Illin o is V a lie v N e w s, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 27. 1949 KATHLEEN MORRIS JU ST Divorce Is Tragedy Bell Syndicate—WNU Features By KATHLEEN NORRIS .More Restful “ Darling, let’s get married.’’ STAGE SCREEN RADIO “ Why the hurry?” Released by W N U Feature». “ Well, it would put an end to our being just crazy about each By INEZ GERHARD < N IV E LIZABETH SCOTT a good other.” RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly beiausa it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, indented bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. " T \O YOU think it is right for dl- vorced persons to be friendly after the div o rce?" asks Donna death scene and she's happy. Hybrids Wilson of Minneapolis. "It alw ays She didn’t like the one in "D ead Stranger—What is the standing has seem ed so vulgar, somehow. R eckoning"—“ It was only a three- Yet I find m yself helpless against line scene, and the dialogue was of the Spendmore family in this for Coughs,ChestColds,Bronchitis the friendliness of my husband and te rrib le ," she explained at lunch town? Native—Well, I should say they his new wife. the other day. “ But I have a five- "We are neighbors and het line scene in 'B itter Victory’, and are sort of betwixt and between. little girl by an ea rlier m arria g e it was supervised by a famous doc­ They aren’t exactly nobody and yet and my little girl are inseparable tor, so it's absolutely authentic.” they aren’t really anybody. friends. A B orn P o e t “This w retched situation has "Rut, father, poets ere born, not come about," the letter continues, mette." “because Len and I were undis­ "Write what you like, my boy, but ciplined children seven years ago. don't blame your mother and me for Oh, we were respectively 26 and 23, it." but no one ever had tought us an y ­ thing of the practical or the psycho- pathetic values of m a rriag e. B E S T ’f er Home Popping L en's salary was $66 66 a week. It seem ed a lot, when everything was all fun, bridesm aids, presents and Tasty Kellogg’s All-Bran and lus­ excitem ent. It got to be pretty grim cious raisins . . . a mouth-water­ alm ost as soon as the honeymoon ing flavor combination! 2 tablespoons 1 cup sifted was over, shortening flour "We were perfectly am azed at Vi cup sugar 2'a teaspoons the way bills accum ulated. We both or molasses baking 1 egg had had cars, cam eras, trips and powder 1 cup Kellogg's M . n u . L tir-K K lE S IN Ü ta s E K T S LIUS .MONTH! spending money from "our fam ilies. *4 teaspoon salt All-Bran (See Recipes Relou ) Now neither fam ily could help us; A* cup milk *4 cup raisins LIZABETH SCOTT we were on our own and anxious, Blend shortening and sugar thor­ C IIE R K Y F A V O R IT E S oughly; add egg and beat well. LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU quarreling, dissatisfied days began. From Your C o u th Stir In Kellogg's All-Bran and Yellow haired, with arresting Applied for Divorce D uo to a C old FOR A MONTH which is short, milk. Let soak until most of B raised Rum p R oast of Beef “D eborah was born and 1 was beauty and a husky voice, Miss Scott moisture ts taken up. Sift flour F ebruary has m ore than its quota is wonderful fun. She had been to with baking powder and salt; Browned Potatoes Onicns o v ertired and continually on duty. ■ U L E á l W Cough Compound of holidays Ju st in case you're en­ stir In raisins. Add to first mix­ sales, bought a rain coat and a p air C arrots When she was six m onths old I tertaining for even one of these, ture and stir only until flour dis­ of shoes. " I love sales; when I was G ravy B read and B utter brought her home to my m other appears. Fill greased muffin pans r v c planned a num ber of popuia. a poor young actress here in New B everage two-thlrds full. Bake In a mod­ and applied for a divorce on the desserts from which you can take York I couldn't have been dressed erately hot oven (400“F.) 25 to •Frozen C herry Pudding grounds of m ental cruelty. M other your choice. 