BOY SCOUTS ON A TWO DAY OUTING HELP THE HOSPITAL FUND DRIVE AMERICAN LEGION Poppy Dance Saturday, May 28 American Legion Hall Music by our local EASY VALLEY BOYS STRING BAND Admission 75c per person Lunch by the Ladies Kerby Hi Smoker Friday, May 20 Tw enty eight Boy Scouts of Troop No. 20 and eight adults from the Valley took p art in a two day Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Twyman left outing, near Myers beach, May for San Fernando, Calif., where 15th and 16th. they will now make their home. The Scouts engaged in games, I fishing, clam digging and Scout M r.-and Mrs. Roscoe P. Ross of advancem ent tests which resulted P ortland, visited the Atheys last in the most interesting trip ever Tuesday, leaving later for Gold taken by the troop. Several of the Beach where they were to visit Scouts saw the Redwoods and the 1 relatives. a Oregon coast for the first time. Those furnishing transportation Mr. and Mrs. L. G. H arrison of and helping with the camp a rran g e­ Beldon, Calif., were Cave Junction ments w ere: “ Sippy” Covington, visitors this week for a short time. Ted T errel, Cecil Brink, Claude They were residents of the Valley M asters, H arry H artw ell and Mr. a num ber of years ago. Breckenridge. A “ Sandy” good time was had by all. Miss G ertrude H earing accom ­ ------- Help the Hospital------- panied by Miss Lucille Dawson of SNACK BAR NOW M edford, were visitors a t the home of the fo rm e r’s parents, Mr. and OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mrs. I. B. H earing of O’Brien. custom ers th a t like to picnic by the creek. R eservations can be Mr. and Mrs. M. C. A they re ­ turned Sunday evening from P o rt­ made for tables for any Sunday ■ land where they spent the week at no additional charge. The Yewwood P ark Snack Bar j end. Mrs. Helen Baldock of and Grocery, owned by Mr. and O’Brien accompanied them to visit Mrs. H. M. Smith, had its opening her mother. last Sunday. It is located on the Miss Betty Pearl le ft Sunday Caves highway at L ittle Grayback via plane from M edford fo r her bridge and the ow ners will have home in Seattle, Wash. She has tables ready by early Ju n e for ' ------- Help the Hospital------- been the house buest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Barney 4-H CLUB NEWS Robstad of Kerby for the past two The 4-H Forestry club which months. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es 11. Coan, met recently was unable to finish le ft for their home in Sacram ento their project so leaders are w ant­ ed to take a forestry club in sev- I today (T hursday) a fte r spending 10 days visiting the la tte r’s p ar­ eral d iffe re n t com m unities and it ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M artin. is hoped by club m em bers someone will come to th eir rescue. Discus-1 sions were held on record books. I Mi's. W anda Goines returned Monday to her home in Salt Lake City a fte r spending two weeks vis­ iting a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Burch. She was accompanied by her two chil­ dren Davy and Lisa. ------- Help the Hospital------- 8 :0 0 p. m. 20 Matches Of Wrestling And Boxing SEVERAL RETURN MATCHES Reserved Seats $1.20 General Admission 76c Proceeds are for the Athletic Department Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberts were here to attend the Golden W edding reception of Mr. and Mrs. ! Frank Hamilton. They left f o r ; their home in Paradice, Calif. A l­ so leaving were Mr. and Mrs. Eston Lough for their home in Toledo, I Oregon, a fte r a weeks visit with i the E. F. and K. C. Hamiltons. Amateur Show will be held at RAMBLER’S ROOST Then will be the time to try for a S A T U R D A Y M A T IN E E A ND E V E N IN G . M A Y 21 n w * U t w < « <(* ■ "SCNMOOKLE '< STEA K H O U SE J BOX SOCIAL AUCTION AND Square Dance DEER CREEK GRANGE Saturday, May 21, 8 p m GROCERY BILL — MARY WDY SEE US FOR RADIO ANNOUNCING SALES & SERVICE AL’S RADIO SHOP Cave Junction Phone 4002 Mobile Watch Repair Service J. L. NEILSEN Guaranteed Watch Repairing by a W a tc h m a k e r a n d J e w e le r Registered and Licensed Watchmaker Tem porarily Located at 609 E ast G St., G rants Pass TELEPHONE Grants P a » SUN., M O N., M A Y 22 annd 23 I SPECIAL MOVING! A COLUMBI* PICTUOI S I S » .la " » « Music. : L W - f Ä P f iV ltP W m 15 Tickets will be sold by MISS LIBERTY Contestants. rr£ U rF » r » f | TV3 At all shows, dances, and races, chil­ CAVE JUNCTION VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. G rants Pass 4439 ALSO admitted free. 8 3 7 .5 0 • Watch Attachments About B E K IN V A N L IN E S System Freight Service C o n re n e Freight Service • Bulova and other Watches in stock • Costume Jewelry • Rings and Engagement Sets • Silverware SPRING Is the Time To Have Your Cooling System Checked W e are equipped to remove all ru st and scale in your radiator and engine and put it in first class condition. WE CARRY dren under 14 years of age, are to be 17 Jewel Ineabloc W aterproof Watches, Stainless Steel Case, Real Value at ¡SHAM’S FAST MOVERS T U E S , W E D ., M A Y 24 annd 25 on the Quiz Program. Benefit for the G rants Pass, Oregon prize, for Singing, Comedy Stunts, or Several Lucky Couples will compete LEGION HALL, CAVE JUNCTION See G rants Pass Sunday Evening, July 3rd, a Radio Saturday, May 21 W atch Repairing This Adv. Courtesy of the FRENCH LAUNDRY BALL Cave City Mrs. Earl S eastrunk and Mrs. Carolyn Blake, spent the week end in the Valley visiting relatives and friends, re tu rn in g to San Francisco Sunday m orning. Mrs. S eastrunk will be rem em bered as the form er Zenna Slack. W. D. H agenstein of the W est Coast Lum berm en's association will be the speaker a t the May m eeting of the association a t the Rogue Valley C ountry club, Med­ ford, Friday, May 20 a t 7:30 p. m. Members are urged to atten d and bring a guest if possible. FIREMEN’S Admission: One Box Supper Furnished by Lady T R A C Y ’S KERBY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Attend The G O O D Y E A R PRO DU CTS G raduation Gifts Will be parked at Jim Earle's Junction Chevron Station, Cave Junction, for Three Weeks It will pay you to drive 2 4 miles to the RAMBLER'S ROOST T H U R S .. F R I.. M A Y 26 and 27 TyrMie lindi * Rita POWER DARNEU HAYWORTH •B lood -/ / ih****' RIVER’S EDGE GARAGE STEVE KADA, Jeweler 2 4 Miles So. of Cave Junction on Redwood Highway Cave Junction, Oregon Green» A Firher Phone 1009 Cave Junction 4