IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y C H U R C H Earring H eadquarters BEAUTIFUL DAZZLING - SPARKLING “EARRINGS We Specialize in FOR PIERCED EARS'* Huge Stock to Choose From H ughes Jew elry Dept. SPROUSE - REITZ STORE Grants Pass NOTES FOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Harold Anderson, Pastor Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor Selma, Oregon Sunday School at 10 a. m. Services held in Bert Hogue’s Morning worship at 11 a. ns. store building. Sunday evening service ....... 7:30 Church, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday prayer meeting ..7:30 Sunday School, 10:45 a. m. Bible Study and Young People's Young People, 7:00 p. m. meeting, Friday ....... 7:30 p. m. Church, 8:00 p. m. Women’s Missionary meetings fourth Wednesday of each month. Guild Girl’s second and fourth Thursday, 8 p. m. Joy boys and TELEPHONE girls, second and fourth Thurs Grants Pass days at 4 p. m. Services both morning and eve­ ning will be held in the tent ad­ joining the new church until the ISHAM’S church building is completed. FAST MOVERS ------------ o------------ THE French Laundry IS AGAIN SERVING THE ILLINOIS VALLEY We Pick Up MONDAY AND THURSDAY ONE WEEKS SERVICE Bundles can be left at the following agencies: Dave White, Greyhound Depot, Cave Junction 4439 Hearty Appetites “THE BEST FOOD IN TOWN" MR. AND MRS. HOWARD DAVIS CENTRAL CAFE Cave Junction MARY’S PHONE IS FOREVER RINGING Mary knows the first requisite to Pop­ ularity is a clean, neat appearance. Keep wardrobes immaculate at lew cost and bring them to us. Illinois Valley Cleaners Opened for Business Under New Management MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd CROWL'S GARAGE Formerly York’s Service Station COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND REPAIRS THE ILLINOIS VALLEY GOSPEL TABERNACLE Rev. Delbert H. Burger, Pastor Services and Revival now in progress at the Tabernacle. Aug­ ust 5-8, meetings at 2:30 p.m., with different speakers in charge of each service. Sunday services start at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., at 2:30 p.m., dedication service. Every night this week Evangel­ ist Hattie Hurley, speaker. No services on Mondays. August 10-12, the Pentecostal Church of God will have speakers at the afternoon and evening serv­ ices. All are welcome. Sunday School ................. 10 a.m Morning Worship ............. 11 a.m Evangelistic Service ..........8 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study ....8 p.m. Friday, Young People ........7 p.m. fawn For [very Wire Rope Job Engineering service is at your call to assist you in selecting the right wire rope size, grade and construction to best suit your operation. May we place you on our mailing list for our informative and instructive bulle­ tin, “ROPE D O P E ” ? U n io n -fo r m e d . “ Wira Rope is : preformed to outperform ‘ For Union Wire RoZ>r asrvict ceJl on ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The Hamilton’s and Bill Cave Junction George H. Gray, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Attendance at Sunday school was 101. Work is developing rapidly on the new basement rooms to in­ crease Sunday school capacity. Rev. Gray took for his theme “Steadfast in the Master’s Work, text from I Cor. 15:68. Mesdames Sowell and Lackey sang “Farther Along.” The illus irated talks by Mrs. Vina Sherier White have been greatly enjoyed. She left this week for her home in Long Beach. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Medford, Mrs. Knight of Bakersfield and Mrs. Robinson of Cave Junction. A large attendance at the church Wednesday afternoon with the Town Circle in charge. An interesting church Board meeting was held Tuesday evening at the church. ------------ o CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (Mormon) Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. American Legion Hall, Cave Junction. QUICK, reliable RADIO repairs Y o u can’t enjoy program * i f re* eeption i i distorted bv act noises, fading or squawking! I f you are not getting ’’velvet tone” — bring your set in or phone us today. W r are quick and reli­ able at diagnosis and repair. V> e are member« o f the "Good S e r v ic e F o r G o o d B u s in es s P la n ” , «n o n so red b v P . K . Mallory' X C o., In c. U ’e have pled g ed o u rselves to c a re fu l v.ork, fa ir prices, a reasonable profit and the use o f the finest replacement parts. N a tu ra lly , all our * w k is guaranteed. Basham Radio SERVICE B/IO E. on Caves Highway YOUR HOME MERCHANTS ASK y o u TO "BUY AT H O M E ” Holland Store About BEKIN VAN LINES System Freight Service Converse Freight Service Takilma Store Benefit Dinner FOR Selma Community Church Saturday August 7th CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH There’s a Correct é J__M Ritz Tavern, Kerby Starts at 7 :3 0 p, m. Rev. A. A. Meyer Mass offered at 12 o’clock noon on first and third Sunday of each month at Cave Park Motel. V— Waldo Store, O’Brien BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R A. Grubbs, Pastor CATHOLIC CHURCH Cave Junction t Sabbath School ..................9:30 Church service ................. 11 i OO Prayer meeting Wednesday. MOVING! Hearty Meals V •f SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS M allory ri! ..iiiiui7j:a u-.’;:n SPONSORED BY DEER CREEK GRANGE DINNER $1.00