30 minutes. Make 9 marvelous without them .” She says she m ay •R ecipe Given is arth ritic; she needs me. She can ­ muffins. Y oungsters and oldsters alike Easily applied to roosts, m arry this y e a r—if she can get not be moved from the cottage th at with Cop-Brush Fumes, will enjoy colorful desserts whether tim e off from P aram ount. has been home to her all her life. Cherry D ainties kjll lice while chickens* A m erica*» m a d th ey're for fam ily dinner or a party. “ L en's old home is around the perch. 1 ox. treats (Makes 3 dozen) You m ay serve them ice cream , Orlando M artins, from the Basuto 9 0 chickens corner. He owns it now and he and 14 cup sw eet butter cake or pudding, or pie, if th a t’s IO O K FOB T M I , , r > / O N T H I P A tK A O I» his wife and her little g irl live country in Africa and a favorite Vt cup sugar youi favorite dessert, and it’s bound actor in London, has ’joined the there. T here is going to be a new 1 egg yolk to be a hit. "H asty H eart" cast. Ronald Rea- j 1 tablespoon grated orange rind 1 baby. He cam e in especially to tell gan. P atricia Neal and Richard H ere a re a num ber of top-notch my m other of It. M other always 1 tablespoon lemon juice ch e iry dessert recipes which m ay ) liked him and I know now I alw ays Todd have the roles which were 1 cup sifted flour beautifully done on the New York be used during this m onth or any have loved him. 14 teaspoon salt other. S tarting with a ch erry pie stage by R ichard B aseheart, John “ Isn 't it a terrib le pity? Deb Chopped nuts filing, you'll find that several other j could have had her fath er; I could Lund and Anne Burr. B aseheart and j Candied ch erries desserts can be m ade from it. I have had the lovely old home. Now Lund got Hollywood contracts as a K A IN O» result of their work. C ream butter, add sugar and Filled cup cakes, cherry sundae I have to stand by and see another CORK TIT topping or a cherry frozen pudding, cream thoroughly. Add egg yolk, woman sh are the setting, love and Chang« to SANO— the When Ozzie N elson's m other all are m ade using the sam e, easy rind and lemon juice. Mix «fell, add protection that ought to be mine distinctivo (igarette with flew from New Je rse y to Holly­ basic cherry sauce that is used for flour and salt. Mix to a smooth All because I was so ignorant, so wood to spend her vacation with pie filling. The sauce m ay be stored paste. Roll into sm all balls, the spoiled, so dem anding. Ozzie and H arriet, her son was in the refrig erato r for la ter use ar size of m arbles. Dip each in slight­ “L en’s wife is pretty and has w orried, for it was his m other’s for quick snacks when com pany ly beaten egg white and roll in chop­ some money. He tells m e th a t it ped nuts. A rrange on greased b ak ­ first plane trip. But she stepped crops in to call. is Helena who feels th at my $100 • • • ing sheet and press a piece of can ­ off the plane in California fresh alimony is not large enough. She as a daisy. “ This is the way to YOU’LL FIN D that canned cher­ died cherry in each cookie. Bake says th at since he has prospered so tra v e l!” she told Ozzie enthus­ ries are convenient to use and in a m oderate (350°F.)- oven until rem ark ab ly since he inherited his N o t o Substitute — N o t M e d ic a te d iastically. He looked a t her and som ew hat lower in price than gclden brown, about 12-15 m inutes. fath e r's property that Deb and I Sano's scientific process cuts nico­ m uttered "And they talk about last year. The following recipes George W ashington Cake should share his good luck. She has tine content to half that of ordinary the younger g en eratio n !” cal! for w ater-packed cherries It ci i no friends in this city and now she cigarettes. Yet skillful blending (M akes 2 9-inch layers) you use those packed in syrup, re ­ ■ m. makes every puff a pleasure. has asked Deb. M other and m e to fi cup shortening Ja n e Wyman goes into “ Man I FL duce the su g ar in the recipe to Vt fleminu - hali . tobacco co ., inc ., n y . come to them for dinner. 