Cave Junction, Oregon. Thursday, April 21,1919 J)Hitt ci A Vrriletf He to A An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and it« surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junetion, Oregon, by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937 at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. I. V. Teachers Visit Bottle House Tuesday afternoon, A pril 5th, a fte r school some 20 members of the Illinois Valley T eachers’ As sociation drove out to the E. J M. C. Athey Editor W ilber “ bottle house" to view the amazing arra y of bottles which SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mrs. W ilber has been collecting In Jo,epiline County . r . One Year ............................. $2.50 during the years. She informed 0 R E C l o O l ^ S(Pj\P E R Six Months ...........................$$1.25 her guests th a t she began the col , lection when she was only seven P (I B 11 $ h |E R.S 4 4 S A T I 0 N Outside Josephine County One Year ................................$3.00 years old, but the “ bottle house” was not established until 1939 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising Bottles there are of every shape copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates upon application and size, from nearly all sections of the world, some with very in te r­ esting histories, which Mrs. Wilbe: recorded for the benefit of her guests. From the bottle house the guest- proceeded to the W ilber home to view the ju st as am azing collec­ tion of buttons Mrs. W ilber had on display, as well as Mr. W ilber’.- ingenious carvings of anim als, all done by himself out of native woods; then out to the grounds, where Mr. W ilber pointed out hl- ! 17 varieties of trees. A fter this rare tre a t, arranged by Mrs. Irene Cribb, program j chairm an, the members o f the as- j sociation drove back to Todelope cafe, where a most welcome dinner aw aited them. The tables were very attractive, the E aster motif prevailing in the decorations, un­ der the supervision of a capable ! committee composed of Mesdames H arry Smith, H erbert W atts, and E. A. Williams. Huge hoquets of 1 daffodils and forsythia, supplied j hy Mrs. Smith, added to the beauty I of the decorations. At the conclusion of an excel­ lent dinner, a short business pro­ gram was held, Mrs. Mabel Ballard ; presiding. . THE AMERICAN H .tL 4-H CLUB NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IT S ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO EAT AT THE The 4-H F orest H elpers under the leadership of Mrs. Bessie W atts met Tuesday at Kerby grade school. George Morey of the Redwood Forest Service, was guest speaker. He brought specim ens of local trees for club m em bers to identify, e. g ., Douglas Fir, Sugar Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Knob Pine, W hite and Incense Cedar and W hite Oak He gave members helpful sugges­ tions on ways of distinguishing the m any varieties of the Conifer family. B lister rust, its effects on the forests, and blister rust control were discussed. Following the lecture the group accompanied by Mr. Morey, Mrs. W atts and Mrs. Cross took a short field trip, continuing the id en tifi­ cation of native trees. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Morey for a very in terestin g and educa­ tional afternoon. CENTRAL CAFE Kou don’t have to make reservation, come just as you are, you are always welcome. BREAKFAST CAVE JUNCTION "Almost Eighteen" THE ANNUAL The Kitchen Kids had their meeting April 19 with P a tty Sue Kellar, Lo Vina S teffens making blanc-mange, Patricia F arm er and Jackie Strahkirch baked custard. Mrs. England is our leader. --------------o-------------- Senior Class Play To be presented at the KERBY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM What Is a Lake? Fish are a crop; a lake is an aquatic pasture, community-owned and frequently overstocked, a con­ dition that can cause poor fishing quite as much as understocking. Friday, May 6, 1949 8 o’clock --------------o-------------- BEN GEORGE! Who is he? Why he’s the agent for F a rm e r’s In ­ surance group. See him about that car insurance at Sm ith’s Feed & Seed, Cave Junction. C O M M E N D A T IO N S “ The audience reaction to “ ALMOST EIG H T E E N ” was very g ratifying. From all reports it is one of the best plays ever presented a t Ormsby Village. T he thing about the play th a t impressed me m ost was its picture of youth and its natu ral hum or.