Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 1, 1948 n charge of trash fsh control, work s also being carried on at the Lake Entered as second-class matter of the Woods, where better than June 11, 1937 at the Post Office 1000 carp, 1000 suckers and many at Cave Junction, Oregon, unde sqaw fish have been eliminated so J the Act of March 3, 1879. far this season. Control work on rough fish is M. C. ATHEY Editor also planned for Olice, Crescent, l Odell, East, Big and Little Lava j Luther Sherier of the Illinoi and Davis lakes and Warm Springs i Valley Cleaners, and sons, tran Reservoir for this summer. sac ted business in the county seat Illinois Valley News BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNERS CLOSED JULY 5th and 6th •T H E B EST FOOD IN TOW N” MR. AND MRS. HOWARD DAVIS CENTRAL CAFE Cave Junction Unusual New Maytag Home Freezer Mrs. J. S. Whitehead was in Grants Pass the first of this week transacting business. Mrs. Ben George and her sis­ ter, Mrs. Larry Maxon of Kerby, were shopping in Grants Pass the first of this week. Lawrence Dunn of San Francis­ co arrived Monday morning to visit his cousins, Mrs. Harry Mill, and Cecil Slack of Kerby. We, of the Bridgeview Com munity church wish to invite who ever cares to gather with us for a fellowship gathering with a pot luck dinner. A good time for every body July 4th is the day. All are welcome. Mrs. C. E. Pullen | Secretary Rev. R. Grubbs Pastor. bic feet. Acid-resisting porcelain t serves as kitchen table. Come in and : these and other unusual advantages. IN S T A L L E D A N D FOR S A L E BY FRED CULP For Fire Season — FEATURING — SEA FOODS - CHICKEN - STEAKS A Class “A” Cafe BEFORE 9:00 a. m. AFTER 5:00 p. m. Household Refrigerator Repairs G U A R A N T E E D W O R K A N D PA R TS FOR G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC — F R IG ID A IR E — W E S T IN G H O U S E C R O SLEY — NO RG E — SEARS & R O E B U C K A N D M ONTGOM ERY W ARD PH O N E 4011 Corp. Elwood Hussey arrived Sunday evening, July 4, Walter i home Monday on a 30-day fur­ Burger will be the speaker. Wal lough. He made the trip via plane ter, a Bible school student will from Frankfort, Germany. have a timely message which will be especially good for the young Robert 'White made a trip to people Evening services at the Grants Pass this week to bring Gospel Tabernacle have been out­ home Mrs. White and their new standing for the past few weeks. Come and enjoy the singing, fel­ baby girl Donna Marie. lowship and special numbers. Fold-down leaf attachment makes handy breakfast table—just one of the many distinctive features. Food capacity 6 cu- Southern Oregon’s Coziest Dining Room B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH G OSPEL T A B E R N A C L E Rural Route Patrons houM Number Boxes Wccc(lanc{ Jhut FRED CULP PHONE 4011 CAVES REFRIGERATION & WASHER REPAIR The EQUITABLE L IF E A S S U R A N C E S O C IE T Y of the U N IT E D ST A T E S Just for the sake of argument— suppose a new and inexperienced rural route mail carrier had to make the route out of the Cave Junction office. Half of the mail would not be distributed, because the new carrier would not know who lives where and how. It is necessary, for better com­ munity service, that the new mail boxes be numbered, and thereby make the work easy for the rural carrier, whoever it may be. Rural Carrier Nat Wolley has been on sick leave for some time, but is back on the job again and all his friends hope for speedy re­ covery. x* /Hoeret/oeNCt M r FRANK GORDON R E P R E S E N T A T IV E á 408 East “ B” Street TELEPHONE 4225 PHOTOGRAPHY M £89AO e TO O M rt rt PATRONS j W E D D IN G S - GROUPS C H IL D R E N ’S 8 Poses Taken in Your Home Phone or Writ® This is an important day for each of us. TR A S H F IS H K IL L E D A T F E R N R ID G E R E S E R V O IR Harry U. Wilson Although we set it aside as a day of fun Rt. 2, box 820X Phone 3167 Grants Pass and summer - holiday enjoyment, let’s not lose sight of the fact that “world Over eight tons of carp were killed last week in the Long Torn river directly below Fern Ridge reservoir by the trash fish con­ trol unit of the Oregon State Game Commission. Under the direction of John Dimick, fisheries biologst CLOSED TAYLOR’S affairs make it a solemn occasion on which we must rededicate ourselves to living democratically. SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRY Jaeger Pumps are Tops ( ome in and investigate them Capacities from 3000 Gallons an hour up WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 5th ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The Hamilton’s and Bill Cave Junction from SATURDAY NOON MOVING! to OF 4439 ISHAM’S FAST MOVERS About B E K IN V A N L IN E S System Freight Service Converse Freight Service W E L L . O N E T H IN G N E V E R CHANGES — YO U C AN ALW AYS D e p e n d o n h a v in g PRESCRIPTIONS PROPERLY FILLED A T I KEEP YOUR TRUCK ON THE JOB O ftuc STOSS D IS T IN C T IO N Try Our DELICIOUS CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH dosed Mondays 11 MII m Soath of Cave JuntSiea en Highway 199 Î ;• *• % CHEVRON DOfMG A BETTER A U C T IO N JOB! S e e a s fin - SPECIALIZED FORD TRUCK SERVICE and GAS STATION JUNCTION CHEVRON STATION JACK. B1I.UK and THKLMA Cave Junction THE Homemade Pies, Rolls — Excellent Coffee d ose at 9:00 p. m. Grants Pas TUES. A. M., JULY 6 Featuring FOOD '•*” tïï?' uasa) TELEPHONE Grants Paas OWL CEDAR HAVEN , EVERY THURSDAY at the Rogue River Sales Co. On Redwood Highway Tune in KUIN at 12:45 Hear the market report every Thursday, Saturday and Mon- and catch the lineup of coming sale» Livestock tale starts at 1 p.m. sharp, selling all kinds cattle, hoys and horses. The place where buyer and sailer meet on even terms. F U R N IT U R E and M IS C E L ­ LA N E O U S SALE S TA R TS at 10 a. m RogueRiverSaleCo Bell Motors GRANTS PASS MANAGEMENT Phone 2023 Grant« Pass Bed Chamberlain, Auctioneer D. V. Chamberlain. Clerk French Laundry IS AGAIN SERVING THE ILLINOIS VALLEY We Pick Up > MONDAY AND THURSDAY ONE WEEKS SERVICE Bundles can be left at the following agencies: Dave White, Greyhound Depot, Cave Junction Waldo Store, O’Brien Ritz Tavern, Kerby Holland Store Takilma Store From where I s it... 6 r / Jo e Marshi Pampered Farmers If the folks is our town were leas tolerant, they’d be really burned up over that nationally cir­ culated article on “pampered farm- era,’’ describing them ae living off the fat of the land. From whore I ait the farmer is anything but "pampered.” If he’s better off today than twenty years ago it’s because he’s worked hard to improve the quality and quan­ tity of his production. Take Bert Childers, for » « pia. _ Bert is up at four in the morning, to get the milking flnished — and ploughing or harvesting, depending on the season, until sundown. In the evening he finally relaxes with the missus over a moderate glass of beer. And the farmer today’s not only fciperote in his habits, like Bert’a evening glass of beer. . . but toler­ ant in his opinions. So he’ll prob­ ably say of that article, “somebody got the facta wrong,” and just let it go at th a t — Transportation available for your livestock Cep, ng At. 19«, \ j t t u U S t o t t Or ewer« F o en debea