I 11 i nois Valley News, Thu rsday, July 29, 1918 Ï5«5S«S E arrin g H ead q u arters CHURCH BEAUTIFUL - DAZZLING - SPARKLING NOTES We Specialize in T H E IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y G OSPEL T A B E R N A C L E "E A R R IN G S FOR P IE R C E D EAR S" Rev. Delbert H. Burger, Pastor Huge Stock to Choose From Hughes J e w e lry Dept. SPROUSE - REITZ STORE G rants Pass BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNERS “TH E BEST FOO D F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H IN TOW N” MR. AND MRS. HOWARD DAVIS CENTRAL CAFE Cave Junction BEFORE 9:00 a. m. AFTER 6:00 p .m Household Refrigerator Repairs G U A R A N T E E D W ORK A N D PAR TS FOR G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC — F R IG ID A IR E — W E S T IN G H O U S E CROSLEY — NORGE — SEARS & RO EBU CK A N D M ONTGOM ERY W ARD PH O N E 4011 Sunday, A ugust 1, camp m eet­ ing and Revival. Services 2:30 p.m. and 8 p .m , daily except Mondays. Sunday school 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. H ear Rev. H. Hurley of Los Angeles; Rev. H arry Myers of Riverside, and other noted speak­ ers. FRED C U L P PH O N E 4011 CAVES REFRIGERATION & WASHER REPAIR THREE WEEKS OF Camp Meeting Starts August 1st At the Illinois Valley “Gospel Tabernacle” 2 Services every day except Mondays 2:3 0 p.m . 8:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Service 10:00 a. m. | 1st WEEK— Rev. H. Hurley, Los Angeles, California. 2nd W EEK—D ifferen t Speakers. I 3rd W EEK— Rev. H arry Myers, Riverside, California. You will enjoy good singing and preaching Pastor DELBERT H. BURGER Rev. Harold Anderson, P astor Selma, Oregon Services held in Bert H ogue’s store building. Church, 9:30 a. m. Sunday School, 10:45 a. m. Young People, 7:00 p. m. Church, 8 :00 p. m. Women’s Missionary m eetings fourth Wednesday of each month Guild G irl’s second and fourth Thursday, 8 p m. Joy boys and girls, second and fourth T hurs days at 4 p. m. Services both m orning and eve­ ning will be held in the te n t ad ­ joining the new church until the church building is completed. C A T H O L IC C H U R C H Rev. A. A. Meyer Mass offered a t 12 o’clock noon on first and third Sunday of each month at Cave Park Motel. Bargain Days 5% & more Discount G. E. and P. B. Radios and Phonocords ( nine in and See Our New PORTABLE I’llONOi'ORD M e also have a stock of Popular Signature Records « hich we are selling at the Special EACH See Our Stock of RCA A S S E M B L Y O F GOD Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m Sunday evening service 7:30 W ednesday prayer meeting ..7:30 Bible Study and Young People's m eeting, Friday ........ 7 :30 p. m. VICTOR RECORDS With Your Favorite Recording Artists Applicants for Drivers License Muff Tests Almost half of the persons ap­ plying for their first Oregon driver's license last month muffed the w ritten traffic law test on the first try. Secretary of State Earl T. N'ewbry has reported. A brief study of the Oregon driv er’s m anual brought success on the second attem pt in most cases, Newbry said, although the second test asks d ifferen t ques­ tions. Drivers license division records fo r May show 2208 would be hold­ ers of Oregon licenses needed a second crack at the law test in ex­ am inations that resulted in 4545 new licenses issued during the month. S tate exam iners say thia is not an unusual percentage of first-try failures. “ Almost always, those who slip and many others V A U G H N M O NRO E P H IL H A R R IS I’ l RRV ( OMO E R S K IN E H A W K IN S AL GOODMAN E D D IE A R N O LD MOVING! TELEPHONE Grants Pa** 4439 J. L. NEILSEN ISHAM’S FAST MOVERS breakfast table —just one of the many distinctive features. Food capacity 6 cu- AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY serves as kitchen table. Come in and sec these and other unusual advantage». IN S T A L L E D A N D FO R S A L E BY FRED CULP Cave Junction Which Wire Rope Is Best? Although initial cost of preformed wire rope is somewhat higher, it is our experience from ac» tual operation that it affords the biggest value. ------ . union* formed (Preformed} THE U LTIM A TE in LO W -C O S T W IR E ROPE'’ ......... .....a,----- - X . saw. -- - - ..................... ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The Hamilton's and Bill Cave Junction at the Rogue River Sales Co. On Redwood Highway Tune in KUIN at 12:45 H ear the m arket report every Thursday, Saturday and M on­ day and catch the lineup of coming >ale* Livestock aale start* at 1 p.m. • harp, selling all kinds cattle, hog* and horse*. The place where buyer and •ellar meet on even term *. F U R N IT U R E and M IS C E L ­ L A N E O U S S A LE S T A R T S at 10 a. m. A N e w M o d ern D eposit P lan to save your T im e Quick - Easy - Safe or call for complete information» W r it e Rogue River Sale Co MANAGEMENT ON ALL PRICE OF 0 5 » . Sabbath School ................ 