114 cups sugar • Average based on cnntlnuine tests of popular brands Running", to be m ade in England cup. Knew Little of Marriage 2 ‘, cups cake flour ASK r o u t DOCTOR A IO U T SANO CIGAtfTTtS by Alfred Hitchcock. Acclaim ed as .All-Purpose Cherry Sauce "Oh, I know,” this unhappy letter Si teaspoon salt 1948’s best film ac tress because iM akes 214 cups) concludes, "th a t I forgot the b etter 1 teaspoon baking powder o f’ her work In "Johnny B elinda", or worse, rich er or poorer p art as 14 teaspoon soda 1 No. 2 can red sour pitted cher­ by London's F ilm Tribunal, she well as Len, th a t I didn’t know any­ 1 cup sour milk or butterm ilk ries will use the $4.000 aw ard to es­ thing of budgets, forbearance, pa­ 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup sugar tablish a scholarship a t the Royal tience and—yes, love, the m arried A cadem y of D ram atic Art. It is 4 stiffly-beaten egg whites 2 tablespoons cornstarch Thoroughly cream sugar and sort th a t f o r g i v e s and waits. presented in the nam e of the cast 14 teaspoon salt do it now, I could and crew of “ Johnny B elinda.” shortening. Add sifted dry ingre­ I c o u l d 2 tablespoons butter dients altern ately with sour milk m ake Len h a p p i e r than Helena H eat the drained liquid from the and vanilla. Fold in egg whites ev er can, but sh e's the wife and Before Bob Hope left for cherries. Com bine sugar, corn­ Bake in 2 w axed-paper lined 9-inch ‘h e re 's going to be a baby. Do you G erm any for the holidays the starch and salt. Sift into the boiling pans in a m o d erate (350“F.) oven ! think 1 should force m yself to keep ea st and crew of “ E asy Does liquid and cook until thick and for 30 m inutes. P ut layers together UP a friendship th a t costs m e so I t" gave him a p resen t—a w alk­ clear, stirrin g constantly. Remove and frost with the folowing frosting m uch in hum iliation and re g re t? ” ing stick whose silver handle un­ pep... fiom heat; add butter and cherries. and garnish with m araschino ch er­ screw s, revealing a te st tube So here Is one m ore tw ist in the ries C herry Pie large enough to hold enough g reat divorce trag ed y th at seem s F il an 8-inch baked pie shell with Twice-Cooked Frosting liquid refresh m en t for a long never to be the sam e and never to m a 2*4 cups of the all-purpose cherry walk. 2 cups sugar end. The only thing th at is un­ sauce. G arnish with 3 tablespoons 54 cup w ater changeable about it is the suffering shredded coconut m ixed with 1 ta ­ Some Hollywoodians recall when that hits som ebody—now husband, Victor M ature arriv ed 10 years ago, ■4 teaspoon cream of ta rta r blespoon grated sharp cheese. now wife, and alw ays sm all chil­ set up a tent at a traffic intersection 54 teaspoon salt C herry Sundae dren if th ere are sm all children. 2 egg whites and refused to budge till he got a (Serves 4) My advice to Donna would be to movie role. Now he has finished 1 cup all-purpose cherry sauce 1 teaspoon vanilla m ake o th er plans and to see as playing “ Sam son” in "Samson and 1 pint ice cream Cook sugar, w ater and cream of little of L en’s household as she pos­ D elilah" (w ait till you see him slay P re p are the cherry sauce. Divide ta rta r to soft ball stage (236 F .) sibly can. Then she ought to build those P hilistines with the jawbone the ice cream into 4 servings. Top Add salt to egg w hites; beat until up other in terests, keep herself of an ass!) and retu rn s to P a ra ­ each with cherry sauce. Serve frothy. P lace over hot w ater and busy and p erhaps som eday find m ount to play opposite Betty Hutton sauce hot or cold. gradually add sugar syrup, seatin g love again and get another chance. in “ Red. Hot and Blue.” Cherry Filled Cup Cakes constantly. Continue beating until M eanwhile, we a re stupid parents, 214 cups all-purpose cherry m ixture form s peaks. i indeed, who allow our children to Save all chicken wishbones! sauce be taught so much th at they don’t Cherry Pudding 20th C entury - Fox and the 10 cakes need—algebra and m anners and P oultry and Egg N ational Board (Serves 6 - 8) P re p are the cherry sauce. Cut off how to dress and w hat king suc­ join in a prom otion for "C hicken 1 quart hot milk 4cpe of cup cakes and scoop out ceeded Louis XIV and yet not teach E v ery S un d ay "; ‘contestants centers. F ill with cherry sauce. 