jllinoig Valley News, Thursday. August 19, 1948 Washington Czech Refugee Confirms Crock in Iron Curtain BRIGHT BIRDS IN CROSS-STITCH wm joptes T To obtain seven transfer desie»,. for Bird Designs (Pattern No 5?^’ Send 20-cents In coin. YOUR V a u » A1.HR! SS and PATTERN M M r e ^ L A n o ** I 7 » ’*Erbtaaf.w,0K1* toP&fcn’’ “* Elevator W ill Serve Many Uses on Farm EncloM 20 cent. NO. IS THERE a lim it to speed for a ■ man or a horse? Can the human Name____________ UZ A C u n i< -.m ^ .. f l*1 and C u m m rn la lo r. or the equine frame carry just so Addresa__ lies cracking-' T h a f K i wVa’0 h ° i S°V Ct Socialist Repub- much drive before it starts to crackn We put this query to Hirsch some wishful thinkers in W -i^ h m ^ S u^*ng toyed with by Jacobs, one of the finest condition­ it one of the mosi d a n L r o ,^ n,o "< t0n w*lle others consider Things Are Rough In Peru ers in any sport, one of the best hands of unwary d ^ lo m a “/. pIaythinSs that ever got into the While the U. S. price index rose Elevators are becoming as com­ horse trainers of any given decade 8 9 per cent last year, living costs mon on farm, as they are in city in Peru soared ns high as the An- encouraged by ¿ome member’ * fu ^e ** tuT'»1" * ” , appear’ to have been department stores. They are, how­ „ "To set a record," Jacobs said, "one must have a fast track. That des—increasing 46 l per cent Ee. • l»o highly prejudiced people who forn grOup of hl«hly intelligent but ever. of a different kind—and not means a hard track. tween August, 1939. and Decern- of Washington society-the political refoa constantly growing segment used for the same purposes. Unless, Setting records on ber, 1947, living costs rose 69 per soviet border,. One can. h o w e v e riu s , tW. * C° Untries the of course, city stores have started a f a s t t r a c k is cent in the U. S. compared to 207 „ . ' tfust thJs * rouP certain basic fact,. conveying farm produce from the R p r e n llv 1 ^ . ____ a ner cent in Peru, according to ¿he dangerous. It has Recently I r learned one of these*----- sidewalk into ninth or tenth story wrecked many fine Municipal Finance officers associa­ fact, which may surprise you. Of i “mows.” horses. I w o u ld tion. Among 11 nations for which most of them would have flown course, you recall Farmer, began to think seriously say there is a lim it comparable statistics are avail- that Soviet diplo­ away." Many djd anyway and to how fast a horse able, Canadian living costs have in- macy always h a s Czech planes are turning up con­ about elevators and conveyprs dur­ can run before he creased the least since before the explained what we tinually in Western controlled area, ing the last war. and they've been cracks up. Espe war. Thourh the Canadian price in­ call its aggression of Europe. This occurs in civil doing something about them ever cially i f he is after dex rose 14 9 per cent in 1947, ft is simply a desire aviation too because many of the since. Many built their own equip records over a hard, only 45 per cent above the 1939 to surround itself pilots are former members of the ment. Others bought commercial level of that country. fast track.” models. The source matters little— I with what It de­ air corps. T h is re m in d e d But if the Red government can­ it ’s what they can do that counts scribes as "friend­ Grantiand Rice me of a story that ly ” countries. The not trust the air corps, it has even most. Charley P addock less confidence in the Czech armored refugees of whom All-purpose elevators, either port­ once told. orce. It has been necessary to able or stationary, are capable of I spoke are living "Just at the tim e," the World's proof that not all Immobilize it. Bird Transfers elevating to desired height, baled, Fastest Human said, " I was at my ° f the inhabitants But the g r e a t e s t friction These beautiful bird transfers are chopped or loose hay, ear corn. Peak. I had just tied the world's of Russia's satel embroidered In gorgeous plumage caused by partial communlza- record at 9 3/5. I knew I could do colors on ecru linen for the corners lites are friendly. lion Is felt in the nation s econ­ better. I was set that day at Los BAUKHAGE However, most ol of a dinette luncheon cloth and nap­ omy. Everyone suffers, at least Angeles in a Southern California kins—scatter them here and there us have been led Indirectly, because of this, but meet. I broke in front. I was fly to assume that at least the govern­ It can be seen most clearly over matching curtains. Each de­ lng at the 50. ments and the controlling Com­ sign is about 6 Inches. Cross stitch­ among workers. Recent fig­ munist minorities which support "Around the 80-yard mark I ing Is easy to do. ures, which were made avail­ them have been able to produce a knew I was headed for at least able to the public, indicate that degree of mutual affection which a 9.1 for the 100 yards. I knew there is a sharp falling-off in satisfies the Kremlin. After Tito’s the record was mine. Then the »he man-hour productiveness. action we