Illinois Valley News. Thursday, July 15, 1948 Josephine County School District The Following Residents of the Valley Urge Everyone to Support the Bonds AL’S RADIO Give the youngsters a break. TED BURNETTE BEN F. GEORGE— Insurance Vote the bonds Vote for the school bonds, ry if you don’t Real Estate The bonds are necessary for good schools in the Val- ley. Let s all vote “ Yes” Saturday IVAN BURR— General Store Good schools make a community worth while Give the youngsters a break. Give them the buildings they require CAVES BUILDING SUPPLIES Lumber We feel that the additional 70c tax for each $100 of assessed valuation is a small investment towards obtaining proper educational facilities for the chil­ dren of the Illinois Valley WILLIAM GILLESPIE FRED KAUFMAN— General Store You will surely be sor- Log Cabin Grocery Vote CHIT CHAT -C afe We need FRED CULP— Maytag Shop Vote the school bonds and give the children a better school. Do we want a generation of Daisy Mae’s and Lil Ab­ ner’s? NO— So vote YES on the school bonds A. J. DREWS The children are entitled to everything we can give them. Let’s vote the bonds An investment in our schools now is security for our future. Vote YES on the bond issue We personally feel the younger generation is entitled to ail the advantages we are able to give them, as they will govern our welfare in later years Better schools, better community, vote YES OWL TAVERN WALTER FREEMAN Let’s boost our community. issue, YES Vote for school bond We most certainly are in favor of the school bonds 1 have no children in school, but I feel that we should not deny the privilege to any boy or girl in the Il­ linois Valley MR. and MRS. HARRY HOLMES Dress Shop DAN PIPER— Repair Shop VALLEY SHOE SHOP An investment in youth is security in old age. the youngsters good school rooms Give Wm. E. PLUMLEE—Service Station The children of today will run our business tomor­ row. Do we want them educated. Vote Yes MILDRED IKENBERRY -C o ffee Shop I will vote YES for the school bonds Honestly, which is more important, taxes or chil­ dren? , — “ BILL” RAINBOLT- Barber Shop A good education is an investment in good citizen­ ship. Vote for the bond issue By all means vote for better schools Don’t be pennywise and pound foolish. on the school bonds ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE IV Y THEATER— Larry Musil, manager Good schools, like a good theater, are the spark plugs for a good community m J» — We Must have Good Schools. Vote the Bonds and insure better schools in the Valley. Vote YES YE RUSTIC INN Let s Vote the Bond Issue and provide the children with a standard school. REDWOODS TELEPHONE CO. citizens - WOODLAND INN FRANK D. and VALERIA R A U BE R - Motel We should vote the bonds to bring our schools up to the state standard Good schools make good citizens; good make a good community. Vote YES Vote for the bond issue and help the youth of the Illinois Valley DAVE WHITE— Fountain and Package Drugs We need more schools and the bond issue seems to be the best way Garage A solid community is built on the educational op­ portunities that are available to our children SMITH FEED & SEED STENGEL REAL ESTATE Drews Services Schools are among the Sure we’ll vote for the school bonds. Better schools mean better homes Garage ILLINOIS VALLEY CLEANERS Good things always cost. good things SELMA REPAIR SHOP SAMMY AND JIGGS— Muir Court DOYL HAMILTON— Garage DEW DROP INN good schools — Vote for SELMA CAFE We must vote the bonds in order to get room for the increase in pupils ELWOOD HUSSEY -R e a l Estate ' he best investment we could possibly make would be to invest for our children’s future. Vote YES We Must have schools the Ronds Saturday. Come out and Vote the bonds for better schools JIM AND CLARA CHAMPION Good schools make for good citizenship. more good schools We cannot let the children down. vote Saturday for the bonds MANCHEL’S FURNITURE IRA HALL—Accountant I. R. HICKS Let’s promote a Standard School by Voting the Bond Issue next Saturday. LINKHART & McLEAN— Real Estate, Insurance A long range financial program of good schools is a recognized program throughout the county. Vote for the bond issue C. G. & E. GARAGE Bring our schools up to the state standard. the school bonds ROUGH & READY LUMBER CO. Invest in the Illinois Valley by providing modern school buildings EVANS and CLARA Y O R K -Service Station Vote YES on the school bonds RICHFIELD DEER CREEK SERVICE STATION We must keep our schools up to standard. should all vote for the bonds We M. C. ATHEY— Illinois Valley News No bonds No new high schooL Which do you want