Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 10, 1919 B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y Sunday School 10 a. nt. Morning worship 1 1 a . m. HEAR BIBLE EXPOSITOR Giving Insight Into VITAL TROTH FOR ALL CHRISTIANS At the ASSEMBLY OF GOD, Kerby Each evening, except Sat-, Tues. thru Sunday MARCH 15 TO MARCH 20 Don B. Wantland, Pastor o T IM so TOUCH - WE PAY the BILL If You Damage It! 'That’s right! T h e new Gates tire has proved itself so su­ perior in strength and d u ra b ility that w ith it we can now give you this W R IT T E N C O N ­ T R A C T , which says: S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H Rev. A nderson, P asto r Church service a t 9:30 a. m. Sunday School a t 10:45 a. m. Y oung People a t 7 p. m. P ray er Meeting Tuesday 8 p. tn. M issionary Society 4th Wednesda> of each m onth. on first and third Sunday of each P ray er and Bible study, W ednes­ month a t Cave P ark Motel. day, 8 p. m. Y oung Peoples service, Friday at C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH 7 p. m. A S S E M B LY O F GOD The Southern Oregon Kennel club invites all Illinois \ alley own­ ers of purebred dogs to exhibit in th eir first point show to be held in Ashland. May 29, 1949. The show will be under the supervision of the Am erican Kennel club. Dogs not listed with the A. K. C. may enter. For entry blanks A series of evening lectures by w rite Mrs. Betty Lee Boyle, Route Alan 11 Banks, Bible Expositor, 1, box 388, Medford. startin g next Tuesday, March 1 > thru Sunday, March 20, except Saturday, are scheduled to be held a t the Assembly of God in Kerby, according to Rev, Don B. W ant- land, pastor. These talks will be very inspi­ rational, giving vital tru th s for all Christians, and a cordial invi­ tation is extended to everyone in the Valley. FREE If you BRUISE this tire; if you get a BLOW-OUT, RIM CUT. or other TIRE INJURY, the expense is OURS— not yours. Thaf's REAL Pocketbook Protection— m ore th a n y o u ’ve p ro b a b ly e v e r bad before. B ut — e \ r n m ore Im p o rta n t h i you — w e ob­ viously could not a ffo rd to sign M id i a c o n tra c t ii we did not K N O W th a t the C a te s T ir e a e tu - a lly d eliv e rs m o re in S E R V IC E , m ore In 5S A E E T V , m ore in M O N E Y S A V E D . Oregon C ertified Marshall STR A W BERR Y PLA N TS Crow n in E astern O regon W rite fo r Price List A G R IC U L T U R A L R E S E A R C H N U R S E R IE S Route 2, Box 72, P ayette, Idaho W E L L , O N E T H IN G NEVER. CHANGES YO U C AN ALW AYS D E P E N D O N H A V IN G PRESCRIPTIONS P R O P tR lT F IL L E D A T / > OWL O R U G fTO R B OWL DRUG STORE GIVE Prescriptions A ccurately Filled Cor 6th and H Sts., Grants Pass PHONE 3661 Rockwool Insulation lob lot a Home in the Illinois Valley, given by ZELLS INC. ROCKWOOL INSULATION Get your Entry Card today at the Come m and see tt today. C.G.&E.GARAGE Phone 1001 Southern Oregon Kennel Club to Hold Exhibit Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Sunday worship, 11 a m. Evangelistic service, Sunday, 8 p.m. W ednesday prayer m eeting ..7 :30 Bible Study and Young People's m eeting, Friday ____ 7 :30 p. m. George H. G ray, P astor Sunday School a t 10 a. m. M orning W orship a t 11 a. m. The largest Sunday School a t­ tendance yet, 159 last Sunday Mrs. Pauline S herier, teach er of the young m arried folk group classes is rapidly grow ing. B irth ­ days observed fo r W illie Sowell and Mrs. A. Scott. C ontributions were made by classes of Mrs. C a r ­ son and Mrs. Dick fo r CARE seed packages to be sent overseas. » Rev. Gray and Rev. Collins of W onder, exchanged pulpits. The I la tte r spoke on “ Borrow ed E x p er­ iences.” Paul Sherier sang "W ill There Re Any S tars in My C row n.” It was nice to see the large group C H U R C H O F JESUS C H R IS T OF of high school stu d e n ts in a tte n d ­ L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S ance. Ju n io r choir sang “ My Re­ (M ormon) deem er.” Sunday school, 10:30 a m. The board m et T uesday even­ American Legion Hall, Cave ing. Work all day a t Mrs. B row n’s Junction. W ednesday, T hursday