wondered. calves of both legs began to This could be attributed either shiver. I felt all my leg mus. What about the frontier, between Io conscious sabotage or to a ties pulling apart. The thought feeling of Indifference and re- these countries and Russia? suddenly hit me that I was on sentment caused by reduced The answer came from an anti­ my way to being a cripple. I Pay ,.nd restrictions on the communist, recently arrived from felt my legs were breaking up union 'abor mevement. Czechoslovakia-one of the many over this hard, fast track. I persons who are seeping out of that (nBanf° re the Russians moved in, 75 pulled up—and still finished in and other satellite countries every to 80 per cent of Czechoslovakia's 9 3/5. ay He was asked in my presence oreign trade was with non-Corn- " I couldn't run again for weeks tf the frontier between his country munist countries. This has The calves of both legs were ex- and Russia was open, in the sense considerably reduced under that travel was permitted under the »ure from Russia, but even uu. tremely sore and strained." And same conditions that obtain between some 60 to 70 per cent of her ex root crops, shelled corn, ground don't forget that Paddock had two An u n d .rw .t« |ur, b „nf normally friendly nations Ports go to Western Europe. look <•• ««fiofy of fiifi catching colon, at all 1 he border between my country great Skoda arms factory goes to illustration. L im it on Speed loading .porting good, .tocaa. Russm. The output is largely heavy and Russia i, no tighter than a dam They do these "back-breaking'" ” 1 realized then,” Paddock told would have to be to keep a drop of artillery. Production of small arm , chores easily, and all day long with­ me, that as we are developed to­ for Russia also has been stepped — " h * "’ • d* PnompHy— $1.25 . .« I ,,— M . d - water from getting through ” out complaining. However, before day, we are capable of handling 1 have heard the Russian frontiers up greatly. you build or buy an elevator be only so much speed. I mean our WOOD M A N U F A C T U R IN G C O M P A N Y of other satellite nations similarly C hance o f R evolt sure you know for what it is to be muscles and our ligaments. In the described I l POZAPO o” h* w ’ r,s ’ * * ' « • O'Pb Ooodl. • used. That knowledge w ill determine I course of evolution and develop­ My informant also outlined other T e rm e d S m a ll the size and type best suited for ment someone w ill run the 100 ARKANSAS significant condition, In Czechoslo- I objectiv'e observer’ admit that your needs. yards In 9 flat. But not now.” vak.a. first reminding us of three ' there is small chance of an open This was proved when Mel r Pat- a l. revolt That ThaUxn’t ’ ,he ih Czech Sn open revol,. methP « c. C°SW ° f operation vary somewhat, Important facts Thev are g ré « u n d e r/6Ch ™ thod’ I bUt’ l" Keneral’ • ------» farn' ••a er* can figure ton ran 100 yards in 9.3 and wound F °r S a fe ty — In ve8t in Your O w n Country » vuu J r, h,n7h grelat “ "derground work- 1. Czechoslovakia is the most < o i c g i e a i Underground wnrir. o n if t a b i « , . »____ , . . . on it taking from 1/10 to five kilo­ up later with cramps. Patton was Industrialized of all the satel for Ven'‘ the e"th u ,ia ,m Buy U nited S tates S avin gs B onds! files. for blood-letting that people like the watt hours of power to elevate 1^00 moving into the danger zone, due bushels of grain with an elevator, entirely to excessive speed over a 2- II Is also the most demo­ Yugoslavs have. If, however, th . run by a five horsepower motor hard, fast track. He was finding Soviets became involved in war cratic in the realistic sense we out what Paddock had discovered undoubtedly the Czechs would join »lew d e m o c r a c y . In other years before. l i ‘ ,y, with those they consider words the eountrv Is thoroughly Small Farm Units Are "How does this sound?” I their liberators. Indoctrinated with the kind ol asked Jacobs. “ It sounds too democratic methods we know. Those persona who predict a Big Implement Buyers per cent sensible," Jacobs said. This Is due in part, of course, crack m the iron curtain base part Two-thirds of the one and one- “ You can't drive either horses 10 the fa rt that so many of the of their argument an on attitude half billion dollars being spent for or humans over fast, hard men responsible for formation among Czech leaders which is said agricultural implements this year Is . Yes! For pipes or papers. tracks into records without pay­ «•f the Caech r e p u b l i c spent ° parallel that of Tito’s supporter, being expended for small one-family Prince Albert's choice tobacco stays fresher ing the penalty. Which is a many years In the United States n Yugoslavia. That is this ques. farms, according to a recent survey pocket tin pr r r ? Or* .5mo',inK ioy ,he ne* Humidor Top breakdown. What do the ow.,- and were made thoroughly fa­ tmn of nationalism. There have of the Anti-Friction Bearing Manu- * •* P' *• ’ * * m«Hca's largest-selling smoking tobacco ers want—a record or a sound m ilia r with American methods. been recent - report, from , I facturcrs association. ‘ pv. nuin Europe r horse? 