2 i ups dry bread crum bs them the secret of how to handle send a wishbone and a letter ex­ Serve with vanilla-flavored whipped their own lives. We let them blun­ 3 tablespoons butter plaining why they like chicken cream . der into the irrevocable p artnership 4 eggs, slightly beaten every Sunday, also tell of " a of m a rria g e absolutely unprepared Frozen Cherry Pudding desired w ish". Winner gels his l!4 cups sugar in c h a ra c te r and p ractical training, (Serves Si or her wish. T hree regional 254 cups red, sour canned rh e - although if they propose to enter w inners go to Hollywood, as H pint whipping cream ries, drained any other business we exhaust our­ guests of Celeste Holm and Dan 214 cups all - purpose cherry selves with advice and preparation. Pour the scalded milk over the Dailey. sauce To becom e a doctor, lawyer, bread crum bs and mix with rem ain ­ "Eveready" brand batteries give When your "Eveready” batteries S drops alm ond flavoring ing ingredients in the order given. m usician or w riter involves actual When Steve Sekely directs an A you fresh power when you use cat nap between uses, the chemi­ y ears of study. Most courses in Whip cream until stiff; fold in Poui into a greased casserole and picture, h e's Steve Sekely on the them; naturally, they use up cal elements in the cell develop cold cherry sauce and flavoring. bake in a m oderate (350°F.) oven languages and business take several cast and cred it sheet; when he doe» some power when your flashlight years. But our girls and boys un­ a B, h e’» S. K Seeley . , . Wayne Pour into freezing tray of m echani­ for 45 m inutes or until set. fresh energy — recover power — d ertak e the m ost serious relation­ M orris ( “John Loves M ary ",) had cal refrig erato r and freeze until ia turned on...but — so that... I* you desire a sauce for the above firm but not hard. ship of all with no m ore training tough holiday season; he had pudding, use the cherry Juice from • • • than Is Involved in the arriv al of four wisdom teeth ex tracted . . . the canned cherries, sw eeten It to IF YOU'R looking for other taste and thicken with 2 teaspoons 60 engagem ent cups. P atric ia Neal has an interesting • Next time you W hat Donna d id n 't know, but landlady—Mrs. Jean Acker Valen­ ch erry recipes with which to cele­ of cornstarch m ixed with the sugar. buy batteries for knows now. is the trem endously im ­ b rate any event, you'll like the fol­ Cook until clear and serve w arm your flathiighr, be tino, widow of the sc re en ’s “g reat p o rtan t ru le—m a rria g es don’t sta rt lover" . , . Chet Lauck and N orris » u re you g e t lowing selection. The first is a deli­ oi cold. "Eveready” — the with Ideal happiness, th a t happi­ Goff a re auditioning actors for new cious cookie: Releaied by WNU Features. I a rg e a t i e l l i ng ness only com es afte r years. ch a ra c te rs in "L um and A bner" . . , b r a n d in t h e LYNN SAYS: Sim ple supper dish can be m ade w o r ld . T h e n Food Tricks Make yo u’ ll see w h at from shreds of leftover ro ast and Vows Remain Strong, Phil Davia, head idea and gag b o u e c 9 b o th Dishes Appealing diced cooked potatoes folded into m an on Ralph Edwards* “T ruth or m eans . . . w h y So Couple Remarries Did you know that a bit of curry white sauce, then baked in a b u t­ C onsequences", has sold an original ’’Eveready” bat­ M E M P H IS —A fter 55 y e irs of tered casserole with a topping of teries are tbo hat- story, “ Moon over the C atsxills,” powder in corned beef hash will put loriot w ith " N in o m arriag e. P earl Stovall and J A. to G eorge Jessel, to s ta r Danny It in the elegant class? You can I arfca. ¡3JJ aad dwlaa IW paraM F eb ru ary release. Benny has a nice ed veal or veal stew add both color ed with chili sauce, takes on real 1918 So they did It again—this tim e case — sta rrin g D orothy Lam our, and flavor to it. distinction. with a new w edding band. Brian Donlevy and Claire Trevor. CREOM ULSION M BUM Luscious Bran Muffins . . . with Raisins! Get Well Q U IC K E R cm c v ’CMone,4T*r BLACK LEAF 4 0 S xU K ARE YOU A HEAVY Ì SMOKER? ” EVEREADyz the battery wife "NINE LIVES? Just as an active c a t ... ...tak es a cat nap and ... bounces back with new y;- / so’Eveready” batteries 3 bounce back fcp extra life J «W e- '•eAT BOUNCE BACK qrves ’EVEREADY" BATTERIES LONGER UFE! ’EVEREADY' FLASH UG HT BATTERIES