University of Oregon tc t/it Oteycn Cited ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interes ts of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts Volume XI. No. 30 Smokejumpers Complete Light Fire Season Cave lunction, Oregon, Thursday, November 18, 1948 ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, SAT., AT IV Y THEATER IHUniMMlimMMMIIIMMIII KNOW YOUR TEACHERS (By Sara Wertz) FACTS CONCERNING IRRIGATION BROT OUT AT MEETING PRICE 5 CENTS Red Feather Drive Now In Full Swing “Adventures of Robin Hood A few facts brot out at the Ore­ starring Errol Flynn and Olivia “With all thy getting; get un­ teacher,” says Mrs. Clarke laugh gon Reclamation Congress which DeHaviland, is a romatic picture ingly. “In fact I can’t remember meet recently in Grants Pass, will The Project had a very light of merry England centuries ago derstanding,” is the slogan adopt­ when I was not teaching—first bear repeating to the general pub­ The Red Feather drive is now in fire season. All fires except one This beloved legend concerns tfte ed this November, by Mrs. Kath­ dolls, then playmates, and later lic, not once but many times. progress. The Josephine County were in the Calif. Region No. 5 gallant deeds of a nobleman turn­ leen M. Clarke and her students in pupils.” A panel of men considered to goal is $9,000.00. The Illinois Val­ ed outlaw, plundering the rich the four English classes which she territory. For a time Mrs. Clarke turned be experts in their lines, gave a ley quota is $1,500.00. The most interesting develop Normans to feed and protect the teaches. It is Mrs. Clarke's theme her teaching practices toward the very comprehensive review of the The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and ment this past season was the co­ poor and oppressed. The picture for all time with special emphasis author fields. Her articles were actual available and undeveloped Cubs of the Valley are included comes for Saturday matinee and operation between the Helicopters during National Educational week found often in leading papers. resources of the state as regards as beneficiaries. The Girl Scout evening only. and Smokejumpers. (Nov. 9-13) and National Book “Under the Skin,” is the title of its agricultural back ground. quota for the County is $3,500.00. Something delightfully different week (Nov. 15-20. She says “En­ her book based on research work Heretofore the use of the Heli- The funds are needed to finance 1— There is in the State of Ore­ .'.'«pter had been limited to a certain is Sunday and Monday’s attrac­ glish is a basic part of every per­ done in Honolulu and teaching the gon about one million acres of land the district office in Medford and altitude which has been greatly tion, “Sitting Pretty,” with Mau­ son’s life for all their hours awake. follies of race prejudice. that can be, and should be, irri­ the Girl Scout camp at the Lake reen O’Hara and Robert Young. It To think, dream or express one’s increased the past two years. Mrs. Clarke is a graduate of gated to gain its maximum agri­ of The Woods. The Boy Scout In terrain which was heavily depicts the story of an astonish­ self orally requires a knowledge Michigan State Teachers' College quota is $300.00 for the Valley. timbered the jumpers went in first ingly versatile, mysterious and so­ of English. A person's life in where she was valedictorian of her cultural use. Of this area only The money is needed to maintain 200,000 acres are new lands not and cleared a spot for the Heli­ phisticated gentleman who answers work or leisure hours depends en­ class. Later she secured her Bach­ the Crater I.ake Council office in copter. When the fire was con- an advertisement for a baby sit­ tirely upon his ability to use, and elor of Arts and graduate degree now farmed. There are about Medford and an assistant at Grants 10,000 or 15,000 acres at the out­ trolled the jumpers were brought ter with results that almost wreck appreciate through reading, his at the University of Oregon. Her Pass. out by air. On one fire this saved the marriage of a very much in native language.” Mrs. Clarke's outstanding scholastic and leader­ side that can be irrigated at a cost Seven of the participating a- the land can pay. The rest of the an eighteen mile walk out. Three love couple. class room teaching is a small part ship records while there earned lands must depend on flood water gencies of the Oregon Cheat pro­ Tuesday and Wednesday, Bette different fires were worked in of her total contribution to the for her the highest possible hon­ vide care for needy and dependent Davis, academy award winner, :» student life of Kerby high school. ors in the educational field—her storage reservoirs and power po­ this manner. children all over Oregon. 