Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 28, 1919 JVZ/JtfZd Vtflletf IfetoA An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richeet valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cav« n A I | O N A L EDITORIAL Junction, Oregon, by the Illinois • -g—— | | Ato A , A . . Valley Publishing Company. A S S O CIATION Entered as second-class matter G’ w » L . - June 11, 1937 at the Poet Office ------I------- at Cave /unction, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. In Josep hin e C o u n ty One Year ..............................$2.60 six Months ..........................$$1.25 'A SrS 0 V I A T I 0 N O u ts id e Josep hin e C o u n ty One Year ..............................$3.00 The Illinois Valley Neyrs reserves the right to reject any advertising copy Which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates upon application REDW OOD EMPIRE - NEWSPAPER T & p " PUBLISHERS Un/Z REDW OOD E M P IR E A ttO C IA T IO M The P E N G U IN From an early breakfast to a late evening snack, w e’re ready to serve you thruout the day with freshly prepared delicious food. Come in anytime you’re hungry— leave fully satisfied. & BREAKFAST DINNER LUNCH GREYHOUND NEW TIME SCHEDULE North Bound, leave Cave Junction 3 :3 6 p. m. South bound, leave Cave Junction 1 0 :5 0 a . m. Florence Schneider, Agent Caves Highway OPTOMETRIST CA VE JUN C TIO N C O M M U N ITY CHURCH George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE For the convenience of late appointments Editor 146'last Sunday. Birthdays were SUBSCRIPTION RATES O R E C ] o O ly f iS ( P A P E « D r . T . W in s to n S m ith Sunday School attendance was M. C. A t h e y .............................................. P U B L IS H lE R S C H N U O TES RCH PHONE 4612 7,;7Z$Î7 VACATION DAY BIBLE SCHOOL observed for Loretta Mayfield, Mrs. John Dow, and Kathleen Hus­ sey. Ringing of the new church bell, gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Burch, brought Sunday School children out early, hereafter it will ring at 9 and 9:15 for Sun­ day School service. Rev. Gray’s theme for his ser­ mon was “The Consequences of Sin, the Release of Confession.” Mr. Drews sang “Jesus Is There." Visitors and strangers present were Dr. and Mrs. Custer of Klam­ ath Falk, who with Merle Dean and Patty Griffen were guests of the Grays; Mrs. Arvllla Cady of Burlingame, Calif., visiting the Verne Lee Cadys; Mrs. R. E. Bot- tel and son, of the Quarantine station; Mrs. J. J. Conner of Ola­ the, Colo, who with her grand­ daughter, Mary Clark of Hillsboro were visiting relatives in Takilma, and Mrs. T. R. Burnette. The new floor has been laid in the church addition and is ready for the Daily Vacation Bible school opening for two weeks next Monday at 9 a. m. until noon each day, under the direction of Miss Julia Supple of Pasadena. Par­ ents should take note of the date, August 1 to 11, and see that chil­ dren are sent regularly. The annual missionary group picnic held at Grayback camp was attended by 60 ladies and children and a perfect time enjoyed by all. The August meeting will also be a picnic for members of the society with Mrs. Gray, hostess. Social Ship and Religious Group Enjoy Outing The Young People of the SSRG met Sunday night around an open fire on the banks of the Illinois river at Kerby. Dwain Cross, cap­ tain, had an interesting program and many new songs were sung, with 32 boys and girls attending, besides sponsors and visitors. A watermelon feed is in store for those who wish to come next Sunday, July 31st at the Com­ munity church. Myron Crowl is next Sunday’s captain and Jack Sherier, game commander. A CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS TO 1 2 :0 0 noon to 9 :0 0 p.m . Every Thursday EFFECTIVE AUGUST 4th Office over Martin’s Drygoods Store OWL DRUG STORE Appointments made at Dave White’s Drug Store P r e s c r ip tio n * A c c u r a te ly F ille d Cor I ; 6 th a n d H S t * ., G r a n t * P a * * Send The Illinois Valley News To Your Friends PHONE 3661 flnnouncing THE OPENING OF THE CAVE CIT Y LUMBER CO. All Kinds of Lumber For All Purposes. Quality at the Right Price AL SPANGENBERG VIC SEUBERTH Directly across the street from American Legion hail P re fe rre d b y m ore users COMMUNITY CHURCH th a n th e n e x t tw o m a ke s c o m b in e d !* AUGUST 1st to AUGUST 11th Again . . . NEW 9 a.m. to 12 Noon LOWER PRICES! There's a Correct 4 A u n ion v ____ Yes, it’s true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks than the next two makes combined. What more convincing proof could there be For Every Wire Rope Job ! Engineering service is at your call to assist you in selecting the right w ire rope size, grade and construction to best suit your operation. May we place you on owe m ailing list for our inform ative and intaw ctivc bulle­ tin. "R O P E D O P E ” ? that Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks give more value! Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements. •According to lateat o f f r i li truck ro yittra- to n Ayuree, Januar» through April, PWS ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS I _____ CHEVROLET u n io n - f o r m e d Wire Rope it preformed to out-perform ■ ■■ a tor Union Wire Rope service cell on ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE THE Hamilton’s and Myo Cave Junction KELT CH EV R O LET 111 South Sixth Street PHONE 1161 Grants Pass, Oregon