Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 11, 1919 CHURCH Financial Report Of U. S. National Bank Encouraging Washington Letter SEE US FOR (Continued from page 1) was brought to the floor and pas­ sed one dull afternoon when In its Ju n e 30 report to the m em bers w ere in com m ittee o r a t­ Comptrolljy of the C urrency, the THE ILLINOIS VALLEY tending to office work. This bill U nited S tates N ational Bank of GOSPEL TABERNACLE provided fo r long distance tele­ Portland reports a figure in excess Rev. D elbert H. B urger, Pastor. phone calls as well as telegram s— Services every T hursday at of {132,834,000 in loans and dis­ but limited the total am ount to counts, a healthy gain over the {500 per year. The result, so fa r I 7 ;45 p. m. T hursday, Young Peoples S e r­ bank call of a year ago. A t the as Pacific Coast m em bers are con­ same time, the bank again leads cerned, was to lim it our telegram s | vice 8 p. m. the state in total deposits, accord­ Sunday School 10 a. m. to th ree or fo u r per week— and Sunday m orning worship 11 ing to an announcem ent by Robt. th a t’s all! O ur telegram s, due to Neilson, Jr., m anager of the bank’s a. m. the distance, average about {3 00 G rants Pass branch. Sunday, Ju n io r church 11 a. m. each. The new loan and discount fig­ The governm ent will save no Camp m eeting and revival is ure of {132,834,252 shows an in­ money by this arrangem ent. Few still in progress with three ser­ crease of {5,342,593 over the fig­ eastern mem bers w ere using $500 vices daily, 10 a. m., Bible study ure of a year ago, an indication worth of telegram s per year, but 2:30 p. m., Brush A rbor service, th a t the business and industrial having the privilege o f telephon 7 :45 p. m. Evangelist A. G. Cald­ expansion of O regon’s economy is ing now, they will certainly use well, noted camp m eeting speker continuing a t the pace set in the the full am ount. The scheme was every evening Sunday, Ju ly 17, past few years, Neilson pointed m erely a redistribution of the com­ will be the climax of this revival. out. m unications cost w ith nearby mem­ All are welcome. Total deposits for the United bers gaining and m em bers from a --------------0 S tates N ational Bank, largest fi­ distance taking it on the chin. The nancial institution in Oregon, now irony of the whole thing reached SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH stand in excess of {505,591,000. a climax when Time M agazine with The G rants Pass Branch reported Rev. A nderson, P asto r its usual sarcasm tow ard Congress loan and discount totals at {1,753,- Church service at 9:30 a. m. lep orted th a t the House of Rep­ 387 or a gain in excess of 24 per Sunday School at 10:45 a. m. resentatives had with “ open hand cent over the same date a year ago Young People at 7 p. m. ed generosity” voted itself an ad­ and deposit totals of {7,027,220 or P ray er M eeting Tuesday 8 p m. ditional $500 fo r telephone calls! Missionary Society 4th Wednesday a decline of less than 10 per cent during the past 12 months. of each month. The United States N ational, -Help the Hospital- with 38 branches located through­ ASSEMBLY OF COD out the state, now lists total re ­ Kerby, Oregon sources as well over $541,154,000. Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor WE USE AND RECOMMEND It was 24th largest am ong all Morning W orship a t 11 a. m. American Hammered Piston banks in the nation at the close Sunday worship, 11 a.m. Rings Evangelistic service, Sunday, 8 of the year. In discussing the m id-year bank p.m. Made w ith the new K-Spun Wednesday p ray er m eeting .7:30 '■all, Mr. Neilson said, "T he United metal. Restores new engine p e r­ Bible Study and Young People's S tates N ational Bank’s continued form ance. healthy grow th, both local and m eeting, Friday ____ 7:30 p. m. throughout the state, is fu rth e r in­ Radiat ors and Engines thor­ dication th at the agricultural, bus­ CHURCH OF CHRIST iness and industrial activity of I oughly cleaned and renewed. Preaching every Sunday m orn­ Oregon is progressing at a pace ing at 10:30, communion services th at should continue for many im m ediately follow ing a t our years to come. The hank has un­ We pick up and deliver church house ju st south of J. S. bounded faith in the fu tu re of this Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ region and will continue to work etery road. Everyone is cordially with the people of Oregon in the invited. fu ture developm ents of our re j --------------o ------- --- - sources and natu ral w ealth." --------------o------------- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF NOTES Watch Repairing RADIO See TELEPHONE Grants Pate J. L. NEILSEN 4439 SALES & SERVICE Watchmaker and Jeweler AL’S RADIO SHOP T em porarily Located a t 609 E ast G St., G rants Pass Cave Junction MOVING! Phone 4002 ISHAM’S FAST MOVERS About BEKIN VAN LINES System Freight Service Converse Freight Service RIVER’S EDGE GARAGE Custard as a Dessert LATTER DAY SAINTS (M ormon) Beginning May 1st. this church will have th eir Sunday School at Ma’s grocery instead of th e Leg ion hall until fu rth e r notice. E lder Rouse. C u sta rd has hud a long and hon­ ora ble care er as a dessert fo r young and old, but its p o ssib ilitie s as a hot m a in dish often are overlooked T h is cooked com b in a tio n o f egg and m ilk , m inus sweetening and plus seasonings and o th e r no urishin g, fla ­ v o rfu l in g re d ie n ts such as cheese | m akes an econom ical, d iffe re n t m a in dish as an a lte rn a te fo r m eat. And cheese is now in p le n tifu l sup­ ply. In d iv id u a l cheese custards, hot fro m the oven, tu rn e d out on a p la t­ te r and surrounded w ith to m a to sauce, m ake a co lo rfu l m a in dish. The recipe fo r a fa m ily of five o r six calls fo r the fo llo w in g in g re d i­ ents: 3 cups m ilk , 1 tablespoon flou r, 'j pound sharp-flavored cheese, shaved th in . 