Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 23, 1948 TWO SELMA MEN HURT IN CRASH Southinayde was unable to attend. All but one of Mr. Walton’s sisters and brothers were present. An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the riches’ Harvey Elmore and Ruber This was Mrs. Frank Laduron, valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and it« surrounding districts Kemp of Selma were treated at who has been critically ill. The Josephine General hospital Sun others were Mrs. Alex Campbell Published every Thursday at Cave ,,, . Junction, Oregon, by the Illinois N A TIO hA iL t U i l b , » day morning for minor injuries and Messrs George and Frank Wal­ Valley Publishing Company. .n sn ASSOCIAl IO. resulting from an accident at the ton. Three of the couples five grand­ Entered as second-class matter 1.1 4 l|' >7-^- z / 7 ^ - ? . intersection of the Redwood high­ children were present: Mrs. Yvon­ June 11, 1937 at the Post Office •“ ,U V tU tn way and Deer Creek roads about ne Burtell of El Paso, Texas, Mr. a t jEM2 Ju nction, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. 1 :30 a. m. Robert Kunkle of Corvallis, Ore­ Their car, a 1937 Chevrolet se M. C. A t h e y ............................................... Editor dan, was demolished when it was gon and Master Dickie Sowell of S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S struck by another as they were Modesto. Mr. and Mrs. Walton received In J o s e p h in e C o u n t y attempting to make a left turn Mi a gold box which when opened was One Year ..............................$2.50 from the highway. The car was O r ec FZW, $ ? E R Six Months ......................... $$1.25 forced off the road and into a found to be filled with golden pop­ pies whose hearts were five dollar tre. S 0 y l A T I 0 N O u ts id e J o s e p h in e C o u n t y P ublish E R S gold pieces. The box contained One Year ..... ........................$3.00 one hundred and ten dollars. The major part of which was in gold The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising Crescent C ity Am erican that had been contributed by rela­ copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates upon application' ffills of Golden Wedding tives and close friends. The couple also received many Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton SCHOOL BOARD LETS Twin Pines Cafe Now ! celebrated their Golden Weding other lovely gifts and cards which SCHOOL CONTRACTS Under New Management anniversary on Sunday, December were displayed on a side toble. During the afternoon the beauti­ Contracts totaling $146,048.50 | Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Oman, re ­ 12th with a reception for their ful three tiered wedding cake myriad of relatives and friends. fer construction of kitchens multi- cent arrivals from Portland, have The delightful affair was held which was decorated in gold was purpose rooms, health rooms, of- assumed the management of Twin in the Banquet Room of the Hotel cut by the “bride and groom” in fices and additional classrooms at Pines Cafe, popular eating place the traditional manner and served the Murphy and Fruitdale schools ; one mile this side of the Quaran- Lauff and all the details had been to the guests. were let by the county school board tine station, and have already J arranged “ “"K’eu o by y their daughter, Mrs. last night to Settergren and Wiley taken possession of their place of I a'A Their other children were also company on construction and to I business. able to be present were Mrs. Paul II. E. Hawk, of Medford, on plumb- Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Johnson, ing and heating for both buildings. I owners of the cafe and motel, will Kunkle of Phoenix. Arizona Mis I he construction bid for both devote all their time now to their Lynden Sowell of Modesto, and Robert Walton of Cave Junction, schools was $1 10,300. One for court. Oregon. plumbing and heating, including Mr and Mrs. Oman are now Baskets of bronze and yellow- that in the new additions, was $35,- open for business and as time per- 748.50. mits will make several alterations chrysanthemums and ferns were One additional classrom will be in the Cafe. They will feature home used in the decoration throughout added at the Fruitdale school and cooked food at reasonable prices, the room. This was the first time in many two at the Murphy school, L. C. They invite