Illinois \ alley News, Thursday, Echruarv 21, 1919 + CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ Some Interesting Facts About Our Forest Service BIDS WANTED CANCER CAMPAIGN Sealed bids will be received by i — ‘»ucmv -Tiauiun, Marguerite Stanton, vierx Clerk at HEADED BY EDITOR CLASSIFIED RATES This decentralized organization tirants Pass. Oregon, until Feb- USED CARS The annual campaign of the WANTED — Good clarinet for comprises 10 regions, 152 National 5 * 7 265h’ 8:00 »’«*<** P- The deadline for advertising is 5 reasonable price. Contact Ed-1 Oregon division, American Can­ Forests, 760 Ranger Dintmo»« i • > , . , . “erome Prairie Grade o’clock Wednesday afternoon. $-95.00 buys a good running 1936 . ger U,8tnets’ I 2 ! School Building for Josephine cer Society, will be directed by w-ard Henneberry at Kerby Forest i Experiment Minimum charge 50c first inser­ Stations, 54 Re | County School District, Grants Ford Tudor. Hannum & Kelt »igb- _________ 44-ltc tion; 25c minimum thereafter Used t a r Lot, 735 So. 6th St., seaich Work Centers, 102 Exper ' Bass, Oregon and will then and U alter W. R. May, editor and pub­ Grants Pass. 44-ltc LOG CABIN GARAGE imental Forests, and 14 Experi- there be opened and publicly read lisher of the Oregon City Enter­ FOR SALE General Auto Repairing mental Ranges. Then there is the *loud- Bids received after the time prise, it has been announced. hOR SALE— 1935 Dodge flat rack Motor Tune-up — Lubrication Forest Products Laboratory Congress has proclaimed April °Pen,n^ will not be c°n- truck with 1940 motor, $195.00. Welding FOR SALE—Camp White toilet Herbert Falkenhayn, Caves Art Dedrick, prop.—Selma, Ore. Madison. Wis., employing 400. The Plani, specifications and form as cancer control month and the and fittings, $15.00. George highway.____________ 41-ltfc r orest Service has about 9,000 oi contract documents may be campaign is always held during James, Bridgeview. 44-1 tp permanent and each year 15 000 e*amined at the office of Free- this period. 1940 Chevrolet Special DeLuxe DYNAMITE — Black powder, "The fight against cancer must FOR SALE—Electric heater with A’soc; Arehts" 4-door Sedan new paint job, a fuses and caps. Illinois Valley temporary or «easonal employees; ° ’ ? Bu,ldln*- Portland. Ore- be prosecuted with all of the re­ 15 foot heavy duty extension clean car and a real buy. Hardware, agency for DuPont its activities range from Alaska t cord, reasonable. Inquire News sources at our command,” May Powder. 47-tfc Puerto Rico and through every Hannum & Kelt Used Car Lot fications and forms may be obtain aid in accepting the appointment office. 43-tfc _1 1;) So- 6th St., Grants Pass. state of the union, and about 10 ed at the office of Marguerite FOB SALE—John Deere tractor;) percent of the land area of the Stanton, Clerk, Grants Pass, Ore­ as 1949 campaign chairman. “The WOOD FOR SALE — Body fir. Lindentan tract layer; 7 ft. John Lnited States is under its admin­ gon, or at the otfice of Freeman gieat research projects must not Joe B. Jenkins, Rt. 1 box 15, Deere power mower, $800. Box WHITE’S DRUG SUNDRIES. and Hayslip, Assoc. Archts., 304 be allowed to fall back because of istration. Cave Junction. 43-tfc 314, 4 miles out Caves highway. Postal Building, Portland, Oregon lack of funds. “Some day, some See him for your needs. Grey­ Forest Service supervises and upon a deposit of $25.00, which where the answer to this dreadful hound Bus Depot. Coffee and I OR SALE—Trash burner, studio 1941! Dodge 2-ton Truck 160-inch sandwiches. Complete Fountain scales an annual cut of about four will be refunded upon the return W B. Brownie Transmission, 4 service with Arden’s Ice Cream. billion board feet of timber in our of the plans and specifications disease will be found.” couch, Hollywood bed, 5-dnawer new 825x20 tires, looks good May has been active for many, Eureka upright vacuum 41-tfc National Forests. It maintains 25 within a reasonable time. and runs good. Only $1045.00. Attention is called to Bidder years in various civic programs cleaner, baby buggy, baby chest forest-tree nurseries. It extin­ Prequalifications, Sections 98-103 Hannum & Kelt Used Car Lot bathinette, baby swing. " Phone and has been closely associated Do you have 735 So. 6th St., Grants Pass. guishes some 12,000 fires a year, to 98-105 Inclusive, Oregon