U niversity o í Oregon fyrteuwf te the Oieytn Cffad ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts Volume XII. No. 17 Diamond Core Drill Operating At Bronze Group Pave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, August 18, 1919 COMMAND DECISION BOOKED FOR SUNDAY STIRRING DRAMA SATURDAY AND M A T IN E E Jaycees Tightening Their Belt For Fall Activities E V E N IN G Price 5 Cents County Court Explains Holland Road HAPPY CAMP ROAD MEET GETS BOOST The Illinois Valley Ju n io r Cham + ber of Commerce held a special W aite Minerals, Inc. have p u r­ The S tate Highway Commission A large delegation of visitors, m eeting last Friday evening at chased a complete X Ray Diamond seems to have been w aiting for an headed by Senator Randolph Col­ Woodland Inn and partially laid d rill to te st the ore zones a t the understanding betw een the Jose­ lier, state senator from Siskiyou out a campaign fo r the fall and Queen of Bronze, The Lyttle, The phine County Court and themselves and Del N orte counties in C alifor­ w inter. Mabel and Cowboy Mines. This as to the things which each one was nia, and many local residents, a t­ A fter partaking of a sum ptuous complete equipm ent is new a t the to do regarding the Holland loop tended the m eeting of the Cave banquet, President Dave Tradew ell Cowboy Mine being setup to sta rt road, says Lucius Robinson, County City Cham ber of Commerce today, called the m eeting to order and drilling this week. Commissioner who was in the V al­ (T hursday) at a noon luncheon at introduced th e ir candidate fo r This Diamond drill can be used The Jubilee Queen contest is Queen of the Jubilee,M iss M arlene well under way and from the way ley and to atten d the Cham ber of Todelope cafe. both u nder ground and on the From Happy Camp and Siskiyou Kaiser. They pledged th eir u n tir­ the votes are pouring in, it may Commerce luncheon today (T hurs­ surface, and drills autom atically day.) We furnished them a le tte r county came Don Avery, o f the ing support to elect Miss Kaiser, a t any angle to 400 feet, producing honestly be said, this is going to be W ednesday of this week he says, Siskiyou County Planning commis­ who is jo intly sponsored by the anybody’s contest. a core of 7/ 8 of one inch, its setting fo rth w hat they would do sion, A etna, C alif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ju n io r Cham ber and the Ju n io r drilling capacity is approxim ately As our readers were inform ed and w hat we would do. C. E. Reagan, Mr. Reagan is secre­ W omen’s club, and the young men 12 feet per hour in the hardest of last week, your local m erchants F irst they would allocate $100,- tary of the K lamath River Devel­ were admonished not to underesti­ form ations, in fact the h ard er the S U N D A Y a n d M O N D A Y have been provided with vote tick­ m ate the young ladies, and were ets which you may have absolutely 000.00 fo r the stru c tu re of the opment association, Happy Camp; form ation the easier the drilling. For thrills, suspense and heart bridges and $4000.00 for the su r­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collins, Happy Each drill bit, and there are gripping intensity. Command De­ flatly told if they didn’t w ant the Free, but you must trade with your vey of the entire road. The coun­ Camp; E. T. Welbon, Happy Camp, girls to show them up, they b etter several, is studded with 6 to 7 cision, sta r studded dram a with local m erchants in order to obtain ty is to prepare the roadbed accor­ and George S. Jam es, supervisor get busy. From the way the boys them. carats of diamonds set in the Clark Gable, W alter Pidgeort, Van ding to the survey and m aintain of the K lam ath N ational Forest, crescent of the bits. An intensive Johnson and others, is a picture bowed th eir heads and set their This plan is entirely new with us the road as a good gravelled road Yreka. campaign will be carried on fo r the you don’t w ant to miss. Gable in jaw s with determ ination, it really this year and was tried more or for the present, in preparation for Judge W. A. Johnson and Com­ next two m onths, when other major command of an Am erican bombing looks like som ething m ight