figure took Atlantic blenny shape and becam e a man. Another L auren B acall m ade no money • • SI From by losing the five pounds she gained I appeared beside the first. 77/ 32 Cheat They lingered only a moment, after Stephen Hum phrey Bogart % LI It 2« 33 Masurium was born, but at 118 she looked bet­ then began stealthily to approach isym .l te r when she went to work in the door. Sol stepped silently from rs 24 34 Tenders "Young Man with a H orn," with his hiding place. At the very In­ 37 Spheres stan t that one of the figures 2A 2’ Kirk Douglas and Doris Day. 39 Coronet crouched to th ru st his weight 40 Mature II Nancy Olson, who stepped from against the door, he spoke out of u person T é the darkness. undergraduate status at UCLA into | 41 Malayan n M the leads of two top pictures, will i "R each tow ard the sky, boys! SB dagger be Bing C rosby's rom antic ln’ereat Drop those guns, and turn around. 42 Theater seat ¿77¿ - uj In P aram ount's "M r. M usic.” In The Jig's up We got the drop on 43 Ages her first film, "C anadian P acific," j you! ” 44 S treetcar 4i 44 OL QUICKENED his footsteps tn (E n g ) she appeared with Randolph Scott: 777. the darkness he stum bled, re ­ DOWN she recently com pleted a featured 4* 1 F rgiver.eas role In "Sunset B oulevard," with gained his feet and cam e on At the 77/ 2 Among William Holden and Gloria Swan- ! m om ent he went down an orange son, I lance of flam e stream ed out of the Pl / / I E NO. 21 ItY INEZ GERHARD E R IFF Sol Rock cautiously ap ­ S H proached the cabin and knocked I blackness n ear the cabin. It was followed by another. But before the two bandits could shoot again, the two six-guns in Sol's hands thundered. "TRAPPED in a wind that screamed our doom!" 3 OSSWORD PUZZLE S J ’ Near midnight, we heard i t ! A sighing whisper. . . a l u l l . . . a whining gust of w ind . . . a deathly silence . . . a shrieking blast! And the fu ll fury of the tornado struck! My w ife screamed! My child whimpered! I grabbed my flashlight. Suddenly.- the whole house churned...lifted...spun in air. Everything crashed into blackness. A THE FLASHUGHTBATTERY WITH N IN E y < LIVES"! luat at an active c a t., takes a cat n a p ... and bouacei back with new p e p . .. eo "E v .r.a d y " flashllqht b a tte n ., recover p o w .t * b .tw .e n u a.s and ¿ounce back for extra lift I * fw N s tc W . . p f e n e t i p n d w . to (♦»• „<■ ( r v .. A . r . t , — • ) »a. d . p e l . r - i . r ? a. ... . "Kooroaut?.** **HN»a iJvaa' aiQ CM •rwbw • to trad. mark* of N A T IO N A L C A R B O N C O M P A N Y . IN C . » Raot «2nd Strva« Now Y .tt.rit . A d d to .iD .p l WN.