Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 29, 1948 S C H O O L B U D G E T , C o n tin u e d Construction Fund New sites 2. New buildings $ 1.000.00 4. N ew fu rn itu re, equipm ent an ï'rep lacem en ts Z I 30.000.00 6: (1) Roofs and h e a ti n g __ 5,000.00 _7_JT otal S chedule IV - Construction Fund THANKS 1. $ 1.000 00 250.000 00 30.000.00 S 2,000 00 633.000.00 60,000 00 To All of You Visiting Us During Our Opening Week and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levies E S T IM A T IO N OF T A X LEVY G eneral $1.287.891.00 $570.891.00 956.670.00 331.221 00 256.670.00 314.221 00 17.000 00 Total T otal estim ated expenditures DKDUCT: Fund All F unds ------------------------------- ~ '---------------------------------------- --------- MR. and MRS. C. 0 . JOHNSTON Bond Interest & Sinking Fund, Total Sched. Ill $ 17^0000 T otal S c h e d . II C onstruction Fund Total Sched. IV R. BIGSBY, Chef $700.000 00 Wcccftand JhtH 700,000 00 Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year You Won't Be Sorry When You Play Ball With Us IN D E B T E D N E S S 1. A m ount of bonded indebtedness (include all negotiable interest h e a r ing w arra n ts issued under section 111-1016, O.C.L A i ‘ '.N o n e d and endorsed None None None 3. A m ount of other indebtedness 4. T otal Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 3) DAY O ne 8x10 P o rtra it given FR EE with any o rd er over $10 betw een now and May 1st W RITE OR PHONE HARRY U. WILSON R. R. 2, Box 820X G ran ts Pass PH O N E 3167 P O R T R A IT S W ILL BE TAKEN IN YOUR HOME DANCE American Legion Hall Sai. May 1st Music by Ham and His Gang from Grants Pass Midnight Lunch Admission $1.10 Couple FLOYD SMITH S ecretary, B udget Com O reg o n ’s blossom displays, both n ative flo w ers and co m m ercial p lan tin g s, provide “ blossom to u r s ” o f much in te re st to v isitin g m o to r­ ists and O regon resid en ts, says th e O regon S tate M otor A ssocia­ tion. E ach y ear, m any v isito rs r e ­ q u est in fo rm a tio n a b o u t drives th a t will include in te re stin g flo ral displays an d local re sid e n ts plan S unday drives o r sh o rt trip s th a t will «‘nable them to see blossom displays a t v ario u s tim es o f th e sp rin g and sum m er. A t least eig h t o fficia l blossom festiv al ev en ts a re scheduled by O regon com m unities th is year. The A ssociation su g g ests th a t m o ­ to rists m ake a n ote o f th e v ario u s ev en ts so th a t th ey could plan to en jo y th e co lo rfu l d isp lay s o f­ fered by blossom s in th is sta te . E v en ts listed to d a te include R h o dendendron F estiv al, F lo ren ce, May 3 ; S cotch Broom F estiv al, Seaside, last week o f M ay; A zalea F estiv al, B rookings, la te in M ay; G ladiolus F estiv al, G ra n ts Pass, Ju ly 3 0 ; D ahlia P a ra d e , S easide, A u g u st 18; Rose F estiv al, P o r t­ land, J u n e 12. SS ADMINISTRATOR IN GRANTS PASS MAY 5 Featuring FO OD OF D IS T IN C T IO N Homemade Pies, Rolls — Excellent Coffee Try Our DELICIOUS CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH C arl D. M onroe, m a n a g e r of th e E u g en e office o f th e Social S ecu rity A d m in istratio n , will be in G ra n ts P ass W 'ednesday, May 5, 1948. M onroe m ay be reach ed a t th e o ffic e o f the O regon S tate E m p lo y m en t Service from 8:30 a m. to 2 :30 p.m . W J. McLEAN C hairm an B udget Com. Social Security Cards Not Good Identification