Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, May 06, 1948, Image 3

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Ulinois Valley News. Thursday, May 6. 1948
Woman's World
Charming Toddler’s Clothing
Can Be Made From Cast-Offs
Canning Rules Insist
On Perfect Ripeness,
Freshness of Produce
There never was a canning rule
b e tte r devised than the one about
p u ttin g up your ir u it and vegetables
a t th e ir peak o t freshness and w hile
they are p e rfe c tly ripened. I f you
have y o u r own garden o f straw b e r­
ries, peas and asparagus, you can
check them every day and decide
when p erfection has been reached.
Then whisk the produce into yo u r
kitch e n where ja rs and canning
equipm ent w a it in readiness. F o l­
lo w ing directions, you m ay be ce r­
ta in you have caught the produce at
its best, thus assuring perfect eating
e n jo ym e n t later.
The e a rly canning we want to get
out o f the way includes straw b e rries,
rhu b a rb , peas and asparagus, par-
T u tti F ru tti Jam
4 cups stra w b e rrie s or raspber­
2 cups gooseberries
2 cups cu rra n ts
2 cups diced rhubarb or pitted
Sugar (3/4 as m uch as fr u it
p u lp i
Mash fru its and heat gently u n til
ju ic y and w e ll m ixed. M easure and
add three-fourths as m uch sugar as
fr u it. Cook ra p id ly and s tir the m ix ­
tu re u n til thickened, about 20 m in ­
utes. Pour into clean, hot ja rs and
Remove scales fro m stalk. Wash
thoroughly to rem ove a ll soil. Cut
in ja r lengths. Tie in bundles, place
tip s up in b o ilin g w a te r to cover
lo w e r tough portions. Cover vessel
tig h tly .
Pre-cook three m inutes.
D rain, pack into clean p in t ja rs , tips
up. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to each
ja r if desired, f i l l ja r to w ith in 1/2
in ch of top w fth w a te r in w hich vege­
table was pre-cooked o r b o ilin g wa­
te r. Put on cap, screw ing the band
tig h t.
Process 40 m inutes at 10
pounds in pressure cooker.
B e rrie s used fo r ja m s and je llie s
should be fresh and rip e. Wash
in plenty of w a te r ju s t before
using. It's best to wash and then
p ick o ff the hulls.
tic u la rly . I t m ay seem early, but
r ig h t now is the tim e when these
delicacies are com ing to th e ir best
fo rm .
•S tra w b e rry Jam
(Makes about 5 six-ounce glassesl
2 1/8 cups prepared fr u it
3 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup bottled fr u it pectin
To prepare the fru it. Crush th o r­
oughly about one q u a rt fu lly rip e
straw b e rries.
Measure 2 1/8 cups
in to a la rg e saucepan.
To m ake the ja m . Add sugar to
f r u it in saucepan and m ix well.
Place over high heat, b rin g to a fu ll
ro llin g boil, and b o il hard one m in ­
ute, s tirrin g constantly.
Rem ove fro m heat and s tir in b o t­
tled f r u it pectin. (Scrape a ll bottled
f r u it pectin fro m m easuring cup.)
Then s tir and skim by turns fo r three
m inutes to cool slig h tly , to prevent
flo a tin g fru it.
P our q u ic k ly into
glasses. P a ra ffin at once.
Use only young tender, fresh ly
gathered peas. Shell, wash and sort
according to size. Pre-cook three to
seven m inutes, depending on the age
and size of the peas. P ack loosely
to w ith in one inch of top into clean
ja rs . F ill to w ith in 1/2 inch of top
w ith w ater in which vegetable was
pre-cooked or b o iling w ater. Add one
teaspoon o f salt and sugar m ix tu re
to each p in t ja r if desired. Put on
cap, screw ing the band tig h t. Proc­
ess 60 m inutes at 10 pounds in pres­
sure cooker.
I f you w ant to put up straw b e rries
and rhubarb, the methods are re a lly
ve ry sim ple. I am g iv in g the two
th a t w ill w o rk well, one fo r stra w ­
berries th a t w ill not flo a t, and an
easy oven baked rh u b a rb th a t needs
to be processed fo r only fiv e m in ­
utes in the w a te r bath.
you re a lly th in k th a t a d u lt's
clo th in g can be m ade over
In to re a lly
w earable th in g s fo r
youngsters? T he re 's som ething so
p a the tic about seeing a little g ir l
in som ething th a t so o b vio u sly was
h e r m o th e r's ,” said a w om an to me
one day.
O f course, there are m akeovers
and m akeovers. I f a wom an s im p ly
cuts down h e r dress fo r d a ughter
o r D ad's trousers fo r son and leaves
grow n-up lines and features in them ,
she has not done the kin d o f re ­
m odeling jo b th a t I ta lk about.