be less as an experim ent, but from a fu tu re oiling program . The missioner Lucius Robinson of the stirring. developments may be installed, mission, who has to send an appall­ the response and the in terest be­ The cham ber discussed at length ing shown in this m anner of ob­ County C ourt is also to acquire Josephine County C ourt; L. C. ne of which will include a complete ing num ber of flyers to certain where to hold their meetings. No taining more of a popular vote, it rights of way for the road accord­ Henry, m anager of the G rants Pass Assay P lan t of the latest desigp death in order to wipe out three definite conclusion was reached at looks very much like it is a natural ing to th eir survey. Cham ber of Commerce; Mel S ta r­ for fa st accurate Assaying. It is German ta rg e ts to Allied victory, I t is understood by the Jose­ nes, a director of the G. P. cham ber quite possible th a t custom A ssay­ has the m ost dem anding role of his the meeting. with our Valley residents, so look M. C. Athey, editor of the Illino­ fo r the Free Vote signs in the phine County C ourt th a t the State and chairm an of the roads com­ ing will be accepted as time p er­ career. is Valley News was introduced and windows of your local m erchants highway commission has made no m ittee; Bill Moore, of the Moore m its a t m oderate charges. The T U E S D A Y a n d W E D N E S D A Y talked to the Jaycees on the psy­ and ask him how about a few free fu rth e r com m itm ents regarding Tim ber P roducts; John Nylon of plant of Assay office will be w ith­ A Royal Canadian M ountie as­ chology of believing and thinking. votes fo r your candidate ? This the road but we feel sure th at the the Oregon Caves Lum ber Co., in easy reach of Takilma. signed the task of bringing a band He told them they could do any­ year we would all like to be Queen project is w orthy of an oiling pro­ and Roy E. H enry, representing ------------- o-------------- of thieves to justice, becomes in­ thing they believed they could, if candidates from the looks of the gram when the funds become av­ the Southern Oregon Plywood Co. volved with a gang led by his bro­ they believed it strong enough, rew ards they are to receive for ailable said Mr. Robinson. President Drews asked everyone VOLUNTEER FIRE th e r who m asquerades in a Moun­ and wound up by saying they could th eir efforts. to stand, give th eir name and busi­ , puts suspicion of DEPARTMENT TO MEET th tie e fts uniform be the livest organization in the ness to sta rt the m eeting off. The For each 100 tickets the little and m urder on his innocent Valley if they wanted to be. delegation from H appy Camp told lady sells, she gets a lovely g ift Members of the V olunteer Fire brother, who is about to be hanged. how much they needed the road and for each candidate th a t sells D epartm ent are called to a m eet­ Finally the guilty is caught in his Monday evening the Jaycees 300 tickets or more, there is really and would cooperate in any way ing Friday, A ugust 19th in the own trap. held their regular business m eeting they could. a tre a t in store. Through the A merican Legion hall. All mem­ I, Ja n e Doe stars Ruth Hussey Mr. Jam es of the N ational F or­ bers of the departm ent are urged and John Carroll.The plot concerns with Jim T aylor a t his Self Service generous cooperation with The Le­ est, told how much tim ber the new to atten d the m eeting, as there is love triangle, dealing with a pa­ L aundry. The principal m a tte r of gion in it’s Queen contest, Mr. and | road would tap, approxim ately five a considerable am ount of business thetic young victim of a one sided business discussed was the booth Mrs. Floyd Johnson, owners of the billion feet of tim ber, with 60 mil­ to be transacted. love a ffa ir who is led to the shadow the Jaycees will have at the Ju b i­ Q-X Ranch and th a t lovely big dual The Ju n io r W omen’s Club will It is absolutely necessary fo r all of an electric chair because she lee. A com m ittee of three was motored plane we see so often at meet Friday evening a t 8 o’clock lion fe e t yearly sustained yield. appointed by P resident Dave to our local airport, the ladies are to Mr. Jam