Illinois Valley New*. Thursday, Odolier 28, 1948 ♦ CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ 1------ DYNAMITE Washington ways claim that the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kamberg, T ry \ alley Lumber Co. if you need biggest fish story of the year con­ left last week for Loma Linda, blasting powder. 221 West F _St„ Grants Pass. 47-tfc cerns Mr. Truman’s “Red herring” Calif., where they will make their that jumped out of a third story home. j ROUGH & READY GARAGE window to escape the unholy Sov­ CLASSIFIED RATES REAL ESTATE near Rough and Ready mill now ! iet seine. Inexhaustible Mineral USED CARS open. Specializing in all elec- j Magnesium, which is mined from trical and carburation repairs.; FOR SALE— H Acre nearly on The deadline for advertising is 5 the ocean, is one of the few minerals Reasonable prices and all work Used Cars highway, good house, electric­ Subscribe to the News. o’clock Wednesday afternoon. that Is Inexhaustible. guaranted. W. B. Myers. 7-tfc For Better Used Cars ity, well and wood shed, $1750, Phone or Come to with $750 down. See Stengel FOR RENT BY DAY — Cement Josephine Motors, Inc. Real Estate, Selma, Ore. 27-ltc FOR SALE mixer, electrically driven. Illi­ 633 South Sixth Street FOR Grants Pass Phone 4504 FOR SALE—Residential property nois Valley Hardware, Cave NEW MAYTAG WASHER with lots 50x160 feet, on Caves Ave. Cash or Terms Junction. 25-tfc EXPERIENCE, pump $144. 96. Fred Culp, Cash or easy terms. Inquire at Top Dollar For Your Car Caves Refrigeration & Maytag News office. 28-tfc Cash or Trade 11-tfc For Sure Insurance Insure EFFIC IENC Y Shop, Cave Junction. 27-ltc with FOR SALE—'37 Ford coupe, ’41 THE LEARY 60 acres near Selma and COURTESY Linkhart & McLean FOR SALE—A good clean wash sold and off the market. Sten­ motor installed, good condition; Phone Cave Junction 3802 or machine only $35. Wendell Lee, gel Real Sstate, Selma, Ore. ’34 Dodge sedan, good condi­ Kerby 1306 VO TE 36 X third house behind Glidden’s tion: ’34 Ford pickup coupe. C. DORN’S Real Estate Agency Feed Store, Selma 27-ltp G. & E. Garage. 27-ltc WATER WELL DRILLING, Do­ 61? East “E” St., Grants Pass mestic and irrigation wells, 12 For personal, responsible atten­ FOR SALE—Boy’s or girl’s rid­ FOR SALE— 1940 Buick 6 pas­ to 36 months to pay. Latest tion You’ll like Doran’s. List­ ing saddle, priced reasonably. senger coupe, radio, heater and equipment available. Satisfied ings are desired. The Phone >s Ben George at Smith’s Feed & defroster, nearly new tires. customers our motto. Paquin 2766 27-tfc Seed store. 27-ltc & Story, 800 N. 10th St., Grants Harry Ford, P. O. Box 197, Pass, Phone 2631 or 3583. FOR SALE — Wood, no order Cave Junction. 27-ltp FOR SALE — Lots on and near too large or too small. Save Caves highway, *4 mile from Democratic Nominee LOG CABIN GARAGE money by getting it by the load. FOR SALE— 1941 Ford 6 1 % ton Redwood highway. Title insur­ General Auto Repairing stake, 2 spted rear end. Will Call 1722 or drop card to Her­ ance on every lot. Contact Motor Tune-up — Lubrication for trade for older model and cash. Herbert Falkenhayn, cor. Caves bert Falkenhayn, Rt. 1, box 24, Welding Wendell Lee, Selma. 27-ltp Cave Junction. 17-tfc highway and Old Stage road, Rt. COUNTY 1, box 24, Cave Junction. 5-tfc Art Dedrick, prop.—Selma, Ore. ; FOR SALE—New Firestone Elec­ FOR SALE—International pick­ COMMISSIONER REFRIGERATOR & WASH FI- up, .Vj ton, Model 38, has 4 FOR WELL Located Highway tric Refrigerator. C. G. & E. REPAIRS— Motors and pa’taj Frontage shifts and in good condition, Garage. 