Illinois Valley News, Thursday, February 3, 1949 Washington Letter yilfaeiA VfUeif WetoA (Continued from Paar O nel An indcpi ndent newspaper devoted to the development of the riches* valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and it« surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave N A 1 I O il A L t u i i o x i . a Junction, Oregon, by the Illinois i I a t ìo n Valley Publishing Company. 1 I A S S O C lIfl Entered as second-class matter ^* • h tr n i'/a r :.. ( i m ì e « June 11, 1937 at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. S* ' ? I I g 2X M. C. Athey .. Editor . SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Josephine County s / a L - O RECloO piW E« • P U B L I S H|E R > Oy I A T I 0 One Y ear .................................. 12.60 six M N o „ M 1 .2 6 O u ts id e Josephine C o u n ty One Year ................................$3 00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates upon application ‘ LIBRARY RHUBARB” Last week we stirred up quite a hornet’s nest with our article on the County Library, and since explana­ tions have been made, the question seems to have been settled quite amicably, except that certain allega tions in the Grants Pass Courier are quite misleading, with no intent on their part to do so. It seems the library board told the Courier that our allegations were false. We made no allegations —we merely asked questions, and the questions were answered quite satisfactorily in the Courier, except, - **^4 - we don’t quite understand what was meant by the A m ong tub glorious opportunities open to all A m e r ic a n s headline — “LIBRARY RHUBARB.” Now if the IS T H A T O P C O N T IN U IN G OUR LE A R N IN G A CCORDING TO OUR IN D IV ID U A L IN C L IN A T IO N S AN O I N I T I A T I V E , W IT H O U T A N V editor had “slipped” and said ‘RHUBARB LIBRARY’ R E S T R IC T IO N AS TO S O U R C E OF IN F O R M A T IO N OR P O IN T OF V IE W . he’d certainly have had something to explain to the THROUGH O U R E D U C A T IO N A L AND L IB R A R Y F A C IL I T IE S , library board. As it stands, however, all we can make TH R O U G H E X T E N S IO N C O U R S E S ANO H O M E S T U O V , T H R O U G H B O O K S . P E R IO D IC A L S , P R E S S A N D R A D IO , W E A R E F R E E TO out of it is—our article was quite tart, and maybe a D R A W U P O N T H E W O R L D 'S K N O W L E D G E ­ little sour, like rhubarb, to the folks in Grants Pass. 'S F R E E D O M VITAL TO E N L IG H T E N E D D E M O C R A C Y . Be that is it may, our article has only caused some explanations that, perhaps, were in order. Schoo teachers who want library books can choose them HOUSE BILL WOULD u der such atm ospheric conditions, not parking lights,” he pointed from a certain shelf that state money provides, anc IMPOVERISH BOARD out. “ Using headlights on the they cannot take books for school purposes from the lower beam will minimize back-re- The Rogue River Coordination regular library shelves unless they have a card. If board, fiection into the eyes of the driver established prior to World and will greatly improve the this had been clearly explained at the time our article W ar II to regulate placer mining chances of being seen in tim e to alluded to, we do not believe anyone’s feelings would operations insofar as they involved avoid colliding with an o th er car or polution of the Rogue and its have been hurt and no misunderstandings. The striking a p ed estrian.” tributaries, will find itself without br. ry has a large patronage from the Valley and from funds if a bill introduced in the Records for the first six m onths 1948 show th a t half of all tr a f ­ reports everything is quite satisfactory. The library state legislature becomes a law. of fic accidents during th a t period Under existing law, $1000 is al­ board wants this friendly relation to continue, and lotted biannually to finance board happened in rain, snow, fog or we see no reason why it should not. Our article surely activities. The three members generally dow dy w eather, the sec­ re ta ry reported. F orty-nine of the did not make any flat statement to the contrary, we serve w ithout pay. The hoard consists of Jack Dun- crashes were fatal. only asked questions. The questions have been an phy, chairm an; J. E. “ Slim ” B art­ --------------o-------------- swered and everybody should be happy. lett, representing m ining anil T. E It pays to advertise in the News HOSPITAL BILL Scott of Gold Beach representing sportsfisherm en. Sponsors of the bill contend that placer mining in the Rogue area is practically a t a standstill. B artlett however, declares there are 24 op­ erators of th a t type now under way, says the G. P. Courier. The Courier last Tuesday told of a bill being pre sented to the legislature by the Josephine county leg­ islators, asking that the Josephine County Hospital he managed by a commission instead of the County Oregon Law Requires Court. This is a move in the right direction, and we con­ Headlights in Fog gratulate Judge Johnson for sending hi,s letter to the Oregon law requires automobile to be turned on in day­ legislators asking that such a bill be enacted. Judge headlights time whenever there is not enough Johnson believes that a commission could do a better light for a driver to see clearly for .job, and it would take the hospital away from politics. » distance of 500 feet, m otorists were rem inded by Secretary of We can imagine the rest of the county court arc State Earl T. Newbry