(jftewui tc the Oleqcn Ctiei I LINOIS VALLEY NEWS A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valiev and Surrounding Districts Volume XI. No. 41 Washington Weekly Letter Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, February 3, 1919 TARZAN’S JUNGLE FAMILY COMES TO IVY THEATER SATURDAY Keiby High School News 01 Interest Rogue Basin Report From U. S. Agency PRICE 5 CENTS MARCH OF DIMES DANCE SATURDAY RAIN OR SHINE Legislators Introduce Due to the very cold w eather I conditions recently the a n n u a l! Johnny W eissm uller and M au­ March of Dimes ball which was I reen O ’Sullivan so-star in a re-is- Kerby H igh's group which is Studies designed to reconcile to have been held Ja n u a ry 22nd Republican m em bers of the sue of "T a rz a n ’s New York A d­ (From G rants Pass C ourier) House o f R epresentatives have an v en tu re,” which highlights the ap ­ rapidly welding into an alm ost p ro ­ conflicting interests “ to the maxi­ was postponed. Now the commit­ A bill to create an appointive musical aggregation, mum extent consistent with a de­ tee in charge of arrangem ents for board to supervise and m aintain organization known as the Repub­ pearance of T arzan and his m ate fessional lican Conference, which is some­ in New York, braving new er and gave a brilliant perform ance on velopment of the Rogue river basin this event has definitely stated the Josephine county hospital was times re fe rred to as the caucus. bigger perils in a crow ded city Radio Station KUIN, T hursday a t which is physically and economi­ th at no m atter w hat the w eather introduced Tuesday in the House This organization has its own than ever was faced in th eir ju n ­ 3:45 P. M. Especially notew orthy cally sound,” have been ordered next S aturday, F eb ruary 5th, the by S tate S enator M arie Wilcox, “ dance m ust go on,” place is the and R epresentative Ray C oulter, chairm an, Congressm an W oodruff, gle perils. T arzan Ju n io r is cap­ was the a cappella rendition of by the Bureau of Reclamation. The announcem ent was made Bridgeview G range hall. of Michigan, and its own secretary, tu red and is brought to A merica Robert F ranz’s “ D edication.” Miss both of G rants Pass. Plans are alread y completed Congressm an Case of South Dak­ as a circus attra c tio n . See the Mildred Prentice of the Ju n io r today by the inform ation service A ccording to the Associated ota. M eetings are held when called prim itive m an’s struggles with Class was the incidental soloist. of the D epartm ent of the Interior and la n g w o rth y ’s orchestra will Press dispatch, the bill, which also by the Chair, or by Leader M ar­ customs of civilization. I t ’s a This accomplished young lady in from the regional office at Boise, furnish the music. The ladies are gives the county auth o rity to levy addition to her solo in “ D edica­ Idaho. going to be busy m aking prepara­ taxes to support the hospital and tin, The Conference appoints m i­ wow! tion” , gave a most convincing in­ The announcem ent reveals that tions for the large crowd that is to acquire more land fo r hospital nority m em bers on the House com­ terp retatio n of “ I Love Y ou” . two reports on the problem have anticipated, when they will again use, would shift jurisdiction over m ittees, the employees on the mi­ SUNDAY AND MONDAY Kathy Love was the soloist in been completed, the first is by Dr. serve the delicious feed during the hospital m anagem ent from the nority side of the House, and con­ “ The M iracle of the Bells,” the choral arran g em en t o f Stephen Harlan H. Barrow s of the U niver­ m idnight interm ission. ducts discussions of policies and three man county court to the five with F red M acM urray, F rank F o ster’s “Jeanie W ith the Light sity of Chicago, Interior d ep art­ You are assured o f a good time man appointed board serving up bills. It may, of course, tak e any S in atra and Valli, in the appealing Brown H air” . Miss Love, a sopho­ m ent consultant who conducted the at these G range dances and too, to five years. action deemed necessary fo r the sto ry of an actress’ pathetic last more, proved to have a lovely lyric public hearings at Medford Ju n e helping a w orthy cause. Attend functioning of our side of the aisle Judge W. A. Johnson, in a letter wish and its surprising fulfillm ent. soprano and her perform ance 8 and 9, last. the March of Dimes dance next addressed to the Josephine