44 teaspoon s a lt; 3 eggs; 5 drops table sauce. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Elder, Wayne Scriven Sabbath School ....................9:30 Church service ................... lliOO P ray er m eeting W ednesday. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Evening worship 8 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Prayer and Bible study, W ednes­ day. 8 p. m. Daily V acation Bible school s ta rts Ju n e 21 at Bridgeview Community church with D. D Randall in charge, sta rtin g a t 9 a. m. to 11:30 a m from Tuesday through Friday and continuing for two weeks. — O------------ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE E. O. Greene Phone 1009 C. J. Fisher Cave Ju n ction 2 ’/4 miles So. of Cave Junction on Redwood Highway Sow T h istle A lfa lfa has given good results as a c o n tro l crop in fig h tin g sow th is ­ tle, says NDAC e xp e rim e n t statio n CONDENSED S T A T E M E N T OF C O N D IT IO JUNE 3 0 , 1949 : N Sunday school 9:30-10:30 a. m Christian Science services are I held every Sunday at 11 a. m at i River’s Edge residence (K. 0 . G reene) 2 Vi miles south on the Rodwood highway. All are wel- ! come. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks................................... $ 118,597,023.20 United States Government Bonds........................................ 242,956,778.05 Municipal and Other Bonds.................................................. 36,671^658.12 Loans and Discounts.............................................................. 132 834 251.90 Stock in Federal Reserve B ank............................................ 600,000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches)................................... 7,384,078.29 Customers’ Liability on Acceptances................................... 144,048.45 Interest Earned....................................................................... 1,690,306.21 Other Resources...................................................................... 276,660.04 $ 541,154,804.26 LIABILITIES C apital................... ...................................$ 10,000,000.00 S u rp lu s...................................................... 10,000,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves............ 11,708,007.35 31,708,007.35 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc........................................... 2,337,081.86 Acceptances......................................................................... 144,048.45 Dividends Declared................................................................ 250,000.00 Deposits.................................................................................... 505,591,599.34 Interest Collected Not Earned.............................................. 1,092,729.38 Other Liabilities......................... _ ......................................... 31,337.88 . $ 541,154,80L26 / CHURCH George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worahip at 11 a. m. Sunday school attendance 123. P erfect attendance aw ards were given, and the Welch family from Swisshome were among those to receive them. Rev. G ray’s theme "G od’s W on­ d erfu l G ift to M an." Mrs. Guy Dick sang "T he Name of J e s u s " Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ford M errill, Santa Monica; Mrs. F. S Perry, Long Beach; Mrs. Minnie Davis, A shland; Mrs and Mrs. H arpell, O 'B rien; Mr. and Mrs. F. Beyersdorf, Spokane, here visiting the Don Beyersdorfs. Floral of­ ferings were the g ift of Mrs. How­ ard Hendrickson. The Singspiration at W onder Sunday aftern o o n had a large at tendance. The Town circle met today at the home of Mrs. Maude W atkins. Next W ednesday, July 20, is the all day Missionary society ladies' picnic to which friends are invited. «O — — IBM» ..try the NEW This statemen' includes .IS branches in Oregon H ead Orricg PORTLAND, OREGON H I M 74e . C hungking C hina's w a rtim e ca p ita l, Chung kin g, was noted for its vast system o f new and old tunnels p ie rc in g the s u rro u n d in g h ills . F ro m these ro c k y la b y rin th s , equipped w ith seats and lig h ts, the c ity 's popu­ la tio n o f hundreds of thousands kept c iv ic life going through years of relentless Japanese bom bing G rants Pass Branch BELL MOTORS •IM IC T t h i u n it c o it a t is BRANCH or n a t io n a l i a n i o r bo btlanb UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of P O R TLA N D , OREGON 213 South 6th Street, Crants Past A*v~òv Fvdwol liwnmu Cs-pc-ahw, 1