Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, May 12, 1949, Image 5

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    Illlinois Valley News, T hursday, May 12,1919
Selm a News Item s
(By Mrs. Fritz Krauss)
A group of Valley residents met
at the Selma cafe, Wednesday a f­
ternoon to honor the leaders of
the Sewing Classes which were
held recently. Readings, songs,
and music followed by refresh­
ments, was enjoyed during the a f­
ternoon, after which the ladies
wearing their project dresses had
their pictures taken.
Taking part, besides the lead­
ers, Lucille Steinke, Vi Hanson,
Thelma Blue and Sidney MeKin-
stry, were, Lorene Weiss, Francis
Burr, Edna King, Thelma Harring­
ton, Ruth Seifert, Stella Stengel,
Amy Conger, Mary Buckles, Ruth
Whiteaell, Nancy Karlson, Vera
and M argaret Amer, Vivian Smith,
Ruby McFarland, Flora Sandell,
Dorothy Kuda, Gertrude Parrish,
Emma Stire, Marge Simington,
Roberta and Susan Krauss.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mandic of
Stockton announce the birth of
their son, Jam es Robert, April 16
He weighed 8 pounds 1
Mrs. Mandic will be remembered
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shaughnessey
from Washington, were here last
week visiting their sister-in-law,
Mrs. Selma Shaughnessey.
Arline Buckles has returned
from Portland, where she was in
the hospital for an operation on
her arm. She fell and injured her
arm when she was a little girl,
which caused her to have several
operations on it.
as Charlene Miller, V i »**•■> *’
You can have your eyes examined in
Cave Junction?
Make appointments at White’s Pharmacy
Office hours — 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Thursday
Upstairs over Martin’s Clothing Store
Thursday evening by appointment only.
From where I s it... / / J o e M arsh
what he was trying to say. It
just depends on where you are in
the U. S., which way sounds right.
From where I sit, whenever we
criticize someone for sounding fun­
ny to us, we ought to think how we
sound to them. It’s the same as
choosing your liquid refreshment.
I’m accustomed to a moderate glass
of beer—you may like ginger ale—
but who's to say the other's wrong?
I’d say we're both right!
Following are quotes from the
address of Benson Ford, before
the Los Angeles Junior Chamber
,if C om m ence W e r e p r in t esp ee- |
ially for our Jaycees:
‘•We all talk so much about the
material benefits which we have
achieved in this country that I
think we may sometimes forget
that our accomplishments stand on
a religious foundation. Any future
accomplishments must stand on
the same ground. We can't hope to
do anything significantly new un­
less we work toward high purposes
— unless we keep a sound balance
between the material and the
“ At a time when the whole idea
at a free society is being attacked
by selfish interests in many parts
of the world, it is especially im- |
portant that we are ourselves ■
clearly so that we can pass judge- j
ment on the plans of those ama- j
teur mechanics who want to take
our social and economic machine
apart— and who might leave us by
the side of the road with some im­
portant gears missing.
"O ur responsibilities as citizens
do not end when we have gone to i
the polls and voted. The rights
which we have to day as American
citizens are a trust we must guard
and pass along to our successors-
enriched, if possible.
“ If I had to select the one char-
aacteristic which distinguishes a
free country, 1 think I would say
that it is a faith in the individual
and a conviction that each of us
has not only rights, but responsi­
BORN— To Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Jordan, O’Brien, Wednesday,
May 4th, at 2 p. m., a baby girl,
weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces.
Copyright, 1949, United States Breuers Foundation
How Would You Say It?
Curley Lawson's cousin from back
last and a few of us got talking
,hen he was here visiting, and I
ouldn’t help noticing how different
e said things.
For instance, he said, “ Lifting
hat 200-pound bag of cement al-
nost killed me.” “ You mean sack
f cement?” asks Curley. (That’s
he way we’d say it.) “ No,” inter-
upts young Elliott who'd spent a
ot of time down South, “He means
i ‘poke ot see-ment.’ ”
It was good for a chuckle, any-
vay. Bag, sack or poke—we knew
BORN— To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ,
Burton of Cave Junction, a baby
boy in Grants Pass, Friday,
May 6th.
BORN—To Mr. and Mrs Bernard
(Bing) Robbinson, Saturday,
May 7th, a son, weighing 9
pounds. Both doing fine.
-------------- o--------------
Chicago’s Population
The population of the Chicago
metropolitan area approximates
5,314.000 persons. Seven m illion
persons live within a 100-mile ra­
dius of Chicago, 10 m illion within
a 150-mile radius, and 60 m illion
within a 500-mlle radius.
See us for the facts on the new
Day by day this bank helps
build Oregon by helping all
individuals and businesses
toward financial progress!
The biggest Ford Trucks ever built! New big
ratings! Big capacity! Big, powerful engine!
Big economy!
Two models: Ford F-8 rated 21,500 lb».
G.V.W., Ford F-7 rated 19,000 lb». G.V.W.
YOUR business is sincerely solicited. No matter how
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of its importance to you. All the departments of this
bank with their many helpful services are ready to go
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