you to call and get years that Mrs. Walton’s sisters We extend to you Moffitt, superintendent, said. acquainted. and brothers had all been together The bid of the First National and yours the joys They are Mrs. Sidney Cuthbertson Bank was accepted on the $300,000 i N O T IC E of Palo Alto, Mrs. Emory French and good wishes of worth of school bonds offering a t Dr. J. Vinton Scott of Oregon City, Oregon, Norman premium of one cent per hundred Dentist the season, laden with interest at four per cent on 500 East Park Street, Grants Pass Bailey of Ceres, John Bailey of | w ith happiness, bonds maturing in two years; two , Phone 4592, Sunday appointments Yreka and Lester Bailey ,f Gran­ per cent on those maturing during ' Adv. ( ada. Another sister, Mrs. Martin cheer and prosper­ the next three yean; and two and one half per cent on those matur­ ity. ing during the remaining five years of the 10 year issue. F o r Y o u r B o o k k e e p in g A higher bid was also received P r o b le m» from the United States National Bank, Moffit said. Of the $700,000 bonds voted this year for school construction $409,- 000 will remain after the contracts CREER JO: let last night to construct a four Jo b n » o n B l d g , C a v e J u n c t io n Ö classroom school at Jerome Prairie, B o o k k e e p in g , S y s te m « In s t a lle d Q u a r t e r l y P a y r o ll T a x R e p o r ts , a high school at Cave Junction, a . . . for a Merry Christmas M o n t h ly P . U . C . R e p o r ts kitchen unit at Oak Grove, and 4 and our sincere thanks improvements to the Vannoy and F e d e r a l a n d S t a t e In c o m e T a x for your appreciated pat- Merlin school plants. rtonage. R e tu r n s 9 H ind A Vtrlleif Weu>A Accounting Service HALL ACCOUNTING SERVICE N o t a r y P u b lic SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO BE OBSERVED Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crowl are celebrating their 25th Silver Wed­ ding anniversary next Sunday, Dec. 26th, and are holding open house to their many friends, ac- ' quaintances anil neighbors, at their home, from 2 o’clock on. Mr. and Mrs. Crowl were mar­ ried 25 years ago in Medford, where they made their home until coming to Cave Junction last July 24, when they purchased the Chev­ ron Service station from E. H. ' ork who now lives in Talent. I I hey have three children, a son, ' Myron, and two daughters, Bonita, and Mrs Emmett Warner of Trail, «»region, a granddaughter, Cheryl Kay, 2 years old They will all be here for the special occasion IR A S. H A L L , Mr. and Mrs. H J. Schnieder SELMA GARAGE & SUPPLY Cave Junction DOYL HAMILTON THE PENGUIN P r o p r ie to r MERRY CHRISTMAS Mrs. Walton is the former Kate Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, pioneer settlers of Smith River Valley. Miss Ellen Lipowitz, now Mrs. Ellen Estes was bridesmaid for the honored guest 50 years ago, was present at the lovely affair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walton reside in Holland. MAYBE you C m M il u M o nty Without advertising - CLOD NOEL To one and all go our sincerest wishes that this be your May yours be a Joyful Holi­ day, overflowing with hap­ piness and good cheer for all the family and loved ones. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR SELMA REPAIR SHOP Selma HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS C A VE P A R K MOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Frank D Raubcr Cave Junotion \wc P ® ? -"“ t a r i l i Greelinffs to We echo the worldwide greeting to ail of you, friends and neighbors. • • d • *>’•' all our Iriends this fhristmai Spasmi MILDRED’S COFFEE SHOPPE M AX SANDWICH SHOPPE * Kerby M. M. Rucker and Irene Cave Junction 11 - C/ g And all our heartiest Good Wishes for a Joy­ ous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with every Blessing. SELMA CAFE a May this be the MERRIEST CHRISTMAS ever for you and your family J 1S T LOG CABIN GARAGE Mr. and Mrs. Art Dedrick Selma It’s an ideal time TWIN PINES CAFE 7 7 " A ’ to wish for you a I NOW OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT the good things in life. l A| Homecooked Foods Prices Reasonable 1948 a W e ' re delighted to •• « A » IKK TRADITIONAL WISH FOR VOL IS ONE OF extend this holiday A , greeting to dll our friends. JOY-FILLED DAYS DI RING I IILS HOI ID IV SFVSON. M r. and Mrs. Carl V. Oman O’BRIEN. OREGON Ivy T h e a tre Illinois Valley News