Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 15, 1948 CHURCH BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNERS "TH E B EST FOO D Bv Ruby Thompson I IN TOW N” CENTRAL CAFE Cave Junction BEFORE 9:00 a. m. Household Refrigerator Repairs G U A R A N T E E D W ORK A N D PAR TS FOR G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC — F R IG ID A IR E — W E S T IN G H O U S E CR OSLEY — NO R G E — SEARS A R O EBU CK AN D MONTGOMERY W ARD CAVES REFRIGERATION & WASHER REPAIR Rev. R C H U R C H O F JESUS C H R IS T OF L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S French Laundry (Mormon) Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. American Legion Hall, Cave Junction. IS AGAIN SERVING THE Bundles can be left at the following agencies: Dave White, Greyhound Depot, Cave Junction Waldo Store, O’Brien Ritz Tavern, Kerby Holland Store Takilma Store Specials In All Departments F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H Remnants Selma, Oregon Services held in Bert Hogue's store building. Church, 9:30 a. m. Sunday School, 10:45 a. m. Young People, 7:00 p. m. Church, 8 :00 p. m. Women’s Missionary meetings fourth Wednesday of each month. Guild Girl’s second and fourth Thursday, 8 p. m. Joy boys and girls, second and fourth Thurs days at 4 p. m. Services both morning and eve­ ning will be held in the tent ad­ joining the new church until the 1 church building is completed. -------------o------------- Hundreds of desirable remnants we saved just for this special sale O ’B R IE N B R A N C H G OSPEL T A B E R N A C L E D. H. Burger, Pastoring IT'S LILY BLOSSOM TIME IN BROOKINGS YOU ARE INVITED T H E IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y G O SPEL T A B E R N A C L E LILY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Rev. Delbert H. Burger, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning worship 10:45 Evening evangelistic service, 7 :30 p. m. I hursday, Young People’s meet­ ing at 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY JULY 17 and 18, 1948 SATURDAY C o n d u c e d lo u r, of h un dred , of a e ro , of b lo o m .n , E a . t . r Lilies A t i k lit you 'll never forget ! 9 :0 0 p. m. Q ueens Coronation Ball SUNDAY— 2 .0 0 P. M. Grand Floral Parade Beautiful floats, decorated entirely with thousands of Easter Lilies, the only parade of its kind in the world. 1& G0LDCN R U L E Evangelistic Services Tuesday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Services are being held in the tent one block south of the O’Brien post office. To Attend The Second Annual AT BROOKINGS, OREGON A S S E M B LY O F GOD Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. ta. Sunday evening service 7:30 Wednesday prayer meeting .7:30 Bible Study and Young People's meeting, Friday ....... 7:30 p. m. C A T H O L IC C H U R C H Rev. A. A. Meyer Mass offered at 12 o’clock noon on first and third Sunday f each month at Cave Park Motel. — •1 O- * FIRST IN VALUE FIRST IN DEMAND O nly C hevrolet brings you a ll th ese major a d v a n ta g e s of B IG -C A R Q U A L I T Y A T L O W E S T P R I C E S prices n o w d e c id e d ly lo w e r th an those of a n y other car that e v en rem otely ap p roach es it in q u a lity ! ■■ ou II have so much more comfort w ith the genuine U nitized Knee-Action R id e -e x c lu sive to C hevrolet and higher-priced cars IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S JOSEPHINE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT HEALTH CLINIC BOND ELECTION July 17 | EVER YTH IN G TO WEAR TOR EVERY MEMBER OFTHE FA M ILY À/c aw m a te than zit&t bvfcate — Sabbath School ..................9:30 Church service 11 ¡00 Prayer meeting Wednesday. f 2 p. m. Standard Time to 7 p. m. Standard Time Polls in the following schools in Illinois Valley: CENTRAL KERBY O'BRIEN SELMA and 15 others in the county QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS: I u>enty-one years of age. ( itizen of the United States. Resident of the state six months and resident of the district for at least thirty ( 3 0 ) days preceding the election. Name ACTUALLY appearing on the 1947 h ou II enjoy more thrills and more sacings w ith Chevrolet's world s champion Valve- in-Head engine. Valve-in-Head. too. is exclu­ sive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. Dr. S B. Osgood gave tesl s and shots for 5 small pox; 10 dip- theria; two whooping coug cases; i infant and 6 children examina­ tions and three adult conferences. Regular clinics are held on the second and fourth Wedne lay of each month f The next c lin ic w ill be h J J u ly 28. V ou II |n o u th a t your C