11 is also due to the fart that that Czech Premier Gottwald. who For the first time the small farm Jacobs claimed Stymie for some- Ihey had a long period of prac­ a ways has been considered Mos­ tical e x p e r i e n c e In putting cow s right-hand-man in Czechoslo­ operator, who own, 6 per cent of | thing like $1.500 and turned him these methods into effect In vakia, i, about to fall from Soviet the country’, total farm acreage, into a million-doliar probability, their own country. w ill be the biggest customer for i lhe racing game is packed with grace for the same reason Tito fell 3. The Czechs had a Gottwald i, a lifelong Communist automatic labor-saving implements. ! fine trainers. We could start with ! high standard of living The low ebb of farm labor as well Ben and Jimmy Jones. We could ; «ho was won over to the Marxian pared to the other satell PA S7A/S philosophy before he had an op­ as the increase in farm saving, has bring you Maxie Hirsch, certainly I These factors, taken together portunity to see It put into effect been responsible for the mechaniza­ one of the greatest. We could call on Sunny Jim Fitz- made the Czechs particularly vul in h i, own country. l Je wa, an apt tion of the smaller farms. j simmons who knows horses better nerable to a Communist coup When and willing student in Moscow but One outstanding result is that by than horses know themselves A TASTfNG OOMV TO It came, because of their demo- he apparently cherished the illusion 1950. it is estimated that four mil­ great trainer. There is Honest 1 cratic training and high standard that his own country could accept lion farms w ill produce 33 per cent John Partridge, who has been a ) 7H£ í A S T of living, the Czechs were partie- . .. viiiiueni more than the total production of ot government fine trainer for 50 years. Most ' Ularly unhappy a, an aftermath of and still maintain its identity and P/P££UL | these are veterans A Communist method, and Russian , Us independence. The utter domin­ six million farm, before the war. Ben Jones, f Fitzsimmons, Hirsch, domination. In other words, the ation by Russia has become not John Part- ridge—able, smart, can take you Czechs had more to I e than any only distasteful to Gottwald but also back more year, than you can of the other countries within the «<’ «1 least two other members of Plastic Lily Pond remember. Red orbit his cabinet, including the minister or justice. G r e a te r Problem » ourifi Trainers A re Good Gottwald Is not the leader that There are any number of younger A r e in Prospect Tito is and he probably can be trainers on the job—Johnny Gaver Czechoslovakia f . not yet thor brushed aside Hut the viewpoint P A n g h / d ^ w n ï o ^ ^ Â ‘t ' h Æ ’ of Greentree; S. E. Veitch of C he has come to represent is pointed oughly communized There is still I Whitney, one of the best out a, one of the weaknesses of the a certain amount of ’Pen criticism, eral more. But I also There have been no wholesale Russian system. training methods of Jacobs, wno purges Undoubt ■ the When Louis' legs began to put The plastie pond may he emptied it can be rzllablv estimated that , , ‘l****1 m,u» manufacturing it were on weight you knew what happened. folded up and brought Indoors ,nd N EW HUM/DOR TOP ------ i lim iting their output to blackout the taste of practical . commun He wa, far over tha top sm paper only. Stored during the winter months which the people hate had n w The pond also may he used as . PRINCE ALBERT CTAYS "Condition," Jacobs tells me, These are some of the reason, reduced that communist score to wading pool for rhlldrrn or as a "Isn't a matter of pigeons, 15 per cent back of the theory which the people FLAVOR-FRESH FOR duek pond. horses or human beings. I've He also confirmed the r cent who believe in the old m ilitary trained pigeons and horses. axiom that you mustn't statements about the a m y - 0 'ugh under- Human beings would be Just the EACy-TO-ROLL estimate the enemy say is dan he gave no figure Weevil Damage in Grain by ìen. gerous. same." 'MAK/N's'SMOKES ! Antonin Hasal iho i »ped to th« Traced to Unclean Bins "What aro the main qualities' Amerit an zone of G leny in the I asked. Prev< Britain's labor government of Att middle of July. Has al Bid that 7C n oi weevil to •Too many things,” Jacobs said per cent t th enlisted t men and lee and Bevln declared the dock- the new crop i> posa the 'The amount of work " granarv is cl I V * ,trik e a naHno ta ever quite the Rt ■ds hadn't drained the tanks which remi n from year to j»ar |n Jacobs said. "1 mean CM P-A-i. my f s v o r ^ f o e ^ ^ 1^ ? ^ ^ - ' If you keep on your toes you’re tha grain a • f all the planes befor the coup. d can be prevented bv being, p.geon or horse. not likely to get down at the heel proper clea lng must ded individual atten Uon By BAUKHAGE Conveyors Eliminate ‘Back-Breaking’ Chores sunoRv ra» EST fo r i A SS SPOT-TAIL M IN N O W I mmtmr J* 1