9:30 Church service ................. 11:00 P ray er m eeting Wednesday. Watch Repairing See The Illinois Valley Gospel Tab­ ernacle, pastored by Rev. Delbert H. Burger, sta rts its three-week Camp m eeting and Revival next W atchm aker and Jeweler Sunday, August 1. A fter weeks of building and preparation every­ 105 South 6th St. thing is equipped with facilities About BEKJN V A N L IN E S System Freight Service for camping, picnicing, and a Grants Pass, Oregon Converse Freight Service kitchen where meals will be served for those unprepared for camping. Evening speaker the first week will be Reverend H. H urley of Unusual New Maytag Home Freezer Los Angeles, who will have a real Evangelistic message. Sunday afternoon services are expected to be outstanding and neighbor­ ing churches are invited to attend at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, A ugust 10, the Penti- costal Church of God will have charge of services for three days. Young people of the Valley ar« urge«! to atten d as the D istrict Young People’s President, Rev. Climer will be officiating. Thursday, A ugust 15th, speaker will be Reverend H arry Myers of Riverside, Calif. Everyone is welcome to atten d these meetings and enjoy singing and preaching by outstanding and Fold-down leaf attachment makes handy bic feet. Acid-resisting porcelain top talented young people. Recently the Soviet governm ent offered a prize fo r a m onum ent B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y design to the g reat Russian poet, CHURCH Pushkin. None was satisfactory. Rev, R. A. Grubb*, Pastor Finally, on second cal al design j Sunday School .................... 10 a.m. showing a g reat fig u re of Stalin Morning W orship ................11 a.m. reading a small volume of Push­ j Evangelistic Service ........... 8 p.m kin’s poetry was subm itted. It Wednesday, Bible study .8 p.m. won. I Friday, Young People .........7 p.m ------------- o-------------- up on the law test don’t bother to C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y read their driver's m anual firs t,” CHURCH Newbry said. “ Those who read it George H. Gray, P astor Sunday School at 10 a. m. carefully have little tro u b le.” Morning W orship a t 11 a. m. In addition to .fam iliarity with Sunday school attendance was the more im p o rtan t tra ffic laws, applicants fo r original licenses 91. Rev. G ray’s sermon "D raw ing are checked fo r adequate vision, Near to God” taken from the third ability to identify tra ffic signs, chapter of Exodus, saying “ We presence of essential equipment cannot touch or see God, but we on their cars, and are given short can feel his presence very d efin ­ road tests. D river’s m anual, issued free of itely, also “ T hat in d iffe ren t ages and generations, God calls atten charge to applicants fo r learn er's permits, a re pocket-sized illus­ tion to Him in a d iffe ren t w ay.” Mrs. White and her sister, Mrs. trated booklets in which traffic Dick sang a beautiful duet “ Take regulations and license require­ ments are listed in sim plified form. Up Thy Cross.” Most tra ffic accidents, Newbry --------------- o--------------- C H U R C H O F JESUS C H R IS T O F emphasized, are traceable in cause to drivers or pedestrians “ who L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S either did not know, or failed to (Mormon) practice" the simple rules of good Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. American Legion Hall, Cave driving and safe walking ex­ plained by the manual. Junction. IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S Radio LOCAL CHURCH TO HOLD CAMP MEETING AND REVIVAL G rants Pass Red Cham berlain, Auctioneer D. V. Chamberlain, Clerk T ransportation available for your livestock G ra n ts P a s s B r a n c h oz the U n it e d S ta te s N a t i o n a l B a n k MEMBER H e e d O ffic e , P o r tla n d , O ra g o n F E B E R B l B E P B IIT IN S B R B N C C C K P O I t T I O N Benefit Dinner FOR Selma Community Church Saturday August 7th SAMMY KAYE S PIK E JONES A R T IE S H A W T E X BF.NEKE ROY ROGERS SONS O F T H E P IO N E E R S Starts at 7:30 p. m. AL S RADIO SHOP Cave Junction, Oregon Phone 2023 SPONSORED BY DEER CREEK GRANGE DINNER S1.00 TRACY’S STEAK HOUSE Grant* P bm