recently. quite willing to get rid of the headache the hospital He said com plaints are being eceived that many drivers are job gives them witching on only parking lights We hope the legislature follows .Judge Johnson's when encountering dense fog dur- suggestion, and the bill becomes a law whereby the ng daylight hours, a practice hospital will have a commission as “boss” instead of which improves visibility only lightly and does little to reduce the county court. They have done a pretty good job the collision hazard. They had brains enough to employ a good manager, “ The law calls for headlights and they paid all the hills with our money. What else could a good county court do? I on Public Inform ation was made I necessary by the fact th at we R' publicans in Congress seem to have I failed to accurately and fully ac- | quaint the people of the country teg ard in g our activities and poli­ cies. This m atter has been discussed by the Republican m em bers for some time, with the result th a t, i few months ago. Speaker Mar- I tin, now M inority L eader, ap­ pointed a com m ittee to study the iroblem and report to the Con­ ference. The com m ittee consisted of five m em bers under the chair­ manship of the H onorable Jam es C. Auchincloss of New Jersey. I was also a member of this commit-I tee. The form ation of a Policy Com- m ittee which actually represents every portion of the country, and made up of representatives chosen in a tru ly representative m anner, will insure the Republican lead­ ership of well-balanced counsel by some of the ablest members. In my opinion, this is a m arvelous forw ard step and should yield ex ­ cellent results. Oregon Certified Marshall STRAWBERRY PLANTS Grown in E astern Oregon W rite for Price List AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH NURSERIES Route 2, Box 72, P ayette, Idaho Our Anniversary February 2nd—That was the date we started in business in Cave Junction two years ago, a new industry for the Valley, and we are so well pleased with the pat­ ronage the people of the Valley have given us, we want you to know how deep­ ly we appreciate it. We are going to continue, as in the past, to give you the best possible service and workmanship, and we hope to merit your confidence and continued valued patron­ age. We again thank you for your co­ operation in making it possible for us to give you one of the best cleaning and pres,sing establishments in Southern Oregon. Illinois Valley CLEANERS Luther and Pauline Sherier January Clearance To Continue -----------------o----------------- SNOW. SNOW, THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW ? ? "It cometh down and fleeth not”—not yet, but we hope soon. Snow began falling Wednesday afternoon and this is written Wednesday night, and it is still coming down in larger flakes than in the day time, and we should, if the weather man isn’t playing pranks, have a right nice foot of snow Thursday morn­ ing—V hen we get up we’ll take a good look. W e have heard quite a lot of complaining about our ' I NUSUAL" (and we’re not apologizing to Cal ifornia) weather in the Valley. According to all re­ port,-; trom other sections, we in the Valley are “sit ting on top of the world’’ and don’t know it. V e have had nearly six weeks of freezing weather now. which is something that has not happened for 12 years we know of. This is the first year .such a cold soed has lasted so long, BUT, we are in a position to “take it” and still come out on top. In contra,st see what has happened to other sec tions of the nation. Thousands have lost their all. and many have c.’ed. We have only had some discom­ fort and out of work for a few weeks. When this cold wave gets everything out of its system, we will all go back to work and not too much damage done. Let’s perk up, be happy that we are where we are. tor we can only realize how fortunate we are when we make comparisons with other sections. BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION Y O U R H O M l T O W N PAPER give» you c o m p lete , depen dable local n e w *. Y ou need to know oil th a t it gom o on w here you live But you liv e a lto in a W O R L D , w here m o m rn to u i event» ere in th e m a k in g -e v e n t» which can m e a n to m uch to you, to your iob, your hom e, your fu tu re For con»tructive report» and in te r p r e ­ ta tio n » o t n a tio n a l and in te r n a ­ tio n a l new», th e re it no »ubstitute tor T H E C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E M O N IT O R d a ily. E n , oy th e b enefit» of being b e tf in fo r m e d - lo cally , n a tio n a lly , in te rn a tio n a lly — w ith your local paper an d Th e C h ris tia n Science M a n ito t. L IS T E N T u e td a y night» over ABC »rations to " T h e C h ristian Science M o n ito r Viaw» th e N e w t ." A nd u te thi» coupon today ta r a tp e c ia l in - -g o 8 trod uctory subscription. $ | yundi Due to the inclement weather conditions and the inabil­ ity of the people of the Valley to do their shopping, we have decided to continue our January Clearance a little longer, to give the Valley residents an opportunity to come into our Cave Junction store and take advantage of the amazing values we have made it possible for you to enjoy all over the store. The ChHvHon Science Menifee One. Norway Sr . Batten IS . Mae*.. U S A Pfeave vend me en Introductory tuOccrlpffen re The ChrfsHon Science M onitor — 2< tv« eat I enclose | 1 . ____ FURNITURE Y0U-U Cave Junction î s î î t r«i«» »»»•«■ Grants Pass