For Cashing Checks Social S ecu rity acco u n t card s a re not good id en tificatio n fo r cashing checks o r establishing cred it. T h at is th e w arn in g of C arl I). M onroe, m a n a g e r o f the E ugene office o f the Social S e c u r­ ity A dm inistration. Some local business firm s, M on­ ro e says, have been using Social S ecurity county card s fo r id en ­ tificatio n , only to fin d la te r th a t info rm atio n co n cern in g the in d i­ vidual c an n o t be secu red from th e Social S ecu rity A d m in istra ­ tion. The fed eral g o v ern m en t does account n u m b er holders, and the aco u n t n u m b er holders, an d the Social S ecu rity A d m in istratio n is prohibited by law from disclosing personal in fo rm atio n in its files. “ The Social S ecu rity A dm inis­ tra tio n , itself, does n o t accept th e account card as id en tificatio n in paying old-age and survivors in su ran ce claim s,” M onroe said. “ B efore p aying a claim w e r e ­ quire th e a p p lican t to id en tify th e acco u n t by fu rn ish in g us th e wage e a rn e r’s d ate and place of b irth , his full nam e, an d som etim es o th e r in fo rm atio n .” Growth of Soybeans Since processing of soybeans be gan at Decatur, 111., the Industry has spread throughout the nation, al though that city still Is known as the “soybean capital of A m erica." There are now m ore than 100 proc­ essing plants In the United States, with an annual grinding capacity of about 190 million bushels. Yes, for Dry-Cleaning that wins each time, team up with us! Our modern, scientific way allows no “Fiddling” around with your precious clothing— See us for the most economical, Quality service! Illinois Valley Cleaners Cave Junction, Oregon BEFORE YOU START ON YOUR VACATION D riv e y o u r c a r in to o u r G a r a g e a n d le t o u r E x p e r t M e c h a n ic s g o o v e r it t h o r o u g h ly — p u t it in to p fo rm f o r p le a s u r a b le v a c a tio n d r iv in g BRAKE RELINING OUR SPECIALTY C.G.& E.GARAGE Wrecker Service CEDAR HAVEN Close at 9 :0 0 p. m. «Trï A ppioved by Budget C om m ittee A pril 19. 1948 Signed: Blossom Tours Schedule For Oregon Motorists SPECIA L FOR M O T H E R ’S Dated this A pril 19, 1948. MARGUERITE S. STANTON CHLORIS T. AXTELL D istrict C lerk Chairm an, B oard of D irectors Phone 4001 Cave Junction Closed Mondays 11 Mile« South o f Cav« Junction on Highway 199 MOTHER WANTS A PERMANENT Give it to her fo r M o th er’s Day. S he’ll th a n k you every day if you m ake h er ap ­ p o in tm e n t here, with us, rig h t now! PHONE 3301 F A R E L D EST IN , by Revlon, DRY SKIN C LE A N SIN G CREAM $2.00 size, S P E C IA L fo r a lim ited tim e $100 MOTHER'S DAY F A R E L D ESTIN FA CE PO W DER w ith M ATCHING L IPST IC K an d ROUGE, fo r a lim ited tim e only »1.00 GIFTS Tip Top Beauty Salon Lovely Lingerie, Gloves, Purses, Scarfs, Hankies, Hose, Dresses, and many other appropriate gifts MATT and IRENE SMITH CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON A NEW HIT BY EDDIE ARNOLD Most Popular W estern Singer TEXARK ANA BABY DOLLARS SENT PRINTING RCA Victor Records Never Come Back r"* Cave Junction THE >1 U S I U SHOP 105 North Sixth S treet — Grant» Pass MARTIN'S DRY GOODS & ( LOTHING “Where Price and Quality are Friends” The Star* that Make the H its are on AWAY FOR Let U i Do Your Printing BOUQUET OF ROSES Phone 3889 Gift Your Friends Will Greatly Appreciate — Send Them The Illinois Valley News