Illinois Valley News, Thursday February 17, 1949 Whatnot Shelf Makes Fine Gift for Home Smiles Hibernation LA_à E V E R Y O N E alw ays seem s to need w hatnot shelves. This one is a reproduction of those used fre­ quently in Colonial hom es. No skill o r special tools a re req u ired to m ak e th is shelf. P e rh a p s th e m ost im p o rta n t piece of equipm ent need­ ed is a 25c coping saw and the full size p a tte rn offered below. This specifies th e m a te ria ls to use and am ount needed. Sim ple, step-by- step directio n s a re included. Sim ply tra c e th e p a tte rn on the wood, saw and assem b le. It should not ta k e m o re th a n two evenings to tu rn out a professional looking job. • e “ Freddie, can you nam e an ani­ m al th a t hib ern ates in the su m m e r tim e ? ” “ Y essum , S anta C laus.” $cbbi/ cp ¿far Change of Position "W'hat became of that ih arming secretary of yours?“ ”i married bet and so u she’s my treasurer." Good R iddance ” 1 had a note from Bill. He sa y s he Is taking my w ife.” “ Will you shoot h im ? ” “ Y es, if he ch an ges his m ind .” ' this guy g im m e a c ig a r a n d asked m e ^ T 'C O M E A L O N G A N D M E E T THE FUTURE PRES’DENT. ‘ d o n ’ t y o u H A V E A M O V IE M A G A Z IN E OR S O M E T H IN 'F O R A L V IN TO LOOK A T ? ” LITTLE REGGIE ByMargarita D ishing It Out M ae—I can c a rry 70 dishes .with m y left hand. F a y — W hat can you do w ith your right hand? M ae—Pick up the pieces. WUffT A CATCH C heck th a t C ough from a cold Before It Gets Worse * — and g e t w e ll quicker w ith th e N SW FOLEY'S Send 2fic for Newcastle Whatnot Shell Pattern No. 31 to EasiBild Pattern Com­ pany, Dept. W, Pleasantville, N. Y . H o m in g The NEW F O I . E Y ’S F IO N E Y A T A R contains one o f (ho most Im p o rta n t cough tre a tm e n t developm ent« in years, one th a t A C T U A L L Y H E L I ’S S P E E D R E C O V ­ E R Y . Also soothes th r o a t, checks cough­ ing Also delicious, non-narcotic, does n o t u|M et digestion. B u t moat im p o rta n t. N K Vr F O L E Y 'S helps pou gc/ well quicker fro i» cough due to cold. A t y o u r druggist. P i g e o n C a n ’t M is s Science h as a p re tty good idea of how th e hom ing pigeon gets hom e. A ccording to P rof. H enry L. Y eagley of P en n sy lv an ia, the pigeon is equipped w ith an enor m ously sen sitive navigation devise th a t can d e te rm in e m in u te differ­ ences in th e e a r th ’s m ag n etic field and the ra te of the e a r th ’s su rface tu rn in g u n d er him . MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher WHERE f WHAT Do YA , MX) CARE? tSOlN’?', "Ah-h! I Can Breathe Again!” W hen your nose fills up with a stuffy head cold or occasional con­ gestion, put a few drops c>f Vicks V a-tro-nol in < ach nostril and get comforting relief almost instantly! Va-tro-nol is so ef­ fective because it works right where trouble is to soothe irritation, relievo stuffiness, make breathing easier. Try It! Get Vicks V a-tro-nol Nose Dropsl (FROM H E R ?) THINK A l TD WHERE!^IM GONNA' V TELL Vt>U? what \ ____ z H E X W A IT / A b r id g e ? nome o f I WAS ONLY HAVIN'A LITTLE / / your . FUN WITH HIM! ( BUSINESS! J f HOW EAR W IT FROM here TO T H E R E ? / NUT WAGOtl h where roes ¡THE OTHER END'' I O F THE B RID G E I REG LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes BACK ACHE TORTURE? SORETONE Liniment's H e a tin g P a d A ction G ives Q u ic k R e lie f! For fast, gentle relief of aches from back strain, muscle strain, lumbago pain, due to fatigue, ex­ posure, use the liniment specially made to soothe auch symptoms. Sorctone Liniment has scientific rubefacient Ingredients that act like glowing