27-ltc for all makes. FRED CULP. ! Contact overhauled, brakes relined and A resident of Josephine County 9 years, 18 years experience Cave Junction. 41 tfc | FOR SALE—Western Holly gas Linkhart & McLean, Brokers new carburetor. Priced at $800. in road and bridge construction, maintenance of roads, bridges Cave Junction, Oregon kitchen range, good oil heater, Can be seen at my place, second and road equipment. I feel this experience will enable me to LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Wedgewood wood heater, Ford- house across from highway serve all the taxpayers of Josephine County efficiently. FOR RENT son tractor, other items. Carol south from Wagon Wheel. Ida ' our Support will be earnestly appreciated. and John Dunn, Dick George M. Boling, Selma, Ore. 27-ltc FOR RENT — Furnished modern FOR SALE—Pigs, $10 each or 5 for $45, must he sold; also Mon- I road._________ 27-ltc 5-room log house, large rooms, FOR SALE— Page & Page dual arch wood range, bed divan and ! Pd. Adv., by F. E. Ralston. fire place, wired for electric FOR SALE—Two oil heaters and axle log trailer in good condi­ chair. Castleberry, one mile W. range. — Ve Rustic Inn. 23tfc one wood heater, in good condi­ tion. J. B. Galland, Sr., O’Brien, of Texaco station. 27-ltp tion, reasonably priced. C. G. Oregon. 27-2tp FOR RENT — Furnished modern 1 FOR SALE—Cattle transportation Gilliam, Rt. 1, box 824, Cave ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF cabins, reasonable monthly blanks at the News Office, tf Junction. 27-2tp FOR RENT rates.—Illinois Motel, Redwood It pays to advertise in the News. highway. 19tfc MAYTAG DUTCH OVEN Range FOR SALE—New Zealand white Fred Culp, Caves Refrigeration FOR RENT — 3 room modern RENT — Furnished modern b u ck, 6 months old $10. I.. E. & Maytag Shop, Cave Junction. cabin; 4 room modern apart­ FOR cabins, weekly winter rates.— George, O’Brien, Ore. 27-ltc ment, both have hot water. Pony Ye Rustic Inn, 1H miles south FOR SALE—Hay, oats, first and Ranch, Kerby. F. J. Beauvois. FOR SALE—50 head weaner pigs. of Cave Junction. 21-tfc second cutting alfalfa, baled. L. Gay Smith, Rockydale Road. N. Maurer, near Holland. 24-4tp FOR RENT—3 room partly fur­ RATES now in effect at nished modern apartment, $45 WINTER the Cave Park Motel, house POULTRY AND EGGS—Cash on FOR SALE—Sears gasoline en­ per month. Inquire at Liquor the barrel head. We sell South­ keeping cottages, walking dis gine driven washing machine, store, Cave Junction. 27-ltp ern Oregon first. Rogue Valley tance from city. 21-tfc runs good $25; Spark Propane Poultry & Egg, 618 So. 6th St., gas range, 4 burners, oven broil­ CABIN FOR RENT. Apply Fred Fountain and Sandwiches MISCELLANEOUS Grants Pass, Ore. 47-tfc er and trash burner, like new, Culp, Cave Junction. 27-ltc $75. H. E. Causey, one mile S. STRAYED from Clem Sauer's, | EMERGENCY LOANS FREE COFFEE SERVED ALL D A Y on Redwood highway, turn right FOR RENT—4 room furnished Prompt Service one black white faced mottled house. See Paul Palmer next *4 mile. ,27-1 tc 15 heifer. Notify George Mans­ door to Dr. Collman’s office. Cones for the Kiddies Months field or Jim Hogue, Kerby. DRY SLAB WOOD and limb to Commercial job printing at the wood. Joe B. Jenkins, Rt. 1 LOST AND FOUND—3 horses. Repay box 15, Cave Junction 24-tfc News. Owner may have by identifying If you need money for any worth Owned and Operated by and paying costs. W. D. West- while purpose, phone or visit Val cot, Bar R Ranch, Rt. 1, box ley Finance today. You can borrow 460, Cave Junction. 