42% of tential use to be available for max­ The effectiveness of both Heli­ Jezebel, with Henry Fonda will be She is faculty advisor to our very election to Phi Beta Kappa mem­ their funds come from the chest. imum use. Ultimate development copter and Smokejumpers was seen. Bette as Julie, a southern active Student Council. bership. She is also a member of could add about five per cent to In 1947 the Oregon Chest gave greatly increased by this cooper­ belle, torn between two loves, When Mrs. Clarke came to Ker­ Delta Kappa Gamma, national our farm land, but can increase direct care to 3,086 children for achieves a memorable performance by high school two years ago, the honorary teachers’ sorority. ation between the two. our production from .25 to 30 per a total of 464,571 days. 21 of It is expected that a good many which character she presents with library was a cluttered mass of Her realistic and inspirational cent. these children came from Joseph­ rare skill and feeling. Co-stars of the last seasons smokejumpers discarded and antiquated books. points of view caused the Univer­ 2— Drainage of lands is needed ine County and received a total will return again next year. How­ are George Brent, Fay Bainter and Now Principal Hagen says, “We sity women of Grants Pass to seek of 3136 days of care. ever there will be some openings Margaret Lindsay. have a splendid school library and her each year for more than 20 on about one and one half million Six other participating organi­ acres. If all drainage was done The second bill is “Marshal of it is in a very large measure due successive years to give the com­ and any young fellows between the zations aid young women, the ages of 18 and 27 that desire in­ Cripple Creek with Allan Lane as to Mrs. Clarke’s reorganization, mencement address at the annual only about four per cent would be mentally ill. and other unfortunate added to our available farm area, formation contact Clif Marshall Red Ryder Red traps hi-jackeis her wise selection of good fiction banquet for senior girls. adults to regain a normal place in at the Parachute Loft behind the in a spectacular chase after he is and reference material and her “To the best English teacher in but the productivity of the lands society. could be raised enormously and discovered by outlaws. In a thril­ Redwood Ranger Station. No tireless and persistent efforts in the world,” wrote a ’48 senior of Remember it is good business to previous jumping experience is ling surprise climax Red digs into the library. Recognizing the value K. H. S. in Mrs. Clarke's much crop diversity increased. The help your neighbor to help himself. greater amount of land needing his bag of tricks thwarting the out­ needed. The emphasis being placed of her library service, the County autographed Trail Blazer. Other It is good for every citizen to help laws in the name of law and order. Board set aside the largest sum students daily echo that phrase as drainage is in the Willamette val­ make the community a better place on general woods experience. "Fury at Furnace Creek,” an ever appropriated to us for library they go to classes happily and de­ ley flood plane basin. It will de in which to live. ------------ o------------ exciting but little known chapter service and it is being wisely and part reluctantly when all too soon pend on flood control along with in winning of the west comes next carefully spent.” LEE’S SECOND HAND the warning bell says class is drainage to reach its higher effi­ ciency Thursday and Friday, with Victor “I did not decide to become a ended. STORE NOW OPEN Mature and Coleer. Gray. Sections 3— Inroads on Oregon lands by erosion are severe on 12,711 Wendell Lee, well known thru- of Utah’s famed badlands, were square miles of area and a threat out the Valley, opened his second chosen as the setting of the pic­ on 42,000 square miles. Grazing hand store this week in the Drews ture. An Apache attack, massacre lands present the greatest prob­ hotel building, with a new stock of and siege of Fort Furnace Creek set the action of the film which lem of conservation, altho some merchandise. timber areas outside of controlled Commencing Sunday, Novem­ is keyed to the fight of two sons forest and park lands are in the ber 28th, an auction will be held to clear the name of their father, Arthur L. Gilbert of Wonder, a severe status. Prevention of ero­ where anything and everything accused as having betrayed his log bucker for the Oregon Caves outfit. sion cannot increase our farm area that has sales value will be auc­ Jobs Daughters, Bethel No. 30, The Laurel Cemetery Associ­ Lumber company, is one up on the tioned off to the highest bidder. held a special meeting last Mon­ ation is holding a Thanksgiving but can definitely save what we old “man bites dog” story. He already have. ‘"J. W. Wonderly, auctioneer, will day night when they entertained eve dance Nov. 24 at the Legion was the victim of a vicious attack be on hand. 4— Flood damage on all Oregon by a two point deer while bucking EVERY CHILD IN the Masonic fraternity. After the hall for the benefit of the Associ­ business meeting election of new ation in its work on the cemetery rivers are estimated at $19,795,000 logs east of Cave Junction last COUNTY MUST BE officers took place. grounds. Langworthy’s orchestra per year. The Willamette and Col- Monday. O.S.C. Homecoming Guests ENUMERATED NOW The woodsman said he was but­ An entertaining program fol­ of Grants Pass will furnish the umbias presenting the greater por­ tion of this loss. To Find Hearty Welcome ted to the ground without warning. The county school fund is de­ lowed with Ruth Smith, program music and the ladies of the Aux­ 5— There are practically no He seized his attacker’s antlers