Illinois Valley News. Thursday, July 8, 1918 O'Brien News Notes THE Bv R uby Thompson French Laundry Jim Curnow was taken to the I Josephine G eneral hospital with a ‘ broken leg, sustained while falling a tree. IS AGAIN SERVING THE ILLINOIS VALLEY We Pick Up MONDAY AND THURSDAY ONE WEEKS SERVICE Bundies can be left at the following agencies: Dave White, Greyhound Depot, Cave Junction Waldo Store, O’Brien Ritz Tavern, Kerby Holland Store Takilma Store Mr and Mrs. T hatcher of the Waldo store, had as visitors over the weekend th eir sons and fam ­ ilies from Merlin. Miss Vera Segsworth is spend­ ing p art of her vacation at the E sther Quinn home. —o— Herb Johnson. Gene Brown's i pilot flew Marshal and Robert ! Burrows and Hugh H unt over i Tannen lake to see if the road was clear for traffic. H arry Hunt joined them later to do some fishing and all caught the legal limit. The E therton family from the Q uarantine Station are vacation­ ing in California. 1 New Maytag Dutch O ven Gas Range LILY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Marie Floyd and family left via plane for South Carolina to visit relatives. Roy Kiser made a trip to G rants Pass and returned home with Mrs. Kiser and their recently born baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. F orrest Fisher of Compton, Calif., is visiting the la tte r’s sister, Mrs. W. R. Love. The Mathiasons and Eatons are moving into the Quinn home re- We know lots of folks are mov­ ing to Josephine County. We have moved many families. Almost without exception these new residents have children in school . . . Cooks on with gas off . . . automatically I Superb results. Delicious Dutch Oven Cook­ ing now modernized ! There has never been a gas range quite like this! Automatically cooks a meal while you’re away, by the famous, never-equalled Dutch Oven Method. Using the Dutch Oven, Dutch Cooker Well, Sizzle-Serve Broiler, or operat­ ing it like any other modern gas stove, you 11 be delighted with its improved all-around performance. Come in for a demonstration soonl For the sake of the fu tu re we sincerely believe it to be “good business’’ for all of us to urge a “ YES” vote on the County School Bonds S aturday the 17th ISHAM'S 418 G S treet Phone 4439 DAVE FRANKLIN, Owner IN ST A L L E D A N D FOR SA L E BY FRED CULP ¡/Jia Southern Oregon s most beautiful spectacles is the second annual Lily Blossom Festival which is S A T I T P n j " ’Sa,t u r,lay an<1 Sunday, July 17th and 18th. Following is the two day pro- f ' a irii„ SA™ R D A Y -C o n d u c te d tours of hundreds of acres of E aster Lillies. SUNDAY— G rand Eas- 0VLei 40 beautifully decorated flo ats using F aster Lillies exclusively. The only ltS k' n' w?rld - Th>’ Parade will b e screened this year by Fox Movie Tone News. At J .00 o clock p. m — Firew orks display on the beach. g ra m cently vacated by the Ed Georges, holding their annual picnic in the you say there are adm inistering to who have moved into their new Elk Valley Recreation Park. these Americans? One fo r every home. Mrs. Carl Lemm and baby boy 50,000? One for every 25,000? Mr. and Mrs. Karl Preston have are expected home in a few days. One for every 3000? . . . the fact taken over the m anagem ent of the is th a t there is one governm ent O’Brien store. ! There are 329,820 Indians in employe in the Bureau of Indian this country. How many Bureau A ffairs for every THIRTY Indians The O 'B rien Women’s club are of Indian A ffairs employes would in the country! — B uffalo (W yo.) DON’T FORGET THE A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time School Election Quick - Easy - Safe W rite or call for c o m p le te in fo rm atio n — Grants P ass B ran ch oz the United States N ation al B ank H e a d O ttic a , P o rtla n d , O reg on » ¡» in f ib e r r l t ( r o i I T in s u r a n c e -, c o r f o r r t io r OW L PH A RM AC Y G rants Pass QUICK, Ik RELIABLE RADIO íú .’»/ ' 'A S » ! '4' ä ' ’ repairs You can’ t enjoy program* if re* ception ia distorted by set noises, fading or squaukiug! AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEMS Shown »hove it the popular Model V S -50 Shallow W ell Stay Prime U ater Syatem. IA S IL T IN STA LLE D —. because two^uction openings are provided in dif­ ferent positions. Either may be used to suit the installation. SIM PLE I N D E S IG N — because there are no complicated parts. Mode, yS-50 is a centrifugal pump with built in removable jet. The impeller is the only moving part. x ja r— C H E A P T O O PER ATE — because the impeller is smoothly machined and carefully balanced for highest efficiency. Silence and freedom from vi­ bration mean a long and trouble-free life. A N D I T S T A Y S P R IM E D . A wide variety of centrifugal pumps are now available for farm, home and industry. Ask for information and literature. ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The H am ilton’s and B ill Cave Junction I f you are not getting "velvet tone” — bring your set in or phone us today. Wp are quick and reli­ able at diagnosis and repair. We are members of the ’’Good S ervice F o r Good Business P la n ” , sponsored bv P. R. Mallory A Co., Inc. W'e have pledged ourselves to careful work, fair prices, a reasonable profit and the use of the finest replacement parts. Naturally, all our uork is guaranteed. For Bonds to build and equip our school houses in the Valley and the rest of the county LET’S HELP BUILD BETTER SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY WATCH OUR AD NEXT WEEK FOR OUR Anniversary Sale UNBEATABLE VALUES IN HOME FURNISHINGS Basham Radio SERVICE i/s * / 1 0 mi. E. on C a v a i H ighw ay « w w w 'w v ÜS.” M allor Y rr..n .i!ri ■: “