es gave the m eeting con­ the firem en to know w here all the once tru sted an American flier. in the Am erican Legion hall. Their fire hydrants in the new w ater The court scenes are the best ever handle the m a tte r as follows: Jack be taken by air fo r a trip to C rater husbands have been invited to at- siderable valuable inform ation th a t system are located, so no tim e will filmed and frau g h t with human Edwards, Hal Moore, Jr., and Pete lake. Now we ask you “ A in’t th a t tend as they will be needed to ad ­ we do not have room to print, but Best. The boys have som ething up something ?” be lost in hunting fo r a hydran t in interest. vise and try to explain why this he le ft the impression th a t the th eir sleeve th a t may be in te re st­ On top of all this, the lovelies case of necessity T H U R S D A Y and F R ID A Y article or th a t booth should be in a Forest service would greatly appre­ are each to receive a beautiful The d ep artm en t’s bills are all Cry of the City unfolds the ta u t ing. The ladies think ciate the road if they could g e t it. A special m eeting will be held form al, now being expressly tailor­ certain spot. paid, but there is nothing le ft in and vivid dram a of an escaped Harold Bowermnn, ra n g e r of the (? ) maybe the men would know the treasu ry , and ways and means g an g ster’s last desperate battle to Tuesday evening, A ugust 23rd at ed to th e ir m easure and personal­ Redwood R anger Station, said he best. Concluding the business of g ettin g the tre a su re r on a sub­ beat the law. Many of the film 's 8 o’clock in Jim ’s parlor to fu rth e r ity by a well known San Francisco dainty bits of refreshm ents will be brought reg rets from H. C. Obye, designer and m anufacturer of eve­ stan tial basis will be discussed. All action packed sequences w ere plans for the Jubilee. served, as they think the men will supervisor of the Siskiyou N ational I t was brought up at the m eet­ ning and wedding gowns; supplied m em bers of the Cave Junction photographed against the dram atic need food a fte r some lifting and Forest. Mr. Obye was all set to V olunteer Fire D epartm ent are background of New Y ork C ity’s ing th a t a baseball gam e during by your local m erchants The Val­ moving around of articles a little attend the m eeting last T hursday, urged to be present and please be side streets. V ictor M ature and the Jubilee betw een the league ley V ariety & Apparel shops. but had com m itm ents th a t kept team and the old tim ers of the Don’t let it be said th a t you fa il­ too heavy fo r the girls to handle. him aw ay this week. H arold gave prom pt— 8 bells. Richard Conte are co-starred in This in all in preparation for the V alley would be more interesting ed to do all you could to make all the lead roles. than the Donkey game played here these things possible for the candi­ big Fun House which the club is more valuable inform ation con­ EASTERN STARS PICNIC recently. I E d ito r’s N ote) If th a t date of your choice so get out the sponsoring for next Saturday eve­ cerning the Happy Camp road, was m eant as a slam against the old m arket basket and le t’s go to ning, A ugust 20th a t the Legion saying th a t 6.6 miles of the new AT GRAYBACK SUNDAY old tim ers, we hope the Jaycees town for some more of those votes hall. It is a very w orthy cause, road had been completed on the The annual E astern S ta r picnic all proceeds to help make the chil­ Oregon side, and about nine miles have to eat crow, fo r we’ll w ager a for her. more to be constructed on O regon’s will be held a t G rayback Camp, good cigar (if we can find one) Through the generosity of an ­ dren's play ground m ore complete Sunday, A ugust 21, a t 1:30 P.M. th a t the old tim ers make it quite other of our Valley residents, The and a fine recreational place for side of the road. He also said th a t approxim ately 250 million feet of Members of the E astern S tar, Ma­ interesting fo r the league boys. Womens A uxiliary will have on them to be amused and play. sons, De Molays, Jobs D aughters A fter much discussion pro and display this coming week, a genu­ Help the cause along by a tte n d ­ tim ber was in the area th