OREGON STATE COLLEGE— pendent to a large extent on the chairman. Claire and Darleen iliary are to prepare and serve the Homecoming alumni will find an­ help given by the state school Cooper played a piano and violin excellent food as their donation available water resources in Ore­ and struggled for a time. Finally, other hearty welcome awaiting fund. The state fund is distribu­ duet; Norma Buckles, accordion to the dance. Funds to purchase gon, except the flood waters of he was able to roll under a nearby them Friday and Saturday, Novem­ ted according to the number of solo. Queen Margaret Smith and food supplies are being donated winter-spring runoff, that ran be log and reach a pinch bar. The deer vaulted the log and ber 19 and 20, when the college school children enrolled or who live Ruth Smith, Guide, sang a beauti­ by all the valley civic and fraternal used for any further development organizations as their part in fur­ of irrigation. continued the attack. The battle puts into effect this year’s slogan, in the county, so it is necessary ful duet. From these figures it is evident finally ended when a blow from Officers for the coming year thering the improvement work on "Hands across the years” in recog­ that every child from 4 to 20 years that Oregon agriculture is reach­ the pinch bar shattered the an­ the cemetery. are Diane Morey, Honored Queen; nition of the recent 80th anniver­ of age be listed. One feature of the dance will be ing the limits cf expansion as re­ imal's skull. sary observance. If you know any children who Louise Merrill, Sr. Princess; Ruth Gilbert reported his experience The popular barbecue in the ar­ are not listed or have not been Smith, Jr. Princess; Phyllis Dick, a lucky number with each dance gards available acres, that its fu­ mory to provide a savory lunch canvassed, you will receive $1.00 Guide; Sharon Benge, Marshall. ticket purchased on a large turkey ture will depend upon better land to State Police Sergeant C. R. which will be given to the one use to conserve what we now have Borgman who dispatched Patrol­ prior to the game is arranged for from the county school system for holding the lucky number. Admis and will depend on irrigation and man William Allen, game law en­ the third year. Service will be information that will put a child Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hayden, of sion is $1.60 per couple for thc drainage for any increased agri­ forcement officer to investigate. from 11:30 to 12:30. Immediate­ on the roll. Allen’s investigation confirmed ly following the Oregon-O. S. C. Get in touch with County School Indio, California, are expected to dance and number on the turkey, cultural production. It would stem, therefore, that Gilbert’s story of the fight. The game will be the equally popular Supt. L. C. Moffitt or Mrs. Mar­ arrive in Cave Junction soon. They supper will be 50c a person. The coffee-and-doughjiuts served free guerite S. Stanton, clerk, and they received word that the remains of Association is looking forward to the present populat.on of Oregon, venison was turned over to a rest in the armory by the 30-Staters will give you the necessary infor­ their son, Lieut. John (Jack) H. a large turnout for this particular in order to sustain its own children home by the officer. must begin ernstruction of storage Hayden, was being returned to the dance. alumni club assisted by other Cor­ mation. and flood control reservoirs in the states from Bari, Italy. Inter­ vallis alumni. This opportunity Help the Red Feather campaign immediate future. It will require WHAT THE LEGION ment will be in Grants Pass. for an after-game snack while re­ a construction program covering hashing the game and renewing 10 to 15 years to complete even a AUXILIARY IS DOING elij acquaintances is now firmly minor project of the kind neces­ LOCAL COUPLE EXCHANGE NUPTIAL VOWS estaolished as a most popular cus­ The Legion Auxiliary met Wed­ sary to increase the agricultural tom. The Community church was the on the side of her head with resources of any part of the state. nesday evening with Esther Mar­ scene of a beautiful wedding sol- streamers of old rose. Her bou- In 10 or 15 years our own popula­ tin presiding in the absence of Evelyn Budd, president, who with _v quet was of . white DON’T FORGET THE emnized , November 9th at 1 o clock * . . . daisy mums. tion growth will out run our re­ The bridesmaid, Mrs. B. G. Ron- sources if not a single person mi­ Daisy Nassen, was attending a when Miss Louella Rondeau, deM wag jn f)oor ,ength LEGION DANCE SAT. conference in Portland. Joy Bad- grates to the state. It’s that close den, district president, accom­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George (freeni she also wore streamers The Medford Mail Tribune car­ Big doin’s again next Saturday It requires about 2.5 acres of panied them. night when the American Legion ried the following article in its is­ Rondeau of Cave Junction, be- and carried an old fashioned nose- and to grow the crops each person A motion was made that the city came the bride of Darrel O'Dell, gay of pink daisy mums and in the world needs. The Rogue holds another one of their popular sue of November 13th: council be allowed to hold their An elaborate