27-ltp up to $300 on your signature or furniture and up to $500 on your LEGAL NOTICES car. CALL FOR WARRANTS VALLEY FINANCE CO. Caves Highway, One Block off Redwoods Notice is hereby given that War­ State Theatre Bldg. Phone 3650 License M-350 License S-274 rants No. 6708 to 6823, both in­ clusive, of the Josephine County BETTER GET IT NOW! Dry School District, are hereby Called wood load del $15. Also 2% for Payment on the 18th day of ton truck for hire. Phone 1907 October, 1948, on which date in­ H. R. Smid, Cave Junction. terest will cease. LINCOLN SAVAGE, SPENCER individually designed County Treasurer. supports for s’yle and health 26-27 FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS IS THE RECORD OF Registered Corsetiere, Mrs. Enid Burch, phone 1008, Cave CONSTRUCTION BIDS Junction. 19-4tc Sealed bids will be received by CUSTOM PLOWING, Discing Marguerite Clerk at planting. Smith or Kettering Grants Pass, Stanton, Oregon, until No­ Rainbow Ranch, near Holland vember 8th, 1948, 8:00 o’clock p. WATER WELL DRILLING—Free m. for the Additions and Altera­ estimates, honest and reliable, tions to Kerby High School excellent equipment, terms if Building for Josephine County OF GRANTS PASS desired. Paul Crisman & Co. School District, Josephine County, 1 8 7 3 Williams Secondary Grants Pass, Oregon, and will then 404 South 6th Street Phone Grants Pass 2742 2-tfc and there be opened and publicly lead aloud. Bids received after Savings Accounts Guaranteed Up To $5000.00 By WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS the time fixed for openings will Wringer rolls and parts for all not be considered. The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation “. . . E R . . . W A I T , M R S . F E E D L E B O M B . makes. Fred Culp, Caves Re Plans, specifications and form Washington, D. C. I W A N T TO WIPE W\Y GLASSES A G A IN / " frigeration & Washer Repairs of contract documents may be ex­ When you invest your savings with the amined at the office of Freeman SAW FILING Don't o v e rlo a d y o u r o le c tric circuits. W h e n you and Hayslip, Assoc. Archts., 304 Carpenters saws accurately ma Postal Building, Portland, Ore­ FIR S T FEDERAL SAVINGS b u ild or m o d e rn iz e p ro v id e ADEQUATE W IR IN G . chine filed. Old saws made like gon, and a set of said plans, speci­ new. Small circulars. H. E and LOAN ASSO CIATIO N O F GRANTS PASS Gage, Caves Hwy, opp. ball prk fications and forms may be ob­ tained at the office of Marguerite SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR FURNITURE — Try Man Stanton, Clerk, Grants Pass, Ore- j Your Share in All the Earning« chel’s First where it’s “Furni gon, or at the office of Freeman ture You’ll Admire at Prices and Hayslip, Assoc. Archts., 304 , Managed by local citizens with a record of business success You’ll Appreciate.” 47-tfc Postal Building, Portland, Oregon upon a deposit of $25.00, which I P R O F E S S IO N A L D IR E C T O R Y WINDOW GLASS will be refunded upon the return All sizes window class cut and of the plans and specifications Officers Directors installed. Illinois Valley Hard­ within a reasonable time. DR. A. N. COLLMAN James Christian«« Sam H. Baker, Pre«. UPHOLSTERING ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc Each bid shall be accompanied Herman Keihel Naturopathic Physician by a certified check, cashier’s SPRINGS - RETIED - TUFTING TRADE Your old Washing Ma­ Herman Schmidt, Vice-Pre«. O. S Blanchard or bid bond (with authorized RECOVERING chine in on a new Maytag check O. S. Blanchard, Attorney