Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 17, 1949 Northern Town Warmed By Drift Currents This Chest Solves Storage Problems Hammerfest, on the island of Kvalo off the coast of Norway, is regarded as the most northern town of Europe. Its latitude is 70 degrees 40 min­ utes north—about 10 minutes far­ th er north than Point Barrow, Alaska. It is a prosperous city and has a normal population of several thousand. In spite of its northern latitude, Hammerfest enjoys a comparative­ ly mild climate; the average Janu­ ary tem perature is a little below freezing and the harbor is always ice free; this is attributed to mild westerly winds, the drift currents of the Gulf Stream and/or those of the North Atlantic. I F YOU have a problem stor- • ing ex tra bed linen, out-of-sea­ son clothing, or just about one hundred other articl?s everyone collects and doesn’t know where to put, this under the bed storage chest should be of interest tc you. While the pattern offered be­ low suggests building a chest ap­ proxim ately 30” wide, 42” long by à 6* deep, it can be built to any length required. One of the big features of this chest, b esid e, am ple storage facilities, is i t s , utilization of unused space. Be-1 ing suspended b e tw e e n large wooden wheels the chest can be rolled under the bed, even over rugs with very little effort Its capacity is truly amazing. Being dustproof it provides an excellent place to store your finest things. * • • WORRY. BACK ACHE TORTURE? IT'S NOTHING SERIO US/" SORETONE Liniment's H e a tin g P a d A ctio n G ives Q u ic k R e lie f! F or fast, gentle relief o f aches fro m back strain, muscle strain, lum bago pain, due to fatigue, ex­ posure. use the linim ent specially made to soothe such symptoms. Soretone Linim ent has scientific rubefacient ingredients that act like glowing w arm th fro m a heating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to superficial pain area. Soretone is different’ N o thing else "just like It " Q uick, satisfying results must be yours or money back. 50c Econom y size $1 00 T ry Soretone fo r Athlete's Foot K ills sU J types o f com m on fungi — on contactl A tip to th o se who plan on atten d in g a w ed d in g r e a l soon—th is ch est m an es a n id eal w e d d in r gift for the lucky b ride an d groom . Send 25c for P a tte r n No. 37 to E a s iB ild P a tte r n C om pany. D ept. W P le a s a n tv ille , N. Y. No Original Cattle Breeds in U. S. Although the United States is a m eat-eating nation and slaughters about 34,557,000 cattle and calves annually, it has produced no origi­ nal breed of cattle. On the other hand, it has originated two breeds of horses and several breeds of pigs. Since the beginning of America, pure-breed cattle were imported for breeding purposes. Henry Clay im ported the first Herefords for use on his Kentucky farm . MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fuher SAVE-A-DAY ROLLS Maki these delicious All-Bran rolls In a spar* moment. . . bake them when you need them. 2 eggs, w ell- b ea ten 2 ca k es co m ­ p ressed y ea st 1 cu p lukew arm w a ter 6 H cu p s sifte d flour, or m ore 1 . M easure sh o rten in g , sugar, A ll- B ran . sa lt, Into large bowl; add boil­ in g w ater, stir u n til sh o rten in g m elta. Cool to lukew arm . 2 . S tir In eg g s and y ea st so ften ed In lukew arm water. 3 . Add hi th e flour; b ea t 'til sm ooth . Add rem ain d er, b ea t w ell. *■ Cover bowl closely. R efrig era te o v ern ig h t or u n til ready to use. S . S h a p e b alls of dough to fill greased m uffin pans ab ou t h a lf fu ll. L et rise In w arm place about 2 h o u rs or u n til double In bulk. B a k e In h o t oven (4 2 5 ’ F .) about 15 m in u tes. Y ield; 3h i d ozen d eli­ cio u s rolls. , cup sh o rten ­ in g cup su gar HEAD COLDS ? QUICK RELIEF WITH MENTHOLAÎUM SOOTHES IRRITATED MEMBRANES ...BR IN G S EASIER BREATHING I REG’LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrne. W orld'» m #«l f.m o u i natural laiathra caraal — try a bawttul tomorrow. L___________ JITTER Beware Cough: By Arthur Pointer From Common Colds That HANG ON j Creomulsion relieve» promptly because it goe» right to the »eat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. T e ll your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion w ith the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough nr you are to have your money hack. CREOMULSION for Coughs,Chest Colds, Bronchitis SUNNYSIDE bY Clark S. Haas US. in just 7 days. . . in one short week . . . a group of people who changed from their old dentifrices toCaloxTooth Powder aver­ aged 387« brighter teeth by scientific test. Why not change to Calox yourself? Buy z Relieve FEMALE WEAKNESS CALOX McKesson & Robbins Inc., Bridgeport, to n o . 11—49 WNU—13 _______ VIRGIL By Len Klei» 3S.000.000 A M E R IC A N S A R E P H Y S IC A L L Y H A N D IC A P P E D ! . . , T h e F ed eration is p ro m o tin g a n a tio n a l edu cational cam pa ign to « •- ta b li-h (1> A Fed eral Com m ission on Ser> ires fo r the Physically H a n d i­ capped: (2 ) N a tio n a l C e re b ral Palsy In s titu te : (J ) N a tio n a l Leprosy A c t: <<» N a tio n a l Epilepsy Aet. and (> ) N a tio n a l Census of Handicapped. . . . A F P H needs your assistance in helping the H a n d i spped become T a i - Payers, instead o f T a x -E a te ra ! Send your eentribailens today te: A M E R IC A N P H Y S IC A L L Y F E D E R A T IO N OF THE H A N D IC A P P E D . IN C . 1371 N a tio n a l Presa B u ild in g W ash in g to n 4. D. C. Arc you tro u b le d by d latresa of fem ale f u n c tio n a l p erio d ic d la tu rb - an ces? Does th ia m ak e y ou Buffer fro m p a in , feel so n erv o u s, tire d — a t «uch tim es? T h e n Bo tr y L ydia E. P ln k h a m 'a V egetable C o m p o u n d to relieve su c h sy m p to m s. P tn k h a m 'a h as a g ra n d so o th in g effect o n one 0 / w o m a n s m o st im p o r ta n t o rgans! k LYDIA E. PIHKHAM 'S . . . Reports o f th e K e lley C o m m ittee, U. S House o f Representatives, as w e ll as fro m Selective Service, in dicate th a t ap p ro xim ately one o u t o f th ree e itiie n a are. in some degree. physically disabled, and problem s a tte n d a n t upon re h a b ili­ tation and em ploym ent o f o u r H a n d i­ capped are increasing d aily . . . . T h e A m erican F ed eration of the Physically H andicapped, a n o n -p ro fit, educational beneficent o rg an ixatio n . baa taken the leading role in p rom otin g em ploym ent o f Handicapped, and is re- • pon»ible fo r enactm ent of "fc A T IO N A L E M P L O Y T H E P H Y S IC A L L Y H A N D I ­ C A P P E D W E E K " , observed n a tio n a lly the F irs t W eek in October o f each yea r. distress of MONTHLY\ iiSiZi' When Your B ack H u rts - A n d Y o u r S tre n g th a n d E n e rg y 1« B elow P a r GRANDMA By Charles Kuhn I GET 5 0 DAD-BLAMED SICK O' SUCH M USH