T his is not lik e a lte rin g a few
things in a dress fo r you; it a c tu a lly
is sewing a new g arm ent.
I t seems w rong to m an y wom en
s im p ly to let outm oded garm ents
lie in a tru n k o r closet; how m uch
m ore sa tisfa ctio n to cle a r out re m ­
nants and sew som ething both a t­
tra c tiv e and fittin g .
How To Use
Hand-M e-Downs
Do you w ant to m ake some dres­
ses fo r a little g irl? Check the fo l­
lo w in g sources fo r m a te ria l in your
own hom e: Old, out moded or to rn
dresses w ith some salvable m a-
e specially when trim m e d w ith lace,
eyelet o r organdie. O r use them
A refreshing fr u it d rin k alw ays is fo r a ju m p e r, and m ake a blouse
Wash and h u ll berries.
Leave welcom e as the w a rm days of spring out of an old sheet o r p illo w case.
Add sugar and s tir ju s t and sum m er approach. T ry the fo l­
enough to m ix. Heat in a fla t pan low ing fo r the evening's refresh­ Use These Sources
over a low burner S tir occasionally m ents: F o r fo u r glasses, com bine For Boy's Clothing
to p revent sticking. When the b o il­ tw o cups orange ju ice , one-half cup
M an y wom en say th a t it's not as
ing p oint has been reached rem ove lem on o r lim e ju ice , one-half cup m uch fun sewing fo r little boys as
fro m heat and pour into fla t pans
diced o r shredded fresh pineapple fo r little g irls , but have you seen
Cover w ith panes of window glass C h ill thoroughly. Pour into glasses how m annish clo th in g fo r the la tte r
and le t stand in the sunshine about w ith chipped ice o r ice cubes, f ill
can be made? I t's fun to make
tw o days, or u n til the syrup is thick. w ith gingerale.
too. but you’ ll have to t r y fo r ta i!
Seal in clean jars.
Released by WNU Features
ored effects.
I f you have old corduroy drapes or
Before you fold yo u r omelet,
bathrobe around, see what you can
F la v o r's the Thing
crabm eat. Serve w ith tom ato soup salvage fo r o ve ra lls and a short
When You Cook
or a fr u it cup to m ake an easy meal. loose ja c k e t. Use re a l man type
ta ilo rin g fo r the
garm ents, and
W ant sausage patties to taste bet­
M ix tuna and crabm eat, then m ix you’ ll be surprised at the happy re
te r than ever? R oll them in egg and
w ith celery, green pepper and hard- sulta.
c rnfla ke s before you fr y them
Those short o ve ra lls fo r the beach
P ork chops take on the new look cooked eggs. Add cream sauce and
when you bake them in a m ix tu re bake in ram ekins. T his i t an easy- can be m ade fro m p la in ahirta like
solid blue o r g ra y ; they even can be
of fo u r cups of cran b e rry sauce, one
Using up hard-cooked e g g s’ Chop m ade fro m some o f yo u r old check
cup honey and one-half teaspoon of
and m ix w ith crum bled bacon, ed house dresses as they require
G round
alm onds
in m oisten w ith m ayonnaise and sea­ only about a y a rd and a q u a rte r to
A one h a lf of m a te ria l
cream ed chicken soup.
Make it son w ith W orcestershire sauce
good snack on salted rye bread
D o n 't tr im them except w ith a
th ic k , smooth and cream y
L e fto ve r ham, vaal o r canned fish co n tra stin g colored b inding tape or
Pour a can of apricota into the |
A Real Thirst Quencher
Knit Sharkskin
Now the process
of rip p in g a
g a rm e n t a p a rt, adding new m a te ria l
th a t p ro p e rly contrasts w ith the
re m n a n t you have, and using a
p a tte rn ty p ic a lly a c h ild 's fashion,
m ay seem lik e a lo t of w ork, but
tru ly , th a t is the only way clothing
can be made.
You c a n 't re-use
heavy padding o r the same neck­
lines fo r ch ild re n 's clothes. Y ou're
lost before you start.
H ow ever, if you have usable m a ­
te ria l and are w illin g to tre a t it to a
p a ttern , styled fo r the youngster,
and sew on it as though you bought
fresh y a rd goods, then savings and
sa tisfa ctio n are yours.
Baked R hubarb
Wash and cu t rh u b a rb in to one-
M ake c lo th e i f i t p ro p e rly . . .
inch lengths w ith o u t rem o vin g the
skin. Place in a b a king dish and te ria l; m en's sh irts w ith some back
add one cup sugar to each q u a rt of o r fro n t and sleeves in good con­
rhubarb. Cover dish and bake u n til d itio n ; cotton bags th a t can be dyed;
table o r bed linen.
Now select a p roper pa ttern and
see if the m a te ria l a va ila b le w ill be
enough fo r the pattern. I f not, de­
cide how you can use a suitable
co n tra stin g m a te ria l.