a t needed and their families are invited to con, and the hour getting late, the ine Hudson Bay blanket, the finest ing Fun House next Saturday and a road, and called atten tio n to the T w enty-four stockm en from Jo ­ attend. Ladies a re requested to blanket th a t money can buy and it enjoy a good evening’s e n te rta in ­ recreational value of a road to sephine County made the horse­ bring a well filled picnic basket. Fun fo r everybody and Bolan lake, which the new road is real Royal Canadian Mountie ment. back trip the Grayback allotm ent would tap. Harold said th a t ap­ Each fam ily is to bring their own there will be refreshm ents too. Deer Creek Grange Red. Boy, even the color is enough proxim ately 20 million feet of tim ­ table service. Ice cream and cof­ Tuesday, A ugust 16th. The route was to Lake M ountain past the Big Candidate Darlene Cooper to keep you warm. ber on the sustained yield was fee will be furnished. W atch for this well worthwhile Tree and back by way of Bigelow available in Josephine county. He item in your local m erchant’s w in­ All grange members are urged also said th a t about a half billion Clyde K ettering has been called Lake, Pepper Camp and the O re­ to take advantage of the free pur­ dow' together with explanations as feet of tim ber was available in the to Los Angeles due to illness of his gon Caves T rail. The following chase vote now available in the to how it may be obtained. It will Bolan lake area. sister, Mrs. May C urtin, who re ­ stockmen made the trip : Jens Valley and fo r th eir choice of also be on display during the Ju b i­ Roy C. H enry brought out the cently underw ent an operation for Svinth, Elliot Wilson, Ben Hilton, queen candidate. Darlene Cooper, lee and a t our dances. John B ennett, C. G. Gilliam, Tex fact th a t the Oregon Plywood Co., cancer. May we again remind oor local attractiv e blonde with plenty of C lifford, Jam es Earle, Ray Bald­ ------------- o-------------- was a locally owned Corp, and was talent, and grange m em bers are organizations, we would welcome Mrs. A. O ttini of Redmond, win, Mr. Hinke, E. R. Jackm ao, urgently asked to get behind Dar­ any en try in our parade on Labor anxious to assist in any way the A hearing on the proposed Illi­ com pany could to help with the W ashington, and Troy Koontz of Clem Sauer, H arry Estes, Louis lene and atten d the regular grange Day and also the fact th a t our Brownsville, Oregon, are house Monroe, Ira F easter, Charles Mc­ m eeting next Saturday, A ugust 20 booths on the grounds at the Le­ nois Valley Soil Conservation dis­ road. He stressed the fact th a t the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Neil, Tom Kennedy, Clif Jenkins, Also bring your moving pictures, gion Hall, are to be rented to local tric t was held a t the G range hall plywood plant wanted to operate by William L. Teutsch, m ember of all the year round, and this m eans R. Wallace Rice, Lonnie Estes, cham ber adjourned. organizations only, this year. Robstad of Kerby. the state com m ittee and assistant th a t logs will have to come during Peggy Fulk, Orville Cline, Geo. -------------- o------------- director of the Extension service. the w inter months and roads m ust Keuse, G. J. Klose, Harold Bower- LELA COOKE S HOM E Seventeen farm ers attended the be available to do that. MONTE BROOKS AND HIS BAND — man. m eeting and unanim ousy favored D E S T R O Y E D B Y F IR E The Forest Service experim ental Elwood Hussey introduced Sen- a creation of the Soil Conserva­ planting of grasses was studied Fire of undeterm ined origin last (Continued on Last Page) tion district separate from a coun­ under the leadership of E. R. --------------o— Tuesday evening completely des­ ty wide district. The boundaries Jackm an of Oregon S tate College. troyed the home of Mrs. Lela proposed included all of the Illinois BARBETTA FARLIEN Corvallis, Oregon. Cooke’s n ear O 'Brien and nothing river drainage basin with the C ali­ The trip was followed by a very CHOSEN TO RUN FOR was saved except a few pieces of fornia line on the south and Curry in teresting dinner meeting. The her personal w earing apparel. county on the west. COUNTY FAIR QUEEN