and unique cam­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle M. heather The flower girl, little dances. One of the highlights of River Valley now has only 1 2 monthly meeting in the Auxiliary paign to raise funds for establish­ O'Dell, Sr., also of Cave Junction. Sherry Ann Pike, niece of thc acres of land per individual person the evening will be the Jaycees Mrs. L. F. Pike, sister-in-law of bride, was in floor length aqua in its farming back ground. Verily room. A donation was made to turkey contest for which tickets ment of a “Rogue Valley Boys the Community Chest. Town” near Holland through con­ the bride sang The Sweetest Story dress with a tiny white hat and are now going fast. No tickets ach of those acres must do its Thanksgiving and Christmas will be sold after Saturday noon, tributions to be solicited in an un­ Ever Told and Always with Mrs. streamers, carrying a white be- full duty if your children are go­ baskets were discussed. Com­ usual national automobile tour William Brown at the piano. As fulled basket of chrysanthemums so make haste and get yours now. ing to continue to live here. munity Service Chairman Myrtle The bride’s mother wore jade You may not only have a won­ scheduled to continue one full cal­ the strains of the wedding march Oregon is lagging far behind the Clifford announced that all pro­ endar year is being fostered by were heard the two young ushers, green crepe with black accessories, derful time at the dance, but you other western states in its irriga­ Larry Hagen, cousin of the bride, the groom’s mother wore blue and tion development, perhaps because ceeds from dance supper will go may carry home that turkey gob- three Josephine county men. bier which will feast the Thanks-1 D°n » “ynes .,st*tes ^ at thc and Jimmy O’Dell, brother of the white chiffon with black, corsages of its meager land resources. It to the cemetery funds. Child Wel­ backers have available a 629-acre groom, solemnly lit the candles for were of tiny pink rosebuds and is vital that progress be made as fare Chairman Edith Hays re­ giving table next Thursday. quested any member having a toy farm a mile and a half west of the candlelight ceremony. white stephanotis. rapidly as is at all possible if our to donate for disabled veteran’s the Caves highway and two miles The bride was beautiful in a Rev. George H. Gray officiated future obligations are to be met. FIELD SCOUT EXECUTIVE children, bring them to the next from Holland, including all farm white floor length lace and net at the double ring ceremony. Paul TO ATTEND MEETING meeting, December 1st. equipment and 119 head of live­ over taffeta dress. Her finger- Brading, life long friend of the At the p.nochle party last Sat­ Friday, November 19, James stock. tip length veil was held in place by groom was best man. urday, prizes went to Harry Hart­ The property is to be remodel­ Harpool, Field Scout Executive, beaded headdress. The heart After the ceremony friends and Jobs Daughter Bethel well, Ella DeSaulniers, Vivian for the Grants Pass area will be ed for the proposed “ Boys’ Town" shaped bouquet was of stephanotis relatives adjourned to the church To Hold Food Sale Deaton, Maurice Sauer, Tex Clif­ present at the regular Cub Pack Haynes said, from contributions and carnations, in the center of reception room where a beautifully A cooked food sale will be held ford and Mrs. Jack Galland. The meeting. Mr. Harpool wishes to which, he hopes, will be collected which was a "go ng away” cor- decoiated 3-tier wedding cake was meet with all members of the Cub on an automobile tour leaving sage of lavender t .ed orchid and served with huckleberry-ribbon next Saturday, November 20 at next party is Nov. 27 and proceeds the Martin Clothing store, start­ go towards the children play committee and the parents of the Grants Pass next January 1, and stephanotis. Her accessories were ice cream and coffee. shoulder length white mitts and The bride’s going away costume ing at 10:30 a m. Girls living in ground. boys. returning a year later Two men will remain in a ' white satin ballerino slippers. She was a suit of aqua colored gubar- the Holland district please con­ Members of the V F. W. and all Orville Meredith and Ted Bur­ interested residents of the Valley specially-built car the entire year was escorted down the aisle by her dine with black accessories. After tact Alfreds Vahrenwald, those in are urged to attend and receive in­ and will be featured for brief per­ father who gave her in marriage, the short honeymoon thru parts of the Selma district leave all food nette left for Los Angeles Wed­ Mrs. Pike, as matron or honor, Oregon and California the couple at the Selma store not later than nesday to look after busineet in­ formation that will enable us to iods at automobi’e dealers show- ooins alon- t* — rout’, see r ’lng was in floor lenvth old rose with returned to Cave Junction where 10 a. m AU other girls contact terests 7 hey plan to be gone make a success of the Cub p a runty little w ite hat perched they will reside. about a week. Diane Morey. gram to Haynes. Bethel Elects Benefit Dance New Officers Next Wednesday For Coming Year At Legion Hall Boys Town In Offing Near Holland Deei Attacks Logger; Back Dies in Fight