S tra w b e rry Rhubarb Jam
I f you have p rin t, select one of
(Makes 8 glassesl
the colors and see if you can obtain
1 cup prepared strawberries
a solid color in th a t to use fo r the
1 1 /2 cups prepared rhubarb
y o lk and sleeves of the dress. Or
2 1/2 cups e xtra sweet corn syrup '
if you have a solid, select a p rin t
1 cup sugar
tiia t goes w e ll w ith it.
Should o n ly a little m a te ria l be
Wash, stem and crush s tra w b e r­
la ckin g , see if th a t yardage can be
ries. Wash and slice ’ hubarb, add
made up w ith eyelet, o r organdie
corn syrup and sugar
B o il u n til
Perfect je llie s and ja m s are pos­
fro m perhaps som ething you a l­
thickened o r ja m is 220 degrees.
sible when you use the ca re fu lly
ready have a t home.
Skim and cool five m inutes to p re ­
tested recipes in this colum n.
L ittle g ir l's dresses usually re­
vent fr u it fro m flo a tin g. Pour into
q u ire less than tw o yards of ma-
clean hot je lly glasses. Cover w ith
rhubarb is tender.
Place rhubarb
m elted pa ra ffin .
and syrup w hich has form ed, into
clean ja rs to w ith in 1 2 inch of the
Raspberry Je lly
top. Put on cap and a d ju st accord­
(S or 6 glasses)
ing to m an u fa ctu re rs’ instructions.
2 ca p s raspberry juice
Process in w ater bath liv e m inutes
2 cups extra-sweet corn syrup
S traw berries
1 1 /2 cups sugar
iW ill N ot F loat)
1/2 cup liq u id pectin
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon Irmon juice
2 pounds stra w b e rrie s
To prepare ju ic e : S ort and wash
1/2 cup s tra w b e rry ju ice
s lig h tly underripe raspberries, drain.
B o il together the sugar and straw -
Crush berries. S im m er 10 m inutes. b e rry ju ice
T his ju ice m ay be ob­
S tra in through je lly rag. Measure tained by crushing and heating some
ju ic e and m ix w ith corn syrup, su­ of the culls or o ve rrip e berries Cool
g a r and liq u id pectin.
Boil u n til and add the whole berries, then boil
je lly stage is reached (221 degrees) fo r three m inutes. Cover the ves­
o r m ix tu re threads fro m a spoon. sel. then set aside fo r four hours or
Add lem on juice. Remove from heat. | overnight. Pack into clean ja rs to fe ria l, easily obtained fro m the sal-
vable m a te ria l fro m
the above
Skim .
P our into clean hot je lly I w ith in one-half inch of the top
Ad­ sources.
glasses. Cover w ith m elted p a ra ffin
ju s t cap. Process in w a te r bath tor
D a d s blue cham bray or p rin t
15 minutes.
sh irts m ake a ttra c tiv e pinafores,
S tra w b e rry Sunshine Preserves
2 q uarts straw b e rries
3 cups sugar
( jr x O
ra t
By Ertta Haley
M E N I’
B ro ile d T ro u t
Buttered New Potatoes
Fresh Peas
Tossed Salad
H ot B iscu its
»S traw berry Jam
Pineapple Sundae
♦Recipe G iven
Summer Outfit
An adorable, cool looking sunim ey
o u tfit fo r yo u r tin y tot. The d a in ty
dress has w ing sleeves and lace or
ru fflin g in scallops to tr im the s k irt.
Slip and panties can be w o rn w ith
a ll her dress-up frocks.
• • •
P a tte rn No. 1675 is fo r sizes 1, 1,
3. 4, 5 and 6 years. Size 2, dress,
l l s ya rd s o f 35 o r 39-inch;
slip ,
I S y a rd s; pantie, \ ya rd .
Princess Style
W ant som ething easy to sew w ith
pleasing results? Then p a tte rn 1760
is fo r you!
T his c le v e r princess
style m olds y o u r fig u re b e a u tifu lly ,
has nipped in w a is tlin e and fla tte r ­
ing keyhole neckline. You can tu rn
it out In no tim e.
F abric n rw s is being m ade rig h t
now w ith this tric o t k n it sh a rk ­
skin m olded into a soft, fe m in in e
classic type d rrss.
T his new
m ade of Avisco rayon
yarns combines the appearance of
crisp sharkskin w ith the draping
qualities of rayon je rsey. I t w ill
not stretch lengthw ise o r cross
wise. N o tire how w e ll the con­
trasting w aistlin e inserts are han­
P a tte rn No. 1760 comes In sizes
I I . 14. 16, 18 and 20. Size 14, 3 ’ j
y a id s o f 39-inch.