HOURS: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. surety company as surety) made , Herman Schmidt Workmanship Guaranteed See Fred Culp in Cave Junction. payable to the Owner in an amount J. M. I«ham, Secretary Office Phone 4711 — Res. 5011 Sam H. Baker Authorized Maytag dealer. PAUL and WINONA KENT of not less than 5% of the amount | Selma, Oregon of the bid Surety bond (or WHITE’S DRUG SUNDRIES. We Invite You to Open a Savings Account from See him for your needs. Grey­ bonds) will be required in accord­ Charles N. Versteeg, M. D. Daily Freight Service hound Bus Depot. Coffee and ance with the terms of the contract GRANTS PASS, PORTLAND $100.00 to $50 00.00 sandwiches. Complete Fountain documents. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON end SAN FRANCISCO The Josephine County School service with Arden’s lee Cream. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12, 2 to YANDELL BROS. GARAGE 41-tfc District, Josephine County, Ore­ 5 p. m. Evenings and Thursday gon reserves the right to reject Pierce Auto Freight FOR SAND AND GRAVEL good any or all bids and to waive infor­ afternoon by appointment only. top soil, road and driveway malities. SAND and GRAVEL TH E No bidder may withdraw his bid maintainence. Clyde Knight, C. WINDOW FRAMES From G.&E. Texaco Garage. 20-36tp after the hour set for the open­ Any Kind or Any Size Illinois Valley Sand and ing thereof or before award of contract, unless said award is de­ DYNAMITE — Black powder, Gravel VALLEY LUMBER Co. layed for a period exceeding 30 fuses and caps. Illinois Valley 221 West F St. Phone 47 J. A. VIOSKY, Route 1, Box 850 Hardware, agency for DuPont days. THANKS YOU MARGUERITE STANTON, Powder. 47-tfc Water Well Drilling Clerk. Spieth’s Insurance Service Business Men, Customers and Friends for youi First publication October 28 PAQUIN & STORY Second publication November 4. CARL A. SPIETH Gracious and Generous Acceptance 800 N. 10th St., Grants Pass P O. Box 11, O'Brien, Oregon SHASTA SHALLOW and DEEP Phone 2631 or 3583 ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE On Our Opening WELL PUMPS. See Fred Culp, ______ INCLUDING LIFE Caves Refrigeration and Wash­ Aristocrat Venetian Blinds er Repair. 11-tfc Custom Tailored The High Standard of Efficiency and W ater Well Drilling To Your Window ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING PAUL CRISMAN A CO. and repairs. All work and ma­ W. R. LOVE HOME* 1873 Williams Secondary, terial guaranteed. Illinois Val­ O’Brien, Oregon Phone Grants Pass 2742 ley Hardware, Cave Junction. Best equipment, honest reliable. A card will bring us to the valley WANTED — Elderly man handy Windows and Doors! with carpenter tools to finish I '/ / A 8BB W ILL BE M A IN T A IN E D inside of house. Board if nec­ TITLE INSURANCE Welcome VALLEY LUMBER Co. essary. Clifford Pullen, 1 mile ESCROWS from Bridgeview Grange hall, GIFT for your repair jobs Remember - 6 : 3 0 a. m. to 12 p. m. Daily towards Holland. 26-2tp • to the j 221 West P. St. Phone 47 Rogue River Title Co. Former 212 N. 6th St. Grants Paas Ambulance Service Day or Nigbt PLUMBING and fittings, pumps Beiiàent 210 West “A” Phone 334 , and electric water heatera Prevent Forest Fires. Help Where your plumbing dollars H U L L f HULL go further Dayton A Son, IN TH IS NE W/PAPEK Prevent Forest Fires Funeral Home Grant* Pa*,, Or». 35 tic FLOYD Be RALSTON The PENGUIN Friday, November 5th Henry and Florence Schneider 3% A n n u a l D ivid en d First Federal Savings and Loan A ss ' il DEW DROP INN A LETTER w®ta Quality Fine Foods K E L L E Y 'S