warmth from a heating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to Superficial pain area. Soretone is different, Nothing else “ just like h.” Quick, satisfying results must be yours or money back. 50c. Economy size SI 00 Try Soretone for Athlete s Foot Kills all J types of common fungi — on coniactl C O M M O N SEN SE.. p ro v ed thousands upon thousands of times! ALL-VEGETABLE LAXATIVE ------------------------------ N A T U R E ’S REM EDY (N R ) TAB- LETS— A purely vegetable laxative to relieve conitipation without the usual griping, sickening, perturbing sensa­ tions, and doet not cause a rash. T ry N R —you w ill see the difference. U n ­ coated or candy coated—their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle at millions of NR's have proved. Get • 25c box and use as directed. FUSSY STOMACH? RELIEF FOR ACID INDIGESTION GASANO k HEARTBURN YES. In just 7 day*. . . In one short week . . , a group of people who changed from their SUNNYSIDE by Clark S. Haas «Id dentifrices to CaloxTooth Powder aver­ aged 3B7c brighter teeth by scientific test. V hy not change to Calox yourself? Buy Calox today . . . so your YES. SIR, MR. PCE AND SHE RUNS I IKE A MILLION/ SMOOTH AS ■ K IT T E N / BLACK S n l. c CHICKEN LICE \ ! .... Ä leeth can start looking brighter tomorrow! FEMALE WEAKNESS TOOTH POW DER McKesson & Bobbins Inc., Bridgeport, Corns 07—49 VIRGIL By Len Kleis shake off-CQLDS MORI than |vst a tonic — ¡/.V » it’s powerful nourithmenf I SCOTÍS EMULSION M l OH tHCKOY T O N IC Are you troubled by dlatreee of female functional periodic disturb­ ances? Does this make you suffer from pain, feel so nervous, tired— at auch times? Then do try Lydia E. Plnkham’a Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. I'lnkham's has a grand soothing effect on one o/ wom an’s m ost im portant organs! V LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S iiStVouw7 W hen .Your Back Hurts* say thousands about good tasting SCOTT'S EMULSION I f colds hang on, or you catch them often, maybe you don't get enough n a tu ra l A I D V ita m in food- Then s tart taking good­ ta s tin g S cott's Em ulsion I Ses how grom ptly it helps break up a cold and helps build you np. so you fed _ your own self again ! Scott’s Is a H IG H E N E R G Y F O O D T O N IC —rich in natural A ID j k V ita m in s and enenry-building natural oiL EconomicaL Bur \ 1 today at your drug store. Easily applied to roosts, with Cop Brush. Furnas, kill Lew while chickens) Fperch 1 or treats 90 chickens Relieve distress of MONTHLY CALOX WNU—13 LEAF 4 0 A n d Y o u r S tre n g th a n d E n e r g y la B e lo w P a r GRANDMA X X 'Vi ¡'EAST SIDE- WEST SIDE, ------- - ALL AROUND 1 TH’ TOWN BOVS By Charles Kuhn ; | NARY A 60L D A R N PATCH O R M E N O O N A N Y ONE O ’ 'E M - J ~ J----------- ¡ the s c h m a l t z e s M u S T j^sd t'' {BE up in T h b u c k s / ' a I t may l>e caused by disorder of kid­ ney function th a t perm it! po son ua waste to accumulate. Fur truly many people feel tired, weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to remove eicest acids and other waste matter from the blood. You may suffer nagging backache, rheum atic pains, headaches, dlssineea, etting up nights, leg pains, swell ng. ometTmea frequent ana scanty urina­ tion with smarting and burning la an­ other sign that something is wrung with the kidneys or bladder. There should he no doubt that prompt treatm ent la wiser than neglect. I »e boon's Pills. I t la better to rely on a medicine that has won countrywide ap­ proval than on something l**ee favorably known, bean's have been tried and test- ad many years. Are at ail drug sturea. Get Doan's today. i D oans P ills