Com­ 1501, Hadley, Cave Junction. with many projects related to the Public Liability and most of them while quite small, piled law s Annotated, which must Property Damage public health. During world war I, be filed with the Clerk 10 days FOR SALE or TRADE—’41 Dodge FOR RENT but a bad fire may require the em­ Insurance on be was liaison officer between the before date for opening of bids G. I. ambulance, 4-wheel drive, ployment of a thousand men, 35 and for which forms may be ob­ Your Car? U. S. public health service and duals, condition good. Mont­ If not tractors, 30 tanker trucks, and 4 tained at the office of the Archi­ RATES — Cave Park gomery-Ward cement block ma­ W INTER the war department commission SEE Motel. Modern 4-room and 2 -1 helicopters. Forest Service main­ tects. chine.. New, small cement mixer, I on training camp activities. room cottages for rent. Walk­ LINKHART & McLEAN tains 18,600 buildings, 3,100 look­ Each bid shall be accompanied electric motor, 550 cement ing distance from city. 29-tfc | He served as chairman of the Phone 3802 blocks 8x8x16. One 10 ton ball out towers, 10,000 bridges, 1000 by a certified check, cashier's Cave Ju nction. 43-tfc lines, and must construct addition­ check or bid bond (with authorized Community Chest’s 1931 campaign mill; one 10 ton crusher; Win­ FOR RENT — Furnished modern chester pump shot gun 12 guage; Cabins, $8 per week and up. SHASTA SHALLOW’ and DEEP al miles each year; it also main­ surety company as surety) made and has been president of the Remington automatic shot gun Illinois Motel, Redwood high-1 W’ELL PUMPS. See Fred Culp. tains 18.600 buildings, 3,100 look­ payable to the Owner in an amount • lackamas County Health associ­ of not less than 6'< of the amount ation as well as a member of the 12 guage, good. G. W. McClure, way. 30-tfc I Caves Refrigeration and Wash­ of the bid. Surety bond (or bonds) out towers, 10,000 bridbes, 1000 P. O. box 73, Kerby, Oregon. executive board of the Boy Scouts er Repair. 11-tfc FOR RENT — Furnished modern dams, and even a fleet of small will be required in accordance of America. FOR SALE—mill, all or part, 130 with the terms of the contract cabins, weekly winter rates.— ! WINDOW GLASS ships manned by the “seagoing” documents. horsepower, 4 cylinder G. M. ------------ o------------ l e Rustic Inn, miles south All sizes window class cut and rangers of Alaska. Diesel, nearly new, 3 jaw edger, The Josephine County School of Cave Junction. 21-tfc installed. Illinois Valley Hard­ In addition to management, pro­ District, Josephine County, Ore­ carriage a n d miscellaneous 4 II Club Idea ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc equipment. H. A. Swanson, Rt b OR RENT—-furnished apartment, tection, and development work on gon reserves the right to reject "Learning by doing" is the basis utilities paid. Gage, Caves high- ELECTRO PLATING, motorcycle the National Forests, FS conducts any or all bids and to waive infor­ of the 4-H club program, which is * p ° x 218, Cave Junction. way, block from Redwood high parts, surgical instruments, sil­ cooperative fire protection and malities. now being followed by nearly two I'OR SALE — Wood, no order "ay. 42-ltp No bidder may withdraw his million young Americans. ver, copper, chrome. Wilde’s too large or too small. Save tree distribution work with the bid after the hour set for the open­ Paramount Electro Plating Plant money by getting it by the load. states and private owners, and car­ ings thereof or before award of 1013 Foundry St., Phone 2656, MISCELLANEOUS Call 1722 or drop card to Her­ across from R. R. track, Grants ries on comprehensive research contract, unless said award is de­ bert Falkenhayn, Rt. 1, box 24, Pass. 40-8tp and educational programs. In the layed for a period exceeding 30 Cave Junction. 17-tfc days. EMERGENCY LOANS FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement National Forests are 4,500 camp Prompt Service I1 OR SALE — Bathinette, baby and picnic grounds, 206 swimming First publication Feb. 10, 1949 For mixer, electrically driven. Illi­ 15 bottle sterilizer, baby scales, ail Months nois Valley Hardware, Cave areas, and 100 landing fields. FS Second publication Feb. 17, 1949 i in good condition. Also a tap­ Marguerite Stanton, Clerk Expert Radio Service to estry upholstered 3-in-l chair Junction. 