Illinois Valley News Thursday, October 21, 1948 4-H Sewing club No. 2, now to be known as Neat Stitchers with Barbara Baerman, president; I Slack, vice president; Christine Duncan, secretary; Sh.rley Stre- low, reporter. Leader, Carol Long- anecker, assisted by Mrs. E. R. Brillhart The club hemmed tea towels. l a ________ „ F•*> REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES LARGE HARDER FREEZE BOXES SPEED QUEEN WASHERS BENDIX WASHERS And the Famous AMERICAN KITCHENS All on Display Come in. investigate Estimates freely given K's Electric Service 'Value m o to r in g a d v a n t a g e s in R iding Comfort PHOTOGRAPHY W E D D IN G S — G R O U P S C H IL D R E N 'S S Poses Taken in Your Home Phone or Write You 11 find that Chevrolet gives more riding-smoothnesi. more rid­ ing-steadiness. on all kinds of roads became it has the original Unitized Knee-Action Ride, proved and perfected by / 4 yean of ttp tritn c t in building Knee-Action units. Available only in Chevrolet and higher-priced carsl HARRY U. WILSON FIR ST IN B IG -C A R Q U A L IT Y Mane V a l—e in Performance w ith Economy There’s nothing like Chevrolet’s world s champion Valve-in-Head engine . with its record of having delivered more miles of satisfac­ tion. to more owners, over a longer period, than any other engine built today . and Valve-in-Head design is exclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cars! a t L O W E S T P R IC E S 1541 Annabel I.ane-Phone4728 Grants Pass . . . ju s t a s i t ’s f ir s t in Accounting Service F o r Y o u r Bookkeeping Proble nt* HALL ACCOUNTING SERVICE Johnson Bldg . Cave Junction Bookkeeping. System * Installed Q u a rte rly P a y ro ll T a « Report*. PHONE 3801 It s f ir s t in a l l t h e s e b a s ic 4/o-le If you want a Home Freezer Box don’t miss this. ( ome in and see for yourself WIRING OF ALL KINDS coinyiGtriAanA p/u >ve M ANC H EL BLDG ., G rants P ass $199.95 WATER HEATERS, 40 Gal. Regular price $144.95 now Illinois Valley Dairy Pd. Adv. C.G.&E.GARAGE Phone 1001 . . . for being so good n tasty, so healthy’n nutritious. Our School children need the rich, body­ building nourishment of milk. Serve YOUR child OUR Milk in square cartons every day. It’s a treat. It’s healthy. County Commissioner Pocketbook Protection— U recker Service graded, Republican Nominee for If you BRUISE this tire; if you get a BLOW-OUT, RIM CUT. or other TIRE INJURY, the expense is OURS— not yours. Thofs MILK M o n th ly P. U . C. R eport* F ederal and Stato Incom e T a» in A ll-ro u n d S a fe ty n a tio n w id e re g is tra tio n s ! Mane Val— in B e a u ty a n d Luxury Chevrolet brings you the jour- fold safety-protection of Fisher t nisteelBody-C construction,safety plate glass in all windows, the C rutixed knee-Actson Ride and PoMtive-Action Hydraulic Brakes, and this is another combination of features found elsewhere only in higher-priced cars! You know that there’s only < leader in fine coachcraft —Body Fisher! It s world-famous I quality, beauty and luxury. r only in eiterior design, hut interior appointments like has uar< and upholstery. as well. Ai Body by Fisher. too. is exclusive Chevrolet and higher-priced car CHE VROLET - and Q n^ CH EVRO LET - I S F IR S T ! R e tu rn * Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet N o ta ry Public • Cave Junction. Oregon IR A S. H A L L , P ro p rie to r SA L E S A S E R V IC E — 411 So 6 th S tr»«t, PHONE 4461 G R A N T S PA S S. O R E G O N (