Illinois Valley News, T hursday, M a rth 17,1919 LOCALS Illin o is V a lle y Cash M arket BLESSED EVENT BORN— To M a and Mrs. H. J. Appy, Cave Junction, Sunday, March 6, a t 5:45 a. m., a son weight eight pounds. Mrs. R. F. W alton of Holland, went to Crescent City via Grey­ Nobody wins an argum ent in hound this week fo r several days traffic. visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Magnuson of Glenwood, Calif., arrived in the Valley recently to look a fte r their property located on Deer Creek. Cave Junction Ira E. Stuck, new spaper me- T R A C Y ’S STEAK H O U SE G rants Pass Moonkist He also visited No. 2 Cans, 2 Cans for No. 2 Cans, 2 Cans for KT 35c S A T U R D A Y M A T IN E E A N D E V E N IN G , M A R C H 19th TOMATOES No. 2 Cans, 4 fo r as Mission, Standard No. 303 Cans, 2 Cans fo r 37c * Mr. and Mrs. M. H. C arty and 1 Wellman GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 27c BEANS Small Red Mexican Best Q uality BEANS Paramount present, « 11 11 1 Gold Medal D rifte d Snow folks! The sixth MICHAEL SHAYNE, DETECTIVE THREE""« TICKET 8 p. m. W ' M'fffüÆ.uj.HBiMl S w ift’s Meats fo r $ 1 .8 9 ‘ 50 Pound Sack Beef, P ork, Veal, per can $ 3 .8 9 1 île* Hugh Beaum ont and BABIES E verett Longanecker, M aster of EAGLE LIO N FILMS T Z . __— presents — __ 4 t The MAN from TEXAS"1 Hi h 15 and ending Ju n e 15, Tex Ritter with state and national prizes to ­ taling $15,000 for young men and T H U R S , F R I , M A R C H 24 and 25 women through 20 years of age. Poromount pretent* “ The contest is open to any ALAN DONNA young man or woman, regardless LADD - REED. A of Grange membership, who will « not be more than 20 on June 15,’’ A Mr. Longnnecker explained, “ but all entries in this area should be A W sent to the D eer Creek G range at Selma for processing by Ju n e 15.” VISIT 1 Jerry's M arket glow At Illinois Valley Cash Market L E E B R A M L E T T , Manager 35c SW IFTENING CLEANSER 3 Cans fo r .................. ................... 27c LIM A BEANS Mrs. Kellogg’s Red Kidney, 3 lbs. 25c PINEAPPLE C alifornia, Crushed, per can 25c 4 Cans for 96c Pcr Dozen 4 5 ' TU E S ., W E D ., M A R C H 22 and 23 DOUBLE FEA TUR E CLOSE - OUT 25 Pound Sack 15c per can JUICE ORANGES Per Dozen ................................... is a Remember 19e CORN Three Sisters Brand, SUN ., M O N ,, M A R C H 20 and 21 _ 1 f I J 1 Lb. 1 Oz. Jar, 2 fo r FLOUR soon as the Mrs. Ruth Dougherty is visiting Loma Linda Brand in Tomato Sauce 5 Pounds fo r SJ.79 No. 2 ’s, 50 pound sack GRAPEFRUIT Sections Three Sisters Whole Kernel CORN Friday and Saturday Potatoes Mr. and Mrs. F rank Ayris left fo r C entral P oint this week where will make their home. They have been living on the W. L. Marr We Give GREEN STAMPS GROCERY SPECIALS M O DEL GROCERY MERL GRACE DEE THE ILLINOIS VALLEY GRANGE WILL GIVE THEIR ANNUAL S t . P a tr ic k 's ST. PATRICK’S DANCE P R IC E PLUS Q U A L IT Y — C O M P A R E T H E S E P R IC E S DANCE U. S. G O V E R N M E N T G R A D E D " A " B E E F Friday, Saturday Specials HAMS, Cudahy P u ritan , E astern Tenderized, 12 or whole, per pound 5<>c BACON — C udahy’s P u ritan , E astern, by the piece per pound 49e Bridgeview Grange H all Saturday, March 19 Sat., H a tc h 19 LANGW ORTHY’S ORCHESTRA Admission, $1.50 Couple Good Eats 1 B E E E ROAST, Shoulder C enter Cut, per pound 49c « i a 0 STEAKS. T BONE G uaranteed Tender, per pound W E IN E R S , Skinless P e r pound ......... PU R E LARI) 2 Pounds for .......................................... Let’s all go out to the Bridgeview G r a n g e Hall Saturday night and give Old St. Pat­ rick a rousing (even if delayed a little) Pat A rnot <»5c W ater W ell Drilling 45c Get My 1949 Smash­ ing Low Price on Your Next Well. “WHOOP ER UP” 35c . GRO UND B E E F . lx?an Per pound 39c I :: When it is Time to Save Money It is Time To See Me for a FREE ESTIMATE. This Advertisement Through the Courtesy of i $ B eef for Your Locker CUTTING AND WRAPPING :: I I to 3 Years C redit Plan Grants Pass C a v e C ity G ro c e ry BILL — MARY — JUDY • J