aftern o o n Town Circle m et at the church K erby Circle w ith 15 presen t in­ cluding visitors, M esdames Lee, M urff, V ersteeg, Rice and B ab­ cock. New president installed was Mrs. McDaniels and com m ittees appointed. H ostesses Mrs. Mills and Mrs. McDaniels served re ­ freshm ents. O’Brien C ircle m et with Mrs. B urton and officers elected were president, Mrs. E ther- to n ; vice-president, Mrs. Floyd: secretary -treasu rer, Mrs. M argaret Evans. G uests atten d in g were Mesdames H am ilton and Brown. All day m issionary m eeting next week. Kerby Circle in charge of luncheon guests of Rev. and Mrs. Gray. Rev. Collins, speaker, Mrs. Collins, singer. Staying alive in today’s traffic is as simple as ABC. Always Bo Rev. A. A. Meyer Careful! Mass offered at 12 o’clock noon Evening worship 8 p. m. ALAN H.BANKS Wrecker Service C A T H O L IC C H U R C H ( ave Junction 4 WAYS To Get More Service --------------- o--------------- T H E IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y G O SPEL T A B E R N A C L E Rev. D elbert H. B urger, P astor. Sunday School a t 10 a. m. M orning W orship at 11 a. m. C hildren’s Church a t 11 a. m. Sunday evening service 7 :30. Y oung People’s m eeting, T h u rs­ day a t 8 p. m. Caves Building Supplies Cave Junction Revival continues every night, except Mondays with outstanding , services a t 7 :45 p. m. Rev. K en­ neth C yphers, of C alifornia, speak- __ S atu rd ay , M«rch 12 a t 2:30 and 7:30 p. m., wil. be Fellowship m eeting held by the Penticostal Church of God. Supper served betw een services in the kitchen a t 5 p. m. All are welcome. Good music and singing. --------------o--------------- IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S Out of Your Wire Rope Let our engineering service assist you in selecting the correct sire, construction and grade of wire rope for your requirem ents. E lder, W ayne S triven Sabbath School ....................0 :30 C hurch service ....................11:00 P ra y e r m eeting W ednesday. T here will be no Sabbath servic- ’ es, March 12, b u t the en tire church m eets in an all day Child E van­ gelism In stitu te to be conducted at the G rants Pass Seventh Day A dventist church. F irst m eeting Friday, 7:30 p. m., ending S a tu r­ day evening w ith the showing of a special p icture, “ Time and E te r­ nity .” W e can furnish FREE bulletins o n ’’H andling”, “Socketing”, ’’Splicing” and "Lubricating" wire rope- BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION Keep up with the latest sn fcrn atlon th r o u g h th e in fo r m a tiv e b u l l e t i n s "ROPE D O PE”. W e’ll be glad to help you get each as neeJed. For extra wear, service and safety, always specif\ u n io n -fo r m e d - i t is preformed to out-perform. ____ ___ _______H 1 ’ - T ~ ------ ------------------ " X union For Union Wire Rop« YOUR HOME T O W N PAPER gives you complete, dependable locol news. You need to know oil »hot it going on where you live. But you lira olio in o WORLD, where momentous events ore in the moking— events which con meon to much to you, to your lob, your home, your future, for constructive reports ond interpre­ tations of nationol ond interna­ tional news, there is no substitute for THE C H R ISTIA N SCIENCE M O N ITO R daily. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed— locally, nationally, internationally — with your local poper ond The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesdoy nights over ABC stotions to "The Christion Science Monitor Views the News And use this coupon todoy tor o special in- * o 9 troductory subscription. J ? I Wine Tapestry, 100 'i Hardwood struction. Five Year Warranty, Special for month of March appreciate fURNttURE ineme* t The Hamilton?, Myo and Bill lefty» Cave Junction leddreui leoeof (ite tei $ 1 4 9 -5 0 We deliver anywhere in the Valley The C hristian Science M onitor One, Morwoy St.. B o.ton IS , M o .s . U I * P ie c e .e n d me en Intredectery ,ub-crlp»lon to The C h rl.tle n Science M ontrer - « heeee. » enclo.e »1. ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE Cave Junction, Oregon D avenport and C h air Grants Pass