Illinois Valley News, Thursday, Novemlter lb, 19IS COOKING TURKEY ' D O N T STAB SKIN, JUST PINCH LEG If you are one of the many im­ patient housewives who’ll be test­ ing a roasting turkey Thanksgiv­ ing morning by stabbing it from time to time with a fork to see if it’s cooked to a turn— take the word from a specialist, you’re do­ ing wrong. That old housewifel custom of pricking the skin of a cooking tur­ key with a fork's tines is not a re­ liable test and it allows savory cooking juices to escape. The O. S. C. extension nutrition specialist Miss Agnes Kolshorn, says a much | ommended at an oven temperature better test is to press the thickest of 300 degrees. Larger birds will part of a drumstick between the require up to six hours to roast fingers, being careful to protect at the same oven heat the hand with a cloth or paper. I A home-handy to remember in This bird is done, she adds, when preparing dressing, Miss Kolshorn the meat is soft to the touch. points out, is one cop of dressing A second test to use on the cook­ for each pound of turkey. Do ing turkey is to move a drumstick not stuff the bird tightly, as the up and down with the fingers. If dressing will expand in cooking, the leg joint moves or breaks read-1 she adds. Extra dressing may be ily, the bird is ready for the baked in a separate pan. Trussing the bird by tying wing Thanksgiving table. Correct turkey roasting tech­ tips back and securing legs snugly nique, according to Miss Kolshorn, against the tail will improve the involves slow cooking with dry appearance of the cooked bird heat. For birds that weigh up to Using melted fat spread by an op- 14 pounds, a roasting time of three and one-half to four hours is rec- A U C T IO N en-textured cloth, one may see by turning the bird breast up, are that the bird is thoroughly greased other suggestions. just prior to being put into the oven Greasing holds moisture in­ Just a Gob’s Mess side the turkey and aids in obtain The word mess comes from the ing a uniform brown appearance. Latin "missum,” meaning sent or Trusses may be cut after the placed in position Thus, the word bird has cooked an hour. came to mean a dish sent to the Avoid dry breast meat by cook table, and eventually to describe the ing the turkey on first one side, dining parties into which a ship's then the other, and finish roasting company or a regiment is divided EVERY THURSDAY 10:00 A. M. 10 Per Cent on Furniture and Household Goods 5 Per Cent on Livestock J. & V. SALES COMPANY formerly the old Brahs Bros. Yard, Grants Pass JACK PETERSON, J. W. WONDERLY, Manager Auctioneer L IF E ASSURANCE S O C IE T Y o f th e U N I T E D S T A T E S FRANK GORDON R E P R E S E N T A T IV E 408 East “ B” Street TELEPHONE 4226 It pays to advertise in the News. W hat to Give? We can settle that little matter lor you. Just come in and shop around our Christmas store and you will find just the articles you want- And everything you buy here is so substantial and a lasting gift. How to SALE The EQUITABLE TRAVEL while you For your convenience, we have ar­ ranged for Manchel s Lay-Away Plan which makes it easy to purchase your gifts now. SLEEP ; '« ¿ A November 12, 1948! SOAR INTO THE CLOUD OF ROHAHCF WITH A LAME INAUGURATING A NEW DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE TO THE ILLINOIS VALLEY Grants Pass to: O ’B R IE N — an d CAVE J U N C T IO N — D o n ’ t w a it ! Lane KERBY now In te r m e d ia t e P o in t» this ARRIVE CAVE JUNCTION 12:00 NOON LEAVE GRANTS PASS 10:00 A. M. F r a n k lin , H A U L IN G Ju st T e le p h o n e 4 4 3 9 413 E ast “ G ” r e m a rk a b le Lane clu sive M O V IN G , P A C K IN G O w ner See c ia lly p ric e d . C o n n e c tio n s fr o m G ra n ts Pass to A n y w h e r e in the W o r ld D ave G if t s a ve! M ä A ll L a n e C hests have L a n e ’s e x ­ T h is c o m p le te se rv ic e b rin g s th e c e n te rs o f p o p u la tio n clo ser to th e g ro w in g S o u th w e s te rn sectio n o f S o u th w e s t Jo sep hin e C o. C R A T IN G , an d v a lu e ; an d o th e rs , sp e­ S E R V I N G T H E R A P I D L Y G R O W IN G I L L I N O I S V A L L E Y ISHAM'S Buy H e r C h ris tm a s S tr e e t Step aboard Southern Pacific’s night train to PORTLAND or SAN FRANCISCO. Stretch out in a comfortable berth and sleep while the miles slip by q u a lity fe a t­ ures, plus a fr e e m o th in s u ra n c e p o lic y . C o m e in to d a y . THE GIFT THAT STARTS THE HOME Next morning you’re at your destination rested and ready for the affairs of the day. Or ride in comfortable coaches at still lower fares. Overnight S P E C IA L tervice returning, also. Thanksgiving Dinner For fares, schedules and reservations call: $ « *.0 0 2 S*P The Child s Plate, $ 1 .0 0 F r ie n d ly S o u th e rn 3 INVESTIGATE MANCHEL’S EASY PAYMENT PLAN if r P a c ific S ee Y o u r N e a r e s t P. A gent o r W r it e J. A . O r m a n d y , G P A , 6 2 2 P a c ific B ld g ., P o r tla n d 4, O r e . Served from 2 to 8 p. m. te- Grants Pass Cave Junction Turkey and all that goes with it to make a good home style dinner, cooked the way you like it. Bring your family. Regular Menu Also Being Served DO YOU KNOW A CHILD Open Week Days, 4 to 12 p. m. Sundays, 12 Noon to 12 p. m. (4 years to 20 years of age as of Oct. 25, 1948) Wccdtahd JhtH IN SCHOOL, NOT ATTENDING SCHOOL, SINGLE, MARRIED, IN MILITARY SERVICE, OR AWAY ON A VISIT WHO IS NOT LISTED ON THE SCHOOL CENSUS? Southern Oregon’s Coziest Dining Room z < • MRS. EDITH KNOX will be at the office of the Illinois Valley News in Cave Junction on November 22 and Nov. 23 from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and will pay Which Wire Rope Is Best? Although initial cost of preformed wire rope is somewhat higher, it is our experience from ac­ tual operation that it affords the biggest value. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION OF ANY FAMILY WHOSE CENSUS RECORD IS NOT AT PRESENT COMPLETE Records of Names Submitted to Date Will be Available Bring in the name and age of any child (age 4 to 20 years) you may believe NOT to be on census list ONE DOLLAR will be paid for each family record not now complete on census Payment to County of State School Funds are made on basis of eacji child on census. Each Child NOT on census means this state money will not be received. ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The Hamilton», Myo and Bill Cave Junction HOURS SATURDAY TO 8:00 P. M. REMEMBER THE DATES Monday, November 22 and Tuesday, November 23; 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. L C. MOFFITT, County District Superintendent.