American Legion A uxiliary ladies, Sm okejum pers were the first to The problems for which farm ers under the chairm anship of Mrs. A com m ittee of the County F air note the blaze and rush to the said they w anted the district in­ John Clifford provided a lovely organization was appointed to place to give what ever assistance cluded drainage, irrigation system meal. Music was provided by H er­ nom inate candidates fo r Queen o f necessary. reorganization, w ater conserva­ bert Drews and his accordion ac­ the Josephine County Fair, and it The Forest Service was called into tion, land levelling and clearing, companied by Cecil H athaw ay was desirous, from the com m ittee’s action, b u t the fire was too far and farm m anagem ent and b e tte r angle, to have a candidate from the playing his musical saw. gone to save anything. land use. Mr. Jackm an gave a very in te r­ Illinois Valley. ------------- o ■ ■ Jen s Svinth, county extension esting talk on pasture m anage­ A fte r much consideration, Miss agent, acted as secretary and will B arbetta F arlien was chosen to ment. He emphasized th at pasture provide a record to the states con­ represent the Valley as a candidate produced beef at 1 / 3 the cost of servation committee. The com m it­ for Queen of the Fair. hay and grain. Proper fertilizing W ill fu r n is h the m usic a t the D E L N O R T E C O U N T Y F A I R in tee a t its meeting Septem ber 22 W eather rep o rt from the Red­ and irrigation of pastures is the The entire Valley should get will decide w hether the proposed behind Miss B arbetta, and elect wood R anger Station for the 7-day solution to m ore adequate farm C re s c e n t C it y , A u g u s t 2 0 th and 21st. B ro o ks B a n d , a lw a y s a p o p u la r f e a t u r e in it s e lf, is a lw a y s re a d y district is feasible and w hether it period, ending A ugust 13, 1949. income. her Queen of this year’s fair. She w ith m usic and song to keep the show m o v in g a lo n g in a s n a p p y , fa s t A should be separate from a county will attend a m eeting of all candi­ Low _________ «_________ Rainfall Hi T. Date wide district. If the decision is dates Friday evening in the G rants 42 M ajor E. R. W aite made a very p ep py m a n n e r. n 7 ....... ...........00 T h e B a n d w ill also fu rn .s h a b ra n d a d a n c e a b le m usic 4 rh y th m favorable the referendum will be Pass Cham ber of Commerce build­ 49 82 hurried trip m otoring to Seattle 8 ....... ......... 00 49 80 last Sunday and re tu rn in g home to keep those h a p p y w ho w ill be p re s e n t a t th e d an c e h eld on S a tu rd a y held a t which all land owners will ing, where the candidates will be 9 ___ .......... 00 48 H the same day. M ajor W aite brot e v e n in g . A u g u s t 2 0 th a t th e D E L N O R T E V E T E R A N ’S M E M O R I A L be given an opportunity to vote told w hat to do and learn all the 10 ___ .......... 00 69 79 home a diamond drill fo r the cop­ H A L L , w h ic h is h eld in c o n ju n c tio n w ith the F a ir . for or against the proposed district. rules. N ext week we hope to be 11 ....... ......... 00 Besides le a d in g th e B a n d , B ro o ks w ill a c t as M a s te r o f The date for the referendum was able to tell who is who and w hat 47 78 per group o f mines near Takilma. .......... 00 It C e re m o n ie s f o r the acts th a t w /ll be f e a tu r e d a lo n g w ith o th e - events 42 78 The drill is now being operated. th ey ’re going to do. recommended as of O ctober 26. 1 3 ....... ___ .00 A cast bursting with stellar stars Edward G. Robinson, Hum phrey Bogart, L auren Bacall and others will be seen in Key Largo, in an action dram a, probing the reac­ tions o f a disillusioned veteran, who, having helped win the war, is disinclined to help win the peace. The set is Florida with most of the action confined to a resort hotel, over which tension and menace lurks. Beginning Saturday is another serial “ D anger of the Canadian M ounted.” Don’t miss any of these series. Jubilee Queen Contest Now Interesting Jr. Women's Fun House Ready For Saturday Association For Stockmen Meet Here Soil Experts Tell Value 01 Conseivation WEATHER REPORT FOR ILLINOIS VALLEY