— Miss C hristine Sauer, Ormsby Village School. This Adv. Courtesy of the (By Mrs. F ritz K rauss) , M uzzled D octors A t the last m eeting of the D. C. D’s. at the home of Mrs. Margie Simington, new officers were elected: Chairm an, Thelma Blue; Vice-Chairman, M argie Sim ington; Secretary, Flora Sandell, and T reasurer, Violet Hansen. Miss Rizpah Douglas, H. D. A., gave an interesting lesson on care and repair of electrical equipment The next m eeting May 12, will j be at the home of Mrs. F rank Amer and the lesson will be on b u ffet I meals. Installation o f officers | will also he held. "PUG" AMSBARY S AYS : R a d ia to r re p a irin g fo r a ll m akes o f cars, tru c k s and tra c to rs is m y s p e c ia lty a n d I am now associated w ith HANNUM &KELT CHEVROLET PHONE 4461 Mr. and Mrs. Sw earingen of Klamath Falls were visiting in the Valley Monday. Mrs. Swearingen will be rem em bered as Katie Pyle or Katie C hristy and lived on the | property where the Gordon W hites now live. • in fre s h , cris p clean clothes. G et on th e b eam fo r th a t D e c o ra tio n D a y w eek end. your S u it., D r e .tr ., Jack Plumlee has been very ill with pneumonia, and his m other came up from Fresno, C alif., to | visit him and his brother Glenn and their families. Jack returned to Fresno with his m other for a ' visit. long B rin g S la c k ., *n* e v e ry th in g to u . N O W fo r a .u p e r C le a n in g Job W F. C L E A N HATS A L T E R A T IO N S and AT Mrs. W. E. Kelly, of Everson, W ashington, spent several days 1 here calling on form er friends, and visiting her brother Vern Black and family. The Kellys left Selma about two years ago. — o— Mr. and Mrs. George Blue and children have moved to Merlin, but came back to spend E a s te r , with the Pete Blue family. T IE S YOUR S U G G E S T IO N Illinois Valley CLEANERS Luther and Pauline Sherier Friday the Third grade pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Claude Keyte, went to Jacksonville for Oregon history. The rest of the school children I l ad a party with Bonnie Brown at 1 the home of her parents, Mr. and M s Floyd Breedlove. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT SIX DAYS A WEEK PHONE 3301 Make your appointment now for your new Spring Hairdo or Per­ manent. Norma Poole, an exper­ ienced Beautician, formerly of the ( ameo Beauty Salon of Medford, will he with us and we hope to be able to give you an appointment at Your Own Convenience. Tip Top Beauty Shop MAT AND IRENE SMITH Cave Junction FRENCH LAUNDRY TRACY’S STEAK HOUSE G rants Pass G rants Pass by SIMMONS r ftn fa d M u lv t SOFA ßK DAY BED BY NIGHT Turquoise Velour The William Veal family has moved back to Colorado. G ra n ts Pass Swing Into Summer • DINNER Howard and Grace Davis Selma News Items That'» what M. I), will »land for if Congress enacts the Free ( ? ) M edicine Bill. — LUNCH — HO-MADE PIES National Bedding W eek Week to look to Your Bedding Needs Beautyrest Mattress and Box Spring BEAUTY REST MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS COMBINATION SI 19.04» DEEP SLEEP BY SIMMONS S 7 9 .0 0 OTHER MATTRESSES AS LOW AS D o n 't fo r g e t “ A lm o .t E ig h te e n ” » Ö ; M a y 6 th .SI 9 .9 Want to Get Rid of Your Baldness? Buy a House! LONDON. ENGLAND —The case of a man whose baldness was cured hy acquirng a house was reported In the Practitioner, a British medi­ cal Journal. Dr. F. F. Hellier. dermatologist, wrote that "the essential cause of alopecia areata (patchy baldness) is psychological. $ "A patient of mine revealed that O :: he was 'fed up' at living In his No doubt a mother-in-law’s house there were deeper conflicts lurking in his subconscious, but the ac­ quisition of a new house cured his depression and his alopecia.” FURNITURE Cave Junction