Illinois Valley News, Thursday, .lune 17, 1948 L o c a ls Wisconsin Cas Engines This store has been appointed distrib­ utor for Wisconsin Gas Engines in the Illinois Valley. We intend carrying a complete stock. Until our stock a r­ rives, the engines can be obtained on 24 hours notice. We welcome your inquiries. 2 H. I*, up to 30 H. I*. Priced from $101.75 up Wood Cook Stoves We have a limited supply with a full sized oven for $35.95 ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE The Hamilton’s and Hill Cave Junction o me so touch - WE PAY .h, BILL If You Damage It! 'That's right! The new Gates tire has proved itself so su­ perior in strength and durability that with it we can now give you this W R IT T E N C O N - T R A C T , which says: Fred M errill of Santa Monica, California, is visiting the E F. and K. C. Hamiltons. N at Woolley retu rn ed home from Portland today (Thursday! where he had gone for a medical checkup. C. G. Miller of the Model Grocery returned home last .Mon­ day, from a business trip of sev eral days at W hite Salmon. Wash­ ington. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Peters of Batavia, Illinois, were house guests at the home of the fo rm er’s cousin, Lyle E. P rairie and family at O’­ Brien. —o— Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Johnson and daughter, M yrna of O’Brien, made a trip to Medford Tuesday afternoon. Myrna will undergo an eye operation on Wednesday with Or. Thomas Emmons n charge. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McCraner • f Rosemead, California, who own property near Kerby, are in the Valley for a short time looking a fte r their interests here, and a: visitors at the home of Mr. an I Mrs. Paul K ent of Selma. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Drews re ­ turned home last week a fte r a few weeks vacation, visiting friend and relatives. Herb crossed the j Columbia at Longview and on he retu rn stated th at Longview cit­ izens were greatly perturbed about I the flood scare reaching that vicinity. They reported a delight­ ful trip hut were glad to get back home Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bedingfield spent several days last week at Brookings. They enjoyed part of their time fishing and netted the whole sum of four fish. If you BRUISE this tire: it you get a BLOW-OUT. RIM CUT. or other TIRE INJURY, the expense is OURS— not yours. A ttending the A nnual Federa­ tion o f Garden clubs convention at G earhart this week are Mes- ’ dam es G. W. M artin, president of 1 the local club, J. J. Villair, H K Floyd, H. O. Smith and Gladys King. That's REAL Pocketbook P rotection— A rt Dedrick of the Log Cabin garage, retu rn ed home last Wed-j nesday from A storia, where he went for medical treatm ent. He re ­ cently had a coughing spell which opened up an incision from a hernia operation months ago He is rarin g to go again, but stated he would he careful in fu tu re coughing spells m ore than you’ve probably ever had before. B a t — even m ore im p o rtiin t l a you — w e nb- o.isly could not a ffo rd to aign Mich a c o n tra c t II w e .lilt not K N O W th a t th e (¡a le s T ir e a< tu - a lly d e liv e r* m ore in S E R V IC E , m ore in S A F E T Y , m ore in M O N E Y S A V E D . Came in and see it today. C.G.& E.GARAGE " recker Service Phone 4001 Week End Specials, Sat. & Sun. Cave Junction Sene/ 77ie Illinois Valley News to Your Friends Where the Highways Meet L A R R Y M U B IL — Manager Grocery Specials GRAPEFRUIT— JU ICE ORANGES Full ot Juice, 2 dozen ONLY Children Adults A D M IS S IO N 17c, Tax 3«— 20c 42c, Tax 8c— 50c F R I., S A T . JU N E 18 and 19 31c 2Oc FISHER’S BLEND F L O U R - 25 Pound Hags, ONLY D in ONIONS— Large and Sweet, 2 Pounds ONLY SISKIYOU PEACHES— No. 2 'j Cans Sliced, per can ONLY U PTO N ’S NOODLE SOUP— 3 Package Carton, ONLY SWEET HEART SOAP— 3 Regular Hara, ONLY SNOW FLAKE CRACKERS— 2 Pound Box for ONLY JEIlIlO.ALL FLAVORS, 3 packages for large , golden , 2 pounds for 37c 25c 29c 2 0 an d 21 s3 ,,7 17c 27c 31c CMNtY m ■ < »X « W E D . TH U R S.. JU N E 23 and 2» DO U B LE F E A T U R E ( IGAR CLEANUP— 50', ¿ p p Webster’s, El Primo’s, Natividad’s. Muriel’s ALL AT REGULAR PRICE N U i’OA— 2 Pound Package lor DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2 size cans, each D A AT A &! A C U A W A N A lJ $■ .99 S U N , M O N .. J U N E 50 Pound Hags, ONLY S C O T T ’S M A R K E T 7Oc 25c IJSc 00N PEGGY In Our Meat Dept. ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY SLICED FRESH SIDE PORK Per Pound 65c CHUCK POT ROAST Per Pound «3c FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAG9 Per Pound 40c PATRICIA CASTLE - KNUDSEN - K N IG H ' PHONE 1801 PLUS b la rin g OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE LOG CABIN STORE SfiLMA, OREGON b a d la n d s ! He Sure to Save Your Coupons for Border Rose Dinnerware! Frozen Food Lockers CUSTOM CUTTING — LOCKER CARTONS