hevrolet leads in luxu ry, for it has the world-famoua Body by F »her a \ ailable only on C hevrolet and costlier cars. Y o u 'll have the safety of Fiaher Crusted C onstruction, the Knee-Action Ride and P o sitive -A ctio n H ydra u lic Brakes com­ bined only in Chevrolet and coatlier cars. The Kills are not responsible for the overcrowded schools. \ ote School Bonds on Satur­ day, July 17th. .. Let's give the _ The plain truth is that this pace-setting Chev- rolet offers major quality advantage after major quality advantage not available in other cars in its held; and, in addition. Chevrolet prices are now obviously and outstandingly lower than those of any other car that even remotely approaches it in quality. Thus, Chevrolet and only Chevrolet offers the Big-( ar comfort of the original and outstanding Unitized Knce-Action Ride . . the Big-Car performance and dependability of a world's champion \ alve-in-Head engine . . . the Big-Car beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher . . the Big-Car safety of Fisher Unisteel construction, the I nitized Knee-Action Ride and Positive- Action Hydraulic Brakes . . . all at lowest prices — prices that are now even more economical, even more thrifty, when compared with the prices of other automobiles in its field. Yes, indeed. Chevrolet is first in dollar value by the widest margin in al; Chevrolet history; and. of course, it is first in nation-wide demand as well. Valued Kids at least an even break. CHEVROLET — a n d county assessment roll. This applies to EITHER personal property or real property. Voter may meet property qualifteation by presenting to the ha^stoek ' . h i t ' 4 e ” s*t” f*c ,',ry e'td .n ce that he or the o iitn e ^ h ’.n t h ».‘L ow n,r’ hlp >n *n> corporation, firm or co- L ,? " ,™h*P H ’ proper,y ,n ,h* district. at thown by the ?rm y » « ’'■‘-’ ment (1947) roll, on which inch corporation firm or copartnership pay« a tax. even though hit or her indi­ vidual name does not appear upon the tax roll Commercial job printing at the News. Rev. Harold Anderson, Pastor ILLINOIS VALLEY ONE WEEKS SERVICE Mrs. John Campbell’s mother and sister were recent visitors in O’Brien, later returning to Klam­ ath Falls where her husband, a vet­ eran, is taking vocational training. A . Grubbs, Pastor Sunday School .............. 10 a.m. Morning Worship ............. 11 am . Evangelistic Service .......... 8 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study ...8 p.m. Friday, Young People ........ 7 p.m. THE We Pick Up MONDAY AND THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith have gone to Astoria and Portland, where they will visit relatives. Clearance Sale B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH PHONE 4011 and frozen foods for the con­ venience of shoppers in that area JULY AFTER S :00 p. m. FRED CULP an extended visit at the Brown home. — o — The Matliiasons and Eatons are temporarily domiciled in one of the cottages at Lone Mt. Valley until final settlement is made in transferring their store and camp to the new owners, the Prestons, and are released from post office duties Last Friday the O'Brien Wo- men’s club held their annual picnic C A V E JU N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y at Elk Creek Valley Recreational CHURCH Park with Julia Williams, Nobia George II. Gray, Pastor Galland, Ruby Thompson and Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Helen Gunn serving on the hostess Attendance in Sunday school committee. Coffee and ice cream was 105. were served. Rev. Gray’s sermon “ Retaining The Thatchers have made var­ Our Liberties Through Christ” Mrs. Ethel Oakes of Britt, Iowa, ious interior improvements in the was taken from the 5th Chapter cousin of E. R Brown is expected Waldo store and have installed a of Galatians. He cautioned us to to arrive via his private plane for freezing unit to carry ice cream steer clear of the things that de stroy our liberties in Christ. A duet “He Keeps On Loving Me Still” was beautifully sung by .Mrs. Otis Seat and Mrs. Guy Dick. Visitors were Mrs. John Wink ler and daughter, Barbara, oi Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Fred Strockman and daughter, Marion, of Williamsport, Pa. The Missionary Society meets Wednesday, July 21, for an af­ ternoon session at 1 :30. NOTES MR. AND MRS. HOWARD DAVIS TT O'Brien News Notes * wants to see YOU! at the Only CHEVROLET — IS FIRST! Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet U SED CAR LO T W s t k is i A venu e in C A V E J U N C T IO N PH O N E 3412 S A L E S A S E R V IC E 4 1 1 So 6th Street G R A N T S PA S S PHONE 44«!