25-tfc personnel travel 40 million miles Repay annually by motor and a million by Mrs. Lester Miller, Maple Court, Kerby. 44-ltc If you need money for any worth­ For Sure Insurance Insure horse; the Service operates 6,900 First Standard Gauge while purpose, phone or visit Val­ with Headquarters for Capitol vehicles and 2,000 pieces of heavy I OR SALE— Palomino mare 5 ley Finance today. You can borrow First standard gauge railroad in Linkhart & McLean equipment. An effective safety years old; Pinto 1% year old, up to $300 on your signature or the west was established by the Phone Cave Junction 3802 or and RCA Victor black and white mane and tail. furniture and up to $500 on your program has greatly reduced In­ Rock Island railroad in 1852 This Kerby 1306 Box 314 4 miles out Caves high- car. juries and fatal accidents, and line built the first bridge over the PLUMBING and fittings, pumps yearly rates show drastic decline. Mississippi in 1856. Records w«V _____________ 44-ltp VALLEY FINANCE CO. and electric water heaters GRAZING FACTS State Theatre Bldg. Phone 3650 License S-271 Where your plumbing dollars HORSESHOES—Just arrived, a License M-350 Forest Service grazing permits Oregon Certified Marshall go further. Dayton & Son, range in size from those for one new supply on hand and in’ all LOS 1 Black billfold, identifica­ STRAWBERRY PLANTS sizes. Illinois Valley Hardware. Grants Pass, Ore. 35-tfc or two to those for 4,000 head of Grow'n in Eastern Oregon tion. If found keep money and 44-tfcl notify Louis Monroe, Cave Junc- Write for Price List Phone 4002 cattle and from 10 to 26,000 head ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH tl0n-_____________ 44-ltp of sheep. The average 1947 per­ and repairs. All work and ma­ WANT TO SELL OR TRADE Cave Junction NURSERIES terial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ mit covered 67 cattle and 1,073 Route 2, Box 72, Payette, Idaho that unused item around the TRIPLICATE and DUPLICATE at the News office. Get them ley Hardware, Cave Junction. home? Place a classified ad in sheep. The livestock of 11 west­ 6tock sales books now available Ih e News ern states procure 6 *4 percent of INCOME TAX SERVICE their forage from tTie National Federal, State, Farm and Forests and 6 *4 percent from Fed­ Partnership eral grazing districts under the CARL A. SPIETH P. O. Box 11, O’Brien, Oregon. Department of the Interior. Tho 1!£ miles W. of O’Brien P. O. nine percent of the beef cattle and on Lone Mt. Road. 37-tfc 22 percent of the sheep in the west | FOR FURNITURE — Try Man- do graze in National Forests, fully chel’s First where it’s “Furni­ 85 percent of all forage is supplied ture You’ll Admire at Prices by private range and cropland. You’ll Appreciate.” 47-tfc Says FS; "There should be no ex­ clusion or private vested right on Valley Residents Troop 20, Boy Scouts of America, lands owned by all the people. You can get Each of these resources of the Na­ Complete Insurance is extending the license plates drive tional Forests—grass, timber, wa­ Service or Fire, ter, and recreation and wildlife— Automobile, or Bonds at to March 1, and they want all your old must be so managed as to safe LINKHART & McLEAN’S Phone 3802 guard the others.” The value of 1947 and 1948 license plates. Each Cave Junction. 43-tfc these lands for watersheds is high­ is worth three cents. They will pick | FOR SAND AND GRAVEL good er than for any other single purpose, top soil, road and driveway them up. Contact George Morey at maintainence. Clyde Knight, C. Ranger Station or Ralph Huber, For­ G.&E. Texaco Garage. 20-36tp Call Or See Us Al's Radio Shop BOY SCOUTS ARE MAKING APPEAL ' s illy , isn ' t it - - when an e l e c t r ic ia n WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Wringer rolls and parts for all makes. Fred Culp, Caves Re­ frigeration & Washer Repairs. W A K E UP BUSINESS / ] est Lodge. By Advertising In , / Thia Newspaper Help the Scouts and they’ll bring / home more Blue Ribbons to Illinois C O U L D IN S T A L L W A L L S O C K E T S S O E A S I L Y ? * DYNAMITE Don't o ve rlo a d you r e le c tric circuits. W h e n you Try Valley Lumber Co. if you need blasting powder. 221 W’est F b u ild or m o d e rn iz e p ro v id e A D EQ U A ft W IR IN G . St., Grants Pass. 47-tfc | WATER WELL DRILLING, Do­ ATTENTION SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR mestic and irrigation wells, 12 I will pay $50.00 to anyone who to 36 months to pay. Latest will supply information to lo­ equipment available. Satisfied cation of my recovery of one customers our motto. Paquin long horned white faced cow A Story, 800 N 10th St., Grants and ope white faced yearling Pass, Phone 2631 or 3583. calf, each have crop off right P R O F E S S IO N A L D IR E C T O R Y | TRADE Your old Washing Ma- ear. Cow is branded. A E. chine in on a new Maytag Williams, O’Brien. 44-ltp DR. A. N. COLLMAN See Fred Culp in Cave Junction Windows and Doors! I OR SALE— White Pekin duck Authorized Maytag dealer. Naturopathic Physician VALLEY LUMBER Co. eggs 75c a dozen on order. HOURS; 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. ROUGH & READY GARAGE near Lylabelle Cross, Rt. 1, box 156^ for your repair jobs Rough & Ready Mill. Genera, Cave Junction. 44-ltp Office Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 221 West F St. Phone 4612 repairing and specializing in all LOCKER MEAT FOR SALE-^we electrical and carburetion re­ ___GRANTS PASS have it by the half, quarter, or pairs. Motor tuneups. Reason­ Charles N. Versteeg, M. D. smaller cuts. Illinois Valley able prices and all work guar­ Daily Freight Service Meat Co., 2 miles out Caves anteed. W. B. Myers. 31-tfc PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GRANTS PASS. PORTLAND highway. 34-12tc and SAN FRANCISCO Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon | MASTER PAINTER— Painting by YANDELL BROS. GARAGE contract or by the hour. Esti­ I' OR SALE—One set harness and 2 to 5 p. m. collar, $10; weaner pigs $10 mates gladly given. Illinois Pierce Auto Freight each. Castleberry, Rt. 1, box valley Hardware. 28-tfc 444, Cave Junction. 44-ltp WINDOW FRAMES REFRIGERATOR & WASHER Water Well Drilling Any Kind or Any Size REPAIRS— Motoni and parte R EA L ESTATE & STORY for all makes. FRED CULP. VALLEY LUMBER Co. 800 PAQUIN Uave Junction. 41 tfc N. 10th St. Grants Pass 221 West F St. Phone 4612 TOR WELL Located Highway PHONE 2631 or 3583 Frontage GRANTS PASS LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Ambulance Service Day or Night Contact P H O N E 4453 Linkhart & McLean, Brokers Spieth’s Insurance Service 210 West A St TRADE FOR COW—$309 Auto­ Cave Junction, Oregon HULL & HULL matic Launderall washing ma­ CARL A. SPIETH chine. Walter Katin, 2 't mi. FOR SALE — Lots on and near P. O. Box 1 1, O ’Brien, Oregon Funeral Home Caves highway, % mile from S. of Cave Junction. Trails End ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Redwood highway. Title insur Motor Lodge. 44-ltp INCLUDING LIFE ance on every lot. Contact OLD NEWSPAPERS for starting 1 ---- fires for sale at News office. ( STOM CUTTING, killing and Herbert Falkenhayn, cor. Caves curing. Illinois Valley Meat Co. T IT L E IN SU R A N C E highway and Old Stage road, Rt. 2 miles out Caves highway. —¿1 b°* 24’ Cave Junction. 5-tfc ESCRO W S 34-12tc FOR SALE—Residential property Rogue River Title Co. lots 50x160 feet, on Caves Ave. Along With the New» TOR SALE—Cattle transportation 212 N. 6th St. Grants Pass Cash or easy terms. Inquire at blanks at the News Office, tf News office. 28-tfe READ THE AD$ Valley. This Adv. Courtesy of the FRENCH LAUNDRY Grants Pass A d i t t u t t : ., n t Í FrOm W^erC J sit ” °T°e Marsh How's Your Listening Time? Buck Howell and I were In Bale- ville last week. Dropped in at Bob’s diner where some friends were sit­ ting around talking about whether to sell hogs now or wait. Buck plunges right into the dis- cussion. He’s lecturing away when suddenly they all stand up and start stomping their feet like it was an Indian war dance. I ’m flabbergasted. But Buck only looked sheepish and explains, ‘‘Guess I was talking again, when I should-of been listening. When a person’s talking time gets out of line with his littening time around here, the gang reminds him by standing up and stomping.” From where I sit, that’s a good system. Everyone has a right to his opinions — but others have a right to theirs, too—whether it’s decid­ ing between to sell or not to sell, apple pie or cherry pie, or a glass of mellow beer or cider. Life’s more interesting (hat way, and hang it if you don’t sometimes learn some­ thing! Copyright, 1919, United States Breners Foundation