• • •
The Spring and Sum m er FA S H ­
IO N offers a w e alth o f sewing in fo r­
m atio n fo r home dressm akers. Spec­
ia l features, fashion tips, free p a t­
te rn p rin te d inside the book. 25 cents
b rick brae and keep them exces­
sively sim ple.
Denim u su a lly gets p re tty hard
wear If Dad o r older b ro th e r has
used it, so i f y o u 're m a k in g o ve ra lls
o r pants fro m th a t m a te ria l it's a
good idea to buy it new.
Pattern No_______________ Size__ _
You can, however, use old w hite
shirts o r sheets o r p illo w cases fo r
m a kin g sh irts. Use a p a tte rn and
don’t a tte m p t to cut down to size
using the old sh irt.
Woolens can be used fu r m aking
pants p rovided you refreshen the
m a te ria l, clean and r ip it open, then
recut, using a p a ttern suitable to ths
Q o e ç n ’t it
se e m m o re
s e n s ib le ?
530 South Wells St. Chicano 7, III.
Enclose 25 cents in coins for each
pattern desired.
• In N R (N ature's Remedy) Tablets^
(here are no chemicals, no minerals,
no phenol derivatives. N R Tablets are
different—act d iffe re n t Purely vege-
table—» combination o f 10 vegetable
ingredients form ulated over 50 year*
ago. Uncoated or candy coated, th e it
action is dependable, thorough, yet
gentle, as m illions o f NR's have
Name______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address_________________________ _
M ore Vegetables
S m a ll gardens should be worked
m ostly by hand, so the rows can be
closely spaced. T urn ip s, beets, c a r­
rots, radishes, onions, lettuce and
m ustard can be planted in 12-inch
rows. Others should be spaced ac­
cording to size and gro w th h a b it of
the p a rtic u la r plant. A llo w space (or
grow th and fo r harvesting.
Clothes fo r Toddlers
Should Be Sturdy
Although you m ay sew a very
fine seem by hand, it's a good idea
to plan to use a sewing m achine
when you m ake things fo r young­
T h e ir clothing takes hard
w ear and te a r as w ell as frequent
la undering, and m achine s titc h in g is
the only means by w hich the clo th ­
ing can be m ade to stand up.
When m a k in g boys’ clothing, use
fla t fe ll seams as this w ill enable
you to give it a m ore ta ilo re d look.
It's a good idea to s titc h pockets
tw ice on clothes th a t w ill receive
the re a lly h a rd wear and launder
¡ng, such as denim overalls.
D e co ra tive patches are used for
o ve ra lls on both boys' and g irls '
clothing, p a rtic u la rly a t the knees.
Select som ething re a lly decorative
such as a bunny, dog o r k itte n face
and y o u 'll fin d the knees w ill not
w ear out so q u ic k ly .
D o n 't m ake clo th in g too large be­
cause c h ild re n 's grow ing d isco u r­
ages you. They w on 't be co m fo rt­
able. You can, however, m ake big
nems on g irls ' dresses and le t out
cuffs fo r the pants and overalls.
The o ld e r the child and the more
strenuous his a c tiv ity , the s tu rd ie r
the fa b ric selected fo r h im o r her
should be. I f you have a boy who
engages in sports o r plays out of
doors a g re a t deal, choose the most
d u rable o f m a te ria ls fo r his clo th ­
---- a
Their fresh golden corn flavor
makes Kellogg’s Corn Flakes the
favorite. Good m-m-m!
THAT NEW -CAR FEEL •“like putting on wings
I t ’a like putting wing* on your car
when your Sealed Power Franchised
Dealer overhauls your old engine and
puts in new Sealed Power Piston
Rings! H e can muke your old car,
truck or tractor engine work like new,
whatever the make, model or cylinder
wear condition. Y ou’ll save oil. Y ou'll
save gas. Y ou’ll th rill to its new
wealth of surging power! See your
Sealed Power Franrhrse<J Dealer now!
illu s tra te d , informative
bo o k let
w ays to save o il. It's
fre e and m ay save you
lots o f m oney. S ealed
P ow er
C o rp ..
D e p t.
W5, M us k eg o n M ic h
Be Smart!
H A IN O t
Change to SA N O — the
distinctive cigarette with
A veritable dream fabric la
batiste. so wonderfully sheer and
almost silklike in its softness. In
pastel pink or blue and white,
mostly white. No wonder then
that in a season when it is one
of the hit fabrics, It’s being used
for some of the most exquisite
nighties and matching negligees.
n o t a S v b ttltv to -H o t I M h a t o d
Nano's scientific process cuts nico­
tine content to half that of ordinary
cigarettes. Yet skillful blending
makes every puff a pleasure.
h o w ltn " i i i o h U u o u t nf
tj-'in it
A tr
root pot roe tiour smo netnrrn
coax ne