county in the House of R epresentatives. Valli in her second A m erican a p ­ showed superb talent. The second report was made by S aturday, F eb ruary 5, Bridgeview legislators, brought out th a t the C ontrary to popular opinion, how­ pearance, is the Polish heroine the Pacific N orthw est field com­ G range hall. Paderew ski's “ M inuet” was a ever, the Republican Conference direct adm inistration of the county whose dying request has sta rtlin g piano solo offerin g by Miss M ar­ mittee, composed of regional rep ­ --------------o-------------- ourt has proven u n satisfactory does not take any votes on legis­ results. lene Kaiser o f the Ju n io r class, resentative of all agencies of the lation or make any decisions which Particularly because the county DINNER MEETING FOR D epartm ent of the Interior. are expected to be binding upon TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY who acquitted herself nobly. ourt is a changeable body. Jo h n ­ The program was closed by the son said the board would consist CHAMBER TUESDAY Republican m embers. No Repub­ "M an -E ater o f K um ason,” Jim Chorus which gave an exciting p er­ ANALYSIS OF TESTIMONY o f an atto rn ey , a doctor, and three lican m em ber or the House is The Il'inois V alley Chamber of businessmen with two of the lat- The Barrows report concluded ever compelled to do anything, C o rb ett’s adventure saga of tig er form ance of the sp iritu a l “ I Commerce will hold its regular hun tin g in N orthern India, is Couldn’t H ear Nobody P ra y ” . Clif­ ;er being G rangers. from analysis o f the testim ony either by the leadership or by the the No. 1 feature. A book of the ford Sowell, a Ju n io r was the solo­ presented a t the hearings th at m onthly m eeting next Tuesday, Judge Johnson w holeheartedly Conference. F eb ru ary 8th, a t the Todelope “most local in terests desire the bu­ endorsed the bill which is p a t­ This week, the Republican Con­ month selection sold over a million ist. Due to the unusual w eather con­ re a u ’s plan A, although it is vigor­ cafe prom ptly a t 8 o ’clock. terned a fte r the Tillamook county ference, in addition to com pleting copies and appeared in condensed P resident C harles Fisher re ­ bill as effective in keeping the com m ittee assignm ents, m ade two form both in R eader’s D igest and ditions in the past week, all high ously opposed by recreational in­ quests all mem bers to attend and hospital out of polities and in a s­ very im portant and far-reaching Coronet. The second fe a tu re is school sem ester tests w ere post­ terests outside the (Rogue) basin." make every e ffo rt to make this suring capable adm inistration of This plan involves nine storage decisions. It set up, by form al “ Philo Vance R etu rn s,” a new poned. Plans had been m ade to y e a r’s business a real success. the hospital by qualified men. resolution, a R epublican Policy series of adventures about the have the tests W ednesday and Please m ake reservations through “ H ospital adm inistration is not Com m ittee, and also by resolution, c h a ra c ter created by the late S. T hursday o f the preceding week (C ontinued on page 7) A1 Zapf a t Al’s Radio Shop. S. V anD int. It is a m ystery story with F riday o ff to allow teachers usually a qualification for election established a Com m ittee on Public ------ . -o-------------- you will enjoy. of the delay they w ere held Mon­ to the C ounty C ourt,” the judge Inform ation. day and Tuesday with one held w rote, “ and our experience with For m any years, the p arty Floor THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Postmaster Announces over to W ednesday. If th ere are Second Presentation of adm inistration of other county pro­ Leader has counseled with a group Early Rural M ail Service H ere is Mickey Rooney, Gloria no fu rth e r com plications, re p o rt Community Concerts jects such as the library, the air­ of senior m em bers generally cards will be given o u t next Mon­ De Haven in “ Sum m er H oliday,” known as the Steering Com m ittee. P ostm aster C. Y. Arnold wishes port, and the w elfare departm ent It has been an inform al group, in glorious technicolor and one of day. However, no re p o rt cards will Next Monday, Feb. 7 to inform patrons of the rural has convince«! us o f the efficiency and its personnel has varied from the mos. satisfying musicals com- be issued to stu dents who have out­ Nikolau and Joan n a G raudan, route, th a t the m ail carrier will, of adm inistration by a special tim e to time. I do not recall th a t inig to this th e a te r fo r a long, long standing bills fo r books or other cello and piano duo, will ap p ear in the fu tu re, leave the Cave Ju n c ­ trained group.” the nam es of those who w ere con­ time. The picture is based on things. Monday, F eb ru ary 7, a t 8:30 p. m. tion postoffice a t 1 1 a . m., enab­ The stu d e n ts of the K erby High a t the Lincoln school auditoiium ling the carrier to retu rn in plen­ sidered to be on the S teering Com­ E ugene O’N eill’s now alm ost clas­ VFW Team Wins From m ittee have ever been published. sic play, “ Ah, W ilderness,” which School w ere very fo rtu n a te in re ­ in G rants Pass as the second pre­ ty of time to get pickup mail off The resolution ju s t passed abol­ described in nostalgic te n n s the ceiving an extrem ely interesting sentation of tl e Community Con- in the afternoon to <’ .ts Pa»s. /Irishman Lumber Team ishes the S teering Com m ittee and pleasures and near trag ed ies of and inform ative program consist­ ce it association To help speed up this service, The Illinois Valley VFW bas­ provides fo r the election of a small town life in A m erica nearly ing of a lecture and motion picture M usicians of ex trao rd in ary abil­ patrons will know ju st about what ketball team made a trip to G rants on Sweden. This program was pre­ House Republican Policy Com m it­ 50 years ago. ity the G raudans have presented time their mail is delivered ami Pass last T hursday night to play sented through the kindness of the • --------------o-------------- tee of 22 members. The ru le of concerts in Java, the Dutch East get w hatever service they wish W hite T ravel Agency of P ortland, Indies, and in all the la rg e r cities from the carrier and also to have the Fleishm an Lum ber Company seniority in selection of Policy team and won by the score of 34 Oregon. Com m ittee m em bers is abolished. their outgoing mail ready and in of Europe and the U nited State«. to 29. On T hursday the stu d en ts also The m em bership o f the Policy A lthough they w ere born in the the box. Players making the trip w ere were fo rtu n a te in w itnessing an same Russian town of Libau, they ------------- o-------------- Com m ittee is selected proportion­ lack Pope, Lennis Johnson, H a r­ educational film presented by the ately from nine geographical di­ Mrs. Jack O. Rogers, Caves did not m eet until they returned County Board of H ealth which was fo r a vacation a f te r several years highway, received word this week old W illiams, Johnny Smith, Laur- visions of the U nited States. The ence and O rville Ix»oper, Eddy aeom panied by a lecture given by of se p a ra te study. most in terestin g provision of the th at her brother, A rth u r K. Nich­ M artin, E rnie Reynolds and Wes­ Mrs. W ilson, our County Health resolution creatin g the Policy Follow ing two years of concert olas of Denver, Colorado, passed ley Baird. Nurse. Com m ittee is th a t it provides th a t appearances to gether the couple away very suddenly Monday, J a n ­ --------------o - .. - - The Illinois Valley P.-T. A. The finals fo r the “ W hat De­ was m arried and continued to give uary 31st. He was employed by the Republican m em bers o f the] wishes to announce th a t th e ir re g ­ m ocracy M eans to Me” contest House in each geographical divi­ jo in t recitals. In the m eantim e the I). R. & G. railroad and bad u lar m onthly m eeting will be held were held W ednesday before the sion will m eet and select the mem ­ each a rtis t continued to achieve returned for work th a t m orning next T hursday, F ebruary 10th in high school stu d e n t body. The p a r­ bers of th eir division who will recognition in a solo capacity ap­ when he suddenly passed away. BASKETBALL serve on th e Policy Committee. the K erby high school. This is ticip atin g stu dents have shown a pearing separately with the Berlin Mr. Nicholas was also a bro th er of the F ounders Day m eeting, one maximum of in te re st and effo rt Last Friday and S aturday the The Pacific Coast division will Mrs. Dorothy Smith. Philharm onic. of the best during the year and in this contest. The w inners will Kerby Kids m et the tough team have two m em bers on the Policy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ll l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l f l l l l l l l l l l l l i r from C entral Point. The K erbyitis Committee, and these two will be will present how the P.-T. A. was broadcast th e ir speeches over played th eir sloppiest gam e of the selected at a m eeting of the 21 born, its m eaning and w hat its KUIN in the near fu tu re. KNOW YOUR TEACHERS -------------- o-------------- year on Friday. They mussed a Republicans now serving in the fu tu re holds fo r you and your fam ily, in words and dram a. Fol­ high percentage of shots, and they (By S ara W ertz) House from the Pacific Coast. ju st didn’t seem to g e t organized. I had the honor of being a mem­ lowing this will be the social hour jlllllU m iH H IIIIM IU IIIIIIH IH IIIIH IIH H IIIIIIIH IIIIIH Iin h llllH IIIIIIIt lllllllllllllllllH IIIIIIIIH IIIIIH H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilli.i ■ ll l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l f l l l l l l l l i l l ' They were defeated 44-13. ber of a subcom m ittee of five which includes the cu ttin g of a V erna Danby and N at Woolley. O nce a week a t K erby High with the assistance of th eir daugh­ Saturday saw the gam e end 24- which w rote the resolution and H ighlight of the m eeting w ill] 36 girls g a th e r in the hom em ak­ ter, Marcia, who is now m ajoring 53 in favor of the pointers b u t worked out the geographical d i­ ing room fo r an hour with Mrs. ■ in bacteriology at San Diego S tate Kerby played a good game. The visions. O ur plan was accepted be the traveling aquarium with M arie W ilson, county health nurse. College. pointers kept the basket hot as by the C onference w ithout change. its b eau tifu l gold fish as the prize fo r the room having the largest In cooperation w ith the hom em ak­ they poured in the points, m aking The creatio n of the C om m ittee atten d an ce of parents and friends. ing and health teachers Mrs. Wil­ The “man who is d iffe rc n .' 500',! of theii shots while Kerby A local C hapter of the lzaak son tells and dem onstrates w hat came to Kerby High late in 1947. only made 175% o f theirs. The (C ontinued on Page 4) Mrs. Benge’s room was the first w inner. P arents and friends are W alton League is being started in to do when fam ily m em bers arc He serves! three years in the P ac­ J. V.'s w ere defeated both nights. urged to help th eir boy or girl win the Illinois Valley. A notice will ill. P ractical ways a re ta u g h t of ific a rea with the U. S. M arine Monday evening the SOC J. V. be published a t a la te r date when m aking elevated beds when illness Corps in World W ar II where he team tangled with the Kerby Kids. the prize. CAVE C /77 COFFEE An invitation is again extended the firs t m eeting will be held is prolonged, giving a bath in bed, saw plenty of action. He was a SOCites found the Badgers much SHOP NOW OPEN to the P.-T. A. V alentine box so­ Those joining a t th a t tim e will be taking te m p e ra tu re and necessity -1-year letterm an in football at im proved over the first tim e the cial and en tertainm ent which will C h arter m em bers. W omen as well and value of daily routine. This the E ast High school, Moline, Illi­ two q u intets m et in December. W. D. M acD erm ott opened his be held in the high school gym as men are eligible for m em ber­ week girls had a film “ A Girl nois. A1 Simpson, assistant basketball Cave City Coffee Shop this week Monday evening, F eb ru ary 14th, ship. Grows U p” . This will be followed Last year he took care of all coach a t the college was our own a fte r being closed during the past The lzaak W alton League is a by lessons on “ Care of the Baby” . the Kerby schools. This year our coaches’ W es P eters l*asketball and y our support will be greatly several months. nation wide organization in terest­ Je n n ife r O’Dell, 6 m onths, will high school plant keeps him busy; m entor in his ju n io r year a t SOC., appreciated. “ Mac,” who is well known in ed in prom oting the sports of hunt­ fe a tu re in the lesson. the building houses n o t only our so it was an interesting hall game. the Valley, is featu rin g th a t delic­ ing and fishing and also preserving 160 high students b u t also f u r ­ SOC floored some p re tty tall Mrs. Wilson devotes each T ues­ ious homemade chili and beans our national resources— wild life, day to K erby schools, other days nishes clans rooms fo r physical boys. SOC have played on a floor INSULATION COMPANY and fried pies, besides the regular fish and forests. a t Selma, C entral and O ’Brien. Be education and music fo r the ele­ twice the size of Kerby but didn’t bill of fare. Commencing next CHANGES NAME At each m eeting motion pictures sides school duties she does work m entary school. N um erous o rg an ­ have any trouble finding the bas­ week th e cafe will be closed on The fo rm er Builders Insulating appertain in g to the above subjects in the com m unities on control of izations use the Science and Home­ ket. Kerby played a good game Thursdays. com pany has assumed a new name travel pictures and other types infections and com m unicable dis­ making rooms, evenings and d u r­ both on defense and offense. --------------o-------------- and will now be known and do will be shown. ease. She cooperates with the ing basketball season the gym is K rauss and Holly dom inated the N ever mind who’s right, W ale A nyone who is interested in 1 C ounty W elfare departm ent, Red the place of much activity. business as the Zell Company, with backboard play. so you'll be left. offices in G rants Pass, under the joining can obtain fu rth e r in fo r­ Cross and child placem ent agen­ Instead of being called down Friday, F ebruary 4, the fourth --------------o-------------- m anagem ent of Ralph Eggers, who m ation a t L inkhart & M cLean's cies. Aids local clubs and service he is called up from the basem ent league gam e of the season will be office in Cave Ju n ctio n , the Illinois organization in health program s if there is a noisy rad iato r, a lock­ played with Eagle Point. is well known in the Valley. The The com pany’s m ain endeavor Valley H ardw are in Cave Junction and strives all ways to m aintain er that refuses to recognize its K erbyites w ere defeated by this is Rockwool Insulating, but under or at the Post O ffice in Kerby. and establish good understanding com bination, or a screw loose any­ five 30-29 in a previous game. of the health program s and se r­ where. When the bell rings at Kerby will be all out to win be­ W eather rep o rts from the Red­ the new arrangem ent, which is 3:58 he does not m ake tracks fo r cause we a re cu rren tly resting in vices of the comm unities. wood R anger Station fo r the past now all locally owned, it is j VALLEY P.-T. A. WILL Mrs. Wilson was in the Navy the bus— he mops up hundreds of the cellar in the JD J league. seven days ending Ja n u a ry 30. equipped to supply local dealers with Re-Oxo-Lin, a flam e proof-1 BROADCST OVER KUIN N urses Corps th ree years, a visit- them. He takes m ore notes than On T uesday, F eb ru ary 8, there 1949, are as follow; s: .ng m aterial, and stru c tu ra l steel The Illinois V alley P arent- j • nurse in San Diego and city any pupil and receives more papers will be a basketball jam boree Date Rainfall Hi T Low T buildings. The com pany has r e ­ Teachers A ssociation will broad-1 iol nurse there for a num ber than any teacher. His filing cabi­ featu rin g grade school gam es and 24 .00 30 -2 cently insulated Valley homes of cast a program over KUIN next . years. St. Luke’s hospital nurs­ net is the large box betw een patrons will l>e able to see the 25 .. ........... 00 -4 35 Eddie M artin, Ronald Tycer, Del­ Tuesday, F e b ru a ry 8 a t 7 p. m ing school, D enver, gave her an R. school buildings. P robably you Freshm an team in action against 26 .00 35 10 b ert O 'B rien, J J. V illair, George Those in the cast include M rs.' N. and aince then she has won an have guessed— he is Merle O’Dell, G rants Pass Freshm an. Also the 27 .. ........... 00 44 30 T h rash er; several others Mr. Eg- E. L. Kelley, dean of girls a t Ker* y R N. c e rtific ate in C alifornia and J r., the friendly custodian of K. 8th grade will play Jero m e P rairie 28 ............... 00 44 23 ” ’ couldn't tb : ’• e» »he m o­ high school; C larence H agen, p r in - 1 O regon as well. The Wilsons are H. S. Merle and Dot, his wife, and Previous to these gam es will see 29 .. ............00 50 ot, also « • r i ' - build- cipal and Mrs. Iia Hall, local P eiin an en t residents a t Lone Mt. baby Jen n ifer, live on the school the Cth and 7th grades m atched 30 ..............00 45 T A president. against each other. , allay, where they built a home premises near the g rad e school. By HARRIS ELLSWORTH Hospital Bill Founders Day To Be Observed By Valley PTA Kerby High School lzaak Walton League Chapter To Be Formed WEATHER REPORT FOR ILLINOIS VALLEY